Demon King Dad

: The fifth year story 134, the last one


"You played a very hard role as a mother. However, you, with no parenting experience at all, made a mistake that a normal person would never make. Remember the night you watched me and I was in the living room? "

Tan gritted her teeth, and the blue veins on her forehead burst out, she shouted: "What's wrong that night? I won't lie anymore, yes, I pretended to sleep at that time, so I secretly noticed you spilled by my side. Charcoal ash. But what? Didn’t you verify the next morning? The charcoal ash is intact!"

"...So, your acting skills are too bad."

The idiot raised his head, his black eyes slowly lost focus--

"That little girl, she has been with me almost since she was born. I know exactly how noisy a baby can be at night. She wakes up almost every two or three hours and then makes a fuss. It’s even more unconscious when you **** and pee. That little girl urinates directly in my arms several times, and then..."

The idiot suddenly lowered his head and looked at the blue ribbon on his left arm...

"Then, as if she was the most aggrieved party, yelled and woke me up..."

Hearing this, Tan's complexion gradually turned pale, and the corners of his mouth cramped.

"But, you." The idiot raised his head again, and his pupils had completely spread. "That night, you could sleep peacefully until dawn. There is no need for breastfeeding, changing diapers, coaxing children, etc. Action. You think that I sprayed charcoal ash to verify that you did not move at night. In fact, on the contrary, I planted this trap to verify that you moved at night. The real way to avoid charcoal ash traps is not to step on, but to Stepping on it in a mess is the most correct answer. It was at that moment that I knew that this thing in your arms was definitely not a real baby. It is even more a lie that the husband died and came here."

After speaking, Tan's face was completely distorted. She was silent, the hands holding the "child" were no longer tender. She lowered her head and slowly walked towards the idiot...

"That's it... So... this is the mistake I made..."

Tan's steps began to accelerate. She slammed the "baby" in her arms, and the body of the baby after swaddling was soared, and countless sharp blades pierced out of this small body.

"I made a mistake... I didn't expect such a perfect performance to be cracked because of this insignificant little trap. As a'curtain puller,' I really have no face to explain to my teacher..."

Those sharp blades began to twist, stretch, and turn. Gradually, a giant sickle was formed. Under the dark sky, the sickle with countless "barbs" glowed with appalling white light, and the slight bloodshot eyes on the blade symbolized how many people's blood it had swallowed.

"But... it doesn't matter! In this world, anyone who can see through me only needs a teacher, that's enough. The others...all must be given to me..."

The woman was extremely fast, pulling out a pale phantom on the snow.


Almost in an instant, Tan had already rushed to the idiot. She raised this huge sickle and waved it at the idiot who was motionless in front of her--!


The sound came from under her feet the moment Tan raised the sickle.

In this instant change, she was surprised to find that her body was actually falling, one foot sunk in the snow.

Her movements fell into an unbalanced state in less than a second. So, what does it mean to be out of balance in a match against an idiot?


The coldness penetrated Tan's heart at this moment.

Before Tan could feel the pain, the black snowflake had left her chest. When she stood firmly again, she realized that the idiot in front of him had stepped back three steps, and the black long sword that had been holding on his right hand had now retracted into the chain of his right arm.


The sickle, landed.

Tan clutched his chest with surprise on his face.

She looked at her left foot stuck in the snow, the look of surprise on her face twisted her appearance.

"Under the snow...empty...hole...?!"

She pulled out her foot. Staggered towards the idiot. Bloodshot spilled from the corner of his mouth, and red liquid was constantly flowing out between the fingers covering his chest.

"You... just kept walking on the snow... with your sword... you are looking for... the... empty... hole...?!"

The idiot did not answer. He just stood quietly, watching the woman walking slowly in front of him, and then behind her, blood stained the snowy field.

The gushing red liquid overflowed from her fingertips uncontrollably, Tan's footsteps became more and more unstable, and her face became paler. She stretched out her left hand, as if unwillingly, she stretched out to the idiot, holding on to...

"I... not weak...! You... mean... villain...! If... ahem... a real sword and gun battle... I... never... lose to you... absolutely ……absolute…………!!!"

With a snap, the woman's feet softened and she knelt down in front of the idiot. The idiot just looked at her coldly, without saying a word.

"Ha ha ha... you... will never be proud for too long... you... definitely can't beat my teacher... the teacher... he... will avenge me... waiting to hell... I... must do it myself... …Defeating you...definitely..."

