Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 039

It was drawn from Lieber's chest.

As if throwing away a pile of waste, the idiot dropped his corpse and turned around again to fight to protect the passage. And Ribekley’s body, like many other dead bodies, was left unattended and fell on the mud.

The battle of mercenaries is always full of death.

Therefore, everyone must be prepared for death.

This moment may be very sudden, and suddenly you were still laughing just now, and now you have become a corpse.

No one paid attention to Ribekley's death.

At least, when facing an idiot, they haven't had the leisure to pay attention to him.

"Everyone is scattered! Deal with him from a distance!"

Six swords is too domineering, anyone who is close to an idiot will lose his life without exception. Xiang Nan, who jumped out of the gap in the barrier, saw it really, and immediately began to command. The soldiers and mercenaries got the order and immediately dispersed, raising their bows and arrows. The guided force gun and the guided force stone attacked like beads.

The huge rock condensed by the guiding force flew over, and the idiot raised a sword and smashed it into pieces. In the face of the various bows and bullets that come, with his eyesight and the darkness in his hands, he can definitely guarantee his loss. But the price of doing this was that the rock passage behind him was exposed to countless fireballs, and for a while, the rumbling sound blasted on the rock.

How about the people in the passage?

The idiot's pupils scattered, as if he was not looking at anything, just reflexively dialing any long-range weapons that attacked him. If it is too late, he will try his best to pounce on a fireball that is about to fall on the passage, swinging his sword and hitting it. Fighting against the huge explosion with the Dark Annihilation.

They", is it safe?

Bread, is it safe?

The idiot dare not leave. He ignored the fireballs that landed at the end, and instead slammed any vertical rock force that might blast into the passage. Every time it hits a fireball, it doesn't hurt or itchy to die. But he had to face the aftermath of the Domination Stone's explosion, and the wounds on his body became more unknowingly.

"Damn, I don't believe that you can't kill her! Focus and attack together!"

Change to an ordinary person. Even if the fireballs of the Lower Stoner were exposed to so many fireballs in front, they could only groan on the ground even if they were not dead. But the idiot's toughness is obviously far beyond everyone's imagination! The four vertical stone divisions immediately assembled, and one vertical stone division pinched the ten guiding stones and let go. Those guiding stones were suspended in the air. The other three stone verticals simultaneously drew a large-scale road map behind that stone vertical, and finally all connected to the back of the stone vertical.

After the route was drawn, the guiding stone in his hand immediately changed color. Wait until the light condenses to the apex hour. The stone vertical master suddenly shouted!

A guided force cannon mixed with lightning and flames blasted out from the front of the guide stones. Scorching the air, even the space is distorted, rushing to the idiot over there.

A huge power came oncoming, the idiot's pupils were still godless, but dimmed, it was joyful.

Your six swords are good at coincidence, and they are the best killing sword. But a non-power combat method. The one who is good at power fighting is me, the "hell". If you don't dodge, the only way you can use is to cancel this state that you can't even read from your heart and replace it with a "red eye" state. Otherwise, just wait to die!

Dimming is very clear. Idiots will definitely use their power. Because it is very clear that this human being is afraid of death. As long as he can escape death, he will do it in any way. What's more, the demonized state of this area?

Dim Mie is waiting, waiting,

But what it waited was the idiot exhaling, with black eyes standing with a sword. Those chains wrapped around his arms. But it didn't even have the slightest chance to climb upward.

Human kid" Heh. Interesting. You are ruthless!

Dimie smiled," he sneered slightly with appreciation.

In the sneer of this eye, the storm of Xia was madly rushing to the rocks below. All the swords of Wan were inserted into the rock in an instant. After Xia Lan, the idiot turned around with the sound of insects, inserted Dim Mi into the gap, and directly tilted a large piece of hard rock. At the moment when the rock was bombarded by the thunder cannon from the front, the idiot's sword of 萬 was used again, directly, hit the back of the rock

Rocks, shattered.

