Demon King Dad

: The third year story 046, gun and sword


Quirine hadn't had time to see behind him clearly. No, to be more precise, she didn't even realize what was happening behind her. She only knows that the steps she used to step forward are now retreating rapidly. Not only her feet, her hands, and her body are all receding. In just a short second, the flames that had surrounded her just now moved away from her sight, becoming a fire for the knights in the distance.

On the rockery next to the boulevard--

Quirine squeezed the throwing knife in her hand, her breathing still swift from tension. In front of her, a little figure carrying a baby looked at her extremely coldly.

"Call ...... call ...... call ...... call ...... good insurance risk ...... ...... good little guy, though your strength is not very good, but the effort is really big. I have been dragged you, I actually step of moving No more."

After a short break, Quilin finally recovered. She put on her pants again and inserted the throwing knife into the pocket. The idiot waited quietly for her to finish all of this, and then said something--

"This time, is it counted as part of the reward?"

Quilin froze for a moment. It was obvious that she hadn't realized that the idiot's rescue would be rewarded. The content of the return is what she once said to let the idiot do things for the Rooney family. However, it is clear that this unloved teacher has forgotten the promise he made two years ago.

"Remuneration? Ah...ah! Forget it, do it!"

After getting the affirmative answer, the idiot finally let go. At least for now, he no longer accepts Rooney's favor from the Rooney family for no reason.

After putting on his pants, Quilin took a deep breath again. She looked up at the tent where the fire was gradually extinguished, and quickly beckoned at the idiot: "Quick! Let's go."

"………………Where to go."

"Where else can I go?" Quilin smiled, "You should have come here to dig a hole? Coincidentally, so am I. As a woman in the Rooney family, I can't shame my family. I heard that recently The land has become very humid, and water should be dug soon. Of course we are going to help~~~!"

After speaking, Quirin ran straight down the rockery, mixing in the crowd queuing to the lake.

"Heh! This woman is really funny. She almost copulated just now, so she can be so energetic now? It seems she is really nervous."

The idiot lowered his head and touched the snort of the bread behind. After confirming that she had not suffered any harm from the flame and was still asleep, she retracted her hand and followed Quilin.

"Oh, I was wrong. It should be said that this woman city is too deep, and there must be some terrible conspiracy hidden under that careless appearance. You even start to wonder if you saved the wrong person just now. Who can guarantee this? The woman is not half pushing, trying to get a fortune from the guy with the tumor through her body, but she accidentally gets confused by you, is she?"

The sun was shining, and the idiot followed Quilin's footsteps after all. Because just now, this woman has given him an order to "go together", collect people and property, and relieve people of disasters. Those books have given him knowledge, and he must return the reward with his service, right?


Skip the idiot who went to the central lake to talk to Quilin, and return to the tumor.

After some rescue, the fire outside the tent was considered calm. But this spacious tent was burned beyond recognition, without its original grandeur and grandeur.

Tumor shook the slightly scorched cloak, and looked at the knights who came and went to rebuild the tent with a dissatisfaction look. Perhaps because of the hot weather, coupled with being rejected by Quilin, his anger became even greater. He flicked his sleeves and walked into the small tent built by the knights and sat down.


A knight walked in cautiously and applied for an order. It's just that he came too untimely. Malignant tumor was worried that no one would get angry, and immediately slapped him out of the tent.

"Fuck! A bunch of useless things, get out of here! Go and catch my wife to see me! If you can't find her, you don't want to live tonight!"

The tumor on the forehead of the commander was bloodshot, and the knights of the Sixth Knights saw this scene and hurriedly put on their sabers and left. None of them wanted to have a grudge with the group leader, especially now this kind of grievance for no reason, of course, it is better to provoke less.

Within a moment, there was only a malignant tumor sitting alone in a small tent on the hillside. It seems that his mood is even hotter in the hot weather. This hurriedly erected small tent only allowed one person to fall asleep. He lay on the ground, picked up the wine that the knight had just brought out next to him, took off the cork, and drank gulps.

Squeak... Squeak... Squeak...

Unknown bugs screamed tiredly among the grass...

