Demon King Dad

: Fourth year story 091, C-level mission

Will there be such a good thing in the world?

The idiot watched Walnut carefully, hoping to see something in her eyes. But unfortunately, the acting skills of "Princess" are so good that he can't even detect the slightest malicious in her tone!

So, what now?

"Woo, woo~~~~ silly... beep~~~~"

…………………………...That's it.

Just treat it as if you were deceived. Now, let's take a look with Walnut. Although she is not clear about her purpose, if she can be more careful, she should... be able to escape.

Seeing the coldness in the idiot's eyes gradually melted, Walnut knew that she finally moved him. This makes her heart excited~~~! You know, this is the first time in the past four years that I can take the initiative to let this boy follow his own ideas! Well, in order to stabilize this relationship, let him completely obey him... No, under the light of justice, it is necessary to educate him immediately!

"Very~~~good~~~! So now, you are my'guardian of justice'! I will take you to where you work, and I will accompany you and supervise you while you work. You remember Live, because I gave you this job, so I am your employer. You must obey me absolutely and there can be no resistance!"

(Heh, funny little princess. She is so crazy, do you want to strip her naked and take a photo? Anyway, you have stripped her twice, don't care if you come back a third time.)

An Mie said that, the idiot also lowered his head and thought in secret. But the problem is that it is not a day or two for Walnut to be a "princess". There is hard evidence that those photos are still treasured by him. But he is also a little worried, because as women get older, they will slowly let go of their past **** (Sennag's experience). It is still a question whether she will still surrender if the photo is taken again. Now, serve her well, so as not to provoke her, and kill yourself.

As the idiot nodded, Walnut finally became the victor in this "battle". She hummed a little tune, and walked out of the school with a hand holding Bun. In desperation, the idiot could only follow these two girls, trailing behind, and slowly moving.

But before that...

"Bread... try again, can you say something else?"

"Silly beep~~~!"

"...Sura, Inel."

"Woo... woo... silly beep~~!"


"Woohoo~~~Silly beep, silly beep, silly beep~~~~~~~~!"



What is work?

When the autumn scorching sun was in the sky, the idiot finally understood the so-called work.

In the central square, people resting in groups walk around in this leisure area, talking, chatting, and exercising. In addition to these, there were also some people with weapons and cloaks who gathered together, holding some familiar briefings and talking to each other, all smiles.

Task board.

This stone object, which stands in the central square, is two meters high and about ten meters wide, has long become a symbol of this central square.

Maybe it's because the summer vacation has just passed and the time has entered a relatively bleak autumn, so the task acceptance area in the center of the square seems relatively deserted. Looking around, there are only two or three people in front of the task board watching back and forth, looking for tasks that suit them. In the reception area by the side, there were only two soldiers in cross-dress sitting at the table and yawning, looking as though they were about to fall asleep.

Walnut pulled his hat and supported the glasses on his face, trying to make himself look less conspicuous. In any case, this princess is still a celebrity in the city, even if ordinary civilians and soldiers outside do not recognize her, be careful.

"Okay, let's go. Let's go and see which tasks are more suitable for you~~~"

Walnut took the bun and walked over, and the idiot could only shook his head and followed. When she reached the task board and raised her head, Walnut scanned various tasks bit by bit from left to right. It seemed that she was more concerned than an idiot.

"Hmm... D-level task, drive away the mouse from the house? Next, D-level task, to be an apprentice painter, responsible for carrying, mixing paint, and transporting paintings? Next, D-level task, recruiting contestants for the preliminary contest of the Big Stomach? No, next one."

"Weird, why are all D-level missions?...Oh, they are on it. Let me see...B-level missions, business brigade guards? This seems good?...What? Mainly the 14-year-old businessman The guard of your daughter?.................."


"A-level mission, investigation into the mysterious death of all members of the Rocky Mountain Patrol Squad? This...seems to be a bit difficult...B-level mission, level 4 monster retreat? This seems to be ok~~~Look at it specifically... …Will pretend to be the most beautiful female mimicry in the minds of men? Hehe, next one."

Walnut chattered over there, spinning around the task board three times in a row, but she didn't find a suitable task. Judging by others, this girl is simply inexplicable. Being so picky about the task is not like coming to find something to do, but like coming to kick the field.

The idiot waited patiently for her to finish. During this period he also scanned those mission briefs. To be honest, even for the lowest level D-level tasks, the bounty is better than the delivery. In his opinion, the prices for some high-level tasks are equivalent to sky-high prices! However, the price is high, and whether it can be completed is another matter. He had previously taken over 4 D-level missions given by Campa, and each mission was a survivor of danger. Although it was resolved, but after thinking about it, as long as I made a mistake, it would be almost dead. From this point of view, those tasks above C are really only for viewing, not for receiving.

"Huh? This task...well, that's it!"

Just when the idiot sighed with the dazzling array of tasks, walnut seemed to have picked it. She hurried to the reception area over there and reported the task code of 1250 to the soldiers. The soldier didn't look closely at who the person in front of him was. He yawned and found a mission briefing from the drawer below, and handed it to Walnut as he said——

"Code 1250, delivery task."

"First, the recipient of the task, please read the task briefing carefully, and if you agree, sign your name in the signature column on the last page. The task can be abandoned at any time, but if you have already earned income before you give up, you must Give it to the task publisher and declare the task failed. If you refuse to hand it over, the Imperial Army will take care of it."

"Second, the task issuer has the right to refuse the task acceptor to take over the task posted by him. Once rejected, the task is not established and the two parties shall not bear any responsibility. The task issuer can refuse and then accept the same task acceptor. The stamp shall prevail. Once the task is established, the task issuer has the right to cancel the task at any time, but after the cancellation, half of the task reward must be paid to the task recipient. The task recipient must also pay for the various transportation, food, and accommodation expenses paid by the task recipient for the task. Necessary expenses such as medical expenses. If they refuse to pay, the Imperial Army is responsible for handling them."

"3. The completion of the task shall be subject to the stamp and signature of the issuer of the task. If the issuer of the task objectively cannot or refuses to sign or seal, it shall be subject to whether the tasks in the task are actually completed objectively."

"Four, if the recipient of the task is a student of the Royal Academy of Divine Grace, after completing the task, the amount in the remuneration is converted into points. If it is an item, the points are converted after discounting the market price. This point will be used as a reference for credits."

"Fifth, if the task time is exceeded, regardless of whether it is finally completed or not, it will all be regarded as a failure."

"If it's clear, please take it."

After the soldier finished speaking mechanically, he yawned. Walnut snatched the mission briefing, rushed back to the idiot happily, and stuffed the briefing into his arms.

"Look! How about this task? This is a task that took me a long time to help you find it. You have to fight for it, and you must complete it for me!"

The idiot glanced at Walnut and opened the mission briefing. Then, on the first page of the briefing, a big C appeared before his eyes...




Briefing, close.

The idiot held it in his hands and gave it back to the walnut in a respectful manner. After receiving the walnut in a daze, the idiot took three steps back, his body tight.

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