Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 111, unwilling to save people

111, unwilling to save people


The idiot held the slate with one hand and reached for the walnut. The exhausted Walnut watched the arm pull her collar, and then her body was quickly pulled out like riding a cloud. The same goes for another priest, who was also pulled out by an idiot.


Walnut sat on the ruins behind, staring blankly at the idiot in front of him. I saw his hands against the slate, slowly exerting strength. Instead, the stone slab weighing nearly a ton slowly lifted up. The idiot supported the stone slab, and finally pushed it aside with a fierce force. The dust and loud noise raised were no less than an explosion.

The priest also stared at the idiot blankly. Maybe he hadn't expected that this seemingly only twenty-year-old young man would have such a huge power, but his surprise was only for a moment. After a moment, he immediately climbed to the place where the rubble had just fallen, and kept pulling up with his hands.

"Hold on Norton and you will be rescued soon, you must hold on and hold on"

The bare feet of the priest who was buried under the rubble trembled. The middle-aged priest was ecstatic when he saw it, and immediately reached out to pull the stone. I saw the walnut and the bun, and they kept fiddle with them. They ignored their fingers being cut by sharp stones, gritted their teeth, and kept moving those stones.

The idiot watched, and after staring for a moment, he breathed out slowly. Finally, he finally reached out his hand, and went to pull the ruins together. The priest saw the idiot's behavior and smiled honestly, but soon he turned to worry about his companions again.

"Here, carefully pull out and be careful not to get down the ruins above"

"Okay, here's a support... Just support it."

"It's okay to open up Norton, I will save you now, I must support it"

In a cave that was finally opened, the middle-aged priest stretched out his hand, grabbed his companion, and slowly pulled it out. The priest's face had been smashed into blood and blood, and he kept moaning, but he was still very cooperative, gritted his teeth and did not move. The idiot used his hand to support a stone slab under a collapsed building above everyone's head to prevent it from falling down again. The bun quickly displayed healing power to heal the priest who had half his body out. Walnut took Xing's hand and stood by and shouted together.

Finally... the priest was successfully dragged out. His face was bloody, and Bun hurriedly pressed his radiant hand to his face. While feeling cold, he stretched out his hand, pointed under the ruins, and shouted: "Lancer... he is still alive, he is still... alive"

After that, he fainted.

The priest named Lancer nodded, got into the cave, and looked inside. After shouting a few words at the victim who was about to pass out, he crawled out again, looked around, and rushed to the other side where the victim was buried.

"His foot is completely crushed. I am afraid that he needs to be man, help me."

Father Lancer carefully pushed aside the pile of rocks on the other side, and the idiots also helped. Soon, the leg of the victim was crushed by the whole building and appeared in front of them.

"I need tools...I...I need amputation tools..."

Lancer looked at the completely crushed leg and looked around with anxiety, but now, is it easy to find a tool that can cut human bones? Just when he was anxious, the idiot suddenly pulled out Dim Mi and put it in his hand.

Obviously, Lancer was surprised that the young man could pull a dagger from his wrist. He glanced at the idiot, but soon he threw the doubt behind him, and put his arms around the idiot's shoulder: "Great young man, then, can you help cut his leg? I know this is a very difficult job, but, can you?"

The idiot was silent, without the slightest change in his face. When the priest patted his shoulder for the second time, he nodded gently.

"Okay... Then I will comfort him, and give him confidence that once you receive the instructions, you must do the operation as soon as possible... That... little girl, can your vertical stone power be used to stop the bleeding? Okay, then, fast"

Having said that, Lancer went back to the front again and crawled into the cave where people could only move forward on their stomachs. He ignored the fact that there was no idiot in the cave now, he just used two small bricks to stand on it, and then climbed in.

It was dark in the small cave, without the slightest light. The victim was already on the verge of collapse, he was half-conscious, and death was already beckoning him.

"The child of the goddess, the child of the goddess, hold on, you must hold on."

After the man heard someone calling, he finally recovered a little bit of energy. After hearing this voice clearly, he lifted his head in despair and uttered a word in the dark cave--


"I will save you and I will listen, child, we are going to amputate your right thigh now, this is to save you, can you understand? To live... in order to live up to the life that the goddess gave us. Can you understand?"

The man was already in a trance. Hearing the priest's words on the brink of death seemed like a natural phenomenon to him. He cried, and hummed softly. Lancer was overjoyed and quickly took a towel soaked in water and put it in his mouth, letting him bite. At the same time, hug his head with both hands,

After doing this, he knocked on the brick next to him with an iron rod, and the walnut at the mouth of the hole heard the sound, and immediately pointed his finger at the idiot behind him. The idiot nodded and winked at Little Bread. The "Road Map" immediately appeared on the bottom of Little Bread's feet, and her hands glowed white, facing the place where the knife was about to be cut, holding it down. The idiot waited until the bun had finished the preliminary preparations for hemostasis and pain relief, turned the Dim Mi in his hand, saw it, and stabbed it with a knife.


The severe pain, even after relief, still stimulates the person's spirit. He opened his eyes wide and wanted to shout in pain. Lancer quickly hugged his face tighter, touching his forehead with his forehead. After constant consolation, he began to slowly sing hymns.

The trembling tone ran wildly in the narrow pit, and the victim bit on the towel tightly, feeling the touch of the priest's hand. He could feel the pain coming from behind, but what he could feel even more was the care shown by Father Lancer in front of him. As long as listening to these hymns and feeling the love of priests and goddesses, all the pain is no longer a problem...

"Ah woo"

At the moment when the idiot separated his stump, the small bread patted his hands heavily towards the wound. After the violent bleeding solidified and pulled off the limb at this moment, the victim's body was no longer directly pressed by the building, and the idiot rushed forward. Walnut gave a thumbs up. When Walnut saw it, she immediately reached out and grabbed Lancer's legs, pulling him out little by little, carefully.

The pulling speed of walnuts is very slow, in order to prevent unnecessary wounds, so the speed must not be too fast. The idiot and the little bread stood by and looked at it, but at this moment, the ruins that had been filled by the victims were in a delicate and stable state. Suddenly, there was a tremor again. There was a noticeable shaking, and it was obviously about to fall soon

"Oh priest, I'm going to speed up and let him be careful"

Walnut also saw the shaking of the building, and the speed of her hand immediately increased. After the idiot looked around, he immediately rushed to the back of the three-story building. The chain in his hand was quickly thrown out, directly hooking the corner of the building that was about to fall, and pulling it firmly.

The crumbling building immediately maintained its balance again, and the idiot's footsteps slid in place. Even if it was him, it would be too exaggerated to ask him to pull a building that was about to collapse with his own strength. Seeing this, Bun immediately grabbed the idiot's waist, and the two of them pulled back together.


Father Lancer put his arms around the victim's head and kept patting his face, very nervous. This small cave, which was originally less than two meters long, has become so long now? But now, he can only pray, praying that the goddess can have mercy on this and be more blessed to life in this world.

at last……

Lancer's body was completely pulled out. The moment he crawled out, he and Walnut immediately pulled the victim out. When they saw the building that was tilted once more, Lancer immediately fled with the victims on his back, and Walnut also took Xiaoxing and ran to the open area.


The muscles of the idiot's arms bulged, and the chains were stretched bit by bit. With this dark connection, he gritted his teeth and put the three-story building down bit by bit. After finally laying the building on the ground in a safe and sound state, he let go of his hand, and the whole person sat on the ground with a little collapse.


Bun hugged the idiot's neck from behind, with a worried expression on his face. But the idiot still touched her hair lightly, and this action caused her to smile. After a few seconds of rest, the idiot stood up again, dragged his tired pace, and walked over to Father Lancer and Walnut.

"Hey hold on hold on"

Lancer kept slapping the victim's face, trying his best to keep him awake. But to see that the victims are really a little dysfunctional, he turned his head quickly, looked at the idiot, and said: "Young man, I'm so sorry, although I want to thank you now, can you save people to the end? Help me. My friend and the victims went to the church area together? Please look at the face of the goddess"

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