Along with the broken stones, the thunder light artillery was also scattered, divided into dozens of smaller vertical stones, scattered on the soles of the feet, and flew into the air. Even if there were a few hits on the rock passage behind it, because of the lack of strength, except for the shaking of a few stones, the hardness of the passage was not damaged.

Among the scattered rubble and vertical rock force. Idiot, stand there.

The soldiers who were still launching the attack were all stunned when they saw the scene just now.

One person" one sword

A swordsman, only relying on his own power, dissolves the vertical stone force that the four vertical stone divisions have played together. This willpower and mastery of power, no one here thinks it can be done.

Who is she?

Can only a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old be able to exert such power?

Or, how many "masters of swordsmanship" are there in the Bucks Empire? So, will the Bucks be as strong as they are today?

The attack stopped.

Everyone present was stagnant on the strength of this "maid. Some people didn't even dare to attack again, for fear that their attack would make themselves a bird of prey, not only useless, but would make themselves like other corpses. Become a dead soul.

Rain, just like that

Idiot, just stand like this.

However, he certainly cannot stand like this forever. When the passage behind him suddenly collapsed, he rushed towards the cave over there as if it were spring loaded. Before the passage completely collapsed. Got in.

This is a cave that is not spacious but long and narrow.

The wet moss fell on the cave wall attested to the dampness and darkness here.

The idiot enters the cave and puts away the dark. The maids all sat on the ground in the cave one by one, their clothes were disheveled and looked embarrassed. Seeing the idiot come in, they immediately stood up to greet the savior.

The idiot ignored these girls, what he was looking for was the troublesome one, and instead of running away, he saved so many cumbersome dead girls. After not spending much time, he found her in a corner of the cave. But at this moment, the girl was sweating profusely, and there was no time to connect with the idiot.

Minnie held an emergency light in her hand, shining under the light. It's the **** body of a mad dog.

A long hole was pulled out of her waist, and the blood was flowing. The narrow wound even allows people to see the internal organs inside. Three more arrows were inserted into her back, two were inserted into the lower back and right lung lobe, and one was very close to the heart. With the naked eye, it is impossible to judge whether it has entered the heart.

At this time, Xiaoxiao

Xiancai tried his best to save everyone from the cave, but she did not use it. ※Sweat was hanging on her little face. But she did not rest, but continued to squat beside the mad dog, looking at the wound on her back with a serious expression.

The idiot looked at the bun. Seeing this little girl who usually laughs and smiles now looks serious and anxious. The reprimand that came to his lips finally did not exit. Little Bread didn't seem to notice the idiot standing behind him. After exhaling, he nodded to the other maid beside him.

The maid tremblingly held the arrow on the mad dog's back, and Bun opened her hands and prepared. The maid also exhaled, then closed her eyes and pulled out hard."

The undercut arrow was pulled out with blood and flesh. The wound that expanded at that instant immediately bleeds. Seeing this little bread, he immediately covered his hands, and in an instant, the white light filled the narrow cave. It shines like daylight.

Little girl gritted her teeth.

Her complexion gradually paled, but under her pale complexion, the blood overflowing from her hands quickly disappeared. When the girl finally exhaled and moved her hands away, the bleeding had stopped at the arrow sore, and only the dark red wound remained, still showing these previous scars.

The second arrow was made in the same way, and the white and warm light once again illuminated the entire cave. Looking at the light, the maids who had been desperate all stood up one after another and concentrated towards the center. When they saw that Xiao Bian used this method that had never heard of it to save people, their faces all beamed with hope.

Just" outside the cave, light came.

After Gan Nan looked at the light, she didn't know the depth and did not dare to let her own people rush in. That swordsman can still be undefeated in a wide area with one block, and he can also kill many of his soldiers. Once you enter this long and narrow cave, God knows whether this side will be completely destroyed.

"Back to your Majesty, there is also light leaking from behind the mountain."

