Demon King Dad

: The fifth story 031, the shocking confession

If nothing happens, it will take at least half a month for rescue to arrive. To be honest, such a long time really bored Dai Lao.

During this time, it was not that he did not try to contact other towns near Silverroll Town for reinforcements. But in order to attack the Black Dragon Empire, the entire Bucks Empire was almost done to the point where one soldier and one soldier had to make the best use of it. Let alone the army, some small towns and even the public security system are paralyzed. He had the final say, instead of going to the surrounding small towns to find people to run around, let alone the strength of the soldiers he could find, the number alone might not have an absolute advantage. Therefore, it is better to wait with peace of mind.

But while waiting, he insisted on going out to practice sword every day. In the beginning, it still snowed, and later, even the blizzard had to go out. The wind and rain did not change. At first, Walnut still thought that this person was crazy. But when she later saw that Dai Lao continued to practice swords in the snowstorm, she gradually began to feel fear in her heart.

But, even more terrifying, I am afraid it is the idiot in the corner.

As the days went on, the black ice particles that appeared beside him began to slowly increase. He began to become less talkative. In recent years, his somewhat colored eyes gradually cooled in this long-lasting darkness, returning to the way Walnut was when he first met him.

Is it because something is missing?

By instinct, walnut can feel something. It was a feeling of extreme fear... and the only little girl who could contain this feeling of fear was gone, and instead made the boy's back look more gloomy and colder.

On this day, the weather finally improved slightly. Dai Lao carried the sword, took two pieces of dried meat and walked out of the cave, staring at the eyes that had always been full of hatred and disappeared on the other side of the snow. Zat said he wanted to go down the mountain to find out the news, and he claimed that he went with him without worry. The crowded cave became empty again, leaving only walnuts, Kona, and the idiot who always hugged her knees and squatted in the corner.

There was no sound in the cave, only the crackling of the firewood in the bonfire occasionally remained. Walnut lay on the bed, boringly arranging her body into a big font, looking at the sky. Occasionally, there were a few sounds of pounding medicine in the pharmacy, and a few coughs from Kona.

"......That... princess?"

After a while, Kena held the medicine mortar and poked her head out of the pharmacy.

Walnut turned her head away, looked at the idiot before turning to Kona. I saw that the pregnant woman was a little sneaky at the moment, and her face was full of expectation. After getting a signal from Walnut, she tiptoed over and sat down beside the princess.

"Princess, you said last time that there is no artifact that you didn't know, right?"

Walnut was taken aback, wondering why she suddenly said this. After five minutes of careful thinking, Walnut finally nodded.

"Of course, as long as it's written in the book, I remember everything."

Walnut sat up and patted her chest confidently.

With a smile on her face, Ke Na hurriedly handed her hourglass pendant to Walnut, and said, "Great! Princess, then please take a look at this thing!"

Walnut took the hourglass and looked up and down. After a few minutes, she returned the hourglass to Kona, rubbed her eyes, and said a word--

"what happened?"

In an instant, Kena's complexion solidified.

"...Princess, you... don't know this thing?"

Walnut frowned and thought for a while, and shook his head: "It's interesting that its sand seems to never run out. However, I have never seen this kind of thing in any book... It is What is it for?"

But Na squeezed the hourglass slightly, and after a moment of silence, she slowly said, "Life chain..."

"Huh? What?"

Confronting Walnut's question, Kena showed an expression of unwillingness. After thinking for a while, she decided to make sure again, and said: "Princess, you are really sure... absolutely sure, haven't you seen anything like this in any historical records?"

Walnut felt more and more weird, but when Kena kept asking her, she couldn't help but start to feel guilty. You know, there are no "absolute" things in this world. Those books in the Royal Library cannot include everything. I was full of words before, but now it is harder to ask her to admit her mistakes than to kill her. In order to save her face, she immediately took it for granted, and she would just say that she had never seen it.

But Kena's reaction was also very strange. Every time she heard Walnut say that she hadn't seen her, her two eyebrows would be deeply locked. The expression on his face also looked more and more panic, as if he heard something terrible.


"Okay! I said I haven't seen it, but I haven't seen it! What the **** is this? It makes you so nervous? You just tell me!

Walnut's noise made the idiot look up, and the darkness surrounding him finally disappeared slightly. The scarlet pupil in his right arm snorted twice and smirked.

"Humans have always had such creative thinking. They even tried to do such things that go against'her'."

"…………what happened."

"Ah, it's okay! I'm just talking to myself! Haha, it's funny, it's really funny. It's so funny!"

