Demon King Dad

: Fourth year story 040, be careful

On the way to the hotel, the idiot did not keep his head down as before, and walked forward silently. On the contrary, he started to look up and down Xingli who was walking side by side with him without any hesitation. Especially, staring at the pink translucent ribbon that has been hanging on her arm since we met.

The idiot remembers clearly that Xing Li is the owner of the martial art of "Ning". This seemingly harmless ribbon can instantly become a life-killing weapon in her hands.

Of course Xing Li also noticed the idiot's eyes. She smiled and touched the ribbon with her free right hand. The ribbon wriggled in the air like a snake with life, neatly in her eyes. The hands were stacked, and she put them into the flower basket.

", it should be yesterday to be precise. At 8:15 last night, a bar called Wangyou Girl in East Cliff was given **** revenge. A total of 57 people including the owner were killed. Murderer Who it is is still unclear."

Xingli shook his head, exhaled, looked at the stars in the sky, and continued to say as he walked: "Mr. Xiaobai, this Ash City does not seem to be as peaceful as it seems on the surface... You bring a small bread It’s too dangerous for people to walk outside. From tomorrow on, it’s better to act with us."

After speaking, Xing Li turned his head and looked at the idiot beside him. After touching his alert gaze again, Xing Li couldn't help but shook his head, stretched out his hand, and gently pressed it on the shoulder of the idiot.

"Mr. Xiaobai...?"

After a moment of silence, the idiot nodded softly.

"Huh...Mr. Xiaobai, pass. You are my sister’s student. Also the person she has taken care of. This time, if you can, I really don’t want you to come to Ash City. Because this journey is really dangerous. You don’t have the ability to protect yourself, and you still bring bread... I don’t want any accidents to happen to the people my sister entrusts me to take care of."

Speaking of Quirine, the alertness in the idiot's eyes suddenly faded. This also made Xingli feel a little surprised, because she has been a little puzzled from before to now, why as long as she mentions her sister who has disappeared for no reason, the boy's original hostility and vigilance will disappear in an instant? What kind of connection is there between this boy... and his sister's disappearance?

"Do you... know where my sister is?"

Xing Li grabbed the idiot's shoulders, and through the thin cloth, she felt the width and strength of the two shoulders under her palm. She couldn't help biting her lower lip, and the worry on her face was unquestionably revealed.

(Hey, if we let her know that we made her sister into an ice sculpture, what would she do? Hahaha! Interesting!)

The idiot shook his head slowly, but this shook of his head still made Xingli's face a little disappointed. She sighed, then forced a smile on her face, and smiled helplessly: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. In this case, it seems like I am suspicious of you. I hope you don't mind."


The cave where the hotel is located is about to arrive. Xingli is holding the flower basket and smiling while walking: "Ah, in fact, my sister shouldn't have any trouble. She is so lazy, so loves money, and she also likes being handsome Male. I’ve been thinking, my sister shouldn’t have been abducted by a man. Where is she suffering now?”

While talking, Xingli laughed out loud. She waved her hand, shook her head and said, "Oh, what am I thinking? How could my sister be abducted by a man? She should have abducted the man. Are you right?"


"Ah... Sister Quirin. You eloped with a man and eloped. It's been a little half a year now, and we should have a message to tell us where you are on your honeymoon now? Sister, do you already have children? I Should I knit some sweaters for my nephew first? What name will my sister give her child? Well, the more I think about it, the more interesting it becomes."

Xing Li kept talking, wondering if he opened the chatterbox, or if the night in this strange country was too quiet. However, when she said these words, she always looked at the sky above the canyon. Under the star that was gathered by the two-way cliff to only a thin line, there was a faint tear in the corner of her eyes...

The seemingly endless journey finally reached the end. The hotel located deep inside the cliff finally arrived, and under the bright lights dotted with it, the guards guarding the gate stood loyally on both sides of the gate.

Seeing the hotel, Xingli finally put away her chattering box. She took a token out of her arms and walked forward. But she had just walked two steps, but immediately turned around. Nothing else, just because the idiot who was walking alongside her, is now standing a few steps behind her...

