Demon King Dad

: Fifth Story 110, the dead are silent and the living cry

Old Bald ran over again, and when he took another look at the situation in the room, he couldn't help but bent over and vomited. The idiot in the room saw him vomiting, and finally did not stay any longer, and walked out slowly.

"Let's... go down first..."

Sykes said with a green face, and took the spare key in Old Bald's hand and locked the door back. The idiot watched all this in silence, and then followed these three people, staggering back to the living room on the first floor.


When will the snow stop?

Even if the stove is burning, the air in the room still seems to be cold.

The ladies looked at the man who came back, and everyone's face showed a slightly relieved expression. But they also know that this kind of relief is only temporary, because now, a more important fact has been placed in front of them.


Eter's fist hit the table, his whole body trembling with anger and fear. He flushed and shouted: "Who...who did it!"

Everyone was silent for a while, but soon, a possibility was raised on the surface.

"Is it... the townsfolk? Although this lake is wide, it is not too big to be able to cross. Maybe..."

The speaker was Nana, and her face was still as pale as before. The thought of what I saw before makes me sweat.

Sykes nodded. Suddenly, he thought of the people standing here, and immediately said to Old Bald: "Where is Mr. Buddha? Where is he?!"

The old bald tremblingly said: "Mr. Buddha's room is closed... I patted the door and did not respond. I also tried to open the door, but... the door seems to be locked from the inside... Can't push it..."

The mayor exhaled and said, "He took two sleeping pills yesterday. Since the door is locked, he should be fine. Let's call him later. Anyway, it's on the first floor..."

At this time, Nana raised her hand again. She seemed to feel very cold. If she didn't speak, she would pass out immediately: "That... don't we need to inform Mr. Wang? After all... Mr. Wang's wife... now ......Woo......!"

Nana could not go on, she was covering her mouth, seeming to endure the soreness in her stomach. But her proposal was immediately unanimously approved by everyone. Everyone immediately left the living room and followed the path that the idiot walked last night until they came to the beautiful and luxurious door.


Sykes patted the door and said softly: "Mr. Wang, are you inside?"


The note came out from it, in addition to expressing himself, it also asked what was going on.

"Actually...this is the way it is, I have unfortunate news to tell you."

Sykes cleared his throat, forcibly trying to make his voice sound calmer.

"It's... Mrs. Noble. Mrs. Suili, last night... I don't know who... killed her..."

At this moment, the atmosphere in the corridor was almost frozen to the extreme. Everyone held their breath, not daring to guess what would happen next. The idiot's gaze swept across these people's faces one by one, and finally fell on the door.



A heavy gasp came from behind the door.



The sound of footsteps came behind the gate.




bump------! ! !

One collision exploded on the gate.

"My...'s wife...!!! She......dead...?????!!!"

The voice was hoarse and full of dryness. But the anger and sadness contained in it really shocked the people outside.

"She...cough cough...although love for actually...killed her...for my secret treasure...killed her!!!"

A twisted scream broke through the door, shouting wildly. Everyone was stunned, and Sykes was so scared that he left the door with cold sweat on his palms.

"Mr. Wang, please calm down! We didn't kill it. We guessed that someone invaded here last night and was unprepared..."

"Shut up————!!! I want to... kill you... I want to kill... all of you! Cough cough... cough cough cough cough! For your greed... pay your... price... .........!!!"

"Crazy...Hey, this person is really crazy after being infected!" Madam Foey took a step back, shaking her body, her eyes showing disgust. Wang Dali in the door patted the door, cursing and crying with a voice that was almost wailing. Everyone was guarding against this person rushing out, but from beginning to end, he was just behind the door, crying, cursing...

"She shouldn't die...!'s me!"

"From before to now... I haven't treated her well... Why... God will bring her such an ending?!"

"Uuuuuu... she loves money... but what about...? I was just **** off with her... pissed... I would give her the same... but why... why does she compare I'm one step ahead..."


"What the **** is...why!! Cough cough cough...cough cough cough cough..."

A violent cough came from the door, finally interrupting his wailing. The ladies turned their faces and sobbed secretly. The men shook their heads and expressed their sorrow in the face of this poor man who was seriously ill but lost his beloved wife in his later years.

"Mr. Wang... Please be sorry... We will definitely catch the murderer who killed your wife. So please relax..."


Inside the door, only constant whimpers became the main melody, getting deeper and deeper. With a thump, a figure behind the door slumped in front of the door, leaning against the door, sobbing low...

After bidding farewell to Wang, everyone returned to the living room. Everyone sat there, no one thought for a while how to catch the murderers who sneaked into the mansion. Except for occasional use of the toilet, everyone stayed in the room as hard as possible, looking at the snow flakes falling from the window...

at last……


At noon, the Buddha finally woke up. When he came to the living room, the sleepy-eyed man, after listening to the simple explanation of the old bald, immediately went crazy and grabbed his spare key and rushed to his mother's room. The idiot did not follow, but continued to sit in the living room with his head down. Ten minutes later, Eter, Sykes, Old Bald and Severn carried tears down their faces, and the half-struck Buddha returned to the living room and put it on the sofa.

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