Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 019, the legendary murder case of the ghost ship Blood Eater (13)

019, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (13)

The dishes began to be delivered one after another, and the few guests began to enjoy this rare delicacy. On the idiot’s table, a few plates were simply piled up, but the three of them did not move the dishes that looked exquisite, but took out a small piece of dry food from their arms and chewed secretly. With.

In the restaurant, cups and plates are staggered. The sound of the knife and fork hitting the dinner plate one after another. The idiot looked at the guests around while eating. In the crowd, he quickly found Carol and Weiss who were guarding the corner over there. The two of them were grimace, eating silently.

Captain Andrew is sitting behind where everyone can be seen, while eating steak, smiling and nodding at everyone. Sitting on the table in the corner is the first mate, Ouge. He was still cold and silent.

As for the handsome male elf who didn't know his identity, he was wearing an exquisite evening dress and sitting in the middle of the restaurant. On both sides of him, two noble ladies kept toasting to him, but this elf smiled faintly and declined politely.

"Well, dear viewers. Thank you for coming to the Virgin Mary cruise ship and participating in this trip. Now, it’s time to present a great gift to everyone’s dinner."

Halfway through the meal, a sailor, dressed as a clown, jumped out of the restaurant. As the spotlight fell from the ceiling, everyone knew that it was originally a stage, but it was now being pulled by the curtain.

The trio of idiots stopped, and the other tourists also wiped their mouths with their napkins one after another, watching the sailor's direction. The sailor snapped his fingers when the sound of knives and forks hitting dishes in the restaurant disappeared.

"It is a great honor for us to invite the greatest magician on the sad continent this time. What kind of fantasy night will he bring us. Now, he is coming. Let us welcome with warm applause - Krauzer? Stephench——————"

In an instant there was thunderous applause in the restaurant. Accompanied by applause, the curtain slowly opened, the music sounded, and a spotlight hit head-on, brightening the lights from the originally dark stage in the center of the stage. One was wearing a white top hat and a white cloak. The person with the white mask hovered in the air to greet everyone. Afterwards, he was like a fish swimming in the water, rolling and turning upside down in the air. Not only on the stage, but even above the auditorium, it became a place for him to play.


Xing Li couldn't help but applaud. Based on her knowledge of the guiding stone, no one in the world can levitate in the air with the guiding stone. It is even more impossible to move freely in the air like this. The magician's performance is indeed very exciting.

The following performance time was like a dream, and the many "miracles" displayed by the magician made the whole restaurant reverberate with endless applause. At the end of these unforgettable two hours, the magician stood on the stage and gave a gentleman's salute to the crowd.

"The following will be my biggest and most luxurious performance today. I hope a brave guest can come to be my assistant. Is there anyone willing to dedicate himself?"

The magician Krause issued an invitation, and immediately, many audience members began to stretch their hands. Even the buns stretched out his arms. But in the end, he was stared down by the idiot's eyes.

Facing so many volunteers, the corner of his mouth under Krause's mask smiled slightly. He glanced at all the audience, and finally, he threw a white rose in his hand. Unbiased, the rose happened to fall on the idiot's table, in front of Xing Li.

"That beautiful blond lady, can I be honored to invite you to be my assistant on this fantasy journey?"

Xing Li seemed flattered. She grabbed the rose and smiled awkwardly at the idiot. The idiot did not respond, but sat blankly. Since he didn't respond, Xing Li could stand up and walk slowly onto the stage holding the rose.

"It's an honor. Beautiful lady."

Krauzer took Xingli's hand and kissed lightly. Xingli blushed, turning his head to look at so many people, looking a little shy. After Krause greeted him again, Xing Li recovered and smiled stiffly.

"Don't be nervous. So, may I ask your name?"

Xing Li shook his head, clutching the edge of her skirt, and said shyly: "My name...that...I...I don't want to say..."

"Prefer not to say?"

"It's... it's shameful. Moreover, my boyfriend doesn't like me telling my name to men other than him..."

Carol and Weiss, who were silently eating in the corner, raised their heads and glanced at Xingli. Afterwards, the two continued to bow their heads to eat.

"So, what should I call you?" Krause asked kindly.

"That's it... you call me Jacqueline."

"Okay, Miss Jacqueline. In the next moments, you will be the best witness of my miracle. No matter what happens to you, please don't be surprised. Because that is my magical power generating effect."

When the voice fell, Krause asked the sailor to take a screen of equal height and enclose all three sides of Xingli, leaving only the side facing the audience. At this moment, the sound of music began to rush, and the lights began to flicker. Everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, looking at the stage carefully, looking at Xingli who was a little panicked and a little expectant.

Finally, when the music reached its highest point, Krause strode across in front of Xing Li. That is to say, in an instant that could not be shorter, Xing Li's body had an incredible change.

A set of evening dresses formed by flowers has already enveloped her. The pleated skirt, just the right length and waist, are beautifully designed. All of them surprised all the audience present

Xing Li looked at the skirt that appeared on her body in an instant, and she was also surprised, and she quickly reached out to touch it. That's right, is it real but just that moment? I haven't even figured out how to put on this suit.

The music began to open and close