Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 035

The emotions that Wang had just sorted out were suddenly disturbed again by a terrible event.

Sandou couldn't stay in the room anymore. He felt it necessary to go out and get some breath. Let the cold wind at night calm him down. If he can't calm himself down faster, he feels like he is going crazy.

Go back to your room and bring your wallet. As soon as I left the house, I happened to see the male servant who had just been caught against the wall coming over. Thinking of the dining car in his room, he should have come to clean it up.

"Sir, are you going out?"

The maid smiled. Said.

"Ah. I'm sorry just now. I was so excited."

Sha Dou closed his eyes and apologized slightly.

"No, no, no, sir, you are too polite. It should be the villain who apologized to make your life unhappy. Then the villain thought for a while, that man, Miss Hejat, could it be someone you know, sir ? "

Sha Dou exhaled and stood at the door altogether, and waited until the male servant pushed out the dining car, and walked with him, and said, "Ah, know."

"Then she must be your daughter?"

No, she is my sister. Moreover, he passed away twenty years ago. "

The maid seemed to notice that he had said something that shouldn't be said, so he quickly lowered his head and whispered sorry.

"It's okay. It's been twenty years." Sha Dou raised his head, looked at the ceiling, and said slowly, "And soon, Charlton will tell me everything, and I will know what my sister is doing. And die. Before leaving office, this can be regarded as the best return for me."

The male servant was silent, pushing the dining car. When he reached the gate, he let go of the dining car and sent Sandou to the door. When Sha Dou was about to leave. He finally seemed to be unable to bear it, and said: "Sir, maybe you think my little servant is a little troublesome. But I still think things are a little strange."

"Strange? What's strange?"

Sha Dou couldn't help laughing, thinking what the servant could know?

"Although it is not appropriate for me to say that, as far as I know, the relationship between the priest and your husband does not seem to be very good, right?"

"Yes. What's wrong with this."

"So, why doesn't the Lord Sacrifice tell you the matter now. Do you have to wait until you leave?"

"This one

"Sir, I'm just a small person, but I usually like to think. It's been twenty years since your sister passed away. It's been twenty years since your dignified knight commander didn't know the cause of Lingmei's death? This kind of investigative energy is too bad, right? "

"shut up!"

The maid's open mouth immediately exchanged for Sha Dou's curse. This male servant realized that he was really chewing his tongue and chewed his head too much, and quickly shrank his neck, not daring to speak any more, and tremblingly retracted into the mansion.

The filthy dark clouds continue to oppress the earth.

Sha Dou's figure stood still in the thick darkness.

He stood just like that, standing... Finally, although he finally got up, the color in his eyes lost their silence once again and was eroded by the pitch-black venom.


Why can't we find any clues after investigating for 20 years?

Although this principle is simple, Sha Dou had never thought about this problem before? !

Twenty years have passed. He obeyed the order of the Emperor Xian and joined the "Dead Warriors" that later became the First Knights as the captain. It has also been twenty years. In these two decades, he was completely unable to find out the cause of his sister's death? This is really incredible!


Why can't I find out the cause of my sister's death?

Who on earth is obstructing his concubine?

And why did Charlton tell himself after he stepped down? Why did he burn the slip of paper with the truth on it?

Who is he protecting?

protection,…? !

Who to protect?

Who on earth can make him speak for protection? !

Wait... Don't mess up, think little by little. Charlton said he had to tell himself the truth after he stepped down. Is this true?

No" I'm afraid he won't say anything when the time comes. This little man has no faith at all, and he will never betray the person he wants to protect.

However, he should also know his own strength as an elite warrior. In that case, how dare he dare to lie to himself? !

Someone supports him.

The person who supported him is most likely related to the cause of Hegate's death. Otherwise, he would not lie to himself at the risk of being killed by himself!

In the entire Kingdom of Death, how many people are capable of fighting against themselves?

Only a handful.

Then, in addition to strength, the person who dared to support Charlton must also have power. In the Kingdom of Death, what team is the most powerful combat group?

First... Knights. Finally, when these two conditions meet each other,"

A person that Sandou had never thought of before, and was impossible to think about, suddenly jumped into his mind.

No, no, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible! How sad he cried when Hejiat died, it is absolutely impossible to be fake! This is impossible, "this is absolutely" impossible!

Doudou's toes stopped abruptly.

Because just when he was thinking about it, what happened under a dim light across the street made him stunned.

There, Einstein was holding the hand of a red-haired girl and saying something. But the red-haired young girl waved her hand angrily and rushed towards this place quickly.

Red hair,…

The streets are narrow. The red-haired girl lowered her head and rushed into the sand bucket. But Sha Dou reached out his hand unknowingly, and put it on the girl's shoulder. that moment. The girl raised her head, and a face full of grievances and tears was reflected in Sha Dou's pupils in an instant. After just such a small glance, the girl immediately pushed away the sand bucket, ran to another street, and disappeared into the night.

After the girl left, the good friends stood at both ends of the street, looking at each other.

Einstein's eyes were cold, he stood uphill, condescendingly looking at the sand bucket below. That kind of eyes" contempt, ridicule, and full of endless contempt.

Is this still the good brother who lives and died with him?

Seeing this look, Sha Dou asked this question unconsciously.

That cruel look made his heart cold, and he couldn't imagine how the existing friends who wore a pair of pants would become like this.

Power For power, what have you done? Einstein! Is it just because of the hard life? Do power and identity become so important to you? It can make you bend your waist, serve those scumbags, and become a part of the rotten mud

Go, fall? ? ?

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