"what happened?"

"...No, I won't go in anymore."

The idiot took two steps back, hiding behind a raised rock wall.

"Don't go in? Why? It's so late, and I will see Princess Garcia tomorrow. How can I not rest? Also, if you don't go in and rest, where do you sleep with Bun tonight?"

As usual, the idiot didn't want to talk to Xingli too much. His footsteps have retreated again, but at this time, Xing Li leaned over with a very worried expression...

Her face...

Very similar to Quilin...

At this moment, the scene in the idiot's mind suddenly returned to the Bucks Empire, under the deep lake, in the cave covered by a layer of ice and buried in the deep underground...




"I... still have things to do."

The idiot raised his head and said.

"what's up?"

"...Private business. So, I will find a place to live by myself. When will I see Princess Garcia tomorrow?"

Xing Li looked at the idiot, as if trying to guess something from his eyes that had lost all hostility and alertness. After observing for a long time, she said: "At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the princess seems to want to stay with us for dinner."

"Got it. Tomorrow noon, I will wait here."

After speaking, the idiot never gave Xing Li any chance to speak, and immediately left the hotel, holding a small bread, and heading to the outside world of the sky full of stars.

ten minutes later--

The idiot shrank in a crack in the cliff, took out the blanket from the backpack and wrapped himself and the small bread, and then lived there.

"Hey, some people don’t even know how to enjoy it~~~! Will you die if you live in it for one night?" Under the blanket, Dimie opened his blood pupils and sneered, "But I don’t understand, you really should Only show up where it should be. Now there are about 11 hours before noon tomorrow. Let's take a rest and prepare for the possible battle tomorrow!"

The bleak cold wind passed over the cliffs, and the thin blanket made the little bread in his arms shiver. The idiot exhaled and wrapped the blanket tighter, trying to bring her more warmth.

Finally, the little girl made a soft sound of sleep. The idiot who had been running around for a day finally closed his eyes tired, and fell into a deep sleep under the protection of night and darkness...


The next day, 1 o'clock noon.

Under the arrangement of the Black Dragon Empire, the Bucks Diplomatic Mission, who had stayed in a luxurious hotel for one night comfortably, was ready in great spirits. Under the service of the maid, Dai Lao leisurely put on a dress, a cloak, and a knight sword dedicated to him. After a night of dressing, he looked even more heroic, enough to make any girl fascinated.

Some other civil servants are also ready, whether they are civil servants with long beards or children who belong to the group of ten, they are all waiting outside the hotel, waiting for Dai Lao's appearance. Although the ten-member team is just an affiliate of this diplomatic corps, I believe no one dares to doubt the name of the Goodsay family.

About ten minutes later, Dai Lao appeared in front of everyone with his smile that was enough to fascinate any young girl. He got on the carriage and walked around the wide mountain road to the cliff cave, then sat on the elevator again, and slowly descended as everyone waited.

"Cut, it's really interesting. It seems that my family's name is not taken seriously, it's not alarmist, but fact."

The person in the crowd snorted boredly, and she continued to carry her spear, and followed them unhurriedly.

Xingli, who was walking by his side, gave her a light push. After An turned around, she smiled and said, "What? Worried about your own family?"

"Hahaha! What am I worried about? It doesn't matter whether the Nolius family is good or bad anyway....Huh? By the way, Xiaobai, where did you go last night? Why have I never seen it? you?"

Following Xingli and An, the idiot dressed as a servant kept his head down. After hearing An asked, he slowly raised his head. In the backpack he carried on his back, the little bread stayed inside, poked his head out of the backpack, and looked around with interest.


"Oh, great."

He turned his head darkly: "My servant has a very personal character.

Xing Li: "This... I'm sorry, sad. The idiot came back too late last night, and he was worried about your rest. It just so happened that I also came back, so I let him sleep with me."

"Sleep where you????"

For a moment, An seemed to have heard something very strange. He looked at Xingli with a very strange look, and then at the idiot behind. His eyes lingered on their faces for a long time. Xing Li probably didn't expect that her lie would arouse sad suspicion, she blushed and quickly lowered her head.

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