Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 086, who can save the Bucks? Who can save the wind blowing sand?

"Damn, where are the people? Where are the people?!"

The red-haired youth on the left screamed. The **** the right was holding the bandage boy's arm in a little fear. Can't help shaking.

The three people walked out of the castle again and came to the previous platform. At this time, they saw the changes that took place on this platform.

A sword in an altar-like rock. And the hilt...looks so like the sword of the Devil Emperor in the hands of King Shimian?

The bandage boy stepped forward, grabbed the hilt and drew it. But the rock is too strong for him to pull out. The red-haired youth and the young girl also tried in turn, but they were unable to pull the sword out of the rock.

This is really weird. The sword of King Shimian is here, but in the city of the dead, no one is born, no corpse is seen. Can not see the king, nor can they see their companion game experts. What does this... mean?

Does it mean that...a large base carefully maintained by the Key Organization, and just that... was destroyed?

"Don't... don't worry! There are more than 300,000 troops attacking the city in front of the city of the dead! So there must be no problem, sure!"

The girl smiled forcibly, but her hands tightly pinched the bandaged boy's arm. And the bandage boy couldn’t help but start praying now...

Yes...the frontline army still has 300,000... plus the strength of the Gem Empire and the Crystal Ice Republic, there are almost more than 400,000 troops. It is easy for such a force to overcome the wind and sand. And now the territory of the Bucks Empire has almost been swallowed up, leaving only the last main city wind blowing. If you want to break through the city, you don't have to worry at all... right?

The bandage boy looked at the sleeping stone sword in front of him, silently... praying...


The wind blows the sand.

It has now entered October, after months of continuous siege. Fengchusha's combat effectiveness is on the verge of collapse.

Perhaps this city can rely on the dangers of the day as a protection to stop the enemy's attack. But the Bucks' defenders could not stop the enemy's encirclement.

The siege generals are very strategic. Every time the buck's refugees gather outside the sand, the attacking troops will stop accordingly. Let these refugees enter the city. With the increase of refugees, the supply of food and grass in the wind and sand has gradually become difficult. As there are more people and more wounded, it is extremely prone to plague.

The current wind blowing sand is at the end of the formation, and the entire city has been seriously overloaded. Hunger and disease began to raging slowly, and the streets were full of people. Some people who originally lived in the city began to hate these outsiders and their own robbing of living resources, and their attitude towards those refugees. From the beginning, the same hatred of the enemy became disregard, or even disgust.

Robbery and strong jin started from time to time. The public security situation is getting worse and worse. But even so, whenever there were refugees outside, the king still ordered the city gate to be opened to let these people in. The more so, the heavier the load, and the more chaotic the city.

In the Crystal Conference Hall——

Mu Du, who wears a crown, looked haggard. He sat on this cold throne, clutching his aching temples, frowning.

Below him, the subjects knelt on the ground. The only thing that can stand is the evil fire next to him. But even so, the second prince is now sad. Shaking his head again and again.


A soldier rushed in, knelt in front of the king, and said loudly—

"Return to your Majesty, there are refugees gathered in front of the city gate. The besieged enemy army also retreated hundreds of miles away!"

Are there refugees again?

The courtiers began to whisper, looking awkward. But Mu Du, who was sitting on the throne, frowned, waved helplessly, and said, "Let them come in."


"Hold on!"

When the soldier agreed and was about to leave, the evil fire on the side finally couldn't help but walked out.

"Brother, this is obviously a strategy of the enemy! These months, they have only besieged the city, not attacked the city, and have continued to drive the refugees into the city. The intention is obvious, just to consume our little food and supplies, and then Destroy us internally! The opposing generals know the art of war and know that winning without a fight is the best strategy. So seeing the wind and sand are strong, use this method to drag us down!

"The situation in the city is already overloaded. Food and water are facing extreme shortages. Since the enemy forces will not launch a substantial siege operation at all, these refugees cannot take part in the defense of the city. So I It is recommended that the admission of refugees must be stopped immediately. Let the wind and sand get some respite."

"shut up!"

