Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 070

For idiots, this is the most terrible thing to believe in Chan? Shouldn't you believe it?

At this moment, everything seems to be clear. The person who was hit by a tree branch and was carried on a stretcher to the hospital indiscriminately is probably the angel of doom.

"Have" an angel who can make him pay attention to it and get unimaginable luck.

Human kid, you must believe me. Before he fully awakens now. Completely block his lucky power!

Yeah" If this person really becomes my enemy one day,

You have to put the sprouting seeds. Stroke in the cradle!

If one day, I really want to be an enemy of "angels""

Hehehe", human kid, only by killing this angel can you gain innate advantage in future wars.

In that case

At this moment, the warm winter sun is still shining.

But inside the pupil of an idiot. But it is already covered with the deepest severe cold."

Time is advancing, almost in a blink of an eye. The date becomes the eloquence.

Today is a really good day. The weather is clear. When the winter temperature is slapped on people's faces, there will be some warmth faintly.

Today, the windbreaker bun sent by the idiot in walnut is also wearing a good suit. But compared to them. The other person in the tree house now has the appearance that makes Little Bread and the little green-haired girl scream.

Mili's dress today can be regarded as the most beautiful in recent years. She was wearing a tight-fitting dress that had been bought for thirty Sula, and her long black hair had been taken care of. Hanging humbly on his chest.

She has a little pink lipstick on her lips and a little makeup on her face. After getting dressed and walking out of the rattan house, Bun even raised his hand in surprise and cheered loudly.

"Little Majesty", next"

A ribbon wrapped around Mi Li's arm. Looking at the idiot with a twist. after all. This is when she puts on better clothes again after more than four years, and she is somewhat restrained.

However, the idiot just glanced at her up and down and nodded. After that, I never looked at her again. He jumped off the platform outside directly holding the small bread. Although Mili had long known that she couldn't make her majesty pay attention to her with her beauty, she was still a little disappointed to see that an idiot turned a blind eye to her dress.

Leaving the grove, out of the divine grace. The idiot did not go straight to the Royal Opera House, which was the venue for the selection. Instead, he turned a little bit and came to the door of the post office and bought an urgent stamp. Pasted on a letter in my arms, stuffed it into the "urgent" mailbox next to it.

After doing this, he and Mili, who put on his jacket, arrived at the venue one after another, with almost no time difference. They went to their own exclusive positions respectively.

It is seven o'clock in the morning, and the genius net is on. There are five full hours before the beauty contest that starts at noon.

Enter this large theater that can hold ten thousand people and look around. Except for some staff who are still making final equipment adjustments, no viewing episode or judges have been present.

This. Of course. And this is the purpose of the idiot.

After showing his mission briefing. The staff immediately welcomed the idiot to the judges' seat respectfully. Serve water. Soothed. After getting the idiot's consent, they went to their own affairs again. The idiot just sat on the judges' bench. Looking at the large stage in front of him, he was lost in thought.

Judging from the seats, "Jury, all of them.

According to the scoring standard of the conference, the highest score is removed, the lowest score is removed, and then the scores of the remaining seven people are averaged. To calculate the total score of the contestants.

In this case. The best way to deal with the angels of doom is to mobilize all the judges. Fundamentally veto his "lucky

But too,

Little Bread sat on the seat next to the idiot, shaking his feet, looking at the promised stage with interest.

However, what is needed to save the beauty pageant that is about to begin. How about defeating that super lucky and motivating all the judges?

Human kid. Since you came here so early today, I'm afraid you have already made all the necessary preparations, right?

The idiot held his hands and looked at the stage where the lights were being adjusted.

Rats in the sewers never fight unprepared battles. According to the information obtained here by the dark. He already knew exactly how he should deal with the angel of doom.

And this method,"

"Sorry, I'm late."

The door opened, and a female voice came from the back of the theater. The idiot doesn't need to look back, he already knows who it is. With the appearance of this voice, the first piece he played in this chess game was already there.

"Huh? Are you the new maid from Karulin's house?"

. Yes. This is my task briefing. I accept the first-level task, responsible for ensuring the order of the performance venue

The mad dog lowered his head, bit out a mission briefing from the bag on his shoulder, and handed it to the staff at the venue.

"Well, the task is indeed recognized. But, your hand."

The staff looked at the mad dog in front of him with some confusion. But the mad dog smiled slightly. Instantly disappeared from the front of the staff. at the same time. A cold double-edged sword hung on the staff's neck like a ghost. Staff B hasn't even recovered. The long sword pressed against his neck and pulled. "me!!!"

