Demon King Dad

: The fifth year story 097, there is no price

One hundred thousand sura is not a small amount, and may not be a big deal to the rich in the noble and royal districts, but for most people, the money may be a huge sum of money.

To put it simply, it is a price that can definitely be used to buy life.

Perhaps there is no shortage of people who want to reveal their wealth in this world. For some people, spending a lot of money in the **** tavern may be a luxury, a kind of glory, and even a kind of superior display that I have but you don't have.

Some people may feel very indignant at others showing their wealth like this, and feel that the other person is vulgar and unbearable, wishing not to see such people reveal their wealth in front of them. But in the shadows, there are more people who maintain an absolute appreciation for this behavior.

The knife is never stingy with blood.

The hunter's appetite will never be satisfied by the fullness of the prey.

Under each snowy night, how many necks will be smeared on the roadside, and all the valuables will be pulled out of a corpse?

In those magnificent villas, once your defenses relax a little, the newspapers of the next day may publish your door full of blood, from irrelevant maids to newborn babies without a living, and the vault is cleaned. News.

As a prey, there is a rule that you must memorize, and you must never complain about it. That is, you must never complain about why you become the target of others, and you must not complain that others did not tell you any reason before killing you. You just need to know that you are being targeted by others and that is enough.

As he thought, the idiot stood at a T-junction. Going to the left is the market in the slum area. Going to the right is the site of Fumin District. It is of course impossible to sell such high-priced items as fire dragon tongue in the slums, and without a pass, you can't enter the noble and royal districts. Therefore, the only way to choose from the Fumin District... is it?

But how can I buy this?

One hundred thousand Sura...I am afraid that as soon as I enter the bank and print out the amount of money, I will instantly be stared at by countless pairs of eyes.

You can't pray that the bank will take care of your money securely, because for those bank employees, the money is yours, but their fate is theirs. Why should they use their lives to protect your money?

And, can you guarantee that there will be no eyeliner in the bank? Once you transfer money here, someone will immediately get the account password of the magic crystal card and transfer the money in your card quickly?

Something linked to Sura can always give birth to human wisdom. As long as there are sufficient conditions, it is not incredible to disintegrate the staff inside. Of course, this is only the most harmless. If someone takes their own lives because of the money in it... what should I do?

Thinking of this, the idiot couldn't help but force the little bread on his back. The bun slept well and was not awakened. She snorted, the corner of her mouth exuded a dream smile, and her long eyelashes covered the emerald eyes, continuing to give her a sound sleep.

There are many natural enemies of sewer rats.

In other words, rats originally existed at the bottom of the food chain and were hunted by various predators.

If you are not careful, you will die.

If you are not careful, the bread will die.

The challenge that comes out clearly may be preventable.

But without knowing the opponent's number, plan, organization scale, or tactics, the assassination of the predator happened, then...

But it's not so easy to hide.


After thinking about it for a long time, the idiot finally sighed, silently shook his head, and walked to another bazaar at the junction of the slum area and the rich area. Try it there.

Idiots strolled this commercial street from beginning to end. There were also several pharmacies on the way, and he chose a pharmacy that seemed to be well decorated and walked in. Although the clerk inside was a little disgusted by seeing the idiots in such tattered clothes, they still clung to the reason that the visitor was a guest.

"Hey, what do you want to buy?"

The clerk's tone was not very good, because no one would have thought that such a beggar would carry a hundred thousand sura. The idiot looked at the clerk, and after a little thought, said slowly: "I will run errands for my master."

"Your master?"

Hearing this, the clerk's tone immediately showed respect. A smile reappeared on his face.

"Excuse me, which nobleman wants to visit the shop? Brother, come, just look, we have everything in this shop, what do you want to buy?"

The clerk's sudden change of expression made Little Bread look very happy. She pointed to the face and screamed. But when the clerk turned her head away and glared at her with a slightly fierce look, the girl immediately shrank behind the idiot, whimpered twice, and did not dare to look again.