The new king was furious at what his brother said! He slapped the armrest of the throne heavily, stood up, and shouted: "Evil fire, my father... how did he teach us? Did you forget that his father told us to love our people?! Now our people are anxious. Need my help. But told me to give up them?!"

Seeing Mu Du's anger, Xie Huo hurriedly knelt down. But, who has been helping his elder brother who is not familiar with government affairs to deal with internal affairs all day, he knows the current situation better than anyone else. In order to plan for the long-term, he still felt that he had to speak directly--

"Brother, what the emperor father said is indeed correct. But any policy must be changed according to the actual situation!"

"Xie Huo! You are really getting worse and worse! Are you saying...Is the father's statement wrong?!"

"No! Brother, what I said should be based on facts, not stubbornly observing..."

"You say I'm stubborn--?????!!!"

Suddenly, Mu Du rushed down to his seat, angry and bloodshot, he grabbed his brother's throat with one hand and lifted him up. All the subjects were shocked when they saw this scene. They lowered their heads and trembled all over.

"Evil fire? Frederick Hughes! I can't believe it, now you dare to have the surname of Frederick Hughes! You have tarnished the glory of the father! They are my people, if I abandon them at this time, What would my people say about me as a king?! And you... now dare to say that I am stubborn——————!!!"

With his throat stuck, Xie Huo, who was originally inferior to his brother's strength, could not help but grab Mu Du's hand, his face flushed. But even so, he forcefully said: " far as I understand...As a king...not only must we find ways to bring happiness to the people...sometimes...for the long-term must also be ...The courage to bear the notoriety...!!!"

"At the moment... when the wind and sand are unable to accept... so many refugees... for the long-term benefit... you must... give up...! Otherwise... otherwise... is the real... …Violating the father’s ideal of protecting the country——!!!"

"shut up!"

Mu Du was extremely angry, and finally, he threw the evil fire in his hand to the ground heavily. Afterwards, he drew his sword and pointed to his brother's chest in front of all his subjects, shouting: "Are you a king, or am I a king?! You are so brave! How dare you to teach me how to be a king? are trying to rebel and fail!!!"

Mu Du's eyes were bloodshot, and he opened his eyes angrily. Obviously, he is serious.

Xie Huo lay on the ground, looking up at his brother. In his eyes, there was constant surprise...

How is this going?

Why...why did the relationship between the two become so rigid after the elder brother inherited the throne?

Why every time I met...every time I put forward my own opinion... the older brother who would have humbly accepted... will be angry again and again?

Why is every time... a quarrel ends the conversation?

Why... until now... My brother... would use a sword... to point to his chest... In his eyes, there was a killing intent?

Xie Huo is very smart...Of course he knows the answers to these reasons.

In fact, since childhood, he knew something.

He knew very well that in managing the country, this elder brother who only knew how to use swords and swords was definitely not as good as himself.

He also knows very well that if he continues to display his talents, then one day, his brother's status in the eyes of the father will be lower and lower, becoming a martial artist who only knows how to fight.

He respects his brother... and likes his brother. In his eyes, Brother Mudu was always gentle, somewhat dull, but also a respectable existence.

Therefore, in order to avoid competing with his brother for the throne, he began to deliberately become decadent. Become insecure and neglect political affairs.

He began to sneak out of the palace to gamble, and he began to call him brothers and sisters with people in the market and abusers. in order. It is to let his image decline in the eyes of the father and become a dude who can't bear the responsibility at all. In order to make himself the second generation prince among all his subjects, he would not let anyone have any expectation that he could assume the throne.

This is how he maintained his relationship with his brother for more than 30 years. It turns out that this is really effective. No one thinks he should inherit the throne, and no one thinks he should compete with Mudu. His elder brother can be said to be the first heir of the king's candidate, who is expected to be the most popular.

And he also continued this kind of idle life, playing cards with his brother when he had nothing to do. Tell each other jokes, or go out hunting, outings. Then he slipped out to bet on a gambling and was decadent, not allowing himself to be any threat to the throne in anyone's eyes.

Yes... he has always done this...

But now...

right now……

"You... are the king..."

Xie Huo stepped back two steps, knelt again in front of Mu Du, who was holding the hilt, and lowered his head.

