Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 016

The second product looks very depressed. She doesn't know that the old road, the idiot's idiot's sense of state bombing the following Ju Jiu

Because after that, she has been taking the big road and no longer choosing those small roads. This makes idiots want to start but can't start. On the contrary, the bun was so tired that he was clamoring for idiots to recite before he was willing to continue with him.

So, is she a mad dog?

The idiot has no answer.

If she is, then all of her performance is too much like a professional.

But if she was not, what did the cold eyes that she showed at the moment when she wanted to throw her down?

"Well, let's choose here. What do you think, Browning."

The idiot looked at the hot spring hotel that Minnie was referring to, and in terms of decoration, it was indeed the largest in the town. He has no reason to refuse and can only nod his head. After getting his consent, Minnie wiped the sword on her waist and walked in first.

"Boss, a team of thirty-five people, do you have the ability to arrange it?"

At the front desk of the hotel, Minnie asked directly. The receptionist at the front desk looked at the sword on Minnie's waist and hurriedly accompanied the smiling face. Said: "Oh! Are you a guest of the Grey Shadow Mercenary Group? Yes, there are! We are already ready!"

Mercenary group?

The idiot turned his head, just at this moment, a few men in uniform walked in from outside. Talking to each other and walking into their room.

Minnie looked at the sword on her waist, and seemed very satisfied with the name "mercenary" given by the shop owner. But she refused seriously. Said: "No. We are another group of people."

"Another group of people? It's troublesome then

The receptionist frowned and said, "If it weren't for the guests of the same mercenary guild," I'm afraid the shop can't entertain you. , Ah, don't worry, please listen to me. Today many guest rooms in our shop have been booked by this mercenary guild. A large customer with more than fifty people. "

"The two should also know that being able to send more than 50 people to this best mercenary guild shows that this guild has already received a big job. In this case, any other mercenary groups appear, right For them, they will all become threats or competitors. When getting along, they are very likely to have peace and friction. Therefore, for the safety of the shop, we will no longer accept the mercenary union’s move-in request."

The idiot's gaze was once again directed at the few people sitting in the lobby chatting and drinking coffee. They all have the same gray ghost-shaped coat of arms on their shoulders.

One who needs to dispatch more than fifty people..."A big task?

Ash Shadow Mercenary Guild"

The idiot watched the badge carefully for a while, until it was completely remembered.

Compared to an idiot, Minnie argued very seriously. She raised her hand, patted the cabinet at the front desk forcefully, and said coldly: "You can hear me clearly. Although we are not a guild, your attitude of driving people like this is really uncomfortable. Today, I On behalf of our young lady, we must decide to live with you. If you can’t decide, then call your boss."

I have to say that as long as Minnie's face is straightened, it is indeed very scary. Her voice was also full of toughness, and could not tolerate the slightest rejection, which fully demonstrated the true nature of her military family.

The receptionist was obviously taken aback by Minnie's words. He turned around and went to find the owner of this shop, but even when facing the boss, Minnie was not weak in the slightest. She was still tough to live here and refused to give way to the mercenary group. Soon, the noise here aroused the attention of the mercenaries sitting in the lobby over there. A man who appeared to be in his twenties walked over, listening to the attitude of others towards him, and seemed to be a leader.

"Boss, what is going on?"

This man is tall, about one meter nine meters tall. With brown hair and a handsome face with a slight smile, he is the type that can easily make people feel good.

"Ah, Mr. Ribekley, I'm so sorry, but I will disturb you in this case."

The shop manager told Minnie’s request to check in again. After speaking, she spoke again and wanted Minnie to leave. But before he could speak, the mercenary was the first to stop the store manager. Lower your head. Looking at the "two maids" in front of you

"The two ladies, I'm really embarrassed. Originally, as the leader, I couldn't let another large group live next to us at will. But looking at the beauty of the two ladies, maybe I would consider it."

Ribekley asked for a frivolous smile, and kept looking at Minnie and the idiot. There is nothing idiot, but Minnie, who is next to her, as the maid, feels it necessary to clarify this matter.

"The leader of the Ash Shadow mercenary unit. Really?"

"Dare not. It should be said. The leader of this operation."

Ribekley smiled.

