Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 077

Hehehehe, I was found out by you, yeah, I was really bad at the State Union’s mistake"! I was told by you, what should I do? I should be panicking now, right? I'm panicking!

Hahaha! Interesting, very interesting. Anyway, you can see it, so let me just say it. In fact, the fifth point is about willpower and the scope of application. The curse can only be delivered to a single body, and cannot be waved with a big hand, saying "My enemies, all die!". In addition, this is the fourth prison after all, an "inhuman" force that can no longer be judged by common sense. To activate, you must have absolute willpower. Remember, it's not that your willpower should be higher than the cursed person, but absolutely higher. A rule to measure is that you and the other person stare at each other, and the other person must be stared away from you within ten seconds. Of course, this is just a so-so.

Already, hahaha.

At this moment, Dimming started to stall.

Just now I knew everything about it, but now it's playing haha.

It does not tell the truth.

Idiots have been thinking, is the power of this sword really so generous? Can it have no side effects at all as it says?

The answer, of course not.

The side effect of the first and second prisons is to go into madness. The third **** is to take away the power of the whole body. He has no reason to believe that this fourth prison, which is almost equivalent to the "right eye of the founding", will have no side effects at all.

Although this sword has said that the blood in his body has been replaced in large amounts, the side effects have been very high, but it does not mean that it is small. If there is really no bad use, why would this sword know and not speak?

Dim off, Yi is smiling.

That's the laugh while watching a joke.

This gives idiots more reasons to believe. This sword is definitely hiding something. Does it make your body more painful? Will there be any other dysentery

It seems that the power of "prison" really cannot be used much. After solving this beauty pageant, let's continue to implement the policy that cannot be used.

Seeing the look of an idiot, Dimie seemed to have guessed something. However, it did not say clearly, but pretended not to know, and coughed heartily.

All right! Now back to the topic. Let me tell you the specific steps to curse and how to deal with the angel of doom.

Have you seen the physical road map for those people? Those are the local fulcrums of each individual of the human body that I have specially marked. Generally speaking, it is used to curse a specific place on the body of others. If you curse the whole person, you can make it disappear.

The idiot closed his right eye and opened it again. Sure enough, the people in front of them are no longer full of road maps, but under the red background, the bright gold human icon is still very obvious.

To put it simply, your battle with the Angel of Doom is to grasp what "may happen". If you say, you curse that fool woman. The subject of the curse was being killed by a spotlight falling in midair. Then, the starting condition was that she stood in the center of the stage and did not move for one minute. Since it is an instant curse, once it is activated, there is no cracking condition.

Then, the next step is to fight the Angel of Doom against the uncertain factor of whether she will move. Of course, if she stood there, it would be bad luck. With the power of the angel of bad luck, she would surely be able to **** away her bad luck and create numerous accidents to make her move. Thereby destroying the starting conditions.

What you have to do is to find ways to create a curse that objectively allows her to move, but she will not move. For example, when she is behind as the background and cannot move around at will, the curse is activated. Of course, the above is just an example, you can't really curse her directly. Judging from the dejection of the angel of doom next to you just being said a few words, if she dies, it will be great luck or great misfortune for him. That's not accurate.

The situation is finally clear.

Facing the curtain that opened again, the idiot folded his hands on the table.

Waiting", the beauty contest reopens.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Judges! I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting! Now, let us have the last three contestants for the final championship contest!"

The lights flashed on. Under the three rays of blue, yellow and purple rays of light, Qiaoya stood in the middle of the station, on both sides of the Mili Crazy Dog sub-station, amidst the enthusiastic cheers of the audience, they made their debut.

Playing again, you can definitely see how popular Qiao Ya is now. When she led them to the front of the stage on catwalks. The cheers that sounded throughout the opera house were simply deafening, enthusiastic and crazy.

Qiao Ya waved to the cheering crowd, a triumphant smile appeared on her face. She glanced at the mili and the mad dog from the corner of her eyes, and sneered in her heart.

