Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 041

One by one for those medals. I heard Cha Cang talk about it, those few Yijia is the highest honor, in theory, soldiers can get it alive. But in fact, as long as people are still alive, they will never get them.

Minino felt the coconut and finally said this sentence.

Unexpectedly, the mad dog smiled calmly and said loudly

"If the highest honor is bestowed on the living, then what can we do to show respect and condolences to the dead?"

Minnie, don't speak

In the belly, there was a scream of hunger.

The girls in the cave have reached the limit. One by one, they held their knees, weeping, and did not speak. Because they can't tell.

"But" in your opinion, it should be abandoned by your majesty, right? So, as a soldier, I need to help you get out of trouble and let everyone go home safely. "

In the darkness, the sound of a mad dog crawling down the rock sounded. Her footsteps sounded very unstable, and she seemed to be struggling to stand. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The bun's spirit was better, she heard footsteps. Screamed quickly.

,What do you want to do. "

"Heh, nothing is to help you get out

"In fact, I still have a secret that I haven't told everyone. As a "retired. The Cavaliers will undergo an operation. That is to artificially replace the bones in the body with conductive stone bones

? ! "

"The bones of this body are not used to stimulate energy. Instead, they are used when they are not captured and used as a "human bomb" to detonate."

The sound of footsteps moves forward in the cave. The maids who had bowed their heads raised their heads one after another, all watching the direction of the footsteps with an incredible look. Their faces all showed surprised expressions.

"Closing explosion, can you open an exit for me? I want to go out. After I go out, I hope you can cover your ears. Because I am afraid there will be a very violent explosion. But I think, after the explosion, It should be very safe outside

The idiot raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound. No words.

"Promise me one thing, okay? After I have cleared the guards outside, you are responsible for protecting all the girls here all the way back to the wind and blowing sand. Promise me "Crypt explosion, okay?" .

What came from the voice was a soft pleading.

Even if you can't see it, the idiot seems to be able to witness a girl standing in front of her, begging herself in a low voice.

She begged herself, not to make herself immortal. Instead, she begs herself to protect others after her death.

The hidden idiot knows that this name will probably always be in his mind. Let him remember from time to time that women are never inferior to men. Sometimes, women are more able to exert greater power. Stronger than most men.


Xiao Bao understood what the mad dog said and began to cry. After thinking about it, the idiot put her on the ground, stood up, followed the mad dog to the bun at the other end of the cave, and after thinking about it, he decided to follow.

Minnie wanted to pull, but couldn't hold it. At this time, she noticed, "The tears of this little girl have flowed down uncontrollably.

Going to the other end of the cave, vaguely, you can feel the air flowing here. The idiot stood behind the mad dog, watching the girl who was about to explode, silent.

"Okay", please help me open the channel

In the dark, the mad dog made a request. But the idiot did not move. Because before the shot, he still has one last question to ask.

"Do you regret it

"The only thing I regret in my life is that I don't have two lives to serve my motherland."

"Even if this motherland abandons you as an abandoned son?.

"Even if my motherland puts me to death as a traitor to the party. As long as this country needs to do this, I will never regret it."

When the voice network fell, the exit blocked by the rock was shaken open by a blast of force. The mad dog ignored the idiot behind him, just stood on tiptoe and took a breath of fresh morning air. Of course, the loud noise also alarmed the guard soldiers stationed here and the sweet inserts who had still not left, and the troops that had been reinforced to the strength of Yoduo came back.

Idiot, back to the cave. With his left hand, he gently pulled the bun.

The mad dog looked at the enemies who had been in a hurry and had been waiting for the killing, but did not make any resistance. She still looked at the sky, her empty sleeves fluttering in the breeze. There is still a smile on the corner of the mouth"

"By the way, the person you are looking for is codenamed "Queen Bee"

The idiot was taken aback, the mad dog in front of the enemy who had rushed up, smiled and said

"She is the real source of our "rebellion." But no amount of information, I can't say. If you want to know what's going on, check it yourself. With your wisdom, maybe you can find it

"Ah, yes. Also. If you want, is it okay to marry one or two hidden sisters at that time? You don't speak, but I think you are very reliable. My sisters are by your side and should be It will be very safe. But don’t marry too much. We are all soldiers, and you can’t cope with too many people.

