Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 081

minister! So badly hurt! All the girls bleed! , "Quick! Get to the hospital!"

"Ah, she stands up again!"

"But in this case, you can't fight anymore, right?"

In the boiling crowd, Mi Li clutched her bleeding forehead, and looked at Qiao Ya who was standing on the chair somewhat blankly, condescendingly at her. At this moment, the host saw that the situation was not right, and immediately pulled the two of them from the auditorium to the stage that was about to be dismantled, raised Qiaoya's hand, and said, "Congratulations to our Qiaoya? Karulin Miss! She successfully completed her two consecutive victories! It was also at this moment that our Miss Bucks tonight finally appeared!"

Mi Li wiped her head, and the bleeding just stopped. It's just that she looked dazed and hard to understand. But looking at the boiling crowd and the unanimous cheers, she knew that she was defeated.

The long-awaited music finally sounded. Miss Bucks, who was too hard in this election, is finally coming to an end. Everyone stood up, applauded warmly, and celebrated the birth of the most beautiful and strong queen tonight, the Holy Eve Festival!

Amidst the cheers, Mi Li stepped off the stage and came to the idiot. She lowered her head, a little frustrated, and said softly: "I'm sorry," Your Majesty, "I didn't succeed."

The idiot didn't respond. Now, he just watched Xiu fixedly. Looking at this, before the absolute victory just now, he instantly slapped himself and interrupted the cursed woman.

"Hehe, are you still slapped in the face of the slave family?"

Xiu smiled and stretched out her slender hands, gently hugging the idiot's face.

"I'm sorry. You didn't respond to how the slave called Shenshi. That's why I slapped you like this. Okay, it doesn't hurt. I'll blow it to you, okay?

With that said, Hugh leaned forward, pouting her little mouth at the idiot's face."

Idiot, pushed her away.

The nebula in the right eye disappeared and returned to the darkness of the past. The sense of touch and vision of the body were all restored, and the eyes became cold again.

"what's up

The voice was cold, without any emotion. No anger, sadness, or joy can be heard. Or any other emotions.

Hugh was pushed away. There was a touch of uneasiness in the royal blue eyes. She snorted, stood up simply, and said: "I just want to ask you, who of us will be responsible for awarding the new Miss Bucks. Now I have decided, I will go. You two big men will continue to sit here. Go ahead

After that, Xio stepped onto the stage without looking back.

Little Bread was lying on the idiot's lap, and his emerald eyes blinked, seeming to want to say something. The idiot touched her hair and shook his head. Look at Qiaoya, who is admired by all on the stage, and then look at the side, Lake who has been bowing his head since just now."

Human kid, be prepared.

The dimmed voice sounded so depressed for the first time.

On the current stage, Xio put a crown on Qiaoya among the petals flying in the sky, took a red robe and put it on her, and handed her a jewel-encrusted power. At this moment, Qiaoya has already boarded a happy paradise.

Hugh: "Congratulations, Miss Karulin. Do you have anything to say to everyone at this moment?"

Qiaoya kissed the power and nodded: "I am so happy now, I can't believe this is true! I think there is no happier person in this world than me, right?"

Hugh: "Really? Then why don't you try to be happier? According to the information I got, your boyfriend should be there, right?"

As soon as Hugh's words were uttered, Lake, who was originally low and low, suddenly shook!

Qiaoya smiled: "Yes. I can get this honor. My boyfriend gave me a lot of support."

Hugh: "Can you get to know us?"

Qiaoya: "Of course you can

Lake’s body trembled", at this moment,

"This is my boyfriend, Batura? Marquis Schwarzenegger."

Lake was shocked suddenly. Looked up! I saw a handsome blond young man, dressed in a luxurious evening gown, walking slowly onto the stage under the **** of several personal bodyguards. In front of everyone, the handsome Marquis gently rolled Qiaoya's waist, smiled, and tapped her lip. The stage was immediately full of romantic atmosphere.