Kena over there was always reluctant to admit that Walnut was finally on fire. She clutched her stomach, turned and walked into the pharmacy room, and took out a test tube containing a transparent liquid.

"Princess, it's not that I don't want to believe you, it's really that this matter is too important to me. So, I hope I can help you discover your memory."

She raised the test tube and shook the transparent liquid in it: "This is the confession I made. As long as you take it, anyone will answer questions within an hour, and all it says is the truth. It also has Explore the function of memory in the depths of your mind. Maybe you have seen it, but you have forgotten it. This medicine can also trigger your memory. Now, Princess, I beg you to drink it. It' me."


Walnut froze for a moment and looked at the test tube. To be honest, this feeling of being forced to drink medicine by other people is really uncomfortable. And she's still a princess. The princess doesn't want to drink. Can you, a pregnant woman, force me to drink it?

However, Walnut is also strong. If you don’t drink, don’t you appear to be guilty? Secondly, she also decided to cut off any misses of Kona from the source. So after hesitating for a while, she still blocked her breath, took the test tube, and drank with her neck back.

"Okay! I'm finished! Well, sweet, it tastes good. Kona Gusno. Just ask what you want. I can assure you that my answer is absolutely the same as before. A lie!"

Walnut wiped his mouth and stood upright on the bed, holding his chest.

Seeing Walnut's self-confident look, Kenna started to hesitate instead. why? Although this liquid is said to be a self-whitening agent, its actual use is full of defects! As long as the will of the person being questioned is strong enough, you can still lie after drinking it. But if the will itself is not firm, then the person being asked will naturally be recruited for a little bit, and there is no need for this kind of thing at all.

Walnut's self-confidence at the moment just made Kena feel that this princess is a figure with very firm willpower. But she still didn't give up and asked the question repeatedly. Did you see it? Any impressions? do you know? Walnut's answer was the same as before. She even closed her eyes and shook her head to crush Kona's hope.

(Sure enough... The princess's concentration is too strong, and she must attack her self-confidence.)

Kena gritted her teeth and started thinking about what strategy should be used to weaken Walnut's self-confidence. In a hurry, she occasionally caught a glimpse of the idiot in the corner. She went to the doctor in a hurry, and she didn't care, and immediately pointed at the idiot and asked——

"Princess, when was the first time this boy met you?"

Walnut was taken aback and blurted out: "I was nine years old, visiting the Crystal Ice Republic, and met him in Senag."

(So ​​early! So... the princess has known this child for five years?)

"Then princess, what did he say when he met you?"

This question Ke Na took a long time. Because 5 years have passed, human memory cannot remember that long. If Walnut hiccups suddenly, it means that she hasn't been overwhelmed by the confession at all, and she doesn't need to ask again. But if she answered very smoothly...


No hesitation, no hesitation. Walnut raised his right hand high, and blurted out very confidently.

"Uh...go?" Ke Na was taken aback for a moment. But then decided to continue testing. Because this sentence is too simple, maybe she really remembers...not necessarily.

"Okay. Princess, after he said to go, did you follow him?"

"Of course! I'll follow him!"

As soon as the words were spoken, Walnut finally found something was wrong. She hurriedly covered her mouth, and a faint premonition slowly rose from the depths of her heart.

In response, Kena also swallowed.

What's happening here? The dignified princess of the Bucks Empire, when she was only 9 years old, faced a strange boy she met for the first time, and the other party only said one word to her...she... just followed him? ? ?

(No, no, maybe... things are not as complicated as I thought... Let's calm down and use words to analyze whether the princess is lying...)

Kena tried to calm herself down. After a while, she continued to ask: "Then princess, the second sentence the boy said after meeting you for the first time...what is it?"

suddenly! Walnut covered her mouth with her hands! Her expression became very horrified, and two cheeks also appeared blush. She is resisting... resisting the power of medicine in the body! This resistance made her eyes slowly full of tears, a very bad situation, forcing her to shut her mouth!


"He... what he... said to me..."

The power of the confession agent finally began to play at this moment.

"The first... second sentence... is... is..."

Walnut's face was flushed.

"What is it?" Kena couldn't help but became interested and forced to take a step.

"Take it off...Take it off..."

"Take off??"

"Woo...undressing! He...the second thing he said to me was undressing!!!"

In an instant, the small cave became extremely silent. Walnut's eyes became red and swollen, and the tears inside flickered. But Kena opened her mouth and looked at the still calm idiot over there in disbelief.


What's going on in the book review area? Why does it feel a bit wrong? ? ?

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