Laughter, drifting in the morning breeze.

An enemy has rushed to the front of the mad dog for three steps, raised the axe in his hand, and slashed. The mad dog did not resist, but quietly closed his eyes in the breeze, silently turned the power in his body, preparing to trigger it,


The great axe slashed on the slippery rock.

The mad dog did not blew himself up at this moment.

The reason she didn't blew herself up was not because she didn't want to, but because someone disturbed.

One hand grabbed her collar at the moment of her death and dragged her back from the brink of suicide.


Now, he hugged the mad dog's waist with his right hand, letting the braced body lean against his chest. The left hand is holding a small bread that is already happy and yelling.

"you you?"

A miss, the enemy over there rushed up. Seeing such "stupid" actions by the idiot, the mad dog struggled for a while, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Hurry in! It's too late!"

Without hands, a mad dog can't even push this action. Moreover, the idiot still hugged her waist tightly.

Seeing the crowd rushing over, the idiot just said coldly

"Yes, keep it secret for me."


"Including my involvement in this team and everything that will happen next. If you are willing to keep it secret, I will save you.

"Why are you doing this kind of thing?"

"Because the idiot lowered his head, thought for a moment, and said, "Because, my job is your maid. You haven’t paid me yet. I don’t want to find such a mysterious hidden troop to ask for money.


The mad dog was ambiguous, but the bread next to him was a sign of victory. Then, the idiot put down the mad dog and took a step. At this time, the axe warrior finally arrived, raised the giant axe, and slashed directly on the idiot's right shoulder.


The sound is dull.

There was no expected sound of broken bones, and no scene of flesh and blood flying. The giant axe was like slashing on a piece of hard iron, and could no longer penetrate the idiot's right shoulder by a millimeter.

The axe warrior was weird and pulled up the giant axe. At this moment, he was stunned. No, to be precise, everyone present was stunned.

What appeared before him was no longer a weak swordsman master, a maid.

But a whole right arm became extremely black, a blood-red pupil was inlaid on the wrist, horns grew on the head, the lips were cracked to reveal fangs, and a right eye had completely turned into a scarlet monster!

This sudden change came too fast and it was too surprising. The chains that were still flying in the air seemed to be guided, and plunged directly into his arm and right shoulder. This horrible scene. Even the other side who thought he didn't care about intervened, couldn't help showing a look of fear.

"You, you, you monster!"

The axe warrior stood in front of the idiot, and his great fear made him raise the axe hard and slash it again. But this time, the demonized idiot stretched out his right palm directly, blocking the axe. The devil's claws slammed into it, and the big axe was like flour, turning into powder.

"Ah, ah!!!"

Solving the giant axe, the demon stretched out the claw again and directly grabbed the axe warrior's head. In the next moment, the two chains entwined around his right arm were raised one after another, with countless barbs on the chains, directly inserted from the mouth of the axe warrior.

The axe warrior could not make a sound. His throat fluctuated violently. But the barbed chain made a gruela's terrifying sound in his body. After the bones and internal organs of the axe warrior were completely shredded, the two chains were pierced from his chest and lower back one by one. With the crazy pulling of the chain, scarlet raindrops also fell from the sky. Finally, the soldier's body couldn't stand the torment and was completely pulled in half by the chain. He was pinched by the devil and continued to hold it.

"That" that's the "devil" is the devil"!!!"

The soldier exclaimed.

The mad dog stared blankly at the "thing with horns." His pupils dilated. Little Bread grabbed her trouser legs and smiled. The soldiers over there were finally shrouded in fear and screamed. In their screams, the devil. Has also pulled out the sword of the Devil Emperor. Rushed into the "human." group.

If you don't want to be known by the key that you appeared on the night eight years ago, then you can't let people know that you are holding Dim Mi in your hands.

Therefore, none of the people here today can go back alive. , If you want to know what's going on, please log in to more chapters, support the author, and support genuine reading!

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