Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 041

The bodies of the two men fell from mid-air like those falling bricks. Two big holes were smashed in the Royal Lawn below. Mud and water mixed with blood and water splashed around, under the merciless icy rain. Gradually annihilated,

"Goo," Woo"

The endless red liquid poured out from the mouths of the two of them.

Sha Dou's pupils had been enlarged, and his eyes were still full of unwillingness and anger when he looked at the sky. His chest and throat were still bleeding, but he did. People, but can't stand up anymore

Death comes.

In a big pit next to the body of the sand bucket. Einstein was smiling,

He was laughing.

With every laugh of him, blood will gush out from the countless wounds on his body. Human body temperature will also flow quickly from his body"


The ice rain eroded his body, and his laughter was difficult to stop as his vision gradually blurred.

Sight, wet.

Is it tears? Or did those icy rains come into view?

But what does it matter? Everything is destroyed", everything has been personally...


"Hahaha, hahahahaha, hahahahahahahaha!!!!"

Crazy laughter echoed in the heavy rain.

In this laughter, Einstein raised his scarred hand to cover his eyes and smiled...


Delete... In the distance, footsteps can be heard.

Einstein, whose vision was blurred, turned his head. I saw that the male servant working in the mansion was coming here.

The male servant seemed to be flustered, looking around for something. At first glance. He saw the giant sword that Sha Dou fell to the ground and picked it up.

Einstein reluctantly raised his hand and greeted him. The servant also saw him, and took heavy and slow steps. Dragging the giant sword. Come slowly.

"Hey" you" "help me, and my brother" after I die and are buried in the same cave... just buried


The great sword thrust into Einstein's throat. Stopped his last last words.

At this moment, Sha Dou's pupils dilated.

Facing the rain falling from the sky, he stared at the hands holding the huge sword and those



The throat was cut open.

The last blood spewed from the wound like a spring.

Einstein's eyes were full of surprise and confusion. He stretched out his hands vigorously, trying to grasp the hands of the sword!

However, those hands were just a very calm turn,

Come on.

Einstein's head is completely separated from his neck. And the last color remaining in his pupils is full of unbelievable and confused,"

The rain is falling down.

We continue to wet this cold world.

The hand holding the hilt of the sword slowly loosened, and the smiling male servant also stepped back.

He raised his hand and touched his face. In this icy freezing rain, some "skins" were slowly brought down by him. Under that smiling face, there was a cold face with a ruthless look in his eyes,


Rain, keep going.

Seven days ago,

"Father! What does this mean?!"

Inside the palace, in front of Princess Walnut's bedroom. The king looked at the little daughter standing at the door of the room with his hands on his back, his expression calm.

Seeing that his father was not answering, Walnut immediately spread his legs and ran out, but who is the king? He easily grabbed his daughter by the back of the neck. Throw her back into the room.


"It's going to be messy these days, so stay here obediently."

"Is this a house arrest? Father!"

"For your safety, if you want to think so, then think so."

Walnut gritted her teeth, and she was terrified all day since the bun was brought into the palace inexplicably.

She was afraid of what he would do once the idiot knew about it. She was also afraid that he would desperately come up with terrible ideas and do terrible things! But she didn’t. Dare to say,

She dared not tell her father, the guardian of Little Bread, about the idiot. I'm afraid that after I say it, the king will immediately "shut up" the idiot. If this is the case, then the relationship between himself and the idiot is really irretrievable.

"Father! You" have you ever thought, what will the child's family think if you do this? You dismantled her and her family alive and sent the little girl Xiaomian to die alone in what country. What a cruel thing is this? ! "Of course I know this is cruel. "

The king looked at his daughter condescendingly, without justifying his behavior.

"The new king of the Kingdom of Death is lustful, faint, incompetent, and cruel. That little girl used to suffer absolutely. Believe in the whole world. No parent with some conscience is willing to send their daughter to the king for lust.

