Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 034

It’s not a problem. Can’t you just plant it in front of us, the common people’s sentiments? If you have a clear conscience, I must hear the bottom line. "

The idiot raised her head, her ruthless eyes fell on the woman's face, and she couldn't help but shiver. However, the maid still refused to make any concessions and stood firmly in front of the mad dog's carriage.

"Civilian" you" step aside,"

At this time, the voice of a mad dog came from inside. Through the gap in the rain door of Minnie's body, it seemed that she could see her trying to support her body and leaning against the door on the other side.

"Let? But,"

"Our next conversation" is a military secret. You are just a civilian, you are not qualified to know, and you should not know,"

At the moment when Minnie pulled out her waist, she said loudly: "If it's going to fight, I can do it too! Don't forget, I also have an intermediate level of scorching skills. Normal choppy can't be troubled."

"Get out!"

Suddenly, the mad dog roared loudly. This shout not only stunned Minnie. Even her injuries were also affected at the same time.

"I'll tell you again, civilian" you, not an expert. "What the experts are responsible for" should be handed over to the experts. Me and her are the experts in this industry.

"Murder, expert

The mad dog coughed up blood. Without arms, she couldn't even reach out and cover her mouth. But her voice had the fortitude that ordinary women would never have, so Minnie couldn't help but shut up and got out of the car.

The idiot took a look at Minnie, pulled the bun and walked up, closed the door and saw that the bandage on the mad dog's chest was full of blood. He immediately showed a worried expression, stepped forward, and reached out and pressed her chest. The soft white light that came out gradually eased the mad dog's breathing. After breathing smoothly, the mad dog lowered his head, nodded to the bun and smiled, and hid behind the idiot.

"Now, can you tell me what you want to ask when you came here?" asked the mad dog.

The idiot stroked Bun's hair and was silent. Three minutes later, he spoke and said what was in his heart

"You are a real soldier

"Moreover, not only the soldiers of the Bucks Empire. They are also ordinary civilian soldiers."

The mad dog took a breath, looked calm, and said, "Thank you for your compliment. As a knight, it is my job to protect the people.

The idiot nodded and continued: "Will you participate in the rebellion of the Hermit Knights? What? "

The mad dog with his usual look instantly widened his pupils. The next moment, she stood up regardless of her injuries. The idiot took a step at the same moment. The dark blade and the double-edged long sword flashed simultaneously. Fierce sparks hit this narrow compartment.

Xiao Bread pulled the idiot's clothes, and stared at the scene in horror. The idiot held the dagger, the mad dog bit the blade. The two stared at each other. The atmosphere dropped to freezing point in an instant, only the silent confrontation continued here,"

Bang bang bang,

There was a rapid flapping sound from the car door. The mad dog and the idiot paused at the same time, and the pupils reflecting each other's eyes seemed to communicate. After a while, they slowly backed away. The mad dog returned the long sword to the entrance and leaned against the car wall again and coughed twice. The idiot also retracted Diane into his sleeves, turned around, and opened the side car door.

Standing outside the door are the maids. The difference was that Minnie was with the maid who was wrapped in mud at the moment, and everyone was standing in front of the door with joy. Seeing the idiot, Minnie immediately took the girl and said happily: "Miss Kenny! We are here to thank you and apologize! If it weren't for you"

"No time, I'll talk later."

Not waiting for Minnie to finish. The idiot closed the door heavily, letting those maids who had been brewing words of gratitude eat a solid closed door.

The door was closed, and the idiot returned to his seat. He grabbed the bun and looked at the mad dog in front of him with a serious look. After moving slightly, the mad dog seemed to touch the wound again to see how she coughed up blood, then looked at the idiot, and finally decided to break free from the idiot and go up for treatment.

Mad Dog: "Where did you come from", got the news. "

Idiot: "I naturally have my source."

Mad Dog: "So. What do you want to know from me?"

Idiot: "The authenticity of the rebellion is the master behind the scenes."

Mad Dog: Who is "Heh you"? Why do you want to know this? "

Idiot: "I have lived in the wind and sand for nearly eight years. It is a place that I think is still safe. So. I don't like the turmoil in this city. Forcing me to find another safe den."

Idiot: "Mad Dog: "Hug," I said."


Mad Dog: "This is a ban

Idiot: "It can make you rebel, this" prohibition is too big. "

Mad Dog: "Heh" Whatever you say "That child is our hidden treasure" All of us must protect her, this is our personal vow

Idiot: Little, "A girl, can you killers like hemp so hard to protect her?"

Mad Dog: "Yes. Her life experience is very miserable. We can't let her who has been living so hard be sent to the gallows." The girl doesn't feel pain, and some people have mental disabilities.

I guess there will never be fewer people with disabilities in your knights. In this way, there will be children who can make you feel more miserable? "

Mad Dog: "Heh, compared to her, what are my defects?"

Crazy Dog: "Without arms, I rely on "Inu God's Fang." The task can still be completed. But her pain is far beyond my imagination. "

The topic is stuck here.

No matter what the idiot asks, the mad dog is reluctant to say more. The girl slumped in the seat, closed her glasses, and asked the idiot three questions. In this way, the idiot simply shut up. Don't ask anymore. I shouldn’t hide it from you." But I hope you can allow me to have some secrets. "After all." Since I lost my arms and entered the hidden stream, there are no secrets anymore.

The idiot looked at her without answering.

