Demon King Dad

: Sixth Year Story 109, The Devil’s Formula

109, The Devil's Formula

Sobbing softly, accompanied by the boiling sound of water.

The idiot lowered his head and looked at the little girl lying flat in front of him. Looking at this girl of the same age as Bread and the blood stains on her clothes, she lowered her head and was silent...

Originally, the Iron City could be reached in the early morning.

But tonight, it is destined to be unable to move a step.

The idiot is with Walnut, and the only support for this girl now is him. She was crying and depressed. The low moan spreads under the darkness without moonlight, and slowly, assimilates to the dark night...


In the middle of the night, the idiot asked Walnut, who had fallen asleep due to pain and fatigue, to lie down and covered her with a quilt. Little Bread gave a thumbs up and gestured, meaning she could look after. The idiot nodded, and handed over the camp affairs to this little girl, and went to the place where he was attacked.

(Human kid, what are you doing in the attacked area now? Don't tell me you want to see if there are any survivors, so as to save people~~~)

The idiot didn't say a word, and in a blink of an eye, he had arrived at the attacked area. Here, he saw not only the corpses all over the floor, but also the turban girl. Holding on to the torch, she kept wandering between the corpses, sometimes squatting down to check. Seeing the idiot coming, she just nodded innocently, and then continued her behavior.

The idiot also nodded at the girl, raised the torch, and looked at the attacked area.

In the rescue team, there are 18 people, regardless of gender. Two of the female rescue team members had their clothes torn apart, and there were traces of violence underneath. The decisive and cruel actions of this group of bandits are indeed cruel.

However, what the idiot wants to check is not all the corpses here, but just a few of them. The dead bodies of those corpses were extremely strange, as if they had been buried in a bomb, their whole bodies exploded, leaving only a mass of rotten flesh left in place and scattered blood.

The girl in the turban looked at these corpses. She wrapped her hands in cloth, picked up the corpses that had been blown up, and repeatedly checked them. After reading a piece, continue to look at the next piece. The idiot didn't ask either. When she checked the corpses, he was observing the place where these people died. After looking around, he came to the rock where Xing was found in the evening, stood still, and looked at the place where the people died.

(Human kid, what are you doing?)


(Oh, don’t say it? Actually, if you don’t say it, I can probably guess it.)


(If those people’s bodies exploded, if you mark the place where their bodies exploded as a point on the map, and then use a geometric figure to represent them, you can see that the location of their deaths can probably form a fan. Then, if it is in this If you draw a radius from the center of the fan and look for a center nearby, then the place where you are standing now should be where the center is. In other words, our cute and playful little nun is standing here and destroying those Humble human.)

The idiot did not nod or shook his head. Sweeping his eyes, only the girl in the turban was still checking. After observing the nearby terrain, the idiot lowered the torch and searched the grass. Soon, he searched for the footprints of a little **** a muddy clod. From the perspective of the direction, it should be to that steel city.


(Human kid, what are you thinking.)

In the dimmed eyes, the sense of sarcasm was slowly lost. The blood-colored pupils in his mind stared at the idiot, as if to guard him.

(The distance... Fifty-five meters.)

The idiot watched the place where the human body exploded farthest from where it was. Came to this conclusion silently.

(Wait, fifty-five meters? What do you want to do? Human kid, what do you want to do?)

(The big devil, point at the limit of shooting and killing people.)

(What do you... mean?)

The idiot exhaled, looked at the most distant human explosion point, and slowly said in his mind——

(She stands here, intervening in the fight between the bandits and the rescue team. Although she has the power to destroy a small town indiscriminately, in this melee, she did not use such indiscriminate killing techniques. Instead, , Is to kill the rescue team members by detonating one by one.)

(I don’t know why she did this. I don’t see that she has an alliance with the bandits, so the only explanation is that she is purely for fun.)

(However, just because of her playfulness at this time, it also allows me to see her combat mode.)

This time, it was Dim's turn to stop speaking. Its pupils closed slightly, staring at the idiot, quietly waiting for his analysis.

(After a person’s eyes are opened, the visual range can reach 120 degrees in the horizontal direction, 50 degrees in the elevation angle, and 70 degrees in the top view. In other words, the great devil Sasha can see everything within these ranges. Everything within a radius of close to ten kilometers was wiped out. It can be said that it is indeed very scary.)

(But if it is not a range attack, but a point kill, her burst shooting ability is not so powerful. She can kill people within 55 meters. But over 55 meters, she may not be able to kill. The evidence is that no one was killed by her more than 55 meters from this location.)

Dim off, finally laughed. It laughed loudly, and its tone was full of sarcasm and contempt.

