Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 011

Reading a name on the second page, did Si Ping only spend all of Campa's efforts to understand the guilt brought by his friend's sneak investigation?

The idiot pinched his chin. Brand this code tightly in his mind.

Crazy dog...

What would a woman with this code name look like?

Is it based on the character of that member to get the code name, or is she acting like a crazy dog ​​in combat? Or is it because of other reasons?

do not know"

Sure enough, even if you know the code name, you still can't guess who is the "mad dog" based on the code name. But then again, if it is so simple that it can be seen through, then it can't be regarded as a hidden stream member.


Just when the idiot was thinking hard here, the girl's voice suddenly came from behind. At this moment. Idiots have produced the highest level of alertness to any woman. So he turned around immediately."

An Inel coin rolled in front of him.

"Oh" it hurts,

Looking along the direction of the coin rolling, I saw the girl named Gan Nan sitting on the bottom of the platform ladder with her legs apart. It seems that he tripped and fell to the ground.

"Is it someone you know?"

Campa looked at the girl and said.

"Not knowing."

"That is to meet each other."

Kampala lowered the brim of his hat, covered his face, and finally said, "That's how it is. Find out the hidden member, find a way to get acquainted with her, and find out how she rebelled and why Mutiny, and any information related to the mutiny. Of course, this task is too difficult, and I won't force you. It doesn't matter if you can't complete it, I won't take back the money I gave you."

After speaking, Campa hurriedly pulled down his hat, raised the neckline, passed the girl, walked up the stairs, and left.

Originally thought that at most it was a trip to assassinate the princess, but now it has become news that a troop may be involved in a rebellion. This kind of change is really too big, and the idiot can't help but frown, rethinking whether he should abandon this trip and go to investigate the key organization next time.

But it is obvious that Little Bread is not interested in these things. She let go of the idiot's hand, picked up Inel who had rolled under her feet, and ran directly to the girl sitting on the ground. He smiled and passed the money in his hand.


The girl was still rubbing her butt, and she smiled when she saw the coin in Bun's hand, "Thank you little sister. My sister is very grateful to you."


Seeing Xiao Bao's smile, Gan Nan also smiled. She pulled up the big parcel aside. Want to stand up. But before she stood up, she said "Ouch". Sit down again. At the same time, his hands tightly clasped his knees, as if it was painful. Bun tilted her head. After thinking about it, she suddenly pulled up Gan Nan's skirt and got in. Such a move made Gan Nan's face blush and reflexively pressed her skirt. At the same time, he said softly and anxiously: "Little sister! You" what are you doing? Come out soon! ! "

The orange plug sitting on the ground suddenly made a very comfortable sound. But maybe it's too comfortable. This voice is a bit imaginative. The passengers next to her saw the bulging underneath the maid’s skirt, and she made such a weird noise, no wonder others would stare at her with such a look.

After about three minutes, the bun came out again. She rubbed her hands and patted them lightly, the white light in her hands scattered and disappeared. And Gan Nan now clutched her knees, and there was no pain at all.

"Huh? Isn't it hurt?"

Gan Nan pulled up her skirt and looked at her knees. At this moment, the skin on the calf was as smooth as fat, and the knee was intact, showing no signs of injury.

Gan Nan looked at the bun in surprise, and the bun was triumphantly carrying his hands and raising his chest, as if ready to accept the praise.

"Little sister, you are so amazing! Are you a student of the Zongshi Department?"

Bun nodded vigorously. At the same time draw out the sign, dangling

"Bread is great! The teacher said that even if you rule the world in the future, bread can be made! 》

Compared to the eight-year-old girl who rules the world. Gan Nan cared more about her throat. From before to now, it seems that, except for some "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", I have never heard this little girl say anything. Could it be...

"She is dumb."

A tall black-haired woman appeared behind Xiao Bread in due course. After seeing the visitor, Xiao Bao put away the sign and took the visitor's hand.

Kanchan looked at the idiot. After noticing that the other party was wearing the same maid uniform as herself, she blushed, and hurriedly got up, patted the dust on her body, and said, "Ah, hello, Miss Kenny. It turns out that you were also selected successfully. ."

The idiot didn't answer, but turned around with the bun, trying to find a quiet place where no one was.

However, before the idiot took a step, his palms were suddenly caught by a pair of small hands. The idiot immediately turned his head, facing Gannan who was holding his hand frontally, ready to fight!

"Um, I'm sorry" There is actually one thing I always wanted to ask,"

Gan Nan pointed to the bun. Hesitatingly said one

"This girl's brother" once rescued me once "it was the hot pot restaurant fire in the newspaper last time. I want to know, who are you" that gentleman? "

Gan Nan blushed and finished speaking.

"This time it's a horse, but last time it's Baba! 》

Because of the idiot's delayed dialogue, Xiao Bian swiped his pen and wrote these few words. Suddenly stretched out in front of Gan Nan and started shaking. After Xiang Tachibana saw many misspelled sentences in this line, a faint disappointment emerged from her eyes.

"Ah, I'm so sorry, it turns out "I didn't expect" and even the daughter is so old. "Mrs. Kenny, your figure is so good, and your husband is also very good."

Xiao Bao originally thought that his timely explanation would quickly let Gan Nan get rid of doubts. But she obviously didn't expect things to go beyond the thinking mode of her little brain. Just when the little girl raised her head. When looking at the idiot with doubts hoping to get an answer, the idiot glared at her, so that she quickly put away the sign and hid behind the idiot.

"That's my brother. What's the matter with you."