The staff was frightened and took two steps backwards. He was panicked and handsome, Zhangzi, but the white-toothed girl standing in front of her throat still showed a decent smile.

. I was a mercenary before, so. Please do not doubt my strength. "

The double-edged sword was put into the mad dog's mouth. The girl smiled, stepped forward, and dangled her weak hand. Ask the staff to stop and pull him up.

Those staff were also taken aback. But then he nodded and approved. in this era. There are not a few soldiers with disabilities. Some of them are physically disabled. But still better than ordinary people. Their only surprise was that the physically disabled veteran was such a beautiful girl. It happens to be so strong. Somewhat surprised.

The mad dog took a look in the venue, and soon noticed the idiot sitting on the judges' bench. She smiled at the idiot and nodded, and the idiot nodded in return. Subsequently. The mad dog followed the staff and left. Go to get familiar with the various protection sites in the field.

Human kid, we have about three hours left. You might as well tell me, how do you plan to deal with that angel of doom? What are your plans for this **** to come in?

moron. Exhaled.

He sat down. Do not move. But it doesn't move. It does not mean that he did not take any action. Before today, he had prepared all the seeds that he had sprinkled in advance. Next. Just waiting for these pre-sown seeds to bloom the lucky flower that can resist the angel of doom.

Face him head-on. It's a stupid thing.

The idiot sorted out his thoughts and explained the advance plan one by one.

This angel can pay attention to extremely powerful luck. Be hard at the beginning. It is possible that the gains outweigh the losses, and not only cannot destroy his power. Instead, it made Qiaoya more convenient to win the championship this time.

That's right. If he awakens. That power will be more terrifying.

But through previous events, I also discovered some things.

Oh? whats the matter? Help the beggar. Beggars can get money from him. He hoped that the male servant who borrowed his money would win the prize. That male servant can win the prize. He hopes his fiancee will win. Qiao Ya was able to hook up with one of the judges of the oral position.

In other words, he can only provide luck to the people he follows. For others who are not directly related to the person being followed to some extent. He will not have much influence on their fate.

Hehe, indeed. Well. What is your conclusion?

From the other people's side. Start second ha ha ha ha, say goodbye

As time goes by, there are only more than two hours before the official performance at noon. At this moment, reporters from newspapers and magazines have begun to walk in one after another in the Grand Theater. Started to pick up the camera and set it up.

I told the mad dog that I had received "unreliable" information and said that this performance was likely to be destroyed by the Luminaries. This terrorist organization became the scapegoat for the Great Devil's destruction of two small towns. Now as long as he mentions his name, it will affect the nerves of the original soldier's mad dog. But because it is "unreliable" intelligence. That is, hearsay. So she could not solicit reinforcements from the hidden stream. In order to protect her current employer and Miss Qiaoya, she will definitely take over any tasks related to this beauty pageant to protect her.

Oh, so what?

She is a serious girl. She is also a responsible girl. I believe that, out of her sensitivity to danger, she must have done a good job even if it destroys the beauty pageant. It is also necessary to ensure the safety and awareness of everyone present. I used it. It's her seriousness

Hahahaha! I suddenly think this thing has become interesting!

Then the next thing is simple. In the case of Qiaoya Market. I just need to activate the fog on me. Let the venue fall into a state of poor vision in a short time, then the mad dog will definitely rush to protect Qiao Yayi

For her as a soldier, she will not take care of her image damage. From the last time Qiaoya participated in the rematch, she will definitely wear very lace clothes this time. The first choice for the mad dog after rushing out must be to tear off her cumbersome clothes immediately. Or just bite the back of her neck and drag it away quickly.

Whether it's tearing clothes or dragging them away. Both are extremely damaging to the image. Especially since there are already so many cameras taking pictures here, her embarrassment will definitely be taken perfectly. such. If you want to become Miss Bucks, your success rate is greatly reduced.

Well, human kid, your idea is pretty good. But are you sure that your mist can be launched smoothly?

I checked in the morning and it was no problem. And I just said that the angel of doom can only directly affect her attention and **** away the doom from her. And give strong luck. I have calculated the spread of the fog, at most it covers the judging platform. It will not spread to the stage. and so. The situation where I started the fog is not. direct. Influence Qiao Ya. The mad dog is due to fulfilling her duties. All her actions after the crisis are based on the small subjective idea of ​​"protecting Qiao Ya", so there will be no situation that directly leads to Qiao Ya's failure.

Human kid, you mean,"


The idiot raised his head, listening to the increasingly noisy sound in his ear, slowly said.

since. What he can do is "directly. Reverse the doom of the person being followed. Then. I will use the "indirect" method to fail the person being followed. Isn't that all right?

