Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 008, people are not as good as heaven

"After calling your husband out, you enter the room, exchange with the prostitute, and then turn off the lights. After a while, your husband will come in and sleep with you. I specifically told them to make a reservation when they booked the room. A room with a window. In this way, even if there is no light in the daytime, you will not see anything. In this way, you can stay with your husband in that hotel for a week. Because your husband has one hundred thousand sura as motivation In comparison, he will work very hard."

The idiot didn't change his face and said these words without a heartbeat, but the deviation next to him blushed slowly and lowered his head. In contrast, Millennium blushed first, but then she thought that she could stay with her husband who had only been in her bed three times in two years for a week. Gradually, that beautiful face began to change. Be happy.

"Money, what to do."

The problem is more comprehensive. Although accountants were more likely to think about problems thousands of years ago, she is now short-circuiting her brain because of her husband's affairs, so she doesn't consider it.

"You come out."

The idiots all thought about it. He faced the millennium directly and said coldly--

"You should have a savings."

"Uh...this is...As a retired member, everyone can get a large sum of retirement money for future life..."

"How many."

"Um... one hundred thousand... eh? Wait a minute? This bounty... how do you know my retirement bonus?"

The idiot didn't speak, but looked deviated. Very well, now all the problems have been solved.

"Your husband has been in this kind of work for two years. Although he said it was for money at the beginning, it is difficult to guarantee that his sexual interest will not be distorted after a long time. Therefore, I must let him understand the taste of women again. Then, A week’s time should be enough to reverse his sexual interest."

"Then, the money you have hidden should be used to make up for the family. So now it is just right, you can give it all at once. In this way, it will reverse his sexual interest and make him lose it. The reason for the nightclub. In this way, things ended perfectly."

To be honest, there is really no problem with the plan proposed by the idiot. Because there is no shortage of the most important money and women, and it can make Millennium and her husband linger for a week! Is there a more perfect plan in this world?


Idiots also believe that this plan is absolutely perfect, absolutely without any flaws.

Soon, the carriage ahead arrived. Mi Li and Tolan got out of the carriage ten nights with a nervous expression and looked at the small hotel. The idiots all got off the car too, and then the idiot took the key that Tolan handed over and looked at Shiye.

"Do you understand that lady's request?"

Shiye nodded, looking very nervous. The idiot was holding the key, and after checking the room number, he stepped in first.

The hotel is broken.

But it doesn’t matter, because it’s not surprising that an affair lady would choose a run-down hotel. Stepping on the creaking floor, the idiot went straight upstairs, came to the door, put the key in the handle.

"Okay, Mr. Ten nights. Next, you will see the lady. I hope you can understand, after all, the lady needs a final appraisal to see if you look like her husband. In addition, please Pay attention to your courtesy."

Shiye hastily trimmed her hair, and her handsome face is now taut from tension. The millennium next to me saw the nervousness of my husband, the more excited I was, and I imagined that I must make the old man open his heart after a while. Of course, you have to be happy.

"Okay, then, I'll open the door."

The idiot turned the handle and opened the door. Presenting a brand new world in front of Shiye...

"Oh! Harder! Harder! Oh! You are amazing! My sweetheart! Fuck me harder! Oh!"

In the room, a naked woman was lying on the bed. And on her body, there was a man who was also naked...

"What? Later? Damn, you **** has a good business! You can make time to make me a fortune after an appointment. Wait! Wait until I **** this bitch!"

After speaking, the man continued to be the prostitute. Instead of waiting for Shiye’s stunned eyes to return, the idiot closed the door gently, and then said calmly: "This is your demonstration. Wait a minute, you will do this with that lady. *Love, understand?"

Shi Ye's mouth twitched. When he was stunned, the idiot threw the key in his hand directly into the trash can beside him.

"Wait a minute, the key in your hand obviously opened the door just now? Isn't the woman just now the noble lady? Why are other men riding her?"