(Of course, when she was created, she was originally used to take on range-aggressive battles. If it's a point kill, why should she be sent on the scene? Haha, but it's really interesting analysis. Anything else?)

(The way she kills is very worthy of scrutiny.)


(If there is not much difference between the visible range of her eyes and human eyes, she is the same as humans. Although she can see things within 120 degrees of the horizontal plane, the only real area that can be counted as clearly visible is The front is about 60 degrees. In this area, if the recognition of text and color is also included, the recognizable area of ​​the text is only 10 to 20 degrees, and the range of color recognition is smaller, the smallest can reach 5 degrees. And the human eye If you want to say the best focus of the line of sight, then the visual range is only about one degree of deviation from the vertical direction of the line of sight. Within this range, humans can achieve the so-called gaze.)

(In this melee, she was able to accurately kill the members of the rescue team. It can be seen that the pupil power range she used is a fan-shaped area with a radius of 55 meters and an acute angle of only two degrees. Calculate her pupil power in The effective area that can be reached in the gaze state is a sector area of ​​52.7962 square meters. The arc length at the farthest point is 1.9198 meters. In other words, as long as she is in the gaze state and enters the attack launch period, the farthest As long as you can move more than two meters along the arc, you can avoid her attack.)

(……………………Human kid, I would like to ask, how can you be sure of these? Does her eyeball structure have to be the same as humans?)

(Because the posture of the farthest person when he died.)


Diane revealed his eyes and glanced at the corpse over there. At this moment, the turban girl had also walked to the torn apart corpse and observed. The idiot also slowly walked over and came to the corpse. After taking a look at him, the turban girl put down the corpse, moved to the place where the idiot stood just now, and looked at the whole situation.

(Although his limbs exploded, the corpses in them were scattered in a uniform direction, and the spilled blood was not obstructed forcibly. From this point of view, there were no other people around his body at the time of the explosion. Just because In this way, Sasha can kill him without accidentally hurting him within two meters of the arc.)

(Hehe, funny, it’s really funny, human kid, listening to your current analysis, you don’t seem to be thinking about how to subdue her, but how to deal with her? Well, even if you want to clean up her first, then take that girl Do this and that kind of thing on the bed, how can you confirm how to avoid a distance of more than two meters in such a short time? You know, even if it is a human, just staring at a person only needs one Instant time.)

(……………………Dimming, are you kidding me?)

(Huh? A joke? Haha, what am I kidding?)

(If a human wants to stare, it takes less time than you think to focus on an object, receive light, and then transmit the information you see to your brain. The speed of nerve transmission is every second 100 to 200 meters. If she is "seeing" the target and then sends out the kill command from her mind, it will be a round trip. It will take longer.)

(Oh, longer? Even if it is longer, it will only take a moment.)

(Although it is an instant, the time required for it is about 0.5 seconds. On the other hand, the time it takes for her to kill through the staring point is much more than 0.5 seconds.)

The idiot turned his head and looked at the two corpses closest to the rock, the two guardian knights of Xing. Today, it has also fallen apart.

(The two were very close to where Xing was at that time, only about five or six meters away. Such a close distance is undoubtedly the biggest threat to Sasha, a demon who is good at long-range and large-scale attacks. But, After one of them exploded and died, the other had time to take a step back.)

(From seeing the strange death of her comrades, to stepping back, and then detonating herself, it will definitely take more than one second. In other words, if Sasha passes a burst shot, she needs to keep the focus of her sight at one At least one second on a person can kill him successfully.)

(...Human kid, really... I didn't expect it. There has never been a host willing to analyze the fighting posture of the devil before. Each of them thought that as long as they accept that Sasha can kill people with their eyes, it is enough. I didn’t think about it. It’s fun to analyze you in the past, really, fun)

(Interesting, still to come.)

The idiot picked up the severed limb that was dropped by the turban girl just now and looked at the explosion. After careful observation, slowly said——

(I don’t know much about medicine, but I can see that although it looks like the whole body explodes, there are principles to search for.)

(Although the bones of these people are also scarred, the injuries on the bones are all traumas, not caused by explosions from the inside. The real explosion is human muscles. No... more precisely, the blood vessels in the muscles. Blood inside.)

(That woman knows medicine, she should know better than me now. Every blood vessel in these muscles burst, and all the water-filled internal organs burst. It can be seen that the detonation process of Sasha's pupil power should be Such.)

(She makes the blood in the human body boil by gazing. The instantly vaporized blood greatly exceeds the range that the human blood vessels and muscles can withstand. The huge water vapor uses its power to instantly tear the human body and spray out from it. . In this way, it will produce an explosion scene for an instant. So in the final analysis, she does not automatically explode for no reason. Instead, it heats the blood in the human body and converts it into water vapor, which instantly breaks the human body. This , Is the true face of her murder.)