The scorching air ravaged this city on the brink of death, bringing panic and despair...

The malignant tumor in the tent sipped the refreshing wine while anxiously waiting for his appointed "wife" to return...


The wind touched the tent inadvertently.

An inadvertent glimpse of the boring malignant tumor...

But I saw a shadow on the tent.


Dark shadows.


The malignant tumor immediately threw down the wine bottle, and drew out the short knife around his waist and cut it towards the tent. The tent was cut open, but the shadow outside turned to the other side extremely quickly. Through the thin tent, only a shadow appeared in front of the malignant tumor. And the next moment, this shadow quickly pulled something from his waist, through the tent, and pointed at the malignant tumor inside...


The sound comes from the sound of the guided force gun ejecting the chamber. Two guided bullets quickly penetrated the tent and shot at the malignant tumor in it. The malignant tumor was taken aback, and quickly got up to escape. But because the tent was too small, he had to leap back with the torn tent cloth when he jumped. And that shadow also took advantage of the gap of the malignant tumor's poor vision, and with his left hand pulled out a force gun from his waist, it banged twice, and four bullets came out of it.

"Damn, dare to underestimate me!"

Tumor is not a weak person, his strength has reached the pure spirit, there is no doubt that he is a strong person. He turned around, holding a scimitar in each of his hands, and only heard four soft sounds, the dancing double-edged blades had already smashed all the four bullets, and he jumped forward, and he had already plunged into the shadow on the tent cloth. !

Due to the rush of time, Tumor didn't even have time to open the tent on his body. But through the tent cloth, he could vaguely see that the person who attacked him with two guns was not tall. The other person had short hair. He should be a 14 or 5 year old child. He sneered and moved forward in a zigzag pattern. The child also fired bullets continuously, but obviously such an attack could not stop the cancer's attack.

"After I cut off your hands and feet, I'll see who you are and why you want to kill me!"

The golden scimitar swung out from the hidden tent and slashed directly at the opponent's hands holding the gun. then……


The sound of metal intersecting came from where the blade touched.


At some point, another child of the same height appeared behind the child holding the gun! The only difference is that this child has long and supple hair. What he (she) holds in his hand is not a gun, but a big sword that is almost completely out of proportion to the height of the two children!


The kid holding the sword let out a mumble, listening to the sound... it turned out to be a girl? At the moment when the malignant tumor hesitated for a while, great pressure immediately came from the scimitar, which forced him back abruptly.

"Damn... girl? How can a girl alone have so much strength?!"

It retreated briefly, but the danger of cancer did not end. Almost before he landed and stood firm, the girl with the sword leaned over the shoulder of the kid with the gun very quickly. As soon as the tumor gritted his teeth, he just raised his double knives to face the enemy, and the child with the gun burst out of the double barrels of 4 bullets again, forcing him to quickly change his skills and stop him.

"Damn it! You provoke me!"

As soon as the bullet was removed, the girl with the sword had already jumped. There was an unclear sound like "Woohooah" in her mouth, and the big sword in her hand was slashed towards the malignant shoulder without hesitation. Tumor had seen the strength of this girl, but he was not easy, but after a turn, the big sword hit the ground, and the machete in his hand had already aimed at the back of the shadow’s neck, fiercely. Cut it off...


The scimitar did not fall. Because the moment he turned around, a hard object had already penetrated the tent cloth and reached his forehead. With the feeling, this seems to be a double-burst force gun!

The gunfire rang out, and the bullet shot into the sky almost wiping the cancerous forehead. The cancer took a backflip at the last moment to avoid this fatal blow in time. It was at this moment that he knew how cumbersome the tent shrouded himself was. After ten steps after the jump, he finally freed his hand to touch his head and grabbed the tent cloth...

"do not move."

The cold and merciless voice of the girl came from the shadow of the gun. I don't know when, the tip of the gun actually touched the tumor's throat again. Not only that, but the sensation of being stepped on was also felt on the shoulder of the tumor. Because, the girl with the sword is already standing firmly on his shoulders, holding the big sword in her hand, through the thin tent cloth, against the back of his head...

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