Demon King Dad

: Fourth year story 029, the threat of crabs


"............Ha, is there anything you don't want to tell me?"

He raised his head, put one hand into his trouser pocket, and slightly rubbed the spear on his shoulder with his right hand.

"Forget it, you came to be my servant anyway. You are free to go wherever you want. But I have to make it clear first. If you want to find someone to help you in a fight or something like that But just come to me. After all, you are not a fighter, and you can't fight by force. Bringing a child with you will be very troublesome in trouble."

The idiot didn't answer, but Duan laughed faintly. The red-haired girl turned around, raised her right hand and beckoned, she carried the long spear and walked towards the hotel with the flow of people.




Strange cities, strange characters.

After all the familiar characters have left, there is only a hustle and bustle left here.


Little Bread was obviously afraid of the unfamiliar surroundings. There was still a lot of people on the station, and she pulled the idiot's sleeve tightly, for fear that she would be left behind.

"Hey, where are we going next?"

The idiot pressed the handcuffs of his own hands, and with a slight force, the chain linking the handcuffs broke from it and retracted into the two handcuffs. The anklet on the foot is also made in the same way. After finishing all these, he put his salute on his shoulders, his eyes have already shifted to a young girl who just got off the train. He stared at her as if a sewer mouse who had been hungry for too long suddenly encountered a large piece of rotten meat.

"Hey, follow the women?"

"Do not."

"Oh? What is that?"

"………………direct contact."

After squeezing the bun's hand slightly, the idiot followed the girl out of the station.


The weak girl walked forward slowly. Is it because the city in this canyon never sees the sun? Just like three days ago, she was tightly wrapped in a cloak from start to finish, and her chilly body seemed to be able to fall down at any time.

She came to the cliff to the west, and walked upwards little by little along those ingenious steps. She looked very careful, the girl would cringe in a tightly wrapped cloak whenever someone passed her, standing by the guardrail to let others pass by. Judging from the marks that appeared under the cloak, her left hand was always on her chest, and it was obvious that she was holding something.

It's money.

It is the "remuneration" she got through the "work" three days ago.

Is this money a huge sum of money for her? She clutched her hands tightly, her pale and haggard face showed a look of horror and alert from time to time.


Did such a girl realize that there was already an extra... beast behind her?

The idiot followed the girl and followed her into a cave next to her. Although this is a cave, there are many guiding lights hanging on both sides of the rock wall, illuminating the inside as bright as day.

It seems to be a commercial street here. There are many small holes on both sides of the rock wall. Many merchants use these small holes as shops and sell all kinds of things.

Mi Li was walking slowly on this street. She looked around here and there, and occasionally coughed twice. After comparing the vegetables from several stores, she chose some of the cheapest and worst-quality vegetables, took out the small bag she had been holding tightly just now, took out Inel and paid for it.

"Okay, human kid. It's boring to keep tracking like this. Before you decide when you should walk over and pat her on the shoulder, why don't you tell me about your previous judgment?"

Little Bread was squatting in front of a vendor selling aquatic products, and she muttered, looking at the overbearing crabs in the basin, looking interested.

"......You can't judge yourself."

"Let's talk about it, anyway, being idle is also idle."

Seeing the rise, Xiao Bian boldly stretched out his finger and gently poked the crab in the basin. When she saw the crab immediately lifted its claws and opened it, the girl jumped two steps away in shock. But when she was sure that the "very scary" thing couldn't get out of the basin, she dared to move over again and stretched out her finger...

"...A large part of what she said was a lie."

"Wow~~~! Wow~~~! Ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Beside, suddenly came the cry of the little girl. The idiot turned his head away, and saw Little Bread's eyes red and swollen, and tears filled his eyes. There was a small crab hanging from her finger, and the place caught by the claws had started to redden slightly.

The idiot shook his head, and the bun was very sad. She waved her fingers vigorously to get rid of the crab, but the more she shook it, the more painful it hurts. Finally, all the tears in her eyes rolled down, with an aggrieved face, she jumped in front of the idiot, and started crying loudly.

