Demon King Dad

: The fifth year story 027, infighting

Before this, no one had ever made him so embarrassed.

Before that, no one had ever been able to play him like a monkey.

Before that, I didn't even dare to insult him and laugh at him like this!

"You don't deserve to be a king's warrior at all."

"It turns out that the strongest among the next generation of the Bucks Empire is at this level?"

"You are too weak. You are not a strong person at all, just a useless waste. The reason why you can gain the approval of others is only because you are among those wastes that can be recycled."

Every minute and every second, whenever Dai Lao felt the pain in his shoulders, he would think of Gaia Kanner's condescending eyes, looking down at him. He can't remember whether he said these words or conjectured them by himself. But it doesn't matter, because he has indeed suffered such a serious insult, such a serious setback.

The fist of the duke's heir became tighter.

From birth to now, he has never hated someone like this. However, this Gaia Kan... this person who is also the king's martial arts and even possesses the title of "King Sword Emperor" has caused Dai Laoda's dissatisfaction and resentment from deep in his heart. It was the first time that he had such a strong desire to kill the opponent himself, the shame Lai Yixue suffered!

"Now, tell me!"

Dai Lao stepped forward, grabbed Zat's collar with his left arm, and pulled him up from the sheepskin: "You first paralyzed us with poison, and after we all gave up, you used poison to numb us. What do you want to do after saving it!"

Ten years ago, Zat was secretly turned into a clockwork warlord by his own soldiers, and his strength is said to have reached the point where the two dukes in the wind blown the sand. But now, he was actually pulled up by a sixteen-year-old child with his left hand? Appears very weak and has no ability to resist.

"Ah! Dai Lao!"

Desperately waiting to stop, the idiot glanced to the side, the pregnant woman also looked very nervous, and her hands tightly pinched the hourglass pendant on her neck. But with the sharp eyes of the idiot, he suddenly saw that the sand in the hourglass was still flowing down.

An rushed forward, but was hit by Dai Lao's shoulder and knocked to the ground. Although her injury is slightly less than that of Dai Lao, her heart disease has largely limited her combat effectiveness. After being hit by Dai Lao, she couldn't help but sit on the ground, clutching her chest and panting quickly, unable to even stand up for a while.

"The defeated general, there is no place for you to speak!"

Full of resentment, Dai Lao gave a bitter sigh. Faced with Dai Lao's insult, Anan who sat on the ground stabilized his heart, and laughed instead of anger.

"Ha...Ha ha ha, have you become angry from anger? When no one can flatter you anymore, will you show your true shape?!"

The sad laugh made Dai Lao's anger rise again. He slammed Zat away, picked up his knight sword from the corner of the cave, the blade was unsheathed, and pointed at the dark on the ground.

"Norius, what do you mean!"

"Huh, Goodsay! That's what it means!"

Anan supported the wall, stood up slowly, and sneered in his mouth: "The arrogant Goodsey, the omnipotent Goodsey, do everything possible to eliminate the alien Goodsey. Say it yourself, If it weren’t for your arrogance, how could we have fallen to where we are now? If it weren’t for your exclusion of dissidents, it would have been the formation of ten people last year, but this time we did not take the mushroom head and star of Elhoud. Li arranged to come in. Otherwise, how could we be so embarrassed now?!"

The anger in Dai Lao's eyes was even worse. He held up his sword, pointed directly at Duan’s throat, and shouted: "Both of them? Nonsense! Elhoud is only the top sixteen. And the Rooney family member is strong. For one thing, it's only the top four! Two of them? What's the use!"

"Huh, that's why I said the Goodsayers are stupid."

"You dare to insult my last name, don't think I dare not really kill you!"

"Yes! Mushroom head is only the top sixteen. But his heart martial arts is'sacrifice'! He can use his heart martial arts in exchange for a slight reduction in the toxicity of all of us! Maybe soon we will still fall to the ground paralyzed, But even if it’s just a minute, 500 people against 30 people, who do you think wins?!"


"Hehe... and Xingli Rooney replied. Goodsay, do you really think she is just the top four? Then I might as well tell you honestly. Her strength is much stronger than me, and her wisdom It is also much higher than you, the so-called strongest genius of the younger generation! Do you think I defeated her at the beginning? No. She deliberately gave in. I can guarantee that if one day you really compete with her If you do, you will find how small you are!"