The idiot needs to know the purpose of the woman asking herself. The identity of the husband and wife is obviously joking too humanly. The second envoy is a fool and knows that there can be no sobbing. With him...Blow up the identity of a woman, hoping to know the purpose of this woman.

Strangely, when the beautiful girl standing in front of me and the boy who had rushed into the fire and rescued him were not a husband and wife, the girl immediately beamed! She immediately stepped forward. He took the idiot's hands and said, "Actually, I really wanted to thank Miss's brother! Last time he, "Saved me", but I left for some irresistible reasons, so I couldn't tell him. Thank you well, so "I want to thank him for saving me at the risk of my life!" "

"That kind of thing doesn't matter.

The results of the interrogation were disappointing. Thanks to this kind of thing has always been cheap, and after hearing this woman just wanted to thank her verbally, she threw her hand away and wanted to leave.

"Ah! Miss Kennedy! Please wait, please!" Ouch! "

Tanger saw that the idiot was about to leave, Li Gu got up and carried her rucksack, but she did not expect that she was walking too fast, and her maid skirt was too long, so she stepped directly on her skirt and tripped again. wrestle.

With the position of the idiot, he can definitely reincarnate to support her. However, he did not. Because after cheating on Campa’s words just now, all women, especially women in maid uniforms, have been listed by her as the first target of warning. God knows if there will be that mad dog here. Take advantage of her carelessness. Time to do something unexpected.

Yu Guo...slap.

The idiot watched Qian Nan hit the ground again, face down, and came into the closest contact with the platform.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Does it hurt?"

"Are you ok?"

There are already quite a few maids on the platform. Many maids saw that their companions who lived with them for nearly a month fell down, and a few people who came close immediately came to condolences. The idiot also took advantage of this gap to leave her and mix in with the other maids.

Woo one by one!

The siren sounded again, and the maids helped Qi Nan sit up, pat her dust off, and asked softly if there was anything wrong. Other maids looked at the clock on the platform. By the way, I gradually began to mutter to my own clock.

"What's the matter? Didn't it mean meeting at morning? Now I am talking very much. What about Ms. Lemon?"

"Yeah. And there is not even a plan. Which bus shall we take?"

Each of these girls is very well cultivated. Although in doubt. But no one openly expressed their dissatisfaction. On the contrary, there are many people who worry about Miss Ning Cao. This just shows the spirit of what kind of service you pay for what you pay for.

"Ah! Sorry! Actually" Hearing everyone talking, Kanao quickly hurriedly took out a piece of paper from his backpack. Said: "Actually, I am the person in charge who is in charge of convening everyone to gather and then take a ride. My name is Gan Nan? Sweet. Please take care of your sisters and sisters."

This sentence really surprised all the maids. The person in charge, is this girl? Just such a reckless girl?

In the face of everyone's doubts, Gantong led everyone to explain while walking to a luxury train parked on the other side of the platform. It turned out that she was the maid hired the first time after the control of the operation came to Fengchusha. Later, although Lemon quit her and planned a new recruit, it was because she had served her own experience. Still gave her this job. Before the maids were in charge, she temporarily acted as the commander.

However, this command was cancelled after getting on the train. Because the eldest lady is sitting in the dining car leisurely eating raisins. After all her maids were seated at the dining table, she smiled and began to reappoint the chief maid and other positions based on the performance of the people during the interview.

The train starts. With a roar, this empty train was pushed out of the platform and headed to the trail below the cliff. After passing through the long tunnel, when the golden desert scene appeared in front of him, the chief maid and the area where each person was responsible were all arranged to stop.

The new head maid is a capable woman in her twenties. A pair of eyes seems to be the role of a strong woman. The superwoman's hair was turned into a bun behind her head, and after thanking Lemon for his appointment, she turned to face all the maids. Loudly said: "I am honored to be the maid of Miss Lemon this time. My name is Minnie. I hope that my maid can be recognized by everyone."

applause. After the applause was over, the maid began to repeat everyone's work and shift time. And the eldest lady was watching the scenery outside with delight. Wait for everyone's job introduction to end.

Oh, the maid’s strength" is the intermediate level of scorching skills. For girls who have not undergone formal scratching, such strength is not bad. But I have to say it again. All the girls here are conjoined strength. There are no weak human beings, among them there is Jhinbody Intermediate. There is nothing to say about being a maid.

The idiot didn't take care of the dim mood. He is now listening to everyone's scope of work with bated breath. Regardless of whether the hidden stream member wants to protect or kill the second princess, what he needs most is the time to spend with Lemon, or the scope of work will not be too far.

But after listening carefully, almost every girl has the opportunity to have contact with Ning Shao. But when I think about it, this is right. After all, the center of everyone's service here is the princess. It's impossible without contact? Then consider the identity of the other party, hidden flow. There is no pressure at all to assassinate these girls with hidden skills.

In that case, it is impossible to tell who is the member of Hidden Stream?

"Miss Kennedy."

What should I do? It seems that from the beginning, it is completely invisible. Do you have to wait and wait for the other side's feet in the days to come?

"Miss Kennedy. Miss Kennedy!"

Ok. There seems to be only one way. Let’s just watch the changes first. Then again, who is this Miss Kenneth? Why did the maid shout so much? No answer? Didn't you get in the car?

"Miss Kenny! Please stand up!"

Suddenly, a voice slammed into the ear of the idiot. The idiot raised her head suddenly, and saw the serious-faced Maid Maid standing in front of her very solemnly. Looking at the other maids around, they have already started to clean the dining car separately. As for the princess, she didn't know where she went.

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