Hearing this, Dimie laughed. A color full of mockery flashed in the blood pupil.

Interesting, it is really interesting! Human kid, you can. Actually want to use "indirect. Yongchuan product" directly. Well. Weeping can be regarded as a current force, and Diao Zhichuanmou might not be unable to resist him if he insists on confronting him. However, did you make this preparation? I can't see enough.

Oh? interesting. What else have you prepared? Two days ago, I seemed to see you have been investigating the handsome chief judge that Qiaoya has been hooking up with. You gave him medicine. Take a few disgusting **** photos. and then? Are you going to blackmail him?

Regarding the question of Dim Mie, the idiot just shook his head gently. He moved the water glass in front of him. Looking at the name tag placed in front of his eyes. In front of every seat. All have a name card. And the position where the bun on the left of his seat is now sitting is the seat of the handsome male judge that Qiao Ya hooked up.

Dim. you said before. Deal with the angel of doom. He must make his followers full of misfortune. Or make him extremely lucky, right.

Well, I did. But the problem is, since he is a **** and always pays attention to others, it is very difficult to make him lucky.

So do you think he will come to watch this beauty pageant.

what! That will definitely happen! Fiancee, ah, although it may not be anymore now. A beauty pageant for your loved ones. How could it not come?

Well. Where would he want to watch this beauty pageant. Hidden in the corner can only see the origin on the stage. Or watch it up close.

of course? It must be seen at a close distance. However, with his kind of bad luck, it is absolutely impossible to buy close-up tickets. Even if you buy it. Tickets will also be lost. Of course

Speaking of this, Dim Mie was suddenly taken aback. immediately. It smiled as if it understood something.

Hehehe, that's it! That's right! That's right, this is really an absolutely irreversible luck! He hopes to get the best seat. In this way, he can pay more attention to his fiancée! Hahahaha, yes yes yes! Enough! Lucky! So, what ticket did you buy for him? Box? Or the first row of seats?

"Little what?!"

The idiot raised his head. At this moment, the staff on the stage looked a little messy. It was less than an hour before the opening. The audience has also begun to come in one after another.

How could this be so small? At this critical time? .

Those staff members were discussing solemnly, but the idiot seemed calm. Because he knew that the second move he played had already begun to take effect.

Human kid, what did you do?

I did nothing, just sent a letter.

A letter in the morning? Inside, oh! It turned out to be so, that's why you sent this letter! ! !

Hahaha! It's really hard for you. Urgent envelope in the sand. If it is the same city. It will be delivered in about three or four hours. Urgent mail will be opened once at 8 o'clock in the morning, and within three or four hours, it can be delivered to the destination just before the start of the beauty contest.

Dim Mie said with a sneer.

Did you post those **** photos of him? Specially picked this time before the start. Just to prevent him from thinking. I think you must have written in the accompanying letter that if you do not want these **** photos to be made public, you will give up the pageant and let "that angel of doom. Lake" be his successor, right?

The idiot did not nod or shook his head. He just sat like this. Keep looking at the time. waiting.

The judges seat, this is really a good seat! The angel of doom can absorb the doom of the person who follows, but if it is fortunately given to him by others, can he refuse it? If anything else, he might refuse. But in this seat, he can't refuse!

Interesting, it is really interesting. Say then. Those staff members must be studying whether to arrange the Karulin's son-in-law as a judge, right? As the main judge of this competition. His words have considerable weight. B. To this chief judge's request, should he listen or not? Ok. This is really a problem

Time, one minute and one second

The idiot's hands were still clenched to each other. Looking at the rostrum that has drawn the curtain.

He is waiting"

Waiting for his own arrangement to be able to reverse the power of the angel of doom.

Waiting for this opening I set to achieve the most perfect effect. Yes "he is waiting"


The auditorium behind him is already full.

The lights in the theater. It gradually darkened.

In a dark scarf, a person came to the side of the idiot and replaced the brand that originally belonged to the chief judge. A sign saying Lake was placed.

Seeing this moment, the idiot breathed a sigh of relief. His plan is complete"

Then, just wait for Lake who doesn't know anything to come forward, sit down, and you can achieve a perfect start.

Yes "perfect,"


"You are also a judge? Why didn't you tell me?

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang! The idiot immediately turned his head and looked to his right!

in the dark. A pair of royal blue eyes smiled. A sweet laugh came from under the veil.

"Unexpectedly, we are all judges. It seems that today will be very interesting, right?"

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