(And it is not impossible to deal with her. As long as she does not use the range attack, but the point kill attack, she can move up to two meters or more in a second and escape from the center of her sight, and she can be safe.)

Dimie laughed loudly. He laughed very freely and sharply. The terrible laughter echoed in the idiot's mind, full of provocation.

(Interesting, funny human kid, you are the first human to work out how to deal with the big devil. This is really interesting. However, what you said is always just a matter of fact, and is of no use at all. Our cute little Once the demon realizes that you can avoid her gaze, won't she immediately launch a range attack? And for the mobile cannon that can destroy a small town in an instant, do you have a way to deal with it?)

The idiot lowered his head and was silent.

(See, you can't deal with her. If you can't solve her range attack, then you are destined to be absolutely impossible to kill her. So, you should talk to her well, and cheat her to give you allegiance. Well. Don’t look at her being so fierce, but in fact it is no different from a childish little girl. As long as you trick her into bed, she will treat you wholeheartedly, I promise you)

In the east, a ray of sunshine rose again.

Driven by the sunlight, the cold fog in the early morning slowly dissipated. The top of this hill full of corpses was also slowly exposed to the winter sun.

After observing everything, the turban girl finally lowered her head. What she saw from this massacre, the idiot did not know. The only thing she knew was that she piled up the scattered corpses and set a fire to burn them. Thick black smoke rose into the sky, tainting the pale sky. Looking at the black clouds that are gradually accumulating, it seems that they are already indicating something...


For three consecutive days, the idiot did not act again.

In these three days, Walnut's face slowly recovered, but she didn't care about her appearance at all. Instead, she stayed by Xing's side endlessly, wiping her body, washing her face, and serving her excrement and urine. The bun also helped with him, serving tea and water. When the two really couldn't bear it, they leaned against each other and fell asleep for a while. But in his sleep, the corners of Walnut's eyes would also cry...

The girl in the turban still collects herbs every day and replaces the medicinal towel for the apricot. She just stared at Walnut's slowly recovering face for a while, but couldn't see any expression in it. The idiot is guarding everyone, guarding against any enemies who dare to attack again. Also in order to prevent... that Sha Xia came back to this camp.

Early this morning, Walnut was hiding in the tent, his face already covered with exhaustion. But at this moment...

"Idiot, idiot, come on, hurry up"

The idiot was outside sorting out the supplies left by the rescue team, when he suddenly heard Walnut screaming, he rushed in. When Xing was sleeping, she started to moan, and her fingers moved slowly.

There was the girl in the turban who rushed in at the same time he heard the cry. She immediately stepped forward to cover Xing's neck, while touching her forehead, and then tucked her hand into the inside of her clothes to feel her body temperature. At this moment, Xing, who had been asleep for three days and three nights, suddenly sat up, slamming her hands towards her eyes.

"It hurts my eyes... My eyes hurt... It hurts..."

Seeing this, the idiot immediately went up and held her hands to prevent her from scratching. Walnut hurriedly hugged his niece and said loudly, "Xiao Xing, don't be afraid of Auntie here, don't be afraid of Auntie here... Don't worry... Don't be afraid"

Upon seeing the bun, two white rays of light floated up in his hands and gently hugged Apricot's temple. A cool feeling slowly entered the little girl's head. After struggling for a while, her movements finally calmed down, and the pain in her mouth gradually stopped.

The girl in the turban lifted the glasses on her nose and let Xing lie down slowly. She gently untied the cloth towel on Xing’s face and threw it aside. Just when she was about to change into the new medicine, Xiao Xing slowly opened her eyes, revealing the...

Gray pupils.


Xiao Xing raised her hand nervously and reached out to grab it. Bun and Walnut respectively grabbed her hands and held them tightly.


Bun held her hand and kept rubbing her face. Xing's breathing was also rapid from the beginning, slowly, and turned quiet.

"Xiao Xing, Auntie is here, don't be afraid...ah."

Xing's movements slowly relaxed, she opened her eyes that no longer looked good, and held the two hands tightly. This always strong girl couldn't help sobbing, and slowly, tears rolled from the corner of her eyes...

"It turns out...I was really blind...really...not dreaming..."

Walnut picked up the apricot and hugged it. Xing also closed her eyes, hugged her relatives, and sobbed in a low voice. Little Bread pulled her hand, wiped the corners of her eyes, and stopped whimpering.

The idiot exhaled, touched Little Bread's head, turned and walked out. The girl in the turban also raised the glasses on the bridge of her nose and walked out. After the two looked at each other, the turban girl immediately returned to her tent, packed up the herbs and backpack, and put it on her back. After stepping out, she handed a bottle of herbal medicine to the idiot, then lifted her finger and marked out in the air "once every three hours, until the pain ceases, decrease the amount daily."

The idiot nodded and took the medicine bottle. After looking at them again, the two raised their hands at the same time and shook each other. Then, the idiot jumped back to his tree and watched the surroundings. The girl in the turban was carrying a backpack and walked in the direction of the steel city.

This is only a brief difference.

The idiot looked at the medicine bottle in his hand and looked in the direction where the girl in the turban was leaving.

I believe that in a few days, I will see each other again... right there, I don't know how many hidden dragons and crouching tigers... the city of steel.


Two more days passed, and the little bread had almost stayed in the walnut and apricot tent, accompanying them. The idiot, as always, assumes the responsibility of the guard, sitting on the tree.

With such a big mountain, it is absolutely impossible that there are only dozens of bandits in this area. However, in these days, idiots have never seen anyone daring to invade again, and want to come... There must be some other more interesting prey that has attracted their attention.

And after dinner that day...

"Xiao Xing, do you really want to do this?"

The idiot lowered his head and saw the tent cloth opened, and walnuts and bread supported the blind princess and walked out of it.

Today's apricot is pale, with long eyelashes covering his eyelids, and his expression does not seem to have the sadness at the time, and has become much quieter.

Little Bread reached out and wrote a few words on the back of Apricot——

"Take a break"

Facing bread's dissuasion, the girl shook her head gently. She stretched out her hand and fumbled carefully. With difficulty, she touched her sword and stuck it around her waist.

"My eyes... are already true. But compared to me, there are more people suffering. I have no use for it, but I can't make everyone stop acting because of me."

The idiot fell from the air and stood in front of the little girl. Little Bread looked at the idiot, his mouth was open.

"Everyone with you is dead."

A cold male voice came from the blind princess' ears.

"Except for you, there are only bread left here, your aunt Walnut, and me, four people."

Xing was dazed, she slowly stretched out her hand, trying to touch the idiot's body. Walnut carefully let go of her hand and sent her to the idiot, letting her hug the idiot.

"Except me……?"

"..............................Yes. Everyone is dead."

"..............................But......and you......sir."

Xing touched the idiot, and through her weak hands, she had touched the idiot's strong arm and the chain on her right hand.

"I remember your voice, sir. You are the father of Bread... and you are the only stag man to take the initiative to accept the rescue order. I... proud of you."

Xing fumbled and raised her hand, Walnut hurriedly came up to hold her hand and supported her.

"Compared to me, Steel City needs your help more. Moreover, my aunt...and bread must also be able to help. So...I still hope...I can go there quickly. Even though I am already I can't help, but I still can help as soon as possible..."

The idiot raised his head and looked at Walnut. Xing is her family, and she has the power to make decisions.

Walnut looked at Xing who could only groping forward now, and then looked at the idiot. If according to her idea, she now only hopes to be able to leave here as soon as possible, and then go home. However, she can't be so selfish...because she knows that idiots come to this steel city are definitely not just to save people. So if you propose to go back, the idiot will never walk with him. In desperation, she nodded, knelt down, and gently touched Xing's face.

"My good princess, my aunt promises you... we will save people... go... save people..."

Xiao Bread also nodded at the same time. Now that this action has been decided, she immediately walked up to the idiot and took his hand.

"………………doing what."

Bun bit his lower lip, just pulling hard.

The idiot finally squatted down after thinking about it. At this time, Walnut helped Xing to come behind the idiot, and asked the little girl to reach out and hook the idiot's neck. Originally, the idiot frowned slightly for this action, but after seeing the expressions of bread and walnut, he finally did not speak, leaving Xing to lie on his back. Then, he hugged his legs and lifted her up.


A group of four, carrying all the materials they could get, left the camp and walked towards the steel city under the shady curtain. Xiao Bian set the fire in front to explore the way, the idiot carried Xiao Xing on his back, and Walnut kept wiping off Xiao Xing's sweat next to him, comforting her.

And apricot...

She was lying on the back of the idiot, leaning on this broad shoulder, and lowered her head. Although fast, her steady back reminded her of her father. At the moment when she was about to fall asleep, she groaned softly...


Go and go, there are no more words along the way.

Xiao Bao built the bridge in front of him. After rushing fast, he saw the collapsed mountain farmland and the completely destroyed farmhouse on the hillside. The huge city that originally had a population of 100,000 and was out of sight has already appeared in front of everyone.

But now, the city wall that protects the city has completely collapsed. Looking down from the hillside, the city that should have been bustling now only has a broken wall, and there are only ruins everywhere...

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