Xiu laughed and said, "This is your boyfriend? It really is a talented girl, a match made in heaven.

Qiaoya nestled on the handsome Marquis with a happy face, and said, "Sister Mulla, you can make fun of it. Right? Batura."

As he said, Qiaoya clicked on the other’s lips again and continued: “However, my boyfriend really helped me a lot. He helped me choose clothes and arrange my hair. He gave me a lot of money. Suggestion. I believe that without him, there would be no victory for me today. I really love him

Romance, "warmth," and,

These are all over the Mi stage.

And that woman's face is full of happiness.

The idiot tried to activate the fourth prison again and took a look. Sure enough, "I can no longer see any bad luck in her body. Only the almost overflowing happiness is left,

Turning his head, Lake next to him lowered his head.

Unlike just now, his body doesn't tremble anymore? He is very quiet "Quiet, like a statue, quiet,"

The mad dog walking out of the stage looked at Qiaoya, and also at Lake, who bowed his head and said nothing. The hidden streamers who knew the truth of the matter also looked at this ugly man who had been forgotten.

No one said it?

Then, let Mi Li, who couldn’t help it, come and tell the story.

"Qiaoya? Karulin, are you still shameless!"

Mili, who had endured it for a long time, finally couldn't help it. She stood under the stage, pointed directly at the happy Qiaoya, and said loudly: "This man is supporting you? He is your boyfriend? Then what about him? As the angel of doom, he is silent for you. Prayers to give you "the blessing of God." This person, your nominal fiancé, what does he count as yours? ! "

The audience fell silent instantly. I'm afraid everyone is surprised except for the still smiling Hugh and the indifferent idiot.

Qiaoya looked at Mili and then at Lake. Clever wisdom told her that now she doesn't need to speak, and someone will naturally help her. Sure enough, two staff members immediately walked up from both sides, took Noili's hand, and said: Miss, please maintain the dignity of the loser. That would be too shameful

Every year there will be such women who refuse to admit defeat, so these staff members are not surprised, and directly drag Mili to the background. But, how can they pull the pear?

With a flick, the two staff members were thrown away. Mili pointed at Qiaoya again, and loudly accused: "Carullin, you are too much! I said long ago, you don't know what you are driving away! Lake is the one who truly paid for you. Your happiness, you even let yourself fall into the abyss of misfortune! But, he is an angel, he is willing to do it for you! You actually use this kind of behavior to "repay him." In front of him, one by one in front of him! I stand out with other men ※Hot? ! "

The honey pear is really hot. If it were not for the idiot behind her, she would have liked to carve the dragon and swallow this woman who didn't take other people's hearts at all. However, Qiaoya's reply was to make Mi Li really angry.


Qiaoya wore a crown, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth

"These days, people with wings say that they are angels. But how do you know that this guy is actually just a birdman?"

Finally, Mili couldn't bear it anymore. Her hands began to dragonize slowly, and the teeth in her mouth began to gradually become pointed. because. She also has wings. In the same way, she is constantly paying for idiots,


However, a pound of sound pierced the air at this moment, and entered the ears of Mili and the idiot sitting there.

With everyone watching, Lake slowly stood up.

He walked slowly out of the judges' bench and came to the stage. He raised his head and watched Qiaoya who had won victory. Qiao Ya looked at him with an arrogant attitude, but his eyes at the moment were full of tranquility.


Lake let out a breath...

"What do you think of?"

Xiu smiled and asked.

Xianlake turned his head, and the cyan pupils under his hair stared at the idiot over there.

"I finally know what happened to me before this. However, I feel a little happy."

"I finally know that even such an incompetent me can help my beloved. I am really, really, very happy. "

Qiao Ya snorted and said, "What the **** are you talking about? Guard, please hurry up and drive away."