"In that case, why are you, father,"

"Because I am also a father. I wish my daughter to be happy, which is what I most desperately hope for as a father besides being a king."

At that moment, Walnut was dumb.

"Because I know that you can't be happy if you marry you, that's why I have been hesitating how to stop this."

The king bent down and hugged his daughter gently. Stroking her hair,

"Walnut" I wish you good luck. As a father. As long as you can be happy, I will not hesitate to turn into the evil spirit in the eyes of the world. In order for you to be happy, I am willing to sacrifice others and separate them from flesh and blood. Let others take the place of your marriage and become a victim of the fragile peace between our country and other countries. "

"You may think that the father is very contemptible and shameless. But it doesn't matter. As long as you can be happy." As long as you can marry the person you like in the future and be happy forever, even if you despise your father as a shameless villain , It's okay"

The walnut is held",

That broad mind, familiar body temperature, and the kindness and cruelty of being a father have all passed through this gentle embrace.

Should we cry?

At this moment, Walnut had an urge to cry.

However, she couldn't be moved by it. Because she knew that her father would never make herself happy by doing this! More likely" is to bring destruction and disaster!

Being held" Walnut hesitated. She thought for a long time, and finally, she gritted her teeth and pushed away the king.

"Father! This marriage job" is still up to me! This "this is my job originally, I can't do this for myself!"

The eyes of the king who were pushed away, Ge Ci turned into calmness. He straightened up. Silently looked at his daughter. Leave a sentence: "Walnut, your righteous heart is very good, and you are also very compassionate. This is the character that a royal family should have. But as your father, you must listen to me this time


"Don't say anything. Before that little girl got married, you stayed here honestly for me, and you were not allowed to go anywhere. Close the door

After that, the king waved his hand and the two knights opened the door of the walnut bedroom. Don't allow the little girl among them to object, the heavy door has been closed, shutting her completely.

The king went back. The calm eyes symbolized that he was ready to think.

In later generations, some people may comment on his coldness and ruthlessness, and use his people as chess pieces. But what about this? Compared with the happiness of the daughter, what counts the stigma?

The king is walking down the aisle. Campa has been waiting for a long time.

, You too, want to persuade me? .

Campa lowered his head and said nothing.

After the king snorted, he didn't say anything to the old friend and left. Campa silently watched the direction of the king's departure, sighed, and walked to Walnut's bedroom.

With a creak, Walnut's door opened. In the girl's surprised eyes, the knight outside the door was unconscious, while Campa was standing at the door. His complexion was heavy.

"Technical Chief Campa!"

Seeing the savior, Walnut rushed out of the room. But he still looked left and right. After confirming that the king was indeed absent, he jumped out.

"Principal Campa, please hurry up and persuade King Father! Otherwise, otherwise, I am really worried about what the idiot will do!"

Campa shook his head and said, "No. Princess. Your Majesty will not listen to me for you.

Walnut was anxious and stomped straight: "Well, what should I do now?"

"Princess, maybe the only thing I can do now is to find a way to calm the idiot and don't make any movements. Now the only thing that can stop her is you."

"Why does he listen to me?! Now sometimes even if I use the father's name, he doesn't listen to me too much!"

"Princess! If you don't go, I'm afraid there is really nothing you can do."

After that, Campa took a pill from his arms and stuffed it into Walnut's hand.

"what is this?"

Campa lowered his head and whispered something in Walnut's ear. Walnut looked happy, Li Hai stuffed the pill into his arms and ran away.

"Even if the unknown word is you, if you want to get everything done without tearing your face, there is nothing you can do.

A drop of water floated, and a water-blue pupil reflected in the drop.

"Unknown word, now. I just hope that he will not be too extinct and human. Outside the castle, the black sky is still overwhelming. But. Is everyone really depressed by such a sky?

Do not,,

Because this gradually gloomy sky makes a long-planned plan more perfect and even more,


One day 08 old Shan Xun books are ridiculed

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