"I... follow your orders... Your Majesty..."

Finally, Xie Huo stopped pleading.

He didn't know whether his silence was right or wrong. Is it because I am worried that the country is heavier, or am I afraid that the relationship with my brother will become more rigid?

At both ends of this balance, he finally chose not to fight his brother. Is this behavior right? Is it wrong? Maybe...only time can give him the answer.

"Open the door!"

"Yes Yes!"

Finally, the order to open the city gate was given, and the soldiers turned around and fled from the depressed conference hall as if to escape, and went to the gate to announce the order. In this way, another group of people rushed in frantically... rushed into this already packed city.

Seeing the influx of these refugees, the soldiers on the cliff looked solemn. Because the more people coming in, the less food they have, and the fewer camels and horses they have. The less anything they can eat. But... Even so, there was still someone who laughed under such circumstances.

Dylaw Goodsey.

This one was lying in a corner of the crystal conference hall, watching the quarrel between the brothers in front of him, and then lowered his head...

Silently, sneered.




day after day.

The wind blows the sand and has been exhausted.

Food and grass were consumed in advance, and all resources were empty. Everyone's stomach was hungry and there was no hope in sight.

In this city, even rats and cockroaches are eaten clean. In some corners beyond the reach of the last light, people's eyes have begun to focus on the human corpses who died of starvation, disease, and injury. There was a grunting sound in the throat...

Food is scarce, in such days of siege. Xie Huo successively offered several strategies to ease the situation, and also proposed various strategies to deal with the enemy. But without exception, his plan was not valued by his brother. Since that time in front of everyone, he openly discussed the king's way with Mudu, who is the king, and the relationship between the two brothers has become increasingly alienated. Xie Huo looked at Mu Du's expression becoming more and more indifferent, and Mu Du's gaze looking at Xie Huo began to be filled with suspicion and resentment.

However, such days are finally over...

It's not because the city suddenly received a large amount of food and grass, which relieved hunger. It was because the enemy spies who had mixed into the wind and sand began to spread rumors and pushed the wind and sand that was already on the verge of collapse. At that moment, a riot... occurred.

Almost after waking up, the whole wind and sand began to become crazy. People on the street began to hack and kill each other, and hungry people rushed into other people's houses and snatched everything that could be robbed. If a person has a small piece of bread stuffed in his pocket, then even if he has put this piece of bread into his mouth, someone will immediately come up and cut his throat, slice his stomach, dig out the piece of bread, and stuff it in In his own mouth.

War requires more than pure intersecting weapons.

In this war that focuses more on attacking the heart than the siege, the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, the gem, and crystal ice as the besieged party's side only need to station there and wait quietly. It won’t be long before the gates of this solid city will open on its own, and all the gold and silver treasures inside will be dedicated to these three countries.

It's over...

is it?

Holding a huge sword, Mudu standing on a cliff, watching the unstoppable riot in the city, a touch of desolation flashed in his heart.

Since inheriting the throne, he has only sat on the throne for half a year...

Only half a year... Was the Buck Empire destroyed in his hands?

In just six months... he messed up the relationship between himself and his younger brother... and brought the new stag empire that the father had painstakingly managed for forty years... to destruction...?


Mu Du knelt down, took off the crown from his head, and placed it in front of him.

"Am I... doing something wrong? I have been following your teaching... I should have done nothing wrong... but why... why..."

"His Majesty! The rioting people...the people rushing up..."

A soldier covered in blood climbed up the cliff, but before he could finish speaking, a sickle pierced his throat and cut his blood vessels.

no way no money. Mu Du gritted his teeth and put the crown on his head again. He is the king. He has an obligation to protect his people! So now, the only thing he can do is to lead the remaining troops out of the city, as long as he kills all the more than 400,000 enemy troops, everything will return to normal! The wind blowing the sand can be preserved, and the relationship between the younger brother and himself... can also be reconciled from now on!

"All the soldiers of the Bucks obey the order -!!!"

