Demon King Dad

: The third year story 035, the game

None of the royal guards went to agree with Dai Lao, but continued to watch the bandage man with bated breath. The assassin holding the bandage man, the man named Luo said with a low voice, coldly——

"What do you mean."

"Hehe, is this the way to ask people? If you are really sincere, why not put down your weapons?"

After thinking for a while, everyone gathered their weapons in unison, and at the same time stepped back. Even the assassin disappeared silently from behind the bandage man, wrapped up the cloak he had just dropped, and stood in the crowd.

The bandage man took care of the slightly messy bandage on his neck, and then, behind him began to freeze, and a ladder leading to the sky appeared. He walked up the stairs, and at the end of the ice peak there was a crystal clear, like a throne. He sat down arrogantly on this Ice Throne, looking down at the people below.

"Before starting, I want to tell you two things first."

Inside this circus tent that had been completely turned into an ice cellar, a voice full of contempt came from a height.

"Here, there are three people. Two of them have already known each other, and the other is the Flame Stoner, Li, who originally belonged to our circus. He refused to participate in our plan and wanted to inform, so He also became one of the "guests" tonight. But he knew too much. In order to prevent unnecessary trouble, I froze his vocal cords so that he could not speak."

Everyone glanced at that Li, and saw that he was shaking his head very nervously and opening his mouth to say something. But because his throat had been frostbited, he didn't even know what he was talking about.

"However, such a guy may still be able to help you. What kind of help is it? Let everyone think for yourself."

"The second thing is the most important thing for you all. That is, the'meth' in the bodies of these three people does not exist indefinitely. The time of the poison is before midnight. , Everyone has less than two hours to rescue them. Once the time has passed, if the antidote is still not found, then these three people will...hehehe..."


An explosion sounded from the throne of the bandage man. Broken ice fell from the sky, and everyone's eyes were focused on a man in the crowd holding a force gun and pointing at the throne.

"The Royal College of Science and Technology Department, Mr. Vincent D. Blauster. Your marksmanship is indeed very accurate. If you aim at my head instead of my chair, I must have been splattered with blood by now. ."

The man with upturned white hair and glasses took a step forward, still pointing the force gun in his hand at the bandage man, and said loudly——

"What do you want to do!"

"Hey...what do I want to do?"

The bandaged man put one hand on the armrest of the throne and propped his head——


A sneer, through the layers of bandages, spread to everyone's heart.


"Everyone present is an elite of the Bucks Empire. You are the hope of the future of this country. Moreover, you also swear allegiance to your country and are willing to dedicate your lives for the Empire.

"But, can you really be as loyal and selfless as the oath says? What kind of sympathy and **** can you reach for your partners?"

The ice on the ground cracked, and a table made of ice slowly rose from below. There are many experimental containers on the ice table. Except for a large storage tank containing about one liter of light blue liquid, there are more than fifty small measuring cups, all of which are filled. Place a little colorless and transparent liquid.

"As early as when the tent was frozen, I spread a kind of toxin here. Now everyone here has been poisoned, and all of them are the same'meth' as ​​the Stag Princess. And to solve this poison The antidote for "" is placed in front of everyone, and the only thing you need to do is to find the correct ratio of these two liquids."

"There are fifty measuring cups here, and the colorless liquid contained in each measuring cup is uniformly 13 milliliters. But the 13 milliliters of liquid alone cannot relieve the toxins in your body. You can only mix them with those blue liquids. Produces an antidote. However, the blue liquid itself is highly toxic. Only when the two liquids are mixed in the correct ratio can it become an antidote. Otherwise, even if it is one milliliter more or one milliliter less, It will also become deadly venom."

"In order to facilitate your choice and reduce your difficulties, I can tell you that the colorless liquid is 13ml. The specification of the blue liquid is one of the 25 choices from 1ml to 25ml. If you choose the right one, everyone can survive. If you choose the wrong one, then you can only welcome the "sleep". How far can you achieve in these two hours? I sincerely hope that you can do it for the first time Choose the correct answer, and then all are rescued."

Inside the tent, it fell silent again. Everyone looked directly at the glassware in front of them, looked at the colorless liquid and the blue liquid, and fell into everyone's thoughts.

"Of course, you can also suspect that you are not poisoned at all, and these liquids are full of toxins. My purpose is to trick you into drinking it. What's worse is that for a while, I can't prove what I said. So. The power that trusts me is in your hands. If you don’t trust me, people who would rather gamble that they won’t die in two hours can sit in the audience and continue to enjoy the performance.”

"So, please start now. I will always sit here and watch. One last word of advice, please be careful of these people around you. Because now they pose a greater threat to you than me. "

"Remember, I now announce your only goal in this game. It is to find a way to save the people you want to save. Come on, don't be fooled by anything. The game...begin."

After finishing the words, the bandage man stopped talking. He sat firmly on the Ice Throne, looking down at the people below. All the people below are looking at each other. The smart ones have already guessed the maliciousness hidden in this game. But even so, this malice still oppresses them and dare not do anything...

Twenty-five choices, twenty-four participants. Without any venom testing equipment, the only way to determine which proportion is the antidote instead of venom is to choose one of the twenty-five choices and drink it after mixing.

However, the probability of one in twenty-five is too low. It is not so much the possibility of living, but the possibility of death is greater! But in this way, you can remove one of the wrong choices and make the choices of the rest easier! On the other hand, as long as one person makes the right choice, the rest can all be deployed according to that choice and all survive.

In other words, the later you drink, the greater the success rate of selection. But before that, someone must try this low-probability option to make a "contribution" for others to survive smoothly.

"This **** intends to separate us. You guys, we must not be fooled by him."

Kane drew out his broadsword again. In fact, he didn't need to remind him, everyone here knew that this was a divorce. After listening to the idiot's explanation to him, Quilin in the shadow finally understood the meaning of this conspiracy.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this.........................No! If I say that, am I also poisoned?!"

The idiot nodded after thinking about it.

Quilin's complexion immediately became ugly. Her lips opened and closed. After a ideological struggle, she suddenly stood up from the hiding place, holding four throwing knives in each hand, and was about to rush out murderously!

Seeing that the idiot saw something wrong, he immediately took a step to hold her, and at the same time stretched out his hand to cover her mouth. If it is more powerful, Quilin is certainly not an idiot's opponent, and he was immediately pulled back into the shadow and hid again.

"woo woo woo woo!!!"

(Let me go! Let me go! I live to be twenty years old and don’t have a boyfriend yet. I haven’t caught a beetle-in-law. I’m still a place! How could I die here like this?! I’m going to go with that **** Fight!)

The idiot had no choice but to cover her nose and mouth again, and then let go of her hand when she was short of breath.

"............ Don't worry."

After making Quilin calm down, the idiot pointed to the stage below and slowly said——

"Someone will test it for us. Look for the right antidote."

Quilin looked up and saw that a very sturdy man had already walked to the ice table first, picked up a measuring cup, poured 17 ml of liquid from the storage tank next to it, mixed it into the cup and stirred it into 30 ml of liquid . But just when everyone admired the brawny man, the man did not drink it directly. Instead, holding a measuring cup, he walked towards a 12-year-old girl hiding in the corner with a yellow-haired retriever.

"Child, your name is... Wendy, right?"

The little girl wore two ponytails and a black and white gothic dress with lace trimming. She was hugging her big yellow dog, and when she saw this sturdy man coming over, she quickly hid behind the big yellow dog. On the contrary, the big yellow dog was grinning, and the whole body's hair was upside down.

"I... my name is Wendy... uncle... you... what's the matter with you?"

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