Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 005, convenient for others

005, convenient for others

Xing Li looked at the idiot, folded her hands on her chest, put her right index finger in front of her lips, and smiled lightly. Then she said--

"Mr. Xiaobai, today's teaching is over. I did a big business last time and made a lot of money. How about we go out to eat tonight."

The idiot looked at Xingli's smile, and after thinking for a while, said--

"I, what should I pay you as a reward."

Xingli smiled, and came up to hook the idiot's arm, and said, "Oh, what are we talking about for payment or not? As long as you can eat out with me today, I will feel very happy. I am happy, this is the reward."

The idiot was still hesitating, but Xingli had already begun to shake the idiot's arm.

"Come on, then, I have some questions I want to ask you for advice during the meal. You help me answer those questions and resolve my doubts, just as payment to me, how about?"

The idiot looked at Xingli, and after repeated thinking, he finally nodded. With his consent, Xing Li smiled slightly and shouted at the door: "Alright Mili, come out. Let's go eat together~~~"

The tree and vine doors separated, and Mili poked out her head suspiciously. Xing Li beckoned to her, motioning to come together. Only then did Mi Li nod her head, went back to the room, put on a neat dress, and walked out.

However, after she saw Xingli hugging the idiot's arm after she went out, and then looked at the idiot's face, her expression immediately became surprised.

"what happened?"

Xingli smiled. Mi Li looked at Xingli and then at the idiot. Finally, she swallowed the surprise in her belly, shaking her head like a rattle.

After calling Mi Li, Xing Li also called out Tolan in the next room. Like Mili, Tolan was equally surprised after seeing the idiot. I don't know what he was surprised. However, under Xing Li's pull, he walked over in embarrassment, silently, the first one to get down the tree.

Leaving the tree house, walk on the street full of sunset. A group of four slowly walked out of the school and came to the street outside.

During this process, Xing Li's face always had a happy smile. Her hand is always hooking the idiot's arm, and she hums happily while walking. Mili and Tolan followed behind them, both bowed their heads, as if they were afraid that others would recognize them.

Perhaps, Xing Li is too famous, and the sight of her now swaggering through the city with an idiot is too unbelievable. Along the way, passers-by stopped to look at the pair, with surprised expressions on everyone's face. Xing Li didn't care about this, she still took the idiot forward, and in the eyes of passersby, she came to a small restaurant in the market.

"Yo, this is not Rooney's answer... uh"

The restaurant staff was still grinning. But after seeing the idiot who came in with Xingli, he immediately looked dull and shocked. Xing Li didn't care about him, and directly pulled the idiot to sit down at a table, picked up the recipe and handed it to the idiot. Mili and Tolan lifted their collars vigorously, walked into the store silently, sat down a little further away, and took up the recipe to directly cover their face.

"Um... Rooney answered... this... this...?"

A waitress came up and looked at the idiot who was reading the recipe, a little nervous.

"He is my friend. It doesn't matter, he doesn't bite."

The waitress nodded, still secretly glancing at the idiot. Before she knew it, she stretched out her hand and leaned directly toward the idiot's head? The idiot noticed it and immediately looked up at her. The waitress was shocked and quickly withdrew her hand.

"He he he he he he stares at me"

Xing Li pursed his mouth and smiled secretly. Mili and Tolan over there were even more embarrassed, praying secretly in their hearts.

"Don't worry, it's really okay. Although he looks like this, he is actually very gentle. Mr. Xiaobai, promise me not to stare at people when nothing is wrong, okay?"

The idiot took the recipe for a long time, then slowly nodded and lowered his head to continue reading the menu. At this moment, the waitress suddenly seemed to have thought of something and rushed back to the changing room of the restaurant on a whim. After a while, she ran out with a camera and handed it to Xingli's hand.

"Please...please...let me take a photo with you"

The idiot frowned and looked at the waiter in front of him who was bowing to him with some confusion. He looked at Xing Li, wanting to find an answer. But Xing Li took the camera and nodded with a smile. The waitress was immediately overjoyed, and quickly put her face on the idiot's shoulder, and at the same time compared her scissor hand to the camera in Xingli's hand. With a click, the picture was taken. The waitress happily took the camera, then glanced at the idiot again, and ran away shouting.

Some idiots are clueless. However, this is not over yet, because when the waitress left, other waiters also rushed over. Take the camera if there is one, and borrow the one without a camera. The diners around did not eat anymore, and everyone came over. Among them, more are women. They rushed up, or took the idiot's hand and shook it hard, and then left happily, or took pictures. Suddenly, the order of this restaurant was in chaos. Many people rushed to the store after getting the information. For a while, remember that there is no flow.

"Wait a minute, everyone"

Seeing that the order around him was about to get out of control, Xing Li finally couldn't bear it and spoke. She picked up the idiot, walked to the seat in the middle of the restaurant, and said, "I know how you feel. But today, the two of us just want to have a quiet dinner here. If you respect us, please comply. Order, don’t disturb us too much. Thank you."

Following Xing Li's words, those who were a little out of control finally managed to control it. The women's eyes flashed with stars, and they began to quickly occupy other seats around the idiot. Even the seats marked with "reservations" are now crowded with women, and they're crowded.

The idiot was very puzzled. He looked at the enthusiastic eyes around him, and then at Xingli in front of him. For a while, he didn't know what was going on. But Xing Li was very calm, picked up the recipe, ordered a few small dishes at random, put it down, looked at the idiot and laughed.

Of course, it is impossible for an idiot to simply attribute the surrounding situation to accident. He looked around vigilantly, and everyone screamed once the women came into contact with his eyes. How is this going? His idiot is just an idiot, not Prince Charming. What happened to these women?

At this moment, a few people with reservation tickets in their hands hurried in. Of course they are all women. After seeing the idiot, they hugged each other and screamed in low voice. But when they noticed that the reserved seat next to the idiot was occupied by others, they naturally stepped forward and asked those who occupied their seats to leave.

It was a small dispute, but it was also a dispute that ended soon. Those who did not have an appointment ticket left sadly, while those with an appointment ticket sat down, did not look at the recipe, ordered a lot of dishes, and then stared at an idiot in a daze.

This is very wrong.

The idiot looked around carefully and no longer felt that it was just a coincidence. At this moment, two women suddenly rushed in from the door, yelled after seeing the idiot, and they were about to pounce. But at the moment they were about to pounce, two ice skates came in through the door. One left and one right, took their hands.

"Without a reservation ticket, you are not allowed to enter a seat of two hundred sura, the number is limited, while stocks last."

Ning Zhiwu started, and the two women were pulled back by the ice line behind the ice skates and flew out quickly. Needless to say, the idiot has already guessed who the person selling the tickets outside the door is. And his gaze was also staring at Xing Li in front of him, his eyes stern.

Xing Li knew that her sister's unreliable work was finally revealed. She spit out her little tongue, covered her nose with a recipe, a little apologetic in her crescent-shaped eyes. After the idiot thought for a while, he didn't say anything, but immediately returned to his usual coldness and ordered two randomly on the recipe. Leave it to the waiter.

This dinner idiot still upholds his own vigilance. For any food, he eats only after Xingli has tasted it. Halfway through the meal, the bun came in from the door. She looked at the idiot in the center and smiled while covering her mouth. After that, she ran to the table of Mili and Toran over there, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

The meal took a long time, from five o'clock to ten o'clock in the evening.

During this process, the idiot and Xing Li both ate very slowly. In the spare time, there is one sentence without a sentence. After eating, just order one or two dishes and continue eating slowly.

The voices of cameras around him kept coming and going. Xingli's beauty is of course also the camera's capture target, but the idiot has become the focus of more people's eyes at this moment. I don't care about the idiot, let the other party pat. In this way, until the end of the restaurant's evening business hours, the two men raised their cups, touched each other, drank their drinks, and left the restaurant.

"He's gone and chased"

The people in the restaurant rushed out, trying to search for the idiot and Xingli who were leaving. But it is a pity that if these two people don't want others to find themselves, then ordinary people will never find them in their entire lives. The idiot followed Xingli and stood in the side alley. It was not until the others had completely left that she turned a corner, walked to the back of the restaurant, and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and inside was the shrewd face of the restaurant owner. He looked at Xingli and then at the idiot behind. This shrewd face couldn't help but chuckle and opened the door.

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