Mu Du raised his sword, and after knocking down the mob who charged up, he shouted at the city——

"All those who have the courage will follow me out of the city and kill those enemies! Our blood can only be spilled on the battlefield against the enemy, not on the blades of our own people! All the glorious and honorable stag fighters follow Me, out of town——————!!!"

Some people with conscience took up their weapons one after another, even those mobs who had been rioting were subdued by the king's momentum and stopped their weapons. Who doesn't want to live? If you say that you can only survive by killing the enemy now, let this blood sprinkle on your own country.


The city gate opened, there was no more mount, only Mu Du with his legs rushed forward. Holding his sword, he stepped onto the scorching desert, rushing frantically towards the enemies who were waiting for work.

Although everyone knew that there was only one dead end in rushing out this time, some people followed. Follow in the footsteps of their king...charge!

The people of the Three-Power Allied Forces had smiles on their faces. They watched these self-seeking people come to die. Look, their team looks so thin in this wide desert, even less than a tenth of the army here. With these people wanting to break through? joke.

"Archer ready!"

With an order, ten thousand crossbowmen came to the front of the team, bending their bows and shooting arrows. With a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, the commanding general raised his hand and put down...


Suddenly, change happened.

Mu Du rushed to the forefront for a moment, because the horn of war sounded in his ears.

Is it the trumpet sounded by these three-nation coalition forces?

Do not.

This is the horn of the charge... Even if it blows, it should be the one who broke through. In that case, where is the army and where is it going to charge?

The general in charge of commanding the crossbowmen was also stunned. In other words, all the generals of the three-nation coalition were stunned. Because the horn of this charge comes from behind them. When they looked back, they could even see a black line... constantly pouring in from afar.

"Reinforcements? How is it possible?! The Bucks have no reinforcements, how can they have reinforcements?!"

The generals of the Three Kingdoms turned their heads, leaving only tens of thousands of soldiers to face the remnants who rushed out. However, all the elites were aimed at the black line that surged. then……



A dragon roar, sounded from the other side of the sky!

Immediately afterwards, a black dragon rushed down from the clouds and soared above the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces! Some people with good eyesight can faintly see a person sitting on the back of the black dragon. But because of the distance, it is hard to see who is sitting. After seeing the black dragon roaring for a while, it flapped its wings and flew towards the wind blowing sand, then climbed up again and dived into the clouds.

"what happened?"

He looked up and watched the black dragon disappear into the clouds. After that, these soldiers lowered their heads and looked at the black line in the distance...


"How is this going……?"

The soldier at the front of the team looked at the gradually widening and longer black line, with countless panic in his eyes. Some people's hands trembled and their faces were distorted!


Hundreds of thousands of skeletons rushed over holding weapons, with blue light shining in their eyes!

"Qua...quack quack————————!!!"

The weird screams all day make people fearful, even the bravest soldier can't help but scream at this moment! They were terrified, their spears trembling. Can't believe my eyes!

"Let...Let the arrows--! Give me all the arrows--!"

Tens of thousands of arrows flew into the sky, and then fell toward the death army that surged like a tide. These arrows entered the corpses with a little flesh attached to them, and some even entered their skulls. But even so, this terrifying army still rushed in, not only did not slow down at all, but also speeded up!


Surprise and fear spread among the soldiers.

Facing the dead soldiers who came in, the soldiers of the Three Kingdoms Alliance could not help but retreat. But before they really retreated, some of the dead cavalry riding bones and horses suddenly rushed out of the dead soldiers, raised their spears, and threw them directly at the spearmen in front of the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces. With blood flying, these death cavalry drew out their double swords and rushed into the camp like cutting melons and vegetables. Before the distracted soldiers were in shock, the dead infantry had arrived, descending on this world with absolute terror.

Mudu stared blankly at the facts...

Looking at the army that had besieged him for several months, it was crushed like a baby in front of this dead soldier who emerged from nowhere. He stopped, and the stag soldiers behind him also stopped, staring blankly at the front...

At this time, the first death cavalry had already broken out of the enemy's formation and charged towards Mudu. Mu Du immediately raised his sword... However, these death cavalry did not launch any attacks on him and the people behind him, but directly passed by, rushing towards the enemy on the other side of the wind and blowing sand...

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