"for sure……………………!!!"

Finally, the broken heart could no longer withstand the blood pouring into his atrium, like a magma burst, Tan's chest exploded, and the plasma bloomed like a delicate flower. The mottled blood flew in the air and fell to the ground, with this woman's unwilling expression, and fell into the cold...


Tan, fell down.

In the silent snowfield, even the sound of the wind became quiet.

The idiot's pupils slowly returned to focus. He glanced at the corpse lying in front of him, then turned around without looking again.

Because his work has not been completed yet.

There is one last anonymous person who needs to be resolved.

And now...

He heard it too.

I heard the sound coming from the lake, I heard the sound of someone jumping into the boat.

Yes... Anonymous is here.

So next, it's time to treat that "friend" well.


It was dark at 5 am.

On this winter night, there is still too much time before sunrise.

There is a saying that before dawn is always the darkest hour.

Then, this darkness is the best place for an idiot, allowing him to easily follow the "person" to the location on the map.

"Hey hey, human boy. The ten people who entered the mayor's mansion are now only this one. I think the other person with him is probably too bad for you~~~"


On the snow, the "human figure" moved forward quickly. This person constantly opened a scroll-like thing in his hand and ran with extremely excited steps. The idiot followed this person's footsteps and left Nanqiusi Town, went straight to the hills surrounding the town, and got in.

"It's almost here... it's almost here! My treasure, my beautiful life in the future!"

The man gasped in excitement, climbing between rocks, mud and tree trunks on all fours. It didn't take long for him to come to a rock covered with vines, and to poke away the vines with his hands. There was a cave in front of him, exuding a tangy musty smell.

His eyes were greedy and crazy, and he moved forward while pushing away a rock stuffed in the cave according to the instructions on the map. The huge wealth was about to arrive, he didn't even notice the little tail behind him, struggling to move forward.

"A stone with a slightly different color... there is it!"

Finally, when this person pressed a stone on the bottom wall of the cave, the stone wall made a soft noise, shaking off a lot of dust, and slowly descending. And what appeared before my eyes was a dazzling white brilliance...

"This is... the most precious guide stone... Mithril?!"

The sight that appeared before his eyes made this person ecstatic. In the small stone room in front of me, the mithril cast in a square shape is superimposed on each other like three intertwined pyramids. The dazzling silver white almost took this person’s eyes and made his heart beat wildly. .

What is the value of a piece of Mithril?

Depending on its purity and color, this highly refined metal can even reach more than 10,000 Sura! But now, what appeared in front of him was not a piece of Mithril, but a Mithril Mountain! Once you own this Baoshan, it means that you can enjoy a huge amount of wealth that will never be spent!

The man laughed.

He laughed.

His laughter echoed in this stone room, and his hands trembled forward. However, his hand finally stopped at the last moment, because he knew that if he really took it directly like this, he would be greeted by the collapse of this cave, and he would also face being buried alive.

"Hehehe... wait a minute... let me see the map... Yes, Zaro Star is a fun and passionate lover, and the arrangement of the three pyramids naturally has a certain pattern. Hehe, if someone who doesn't know the prophecy accidentally discovers this place and takes it randomly, these three Mithril Mountains will collapse, which will touch the mechanism of a certain place and cause this cave to collapse?"

"Interesting. But, Mayor Start. As your heir, your treasure, I will accept it unceremoniously!"

"The first person lost the way... well, took the top piece of mithril, and... stuffed it in the middle to make it support."

"The second person separated the body...hehe, the four mithril pieces in the four corners can be taken first."

"The third person locked the throat... is it here? This piece of the throat? Pull it out and place it horizontally to lock this vital point?"

"The fourth person stitched up the limbs... and put the four pieces that were taken down again... Hahaha, it's simple, it's too simple!"

The laughter in the cave was endless, and outside the cave, a boy with cold eyes slowly walked towards the depths of the cave.

In his eyes, there is no greed and luster that exudes when facing the treasure, his pupils are hollow, and the black chain on his right arm is slowly climbing. The blood pupil at the hilt of the sword also exudes an excited light that is about to be bloodthirsty.

"Now, we all know who Anonymous is."

The blood pupil sneered.

"But, I'm afraid you knew it before then? Can you tell me, what do you rely on to make judgments that this person is anonymous?"

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