Demon King Dad

: The fifth story 078, the contract is established

July 15, 1184

Today is the day when the wave carnival begins. Early in the morning, the entire White Beach City fell into an atmosphere that was almost carnival. The streets are full of ribbons, balloons and the national flag. Every train arriving at the Magic Train Station is overloaded and full. People with surfboards went into the water happily, and everyone's face was full of the joy of wanting a good vacation.

Under the hot sun, the idiot sat silently on the beach. In his arms, is the money bag from which 300 Sura has been removed. As for where did the 300 Sura go...

"Hahaha! Boy, you are a very good person, I like you."

Behind the idiot, someone stood there at some point. With half a cigarette in his mouth, Xie Huo wore the clothes he finally redeemed from the tavern dealer, and smiled at the surfers who were constantly rushing into the waves.

The idiot stood up and lowered his head silently. Xie Huo stretched out his hand and shook his right hand happily, and said with a smile: "I owe this account first. Don't worry, the 200 Sura I owe you will be returned to you soon. I think I have good luck today. I played cards with someone just now, but with two decks of cards, I redeemed the clothes I lost earlier and made an extra 50 sura. I will go again after they have started the game in the afternoon and make sure to take all their clothes this time. Win it! Hahahahaha!"

For Xie Huo's words, the idiot really looked like an idiot. There was confusion in his expression, and he didn't seem to understand what Xie Huo was talking about. In the end, he just nodded slightly, and Xie Huo didn't care. After talking about his own affairs, he began to talk about idiots. He spit out a ring of white smoke, patted the idiot's shoulder vigorously, and said, "I heard that you are going to participate in the performance of the Duchy of Suo Lei, playing the devil?"

Xiao Bread had been sitting next to the idiot and playing in the sand. She built a sand castle, jumped up happily, and then crushed the sand castle to fully enjoy the dual charm of "creation" and "destroy".

The idiot looked at his little girl covered in sand, smiling silly, and nodded while dusting her hair.

"That's right? Not bad. You have to put on a good show, and then I will go to see you perform. Not only me, I think we will go to the Bucks. You have to fight for us~~ ~"

The idiot did not speak, but nodded silently again. But just when Xie Huo wanted to turn around and leave, abruptly, a black-haired and golden-eyed girl came out of the oblique thorn, and she said courageously--

"His Royal Highness, actually... we may not be able to fight for this face..."

The speaker was Mi Li. After thinking about it for a long time, she decided to take the risk of being killed by an idiot and come out to say such a sentence. Because if she doesn't say it, I'm afraid an idiot will never ask for help. Although he had already prepared a plan himself, the suit he prepared was really shabby on the point of the costume.

Hearing Mi Li's words, the idiot slowly turned his head and stared at her. Mili didn't dare to touch the idiot's eyes, but she resisted the fear in her heart, and said that the idiot had no costume but was made difficult by the other party. Xie Huo listened with a smile at first, but after hearing it, it felt wrong. The face of the gambling prince gradually filled with a layer of murderous intent, which seemed to rain a layer of cold rain on this hot coastal city.

"...Hmph, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it to be the two girls biting each other. Now, they are bullying the citizens of our country?"

Xie Huo held his arms and threw the cigarette in his mouth into the trash can on the side. He began to play poker in his hands repeatedly and returned to being a "prince of ghost plots" on the military battlefield. After a while, he sneered again and stuffed the playing cards in his arms.

"Boy, you said that the director told you that you can improvise as much as possible in acting, right?"

"..................Yes. But, I have never watched a musical, so I still don't know exactly how to do it."

"Okay! I will tell you what to do now!"

Xie Huo stretched out his thumb, the smile on the corner of his mouth looked very cruel.

"As a good demon king, you must not only bring fear to others, but also bring absolute pressure to others. What you want to play is not the fool demon in the script, but a real lord of the demon world who rules the world and destroys all living beings! As a demon king, what you have to do is to kill all the resistance and execute all the enemies who disobey you! And the method of killing them must be cruel and terrifying, let the rebels see it and never Don't have the guts to stand up and resist!"