The idiot's complexion was still very calm, and said, "Wrong. This is what I specially arranged to teach you how to do it* love to use. You have been doing public relations for two years, so you need some textbook review. Then..."

Everything is prepared second-hand, which is the advantage of an idiot. So, he took the second key from Mi Li's hand and walked to the door of another room.

"After the review just now, you are about to accept the actual combat. Pay attention to your words, deeds and behavior, and you must be polite to this lady."

Although Shiye felt a little strange, he nodded and adjusted his hair.

Then... the door opens...

A fat woman weighing about two hundred kilograms was sitting on the bed, gnawing on two chicken legs in her hands. After seeing the idiot pushing in, she pulled the chicken leg from her mouth and said, "Oh, you are the one who wants to **** me..."


The door was closed again.

The idiot once again threw the key in his hand into the trash can, and then said earnestly: "Look at you with such a surprised expression. I was just to test your reaction to the surprised situation. But now it is clear that your mind The preparation is still not enough. Wait a while to face the beauty of that lady, you must prepare enough psychologically again."

"Hello? What's the matter? Didn't you say that you called me? Why didn't you enter..."


The idiot's hand went straight into the door, seeming to pinch something. After a while, there was no sound inside. The idiot withdrew his hand and nodded seriously towards Shiye. Afterwards, Mi Li and Toran rushed into the room to do some aftermath. After a while, she came out and whispered in the ear of the idiot: "I guess I won't wake up in two days."

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! What happened just now? You just said it should be the noble lady? Why is that fat woman? Isn't that fat lady noble? Why did it become like this?"

"No, this is a trial of the spirit. An absolute trial of the spirit. Well, yes, that's it."

When Shiye was "explaining" the idiot with a serious look, Tolan and Mi Li who had been processed here faced each other and began to verify each other.

"What's the matter? How could the woman you call do it with other men?"

"I don't know! I just heard that this woman saves time. To keep her secret, I didn't tell her too much. What about you? Why did you call such a fat woman?"

"I don't know! I was looking for a prostitute guild! Because those rosters only list lists, but no photos, I read her self-introduction and said that the price is very cheap, so I asked the guild. The appointment member called her here. But who knows this is the case?"

"Then what should I do now? Master... Master will not be very angry now, right? Master's perfect plan... Now ruined by the two of us!"

"Master Death Knight, don't worry! If you are in a hurry, I will be anxious too! That... that... That's right! Let's find a beautiful woman right now! Be fast!"

"Uuuuu...Dilu Hagang, how to find it? In this remote place!"

"Always find it! As long as you have the heart, you will always find it!"

After the two of them discussed, they ran to the idiot and whispered in his ear. What else can idiots do at this time? At the moment, he could only throw out the sentence "Hurry up, go back, don't mess up again", and let these two weak subordinates handle it.

Well...I knew it, I should do everything myself...

(Seriously, human kid, I think so too. There used to be a lot of hosts who wanted to be very brainy now. Seeing some human heroes knocked out one of my subordinates, they would continue to shoot only better than before. Go down with a little bit taller? If you want me to say, it's purely squirming. Hey, human kid? Hey! Answer me!)

The idiot stepped forward, put Shi Ye's shoulders on, and solemnly said: "You can see that you are not ready to mate with that lady. You need to take a deep breath, warm up, and regulate blood sugar and blood pressure. "

Shiye was depressed now, and said, "What the **** is going on?...Hey, you play with me like this, aren't you lying to me?"

The idiot shook his head and said regretfully, "How could I be lying to you? If I was lying to you, I should ask you for money now? But did I ask you for money?"

"This... isn't it."

"Right. So, how could I lie to you? What you need now is to observe and learn. I will first take you to some voyeuristic places to experience the excitement of foreplay."

The idiot took Shiye's hand and was about to leave, but Shiye waved his hand a little boredly, and said, "No, it's better to be faster. The sooner it ends, the better."

"Huh? Why is this?"

"Because...because I don't know I think of having **** with a feels disgusting. I always feel that the way of going to bed is not pure at all. There is simply no love at all..."

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