The idiot gently touched the little girl’s hair, and said coldly, “My master, Baron Busda, recently wanted to marry Viscount Olaer’s daughter. After hearing that Viscount Olaer’s throat was not very good , Send me to inquire about the price of Fire Dragon Tongue. You... how many are there."

Fire dragon tongue is a high-priced thing, and the price of around 1,000 sura is indeed not what common people can consume. In addition, because he was the servant of the lowest baron in the nobility, it seemed not a big deal to find a beggar in the street to ask the price. After looking at the idiot carefully, the clerk finally nodded and laughed.

"Oh! Fire Dragon Tongue~~~! Yes, there are! Brother, you have come to the right place. We have the best Fire Dragon Tongue in Fengchusha in this shop! Wait a minute."

The clerk entered the inner hall, and after a short while, he walked out again holding a beautifully decorated box. He opened the box in front of the idiot, pointed at the blood-red medicinal material inside, smiled, and said, "Brother, what do you think of this? This is the best fire dragon tongue produced in Nanqiusi Town! Said it is an excellent gift to give! Look at the packaging, this style, to ensure that your host will be very decent after sending it out!


"Hehe, the price is cheap now. As long as 2300 Sura, this fire dragon tongue can belong to your master, and your master can also take this gift in exchange for a beautiful wife."

Perhaps this clerk regards himself as a slave to the gluttonous master.

In fact, this is not surprising. It is not unusual to get a rebate with the owner's money. Some nobles do not care about their face, and generally do not think about the price of a single item for a long time. Therefore, high prices have become an unwritten law.

The idiot looked at the fire dragon tongue, looked at its outer packaging, and then thought about the packaging of the fire dragon tongue that Principal Campa gave him last year... it was a world of difference.


The idiot raised his head and stared at the clerk closely. Has this clerk ever encountered such a look in his life? I was stunned for a while and didn't reply.

"The question is, how much do you have. My master...want to buy in bulk before sending it out."

Little Bread pulled on the idiot's clothes. After seeing the clerk's sluggish eyes, she looked very happy, and pointed her finger at him...


The idiot covered her mouth. Now, it's not time for her to speak indiscriminately.

The clerk looked at the idiot up and down, and his sincere gaze became puzzled again. He swept the idiot up and down again several times. After a while, he frowned and said, "Hey, kid. Are you here to make trouble?"

Hearing this sentence, the idiot immediately turned his head and left a sentence and walked out: "Yes, I am here to make trouble. Since you found out, then I will go to another store to make trouble."

If the idiot is flustered at this time, then the clerk might really blow the idiot out. But the idiot's appearance is too calm, and this calmness makes the clerk a little uncertain. The moment the idiot raised his foot, his brain immediately began to think. And the conclusion of thinking is...

Cut, leave it alone! It would be bad if the boss knew that I would blast the guests out. If he really dares to lie, he will fight again at that time.

Thinking about this, the clerk jumped out quickly, smiled, and stopped the idiot. After placing the idiot on his seat and handing over a glass of water, he turned back to the inner hall. In a moment, the owner of the drugstore walked out.

I have to say that the fire dragon tongue is a high-priced thing.

The amount of medicinal materials at this price is very small in a shop itself, and this is not a medicinal material for curing any diseases, but a tonic for moisturizing the throat. Generally speaking, except for opera singers who specifically need to use their voices, few people come to buy such things. This kind of situation has caused the pharmacies to often buy this kind of goods in small quantities, at most about five, which is the limit.

Therefore, after the idiot had an interview with the shopkeeper, the shopkeeper could only produce three fire dragon tongues. And they are all exquisitely decorated "gifts". Of course, the fire dragon tongue under this kind of packaging cannot be cheap. No matter how low the price is, the store owner will only put the price at 1,800 sura and refuse to drop it.

The idiot took the bun and left this shop and went to the next one. The situation is similar, there is no shop that can meet the needs of idiots. After a day of shopping, the idiot finally returned to his small tree house with the magic crystal card of ninety-nine thousand Sura.

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