The idiot pinched the crab's claws and forcibly opened the crab threatening the bun before throwing it back into the basin. Bun clutched his bitten finger, and shrank behind the idiot with a look of fear and looked at the brave crab holding two claws in the basin, sobbing. The idiot had no choice but to touch the little girl's hair, picked her up, and carefully rubbed her fingers.

"Oh? Lies?"

"Hmm...Does it still hurt?"

Bun held his fingers and nodded vigorously. She put her fingers in her mouth, and while sucking in, she looked at the idiot with those tearful eyes.

"Be careful next time. Don't touch things you don't know, wait until you understand what you don't understand. Touching it randomly is very dangerous." Rubbing the little girl's head, the idiot said blankly.


Comforting Little Bread, the idiot pulled her to follow the girl in front of him again. After eating the loss just now, the bun finally became a little more honest, no longer running around, but tightly holding the idiot's hand.

"Then you are going to tell me what lies she lied? And how did you tell?"

The girl in front was holding vegetables. When she passed a drugstore, she thought about it, and after coughing twice again, she walked into the drugstore.

The idiot took the bun and stood in a corner outside the pharmacy where he could look directly inside, and said slowly: "First of all, she said that she was going to Jimmy Village to do business, regardless of whether she, a girl, could go far away to do business alone. Trading, it means that her first move after getting in the car is unnatural."

"Oh? What action?"

"She came from the front car to the last car I was in. Not up the stairs next to the last car."

"Hehe, this is indeed a very strange behavior. Human kid, I understand what you mean. You mean, if she bought a ticket and got on the bus, there is a seat number on the ticket, and she should directly start from the last one. You should not get in the car from the front and then go to the back. It seems extremely unnatural for her to do this, right?"


At this time, Mi Li had already bought the medicine. She walked out of the pharmacy and opened the purse to look at the balance inside, and her fine and curved eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Then, she stuffed the money bag back into the cloak, holding the vegetables and the medicine she bought, and continued walking forward.

"On the other hand, when she arrived in the last car, she made a look around. Then, she didn't look at the seat number of each chair and sat down in an empty seat at will. Then, the previous one What does the action of'look around' mean?"

"Hehe, she is observing. No, no, to be more precise, she is looking at how many people in this car can be'utilized'! After confirming that there are not many people in the last car, and in The'fish' had already been hooked when crossing the train just now, so she sat down with peace of mind, waiting for the caught fish to come and eat. And the fish that was attracted by her beauty and weak temperament... ...Hehehe."

The icy pupils stared at the girl's thin back, followed closely behind him...

"...Dara Goodsee."

An Mie sneered and continued to wait for the idiot to announce the next answer.

"As the leader of the ten-member group, she is also one of the strongest among the stag people who are now entering the Black Dragon Empire. After judging that there is no better seduce object in the last car, this woman waited for him quietly. Come to speak to myself. And Young Master Dai Lao also naturally talked to her. After a short conversation, the trap was set up. Then, the second lie came..."

"Hahaha! Do you mean that brutal bone ran up to **** his fiancee? Hey, funny."

".................. Um. When Mangu appeared, he also did a lot of incomprehensible things. First of all, the first point was when Xing Li and I helped An to go to the sleeping berth, and passed him by. A moment."

"Oh? At that time you already noticed that his behavior was abnormal?"


"Hehe, interesting, let's hear it."

Along the cave, the girl turned a corner and walked out from another higher entrance. She raised her hand and took a deep breath after blocking the direct sunlight at noon. Go down the stairs towards the rock face area where the slums live.

"Man Gu said that Mi Li was her fiancée who had escaped. His actions also gave people a gesture of knowing that Mi Li got in the car and came to look for them. But when he passed the sleeper, he was most likely to face Tibetans. He didn't even look at the car, but rushed directly to the last car, which was relatively unlikely. From this, he knew that Mili was in the last car. Then the problem came out. He was in the sleeper. Without asking anyone in the carriage, why would you know directly that'a girl wearing a white cloak, who looks a little sick, went straight into the last carriage'?"

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