"According to the International Law of the Sad Continental Mercenary Organization and Article 1 of the "Diranta Pact", no mercenary group has the ability to surpass the country’s regular army in action. Growth. All can only be regarded as a member of a civil organization and must obey the laws of the country. Even when it is a task such as the killing of the two shoulders, you must ensure that you can enjoy the refuge afterwards. If not, you can be judged as It’s no different from an ordinary murderer."

Minnie patted the counter. Continue to speak coldly: "In this case, your identity rights will not be any different from ours. If you rely on your influence to engage in various senses of "monopoly," I have the right to report to relevant international associations and report to you. The guild filed a claim. "

No organization should have the right to transcend the country. This is the basic identification point of the sad mainland countries. As a mercenary organization not controlled by the state, it is more natural to restrict it. Obviously, the young leader did not expect that he had encountered a hard nail. He was taken aback for a moment, then he spread his hand helplessly and laughed.

"Oh, I didn't expect that Miss is really familiar with military law. Are you also a soldier?"

It's not. "

"Oh, I think so. Take a closer look, the sword on your waist is also a toy."

Minnie drew out the sword" pointed directly at Ribekley and said loudly: "Although it is decoration, it is also an ironware. Just tie up the front. You can still kill.

Ribekley smiled. Stretch out your finger. Gently moved away the sword staring at his throat. After looking at Minnie up and down for the last time. He said to the shop manager next to him: "We have some members who are not coming. Try to arrange for these ladies to move in."

Then, Ribekley turned around. He squatted down and reached out to hold Minnie's hand. But Minnie pulled her hand back abruptly. He smiled, and turned his target to the idiot next to him without mind. He took his hand and kissed the back of his hand.

"So, to express my apologies, can I invite the two young ladies to dinner tonight?"

Of this request, Minnie refused immediately. After thinking about it, the idiot immediately shook his head and withdrew his hand.

The matter was finally resolved.

Ribekley walked back to his companions, and after talking to the mercenaries, they went back to the room together. Idiot and Minnie started to check in for their own medicine man. For lemon, of course, it is necessary to arrange the best luxurious room with indoor temperature. Others are still arranged in groups of 4 people.

"By the way, that Ribekley, who the **** is it? The Shadow of Grey, what organization is it."

During the procedures, the idiot spoke suddenly. "Browning, why are you suddenly interested in that person?"

Minnie maintained a serious face and said, "As a sister. I'll tell you one thing. Although that person looks handsome, you should not be tempted by him. Although the organization of Gray Shadows is very large. , The members are all over the continent, but the reputation is also not very good. When it is good, it will participate in various rescue operations, participate in anti-dictatorship wars, etc. But negative tasks such as assassination, abduction, robbery and theft are also absent Take less

"They are a real mercenary organization. As long as they are willing to give money, they can do anything. In a sense, it is a very dangerous group."

Just give the money and do everything, right?

Idiot eyes went up the stairs, and the black pupils seemed to want to see through these floors, to see the real inside of the mercenaries upstairs."

"Really! Why did it take so long? Deliberately?!"

Returning to the carriage, for the lemon princess who had just woke up, the idiot was greeted with another curse. But after arriving at the hotel, the princess was very satisfied with the luxurious decoration here. After visiting my own two-bedroom and one-living room with a special open-air hot spring room, I was very happy, and praised an idiot.

"Very good, thanks to your kind of waste, you can find such a good hotel. Good! I decided to stay here for two more days to relieve the fatigue of the journey!"

After listening, Minnie walked up and said: Miss, it is better to start our trip as soon as possible. When it comes to the gem empire, you can play whatever you want. "

Regarding Minnie’s, Ning Shao snorted and said loudly, “Why, are you tired of it? It’s only a few days before the maid I’ve chosen is getting bored? I want to live here more. A few days! After returning to the gem empire, I will be locked up again, suffocating!"

Closed? Oh, it means being locked in the palace.

However, the idiot was somewhat in favor of the princess's proposal. As long as you can stay a few more days, you can find a way to see all the naked girls. In this way, we can determine who is the mad dog. To achieve this goal"

The idiot looked at the bun next to him, and anxiously wanted to undress and jump into the pool immediately. After thinking about it, he stepped forward and said, "Miss Lemon Cao, we have all been here these days. It’s really uncomfortable to take a bath on the Magic Train. I think, in order to show your tolerance and generosity, it’s better to let everyone accompany you in the bath now, how about?” If you want to know what’s going on, please log in Busy. More chapters, support authors, support genuine reading!

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