"Didn't the **** say that you don't need to act according to the script? I'll find you a suit of armor later. The bald mayor's office has a set of skeleton armor, black. I think it's good, it's yours. Remember, what I want to see tonight is a show of the devil, not a show of braves, do you understand?!"

A word, let the idiot start! That's the case, he never knew before, it turned out that musicals can still be performed like this, and they can do it whatever they want. Coupled with the character of the character that must be played in the book,...Well, with such weight and weight, how to play the role of the devil, idiots already know.

After making a package ticket, Xie Huo turned around to carry out his promise. When he left, Mili stood beside her with her hand down, nervously bowed her head, waiting for the idiot's punishment. But the idiot finally put the matter down after looking at her twice, and no longer pursued it.

But there are some things that you don’t want to pursue, but some people still want to come and pursue you.

For example...

At this moment, the purple-haired woman standing behind the idiot.

"You gave Xiehuo money to lure him to continue gambling?"

Her eyes were cold and she looked condescendingly at the idiot sitting on the sand, very dissatisfied.

The idiot didn't look back because he knew what he was doing. Therefore, he just slowly replied: "His Royal Highness just asked me to borrow money to redeem my clothes."

The purple-haired woman did not speak again. Because the price of the clothes on Xie Huo is indeed expensive, maybe outsiders can't tell, but 200 Sura is indeed worth. However, when Xie Huo used this suit as a mortgage, how many Suras he mortgaged, and whether he would tell others that this suit was so expensive that he had to redeem it with 200 Suras, it is unknown.

"Little brother, you are forcing me to use one hundred thousand Sura in exchange for Evil Fire's quit gambling?"

"………………Do not."

The idiot finally turned around, raised his head, and looked at the pupils of the purple-haired woman.

"One hundred thousand Sura, buy your happiness."

To be honest, idiots don’t quite understand the meaning of the word "happiness". Regarding the concept of marriage and love, since childhood has been living in that kind of place, "love" is a laughing talk for the Red Light District and Fireworks Alley, not to mention that as long as you spend money, you can have a husband and wife. Call each other for one night, and then the next day you can have a "marriage" for the difference in prostitution.

For the gloomy alleys of the cold Sennag, love is a joke, and marriage is sex. For happiness between men and women, you give me money, and then I use my body to help you solve your physical needs. However, through Walnut’s constant narration over the past few years, although the idiot still maintains his original view, he also knows a little that for the upper class people, the “happiness” here may be different from the “happiness” he understands. .

As soon as this sentence was spoken, the face of the purple-haired woman became colder. She wears a bracelet on her right wrist with a small circle of guiding stones inlaid on the bracelet. As her eyes became cold, these guiding stones seemed to begin to buzz in resonance, and the air around her... seemed to flow rapidly.

"…………………………OK, deal."

However, it turned out to be lucky.

The purple-haired woman glared bitterly at the idiot, and said, "I will give you time and opportunity. As long as you can make the evil fire quit gambling and marry me, I can sit at the negotiating table with you. Come and bet with you, as long as you can beat me once out of ten gambles, you can take away the 100,000 Sura."

The benefits are very obvious. I have successfully obtained this contract.

But the disadvantage is that this woman is very thoughtful. In order to get these 100,000 Suras, he had to bet with her in the end, and win her to get the money smoothly.

Once the contract was established, the purple-haired woman was also very happy to ask the other sisters accompanying her to take out the magic crystal card, go to the nearby bank to withdraw 1,000 Sura coins, and give it to the idiot as a deposit. With this deposit, the idiot can at least believe that she will not go back, and the purple-haired woman can also guarantee that the idiot can really do it for her.

Soon, the two parties who had negotiated separated each other. At this time, Xie Huo sent someone to get the set of bone and iron armor and sent it. Because it was late, the idiot could only hold the armor and the small bread, and hurriedly boarded the small wooden boat that was rowed back yesterday to the big sea stage that had already been built.


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