"Yeah. Blast all the passages with guide stones and bury these women alive. We will wait here for seven days. After seven days, even if they are still alive, they must be dying and easy to deal with."

Gan Nan works cautiously. She must see the stone corpses, large and small.

Only after all these people who are not under her control become corpses, can she go back with peace of mind and become her queen.

Outside, there was the sound of rumbling rocks falling.

But here, the second wound has also been treated.

All the onlookers dare not speak out, and they don't want to think about the falling rocks outside. The only thing they want to know now is whether this soldier who has forgotten his life to protect himself can open his eyes again.

Only the last arrow is left.

This arrow can't be dealt with well, even if the two arrows just dealt with it perfectly, it might fall short.

Bun closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled.

She rubbed her numb hands and opened her eyes for treatment. but"


Looking at the Mad Dog Bun in front of him, he narrowed his glasses.

She closed her eyes again, shook her head, and opened it. What caught the eye was still the vague figure of the mad dog.

The bun snorted, and again rubbed the tired eyes with blood-stained hands. But her small hands were held by the other big hands before they touched her eyes.


Bread looked up, and what appeared in front of him was the cold eyes of an idiot.

Seeing the idiot, the tired face of the little girl recovered again. The idiot nodded at her, held her two small hands with both hands, and sat behind her. After getting ready, he nodded to the maid again.

The maid also nodded, and tremblingly stretched out her hand, holding the last arrow. After groping for the arrow shaft a few times, she was finally ready for her thoughts and pulled out the arrow with all her strength.

The idiot immediately pulled Bun's hand, pressed Bun with the blood spurting wound and closed his eyes. The white light from his hand was more dazzling and brighter than the previous two. The cave that was originally wet and cold was shrouded in this light, and it was immediately filled with warmth and sunlight to sweep away all the haze.

The blood gushing from the heart is less.

The light gradually faded, and the cave became a situation that only the emergency light in Minnie's hand could illuminate. The little hand moved away, and the arrow wound on the heart not only stopped bleeding at this moment, but was scarred.

The matter is here, it should be regarded as the end.

But the mad dog did not wake up. The idiot put the bun aside, hugged the mad dog in his arms, and leaned against Minnie's snorting bun weakly while probing her. Looking haggard and worried at the mad dog.

Does sniffing mean it also means,"

The idiot looked up, intending to speak his judgment. But before he spoke, the pair of Bread was full of expectation, and he didn't want to hear any ugly eyes cast at him. When the idiot came into contact with this look, he swallowed again. He thought for two seconds, lowered his head again, pinched the nose and chin of the mad dog with both hands, opened her mouth, and kissed directly.

Blow. Heart resuscitation. Blow up. Heart resuscitation.

The idiot just kept doing these mechanical movements. He tore the clothes on the mad dog's chest. Pressing her chest with her hands, she kept rising and falling. Time and time again, blow a strong breath into that mouth.

He repeated, repeated, repeated.

Even after some of the maids in the cave had noticed and started to cry secretly, he was still doing this kind of action without any intention of stopping.

One minute……

Two minutes"

three minutes"

This action is not until five minutes later. When blowing from mouth to mouth again, the idiot suddenly opened his eyes. Change from blowing to inhalation, and inhale something vigorously. Subsequently. Seeing him raise his head and spit out a bruise in his mouth. The mad dog under him also coughed violently at the same time and coughed loudly.

There was a burst of cheers in the gloomy cave. The originally held very tense air was immediately replaced by peace of mind and relaxation. The buns also relaxed their spirits, and the head tilted, nothing was left. He closed his glasses relaxedly and went to sleep.

The idiot picked up Minnie. Let her lean on a flatter rock. At the same time, she tore off a section of the sleeve to wrap her waist wound. Minnie, who was next to her, turned on the light very diligently, and waited until the idiot had completely dealt with it and took the bun and leaned against it before standing in front of them.


Minnie, bowed for a long time. The other maids saw it and stood up one after another, bowing around the idiots and mad dogs.

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