Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 079, revenge after an era

The dimmed pupils are closed.

It doesn't seem to mean to just open.

The idiot held the sword and took a step forward slowly. There was no horror to the enemy's strength in the hollow eyes, nor the tension of about to fall into battle. It was like walking in a comatose state, his eyes were pitch black, with no gleam in sight.

", insist on fighting?"

Helen let go of her paw and let go of the ice coffin. The Mili who was in it looked at the idiot who was stepping forward, her eyes that had been frozen by tears seemed to cry again...

"I... have no interest in this lizard."

A non-emotional voice slowly radiated from his mouth.

"The only thing I'm interested in... is not the wind blowing sand, not this castle, not Teacher Quirin, and not Mili..."

"I'm only interested in you..."

Helen smiled slightly, and the hand that turned into a human arm lightly stroked her long black hair and flicked behind her back.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, you are interested in me? What a surprise. Okay, if you don't mind that I am an old woman who has given birth to three children, I would also like to taste you who dare to stand by me with a sword The body of the young man in front of you~~~"

".................. Four months......"

The idiot took a step. At this moment, there were only five steps left between the two. White gas exhaled from his mouth, and the crystals that were originally dancing around now seemed to be frozen and no longer floating.

"The water dragon invaded Teacher Quilin's body and fought against you for four months..."

"And your... real purpose is just to take away Mili."

"Then, the water dragon froze the entire wind blowing sand, and frozen the honey pear, and refused to return her to you."

"If it's just to avenge your two daughters, the water dragon should never be nosy to this point, even your housework has to be involved."

"As far as I know, he and Mili have never met, let alone friendship. If so, then why...he is so persistent to prevent you from meeting with Mili?"

Lying on the ground, Quirine raised her head, looking at the idiot's ice blue pupils with a little appreciation.

"It can be seen... once you take away the honey pears, things that the water dragon that is hostile to you absolutely don't want to see will happen. According to what you just said, the water dragon's actions are very old-fashioned and will not do too much to interfere with humans. There are only two possibilities for him to come forward and freeze you."

"One, after you take Mili, through some methods I don't know yet, you will become very strong. It is so strong that the water dragon has to spend all of its power to confront you at any level."

"Second... You will use her to achieve a certain purpose. Once this purpose is achieved, it will bring very serious consequences."

Helen started to become surprised with a slight scorn in her eyes. She looked at the idiot, wondering whether it was because she lamented the idiot's calm analysis, or lamented that this human being dared to stand within five steps in front of her. Finally, the smile on her face disappeared. Instead, there are cruel and serious golden linear pupils, staring directly at the idiot's expression.

"It's really interesting analysis. I finally know why my daughter will be so desperate for you. As a human being, your wisdom is really scary."

The idiot didn't avoid these eyes, he still stared like just now.

"So, can you tell me your analysis?"

Helen stretched out her hand and said.

"If you are really as smart as you, can you know that...the reason I want to take this girl away so strongly?"


The idiot stepped forward again, and said this word that shocked the honey pear in the ice coffin.





Helen's face changed again when she heard this word. The wings behind her began to flap, and the whole person began to levitate. The corners of his mouth began to show fangs, and his hands began to turn into dragon claws.

"I believe that you showed me the original intention of those hallucinations. You want to tell me how cruel and inhumane Mili is, even your own family can be killed."

Helen snorted, "Isn't it?"

"No... this is a fact. But when I saw these hallucinations, I noticed one thing."

"At the beginning, Mili, who appeared in the form of a beast, was completely rotten, without scales, and looked seriously injured and very weak. Although I am not sure why she became like this, there is one thing that is very strange. "

"After she swallowed the two little black dragons, her body began to heal quickly. Although I also know Dilu Hagang's healing power, judging from her situation at the time, it was obviously not because someone wanted her to continue to live. Healing power."

"From this, I judge that in addition to being immortal, the Black Dragon clan has another ability. Once the body is seriously injured, it is life-threatening and cannot be healed quickly..."

"You can compensate your own body by devouring the same race."

"If you figure this out, then it is obvious why you are so persistent in taking away the honey pear, and why the water dragon is so persistent in protecting the honey pear."

"Although Diluhagang is immortal and immortal, it can be sealed. Moreover, if the injury is too serious, it cannot be healed quickly. In this case, once found by an enemy who knows how to seal, he will immediately fall into it. crisis."

"But if you want to quickly recover from an impossible serious injury in a short period of time, you must devour your family. For you, it means devouring your own children and replenishing nutrients. Therefore, your daughters are not so much affection for you. It is better to say that it is a super-powerful drug that can fully recover in times of crisis."

"After Mili is taken away by you, of course you will not kill her. Instead, you will keep her. Wait until an enemy appears in the future and is seriously injured... For example, after a complete battle with the water dragon, the water dragon needs to pass a lot of injuries. Time comes to heal, and you only need to eat the honey pear to be able to recover to a full state again and launch a counterattack."

"If you think about it this way, the biggest possible reason for your anger at Mili is not because she killed your daughter. It's because she ate the two healing pills that you took a long time to reserve. If so If you think about it, your anger can be understood from another aspect."

After listening to the idiot's explanation, Bun was stunned. She looked at the honey pears sealed in the ice coffin, and then at Helen, who had a dark face over there, for a moment not knowing what to do.

On the contrary, Helen, after listening to the idiot's explanation, finally raised her head, flapped her wings, and looked at the idiot condescendingly.

"Very clever, very persuasive way of discrimination."

She stroked her hair and smiled—

"It's really rare, you have discovered so many things. In that case...then we have nothing to say."

In an instant, he did not see Helen's wings flapping, but her body appeared in front of the idiot in an instant. The paw directly grabbed the idiot's heart and hit it hard.


The claws are embedded in the muscles.

As the claws turned upward, the clothes on the idiot's chest were torn, and all the flesh was torn. The ribs broke instantly, and some broken lung lobes and diaphragms jumped out!

Quick, decisive, and spicy.

Even an idiot did not expect that Helen, who has two big wings, would have such a fast speed.

In battle, speed sometimes determines everything.

As long as the speed is fast enough and unexpected enough, within one second of the beginning of the battle, the dagger...

Stabbed into the heart of the enemy.


Like a broken kite, the idiot flew backwards. The **** chest that was caught drew a blood line in the air. When it fell to the ground, the bones, broken internal organs, and the heart that had been scratched were completely exposed to the air. It was just such a contact and death. ...Then came.

Is the idiot not fast enough?

He is fast enough.

Because he was fast enough, he stepped back at the last minute, avoiding the end of his heart being completely dug out. But now... there is no difference between him and death.


Blood overflowed from the corner of the idiot's mouth.

His vision was blurred, and what was flying directly above him was Helen's light posture. A black dragon's tail protruded from under her skirt, swinging slightly. She looked at the blood on her dragon's claws, innocent, and smiled brilliantly...

"For your descendants of the Six Swords, what does the first moment of engagement mean?"

Helen slowly landed on the ground, looking at the idiot lying in the blood with enlarged pupils and bare chest, smiling.

"The first moment when you enter the battle is the moment when the victory or defeat is decided, right?"

"I have killed countless people of the Six Swords. Among them, there are bluffs and strong ones. At first, I didn't understand your fighting style, so I always got injured inexplicably. But later, I understood. Your battle is in At the first moment, we always pay attention to speed. At the same time, we will also use various natural conditions to create a good one-strike condition for ourselves. If you want to kill you unharmed, only when you are just entering the battle Only by preparing for the execution of the death penalty faster than you can kill you in an instant."

The idiot's mouth was spitting blood, breathing...slowly stopped. Little Bread ran to the idiot, crying, and pushed him. Mi Li closed her eyes and did not dare to look again. Even Quilin, who was leaned over by Yin, closed her eyes at this moment, a little unbearable...

"Now, the battle is over. Let me see... Well, it’s been about ten minutes since we started talking. Even if the battle between us lasts ten minutes. Humans, you are the first to be able to My subordinates persisted in the successor of Six Swords for so long. Many people in the past did not even arrive for a second, and they died when they were attacked by me.~~~ Haha...hahaha, now, six Another descendant of the sword has died. I have one less threat in this world! It’s’s really... great~~~~!"

Helen smiled.

She raised her finger, placed it next to her small mouth and gave a light kiss, then stretched out her tongue and licked the blood on her palm. This is her habit, tasting the blood of losers, and tasting the blood of every Six Swords descendant. It is her revenge for the human who dared to hurt her back then! This anger will never be extinguished, unless the successor of Six Swords disappears in this world forever!

"Ha ha ha... uh?!"

Suddenly, Helen was taken aback. She looked at the blood on her palm, her expression distorted in an instant!

"This blood... the smell of this blood...?! Impossible... how could it be possible?! The smell of this blood... Could it be... Could it be that...?!"

Helen's bright expression was finally replaced by panic and panic. As if to confirm her terrifying speculation, a human who had fallen to the ground with a shattered chest and should have died... At this moment, he actually stood up again? !

boom------! ! !

The darkness spread in this instant.

The chain on his arm also began to dance at this moment!

The broken ribs on the boy's chest were replaced by black chains, and his skin slowly turned from its original paleness to a deep black color!

Unknown word) It's...too long..."

The chain was coiled, circling constantly beside the idiot. In Helen's astonishment, the idiot who was supposed to be seriously injured and hard to heal, slowly raised his head! Under the jet black hair, the right eye was also revealed...


Unknown word) Long time... gone, betrayer."

The whole discussion hall seemed to tremble at this moment, and the bun was crying, and panicked aside. The icicles on the ceiling began to fall, and the ice on the ground cracked!

At the center of this terrible change, the idiot who should have died took that step, when he lifted the magic sword in his right hand...

That blood-colored pupil, also at this moment, fully bloomed!

Unknown word) I... really want to thank you."

The idiot took a step again, with black and red eyes staring at Helen flying in the air. Receiving the scarlet eyes, Helen's wings suddenly softened and fell heavily to the ground!

Dragon Language) No...impossible... Your Majesty... Your Majesty...?! You... You... You...???!!!!"

Unknown) The lava of the Molten Soul Volcano has sealed me for a thousand years. I let this little female lizard stay by my side just to lead you to show up automatically one day! The taste of betrayal... really interesting. I The three warmths that have been washed for thousands of years. So... what about you? Betrayed me in the last battle... The dragon of existence that has been completely turned, Dilu Hagang! Now it's your turn... How about taking a bath in the Molten Soul Volcano? ?!"

Helen's shoulders trembled, and with every step of the idiot, she would retreat hard. Later, she fell to the ground and could only move back on the ground with both hands. It didn't take long before her back suddenly touched the ice coffin sealed with honey pear, and she immediately raised her head. After seeing Mili's victorious eyes, she... finally understood one thing.

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