"Huh.................. Nolius——————!!!"

"Stop it! Goodsee, Nolius!"

Just as Dai Lao raised his sword angrily to stab, a female voice suddenly burst out from the side. Dai Lao was taken aback, turned his head, and saw Walnut sitting on the bed with a serious face, looking directly at himself.


Unlike before, this time, Walnut's eyes were serious. She furrowed her eyebrows and stared at Dai Lao impartially. Dai Lao was exhausted from the injury at this time, plus knowing that he was at a loss. After suddenly seeing Walnut's eyes that dominate the world, she shrank unconsciously, and slowly let go of the sword in her hand.

Looking at Walnut again, although her face still kept a frightening serious face, the hands in her quilt kept trembling. After shouting until Dai Lao hesitated to put down the sword, she was greatly relieved. You know, she has never tried to call each other's last name in this way. Especially, facing the Goodsey family who had to carefully consider their words even when the father met.

" more noise!"

In order to prevent his inner timidity from being seen, Walnut immediately turned his attention after drinking and looked at the pregnant woman over there. Facing the scolding of a princess of a country, Dai Lao and An, who were courtiers, couldn't help but froze for a moment, then both turned their heads and separated.

The quarrel ended in this way, and the idiot looked at it coldly. Afterwards, he took out a small piece of gnocchi from the pot. He looked at this group of food, his ears, but he couldn't help but think of a childish voice——

"Ahhh~~~! Ahhhh~~~~~!"

…………………… Bow your head……

The gnocchi is still in his hands. Not a pair of small hands came to take it. The idiot's right hand was slowly raised, his cold pupils were watching the piece of food, and the five fingers slowly gathered...


"Okay, Za... Mayor Gusno. Could you please tell me what the **** is going on? Why do you want to kill us and save us?"

For the usual intimate conversation, perhaps the name is more appropriate. But in this kind of formal occasion, as the person with the highest status on the scene, Walnut found that it was more appropriate to use the name plus position. After all, she was usually in the imperial city, and that's how the brother Xie Huo who was responsible for teaching her taught her.

Zat was silent for a while. Finally, he sighed, sat on the sheepskin again, and said: "Princess, I didn't mean to kill you. It was my daughter and my grandson... I had to do it. you guys."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the pregnant woman with her big belly, holding a medicine mortar in a corner. She looked a little haggard, and after noticing that everyone was watching her, she stopped her work and sat down tightly.

"The specific situation...I won't talk about it. Princess, maybe you can say that I am old, without the ambitions of the year, and the blood of the year. But when the leading young man killed my son-in-law, When I used the sword against my daughter and the child in her stomach, and asked if I would cooperate, I... made a choice."

Walnut couldn't help but gasped. After hearing these words, Dai Lao and An who were angry with each other just now gradually calmed down the anger on their faces.

"Thinking about it now, I was really stupid at that time. But if I had another chance to choose, I would still choose that way. Now, my daughter and my unborn grandson are everything to me. Kana , Did they harm you?"

With a big belly, Kena shook her head gently. She squeezed the hourglass pendant on her neck tightly, and said softly, "Don't worry, Dad..."

The idiot stared at her closely, and after a long silence, he took out a small piece of gnocchi from the pot and ate it.

After a moment of silence, Zart said again: "It's the limit I can do to save you. This cave is my precaution, leeward, and hidden. Those people should look for it for a while. Not here. We should be able to stay here for a while until the capital sends rescue soldiers. At that time..."

"I...I am the rescuer!"

At this time, Dai Lao plunged the sword in his hand into the ground fiercely. After the knight sword collided with the hard rock, it broke. But Dai Lao didn't have any regrets about this saber that symbolized his knighthood, and he still gritted his teeth and looked at Zart.

"The mayor of Silverroll Town, Zat Gusno! I now ask you as the successor to the next duke of the Goodsey family, why would you help the rebels to harm me?!"

Zart was taken aback, and said, "Master?...This question, I was not..."

"Don't lie to me! Who are you? You are a clockwork warlord! They only have 30 people. And you were on guard when they slaughtered Seabird Harbor. Add your guardian army, you will not 30 people in the enemy zone?!"

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