"Huh, a handicapped, a wild girl who runs out of nowhere, wants to fight me too? If you are obedient, I can still let you enjoy some dignified defeat. But if you are not obedient, don't blame me for hitting you all over the floor. Find teeth."

Of course, Qiaoya's contempt for the other two cannot be seen. Mi Li stared at her back when she was shaking her hand, thinking secretly how to defeat her. The mad dog stood next to Qiao Ya unconsciously, still staring at the venue, and occasionally nodded to the members of the "cat smell team" sitting behind the idiot.

The host cleared his throat, and this game was more variable than any one he had ever encountered. Look at the time, it's almost nine o'clock in the evening. In front of the judges, there were sandwiches, drinks and so on. The audience can also buy some food during the intermission. But what about yourself? But I still have to stand here, endure the hungry, continue to preside over this **** game.

"God, let this game end soon."

The host prayed so, then picked up the paper, showing a professional smile, and said: "The next link is a competition to test the talents of three beauties. The specific competition items are"

"Fighting skills."

At this moment, the host's facial expression became stiff again. Even the idiot who was ready to make all kinds of accidents in the singing and dancing competition and Lake, who was ready to cheer, couldn't help but look back and look at the third judge who proposed next to him.

"That" Miss Mulla. What does fighting skills mean?

Xiu frowned and said: "What else can I mean? Of course it's an unarmed combat. A fighting method aimed at poisoning the opponent. Isn't it? Besides, you have to wear a swimsuit to fight."

The whole theater paused for a while, then it boiled instantly! The 10,000 audience members began to cheer loudly, and they continued to applaud Xiu's proposal!

Why applauded?

Because the three on the court are all beautiful women.

In the swimsuit review shown before, Qiao Mu wore a three-point style that was extremely revealing. Mad Dog's is a tube top.

Although Mili's has not been shown yet, I believe it will be a very bold swimsuit.

Fighting in such a swimsuit? So, what will it look like in the minds of these men?

Therefore, the whole theater is boiling.

The host wiped his sweat, and Qiao Ya's smile was frozen. She immediately stepped forward and argued: "Mura judge, you let us fight? This doesn't seem very good, right?"

The host also said: "Yes, yeah, in previous competitions, there has been no mention of beauty pageants for contestants to fight,"

Hearing the two retort, Xiu's thin eyebrows suddenly stood up, and said, "What? Doesn't our judges have the right to make questions? This right is absolute. They can't be used now? Miss Qiaoya, listen. Saying that you once stopped a mad carriage with your bare hands, you can see that the force is absolutely extraordinary. Are you still afraid of losing in a fight?"

In a word, Jiang Qiaoya was speechless. When the idiot saw it, he immediately spoke and voted in agreement: "I also think it can be done. It's better to ask these three to take turns in three rounds. Win two games. If they all win and lose, it depends on the knockdown time. "

Hugh: "Oh! What a great idea! Zhong Shi. You really understand the rules!"

Idiots understand more than rules. All he needs is an occasion to make accidents smoothly. And now,

This occasion has already been arranged.

The venue will rest for another ten minutes. Ten minutes later, with the sound of raining drums, the curtain opened. The first game of the beauty pageant will begin.

Mad Dog is wearing a tube top swimsuit, standing on the right side of the stage.

Her thighs are long and strong. The skin is shiny and elastic. Full of explosive power.

Compared with her, Qiaoya, who was standing opposite her, looked very embarrassed. Wearing that unusually revealing swimsuit, she has become the first choice for the audience.

"So, start!"

Hugh ran onto the stage and acted as a referee. With the initial whistle, Qiao Ya had no choice but to close her eyes. Raising his fists, he yelled and rushed towards the calm mad dog over there.

Human kid, can't you think that this woman really helped at a critical moment? Thus. Even if we don't spell, she will lose.

The idiot did not respond. He just crossed his hands and watched every move on the stage with his right eye. this moment. He also felt the unpleasant smell emanating from Lake beside him. My heart sank, my right eye closed,



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