Facing the idiot's silence, the mad dog took a breath again, and she looked a little better. She suddenly looked at the idiot, with a funny smile on her face. Since she was a child, she has been growing up in assassinations, and has never been in contact with men for such a long time. Seeing the idiot's serious expression now, I couldn't help but want to tease him.

"It's really suitable for you to wear this maid suit. Have you ever thought of joining our hidden stream?"

"Oh, I was laughing. So, have you ever thought about the truth behind this incident? Are you interested in telling me, a girl in the mist? That way, I can go back and write a report."

"Ah, I mean, with your toes. The last time you held my foot and looked at it repeatedly was to confirm this, right? By the way, I haven't pursued you for taking a peek at me.

The mad dog raised his feet. Because of regular exercise, these small feet are very soft, well-proportioned and shiny. There is no excess fat on the ankle. Coupled with her few pink toenails, these feet are really more beautiful than any woman's feet that an idiot has ever seen.

The idiot looked at these feet. It seems to be sorting out my thoughts. And the mad dog felt that it was enough after talking for a while, and said nothing. Withdraw his feet and let him think, to tell him the answer he wants most.

It's just"...the danger of reality always seems to be faster than people's mental preparations.

Just as the idiot slowly opened his mouth and was about to say his own judgment, a commotion that he least wanted to hear was heard from outside.

"You..." Is this doing things? ! "

"Let go of me! Let go of me!"

"You bastards, are there any mercenary laws in your eyes?!"

The maid's scream was mixed with the neigh of horseshoes. In addition, the roars of many men interlaced, rushing in from the outside. The idiot and the mad dog lowered their bodies almost at the same time, stationed on both sides of the car door respectively, and slightly raised their heads to look at the outside.

Shadow of Ash..."

This ghost-like mercenary troop still followed! Surround those maids!

"Miss Mad Dog. Miss Implosion. Please come out! We won't hurt you!"

Ribekley's voice came from among the mercenaries. The young man walked out of the crowd with a smile, and led ten other mercenaries to surround the carriage where the two were in. This time. These people all held spears in their hands. As long as the two people in the carriage make any changes, they will immediately pierce the spear in.

The idiot patted Little Bread on the head and motioned for her to stay here. After Little Bread nodded, he gently pushed the car door. The two of them walked down one after another with the mad dog.

The spears around still pointed at them.

The idiot stood there, silent. But the mad dog slowly walked towards the surrounded maids, standing between them and Libeklie.

"Shadow of Ash, what the **** are you guys doing this time."

Ribekley shrugged and smiled: "It's okay. I just wanted to say goodbye to the ladies. But I didn't expect the ladies to run so fast. I ran so far in just one day, but I was chased. It's bitter."

Whether we go fast or not seems to have nothing to do with you. "

"Hehe, don't say that. At least we still have to do some of the etiquette of Shenshi. So, please come here, and let us bring the two special harnesses? Don't look at it this way. I, it's really because the two young ladies are too strong. If you are not careful, you will always be scared."

Ribekley was very polite. But when the mad dog turned his head, the mercenaries over there had already begun to poke the maids with spears. The girl's screams reached her ears. Let her snorted, and finally remained silent, accepting two mercenaries with fetters and sealing rings, and slowly approaching herself",

This time the number of people is more than last night.

And looking at the strength of these people, it seems that there is only a stronger share.

In the middle of being pushed by them, the mad dog already knew that to protect all civilians from these people, I’m afraid it’s really hard to climb."

"Before we put on the harness, won't we see the master behind this time?"

Facing the two mercenaries standing in front of him, the idiot did not have any preparations to catch him. His eyes are still very cold. The hollow and empty pupils made it impossible to comprehend any of his thoughts. After the two mercenaries looked at each other, they immediately put their hands, poems and ankles into their arms. Pull out the spear and press it against the chest and belly of the idiot.

"Your weapon is the black black sword, right? Throw it out!"

The idiot looked at the spear in front of him. Under the sleeve of his right hand, the chains moved slowly in excitement.

However, starting a fight now is not the best way. To get out of here in one fell swoop, the first thing to do

The first thing to do is to publish all the truth, right?

"Ah. Only by pulling out the messenger behind the scenes and clarifying all his plans, can this roaming thief be able to leave alive.

Therefore, not only did the idiot not have any intention to let go of the dark, but instead took a step against those spears, raised his head without fear, and shouted in a voice that everyone present

"Come out for me! The real messenger behind all these events, this one who in turn used conspiracy to achieve his own goals."

"Come on!"

"Immediately, come out one by one!!!"

The idiot has always kept his voice down as much as possible, but this does not mean that his roar is not loud enough.

On the contrary, his roar almost bounced the rain that fell from the sky, and the maids covered their ears and bowed their heads in pain.

However, compared to the voice of an idiot, what he said surprised everyone. Isn’t that Gannan, that is, Princess Tehu, was pierced into the heart by a sword from behind in front of everyone last night and died? So how can an idiot call her now?

Yes. Not only the maids, even some members of the shadow of the gray couldn't help showing surprise expressions. But the fact that surprised them even more is behind.

I saw a small mercenary dressed in a cloak and slowly walked out from behind Ribekley. When this mercenary came to the front court and took off the rain cloak"


"It's a ghost!"

"Fuck Princess, turned into a ghost and came out!!!"

The maids screamed. And the idiot's eyes are firmly enveloping the disguised woman.



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