The two staff members stepped forward, but just when their hands were about to touch Lake, an invisible force suddenly pushed them away! Then, this person slowly floated up, hanging in the air, facing the dumbfounded Qiaoya,

"No, Qiaoya, Miss Karulin. I'm really sorry that I have caused you a lot of trouble before. I now announce that the relationship between us is lifted. I will not restrict you anymore. You can do what you want. Do anything, hope I will never be your burden again."

More than 10,000 people all looked at this person floating in the air. There was a smile on Lake's hair-covered face. But two rows of water droplets slipped out from under his hair.

"I wish you happiness"

Slowly, a pair of gray wings opened behind Lake.

"In the name of the Protoss, the forty one, and the angel of doom, wish you forever? Far away? Blessed."

The gray wings flapped, and there was only the sound of flapping wings in the entire theater. Everyone had their mouths open, and even the reporters who were most sensitive to the matter were stunned, unable to press the shutter in their hands.

With that miserable smile and silent tears, the angel of doom turned around. He glanced at the idiot who was also staring at him again, then raised his head. When those gray wings flapped fiercely, he broke a big hole in the huge theater roof! Everyone watched this "person" called "Birdman" by Qiaoya flying into the air. After wandering for a while, in a blink of an eye, he flew to the northern sky and disappeared."

Inside the theater, there was still dead silence.

But an idiot is the first person to act. After the angel left, he shook his head, took the hand of Little Bread, walked directly to the door, and left.

Seeing the idiot leave, Mi Li naturally wants to leave. But she must change her clothes. As she walked backstage, the stag lady who was standing on the stage suddenly stopped her.

"Mili! You just said "he" is an angel?"

Mi Li glared at her and said coldly: "Yes. The angel of doom who reincarnated and entered the world. The ability is to absorb the misfortune of the person who is concerned, and make the other party's affairs go smoothly. But she has to bear the other party's misfortune and live life A miserable angel."

"In other words, I was able to win because of him?"


"As long as he keeps paying attention to me" will I be able to go well? "

"That's right."

"Money, wealth, beauty and youth, what can I get what I want?"

"That's all right. But, you just personally drove him away from your side. You drove away the **** of luck from your side."

After speaking, Mili went straight to the backstage without looking back. It was also at that moment that Qiao Ya, who was so proud just now, suddenly threw away the battle of power in her hand, and ran to the theater exit to the north frantically.

Her face was full of regret.

But apart from regret, Mili sees more, but countless greed."

And desire.

The Holy Eve Festival is over.

The bell of twelve o'clock in the night had already struck, and Feixue had already laid a thick carpet on the ground.

The idiot is not interested in the future affairs of Miss Bucks, but Mili has collected some. I heard that she went crazy looking for the angel of doom and spent countless financial and material resources. Even when her father died of illness, she didn't care about it, but was searching for evil.

As a result, his father's death did not allow the King of Bucks to bestow the Duke of the Karulin family.

Although I don't know why, it is not given. After the death of Old Karulin, the original Norda's estate was immediately divided by the heirs of the Marquis's family. But everything goes well because of the usual. I'm used to money, and I'm used to spending money. After the separation, the Karulin family's property quickly declined. The lavish spending and poor management quickly led to bankruptcy of the family, and both the house and the land were mortgaged.

And that Miss Bucks, I heard that she has been looking for it. Some people said that they had met her at the frontier of the Bucks. Ten Suras at a time. But after that, I never heard from her again.

This is just what happened within a year after the Holy Eve Festival. Pao Song" Liyin Bengyu Bimen Xiaoyue mustard gold one by one. Besides, tonight, there seems to be one more thing.

Back to the hut in the snowy night, it was already two o'clock in the morning, and the new year entered.

However, if you set the time back a bit, two hours later"

Snow is falling. The carriage has been parked on the snow for several hours. The roof is also covered by snow.

Walnut was covered with snow. She stood blankly on the ground in the grove, looking up. At first, staring blankly at the dark tree house.

Her eyes were hollow." Snow flakes fell into her eyes. She didn't seem to feel anything anymore.

However, these snowflakes melted and then, along the corner of the girl’s eyes

Roll off

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