Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 107, the most brutal demon

107, the most brutal devil

(Hehe, human kid, if you are a normal person, you can move for more than 16 hours a day. But if you take this princess, the action time is less than ten hours. The efficiency is really low~~~)

The idiot covered the bun with a blanket to withstand the cold in the mountains in winter. As for the words of Dim Mie, he didn't pay attention to it at all.

(Ignore me? Interesting. By the way, it’s an indisputable fact that your speed of action like this is a little slow. If the large forces behind you are a little quicker, I’m afraid they can catch up soon~~~ especially the small ones. The girl built a mountain and bridge on this road, and there was a lot of preparation work.)

The idiot closed his eyes and exhaled. He was not worried about being caught up by others, and the only thing he was worried about was that Sasha who was mixed in the crowd and acted together. Her purpose...what is it?


The sun rose, and the three people in the idiot camp were already asleep. As the sun climbed up, then it slowly set to the west. In the evening, when the sunset glowed the sky, only fifteen minutes away from the idiot and others, there was the sound of human footsteps.

Dozens of people carried their equipment and followed the mountaineers who were familiar with the mountain road on this road. The leading mountaineer looked at the sky, turned his head, and said, "Okay, everyone. Come here today. At this speed, I believe we will be able to reach the Iron City at noon tomorrow."

Everyone nodded and began to camp around, making a campfire for cooking. Among them, the turban girl jumped up the tree and disappeared without a trace in a short while. Everyone ignored her actions, because she never slept with everyone in the past two days, probably because it was a girl, and it was inconvenient to sleep with this mostly male team.

The campfire was piled up, and the smell of food began to float. People are sitting around the fire, eating, drinking, and talking to each other. The most talked about here is naturally that the various natural dangers along the way have some inexplicable artificial structures to help them pass, just like someone specially opened the way in front of them. All kinds of guesses naturally continue to rise, but no matter how you guess, the final conclusion can only be confused, and it is unknown.

Within the female camp area-

Xing and several other women were stationed in a most ventilated area. With the help of the Guardian Knight, she quickly set up a tent.

"His Royal Highness Stag Princess, hello."

At this moment, the blind nun, the girl who claimed to be Sasha came over. She leaned on a cane and smiled at Xing.

Along the way, Xing had a good impression of this nun who was acting as a rescuer. She nodded and said, "Sister Sasha, what's the matter?"

Sasha smiled and said, "It's nothing. In fact, I just want to say that you, a princess, have worked so hard to come here. It is really great. Especially in the situation where Steel City is no longer part of the Bucks. under."

Sasha's tone contained a little sarcasm, and Xing couldn't help but her face sank. As the Buck Princess, she could not let others insult her country.

"You are wrong, Sister Sasha. The Bucks and Dark Deer were originally fraternal countries. Uncle Xiehuo just couldn't think about it for a while. I'm sure that Uncle Xiehuo will reconcile with his father in the future and bring the two countries together. merge."

Sasha tilted her head and smiled: "It's really interesting. The princess is really confident. It is unexpected that you are only ten years old now. If it weren't for the bucks that only the eldest son would inherit, you might become a very The courageous queen."

Xing Ke didn't laugh. After she was silent for a while, she said: "In contrast, Sister Saxia, I have some questions to ask."

Sasha nodded and said, "Please speak."

"That maid on the train, how did she fly out of the window."

In a word, Sa Xia, who had a smile on her face, instantly solidified her smile. After she paused for a while, she slowly said, "Princess, what do you mean by...?"

"Although the situation was bizarre later, the maid sister's body was pulled to pieces, the body burst into pieces in mid-air, and then a rain of blood hit the car window like a nail. But before this, everything was not inexplicable."


"At that time, the maid sister was in accordance with your request, airing the nun's clothes out of the car window for you to blow dry? I don't care about the rationality of this way of drying. At that time, this sister was drying the clothes well. , Why did you suddenly run out of the car window in the end?"

"Well... maybe she was not careful, so she fell out..."

"This is impossible."

Xing’s expression was very serious, and she slowly said: “After the incident, I once went to the room where it was said that you changed your clothes and your maid sister was drying your clothes. I didn’t see anything in your room, but you You know, did I see anything in the room where she was drying clothes?"

"what did you see."

"I saw that the window of the car window was only raised about 20 centimeters. It seems that she has realized that if the car door is opened, the huge swirling air current is in danger of rolling her out. So, she only opened it. Just a little bit, trying to hang out the clothes. It’s only 20 centimeters, it’s impossible for a person to fall out completely. Moreover, it’s in front of someone who has foreseen the danger and is ready."


"In contrast, Sister Sasha, the windows in your room have a lot of unnaturalness. That room is not yours, but just lent you to change clothes temporarily. But I opened the car window and looked at it. , I found that most of the dust in the gaps between the windows of the car had been removed. This shows that someone had opened the window and wiped off the dust on it for some reason."


"Sister Sasha, can you give me a reason?"


"In a high-speed train, why did you open the window at the risk of creating a vortex? And after opening the window, why did you wipe off that little piece of dust?"

Xing's gaze is very serious. She is only ten years old, but she looks like a majestic queen. She stared at the seemingly dignified blind nun in front of her, her eyes full of insight and doubt. The two guardian knights were sandwiched on both sides of Sasha to prevent her from attacking suddenly.

After a while...

Sasha smiled again.

She smiled so charmingly, it was hard to imagine that a nun would have such a frivolous smile. While smiling, she raised her head and pulled down the nun's turban on her head to reveal the bright long hair underneath.

"Princess Buck, you are really good at observing things."

Xing said nothing but continued to stare at Sasha.

"So, you are..."

"Hey, I didn't admit anything~~~ Anyway, everything you just said is just a simple inference, but there is no evidence, right?"

Xing shut her mouth, indeed, there is no evidence at all now. All the previous inferences are only conditional evidence.

"However, it is not bad to be able to infer this. You must have very beautiful eyes, Princess Buck, and you can see many things that ordinary people can't see. This... really makes me blind. Envy~~~"

After that, Sasha smiled and turned her head. Seeing her leaving, Xing immediately said: "Wait a minute you can't be just an ordinary nun, who are you?"

"who am I?"

Sasha stood still, with a playful smile on her pretty face. Simple and full of coquettishness that is not commensurate with her age.

"Who am I?"

At this moment, a shout came from the woods, and a flying arrow penetrated the woods and directly pierced the mountaineer's neck. With the splash of blood, dozens of wicked people suddenly emerged from the woods, roaring loudly, rushing up, holding swords and swords, and killing people at sight. In an instant, blood flowed into a river.

"The bandit is the bandit meets the enemy, hurry up and meet the enemy--"

The guardian knight quickly drew out his sword and chopped down a bandit who dared to rush in front of him. The other rescuers also immediately took out their weapons and started fighting with the invading bandit. Since many of the rescue teams this time were masters, apart from the initial surprise, the others quickly counterattacked, and did not let the bandits take advantage. The battle went into fierce heat instantly, even Xing pulled out his saber, guarding in front of a few rescuers who didn't know martial arts, guarding against any bandit who came. If a robber who dared to surpass saw her as a little girl and rushed forward, then he would be waiting for him with a sword through his throat.

"Who am I...who?"

In this tense battle, Sasha's figure has been completely forgotten by Xing. However, when the princess stabbed a rushing bandit with a sword, she suddenly felt a ghostly snicker behind her. When she looked back...

A pair of blood-red linear pupils had appeared before her eyes.

——Your eyes are really beautiful——


With a sound, two pillars of blood flew out from Xing's eyes in an instant.

The ten-year-old girl's mind was filled with unprecedented pain. She screamed, clutching her **** eyes and squatting on the ground. The two guardian knights also turned their heads after hearing the princess's screams, but the next moment, their bodies suddenly shattered like they were planted with a bomb.

The blood formed a blood mist.

The originally clear world has turned into eternal darkness at this moment.

Xing covered her eyes and squatted on the ground in pain. She trembled and screamed. The blood kept flowing from between the fingers, covered her snow-white skin, dyed her skirt and her sword red...

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