Demon King Dad

: The fifth year story 091, struggle

At this time, Xie Huo had no strength to refute, or that he felt it was a shame to continue to refute. No, it is a great shame in itself since he stood here. He lowered his head, crying without tears. And his ears echoed the whispering voices of those jury members——

"Look, this man is so sexually thirsty that he rapes an elephant? What's worse, he doesn't even let go of the male elephant!"

"I think he is really not interested in human women? Otherwise, how could he do such a thing?"

"It's disgusting, there will still be people like this in the world who would rather engage with elephants than with women. Moreover, it is still a base."

"Ah, everyone has everyone's interest. We think it is disgusting. Who knows that people themselves are not happy in it?"

Lose a bet...This is just a loss of a bet...I only lost once in a gambling...I only lost once...

After a long time, Xie Huo finally raised his head. There were tears of despair in the corners of his eyes. The corners of his mouth seemed to be smiling, but those tears mercilessly betrayed their smile...

The idiot glanced at the evil fire secretly, seeing that the brainwashing was about to succeed. He turned his head and said: "Mr. Frihus, now, what do you think?"


"I want to beat you! What do you think?!"

A girl's voice suddenly came out. I saw Walnut rushing into the square at the speed of the 100-meter race, and then lifted his hat and gave the idiot mercilessly.

This development is so fast that the fast idiot hasn't even reflected it. But Walnut pointed to the idiot's nose, red eyes, and shouted: "How are you, if Xingli secretly sent a note to tell me, you are really going to frame my brother, right? What is your heart? What kind of hatred does my brother and you have, you want to frame him like this?!"

The idiot glanced at Walnut. He knew that the situation had changed now, and I was afraid it was no longer the time for him to easily hide from the past. Thousands of calculations, he really didn't expect Xing Li over there to rush to inform? When she turned her head to look at her, Xingli blushed and turned away, as if she knew she was ashamed and didn't dare to look at the idiot.

The subsequent development of this trial seemed very logical. Walnut brought a lot of people over to coax people. This trial, which could only be regarded as a joke, vanished like this. The jury, the judge, and the hot woman pulled away. Looking at Mary, holding the money in her pocket, she was happily dispersing the birds and animals. In a moment, the people here were all gone, and only the sun was still shining.

After dispersing the crowd, Hu Tao stepped forward and wanted to pull the evil fire back to the hotel. But what she never expected was that her elder brother, who usually looks very cheerful, had his head down and a wry smile at the corners of his mouth, as if he was unconscious. And he kept chanting "I just lost once...I just abide by the honor of a gambler...I'm just defending the dignity of the gambler...why...why is this..." words.

Walnut pulled twice, but did not pull. That's good, she immediately turned her head and stared at the idiot next to her, and shouted, "What the **** did you do to my brother?!"

The idiot spread his hand and said that he had done nothing. In this case, it is better not to talk too much. Instead, Bun climbed down the jury stand, came over to save the idiot's leg, and smiled carelessly at Walnut.

"I wish to bet and lose...I must abide by the agreement...but...but..."

"Okay, brother, shall we go back?"

"I can't breach my contract... I didn't **** Mary... I like humans, not elephants... let alone a male elephant..."


"Is it my fault...? Was it my fault that I didn't marry Tina back? Is it this mistake? Huh?"

Walnut shook her head, seeing that now Xie Huo had asked three questions, and was only immersed in her own thoughts. The idiot saw that the effect he was trying to achieve was not bad, and immediately took the time to sneak away with a small bun. The only pity is that only a little bit can completely defeat Evil Fire's self-esteem, if it hadn't been for Walnut to run out and disrupt the situation.

But thinking about "if" now makes no sense at all. Instead of thinking about the past, it is better to think about what should be done to redesign the next round and completely destroy the evil fire's "gambler's self-esteem".


He looked in his pocket, and there were not many Sura left in it.

With such a little Sura, can you really plan a big scene like the one just now?

The idiot gritted his teeth, he looked at the little girl who was holding his thigh next to him, looking at the little girl who was grinning at himself, looking at her mouth, her throat...

".....................Again, bear with me."

Rough fingers, gently stroking the soft pink hair on the bun.

This summer, it is still hot. But in the idiot's pupils, there is still a jet black coldness...

However, it is not what you want to do in this world, it can be done.

Idiots know this better than anyone, and have firm beliefs, but if you don't have enough funds, your beliefs are just as worthless as **** on the roadside.

Now, the idiot has reached this very embarrassing point. All the 2,150 Sura he has obtained since he came to the beach has been spent in this trial. There is no use of a penny. Who will do things according to your needs?

Idiot thinking hard, maybe at this time he should regret it more, regretting why Walnut disturbed his plan like this. But he knows very well that regretting this kind of thing has no effect, and this world cannot be changed with a few regrets. It's normal for others to interfere with your plan. You can't blame others. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for not being thorough enough to consider everything that might happen.


Things must be considered thoroughly.

When the idiot stopped, slowly turned his head and looked at the purple-haired woman behind him...

He is considering the thoroughness of things.


Xie Huo held his head and sat on the edge of the bed, letting the moonlight outside the window shine on him.

His lips were white and his eyes were painful. The originally capable look has already been driven away by inner conflicts at this moment.

As a gambler, especially a gambler who describes himself as an excellent gambler, he may be like a pounding hand standing next to a broken scale, bent on making the right balance. But never find the right way.

"This encounter was all caused by my gambling... it was all because of the scar face... he... he wanted me to pay for him...!"

" no no no...My bet is very good...I lost, so I am willing to accept the bet...I can't refuse to accept the loss for any reason...It's against my dignity..."

"But it's still wrong! That **** was talking about his own case, but afterwards, it turned out that I was on trial!"

"......Woo......!!! Evil fire, evil fire... Are you shirking responsibility? Are you finding yourself a reasonable step down?! You know that it will happen after you lose. Anything, and you still gamble, don’t you? Isn’t this the proof that you have accepted this'rule'?"

"I didn't *rape the elephant...I didn't...I couldn't *rape...and it's still a male elephant..."

"It's not my fault... not marrying Tina has nothing to do with this thing... I'm not wrong... yes... yes..."


"If I really marry Tina back, will anyone still say that I *rape an elephant?"

"I'm's strange to the royal family that I haven't gotten married yet at this age? I'm not always on the frontier battlefield...I don't know a woman..."

"What should I do... I'm so messy... What the **** am I... what should I do?"


The cool sea breeze gently opened the tulle curtains in front of the window. With the breeze blowing, besides the moonlight, there was also the corner of the clothes that did not know when it fell on the windowsill.

The idiot sits on the edge of the window, looking coldly at the evil fire sitting on the edge of the window. In the chain of his right arm, the scarlet pupils looked at the thinking man playfully and laughed.

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