Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 025, a game of twelve players

"Have you heard? Your mother, rascal, kneel down!"

Mike went up and kicked again, anyway, he watched these people impossible to riot under the suppression of the soldiers, and he was more happy to kick a few feet.

The soldiers ignored Mike's rudeness and simply used the soldiers to separate the crowd. After everyone was stable again, he clapped his hands, and the soldiers behind him immediately took out many photos and posted them on a white board that had been prepared.

"Look at everyone, everyone here is familiar to everyone, right?"

Under the arrangement of the soldiers, everyone passed by the white board one by one. Some of them opened their eyes wide when they saw the whiteboard, and some even grabbed the photos on the whiteboard and hugged them in their arms.

The idiot walked past the whiteboard and glanced at the photo above. Soon, he found a photo in the corner. In the photo, there are four little girls sealed by ice...

The idiot lowered his head and fumbled past the whiteboard. Soon, everyone else came back in a circle. Some people were holding pictures of their family members in their hands, crying bitterly through their masks.

"I believe you have seen it too. The ones on this are family members who are very important to you."

The soldier said coldly, except for a contemptuous smile on his face, there was only contempt.

"Now, I want to make a deal with you. This transaction does not require your money, nor does it require you to pay any price. In fact, no matter what choice you make, you and your family may be safe. ."

"Now, there are twelve magic crystal cards. There are guide stones attached to them, which can be bound for up to 24 hours with the first person to touch the card."

The soldier waved his hand, and the soldier next to him wore gloves and placed twelve magic crystal cards on a long table.

"Now, you have to make a choice. The content of the choice is very simple. Among the sixty of you, twelve will pick up the twelve magic crystal cards. These twelve will become the winners. Then, the rest Those who don’t get the cards will be eliminated. And the eliminated players..."

The soldiers chuckled, making the villagers feel a chill. But after a sneer, the expression on the soldier's face suddenly changed to a spring breeze. He spread his hands and said: "The eliminated players, you can get the key by yourself, open the mask, and then leave on the boat over there. If If someone doesn’t want to play this game very much from the beginning, they can leave. This is what I just said. There is no restriction on your freedom. And please rest assured, as you leave, I and My people will not hinder you in any way. In the future, we will not come to embarrass you. You are completely free."

Everyone sighed, wondering if what the soldiers said was true or false. Among them, someone finally couldn't hold back and said: "Then! What about our family? What about my girlfriend?"

"It's also very simple. As a punishment for your failure, your girlfriend will be detained by us for five days. Please rest assured that we will not do anything bad to your girlfriend during these five days. It's just that. Deprive her of her freedom. In five days, we will release her and let her leave."

"that's it?"

"Yes, that's it."

"Then...the people who won the magic crystal card...what will happen to them?"

"Hehehe, these people are obviously lovers who don’t want to see their lover imprisoned for five days. Therefore, they will carry out the next cruel test. If they pass, they will be able to fight with their love before sunset tomorrow. Lovers reunited and left the island. Of course, in order to show their hard work, the winner will also receive a prize of 10,000 Sura. As for those who fail the next test, they will be sent back like others. . Then in five days, reunited with my lover."

The audience was in an uproar. Everyone couldn't believe what the soldiers said. Even the idiot lowered his head, thinking about this condition.

In any case, this result is too lenient. If you lose, you are separated from your lover for five days. If you win, you can take away 10,000 Sura for no reason. In this case, what good is this for these soldiers? Do you spend a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to perform such a thankless performance?

While idiotic thinking, the soldier finally raised his hand and said, "Everyone, after I put my hand down, this game will begin. You can choose to stay or leave. I also promise you all here. There will be nothing false about what I just said. Now...start!"

The soldier waved down, and the spear-bearing soldiers surrounding the crowd immediately dispersed. Perhaps it was to reassure everyone, they even deliberately stood a little farther away. If it's this distance... I'm afraid it's not a dream to escape.

However, none of the sixty people moved. Everyone looked at the sea and then at the white board. In fact, they all know that if they continue to stay, they may be more dangerous. But... what if what the soldier said is true? If you win 10,000 Sura, there will be no penalty for losing...?

Among the crowd raising, a person suddenly walked out. The man walked slowly towards the table, and then looked here and there. He paused in front of each card, seeming to hesitate. After that, he picked up a card and looked at it. after that……

suddenly! The man threw away the card and ran towards the coastline like crazy! The other people were in a state of anxiety and didn't know what to do, but now they saw this person running, they immediately ran towards the ship parked on the coastline as if they were given orders. Fortunately, those soldiers really let go and let them run. Soon, a dozen people squeezed into a boat and drove off the shore desperately toward Bai Haibin.

With lessons learned, more people ran away. They crowded, yelled, and kept pushing each other. Squeeze aboard. Some people also called out loudly, letting their lover who doesn't know where to wait, and they would definitely bring someone to rescue her.

However, contrary to these people, one person was the first to pick up the card.

No one else, it was Mike. He sneered and dropped the sentence "If you have money or not, that's a fool!" After that, he glanced at the woman on the whiteboard who had hooked his arms and shook his arms. After a snort, he sat on the seat next to him. .

After he said so, some people still hesitate to feel that people have finally made up their minds. Several people walked out of the crowd and took the cards. Soon, all the remaining eleven cards found their owner, and only the card that was thrown on the ground was left waiting for the arrival of the last owner.

"I... I'll come!"

A short man swallowed and walked to the card. He tremblingly stretched out to the magic crystal card and picked up...

"Please put down the card."

However, a soldier walked over and pointed a spear at the short man.

"Why... why? Isn't there... there is still one person missing?"

"No, there is no shortage of people."

The soldier walked over with a watch in his hand. He snatched the magic crystal card in the hand of the short man and said: "I just said that only the first person to contact is bound. And you are not the first person to contact."

The short man was surprised. At this moment, the soldier took out the key and took off the mask from his face. The soldier holds the magic crystal card in his hand and stretches it in one direction...

Take the magic crystal card with one hand.

It was not someone else, it was the man who threw down the card with a black mask on his face and turned and fled. At this moment, he appeared here again covered with water, silently took the card and stuffed it into his arms.

"Congratulations, now, the twelve warriors here are all men who dare to accept challenges. You are all willing to take risks here for your beloved woman. This is really touching!"

After all the others had left, the soldiers came out again and made a welcome gesture. With a smile on his face, he continued--

"Now, it’s time to tell you about the role of masks and voice changers. Don’t worry, this is not to frame you, but to protect you. Because among the huge prizes and the temptation to contact your sweetheart, you can’t help but want Intrigue. In order to prevent the grievances on this island from spreading outside the island, we have taken the above measures to ensure that after you leave the island, no one knows anyone, and you don’t know who you’ve been deceived or framed by. ."

The words are very beautiful.

But among the twelve people here, not all are fools.

Can't find the person who framed and deceived oneself after leaving the island? That is to say, as long as it is time to wear a mask, you can cheat and frame unscrupulously without fear of any retaliation. Isn't it?

"Okay! Although you can hide your identities enough, you still have to register your names here. Of course, you don't need to say your real names. You only need to give you a name that you can address. Then, please come here. Register."

The idiot was silent for a moment, followed the people to the table, and began to register their names. Of course, under the military's words, it is impossible to guarantee that everyone will list their real names. Among the names that idiots hear, there are many names such as "blacksmith" and "fisherman".

Soon, it was the idiot's turn.

"what's your name?"

With a pen in his hand, the soldier looked at the idiot in the black iron mask.


"Oh, very interesting. Next, what is your name?"

".................. idiot."

Behind the idiot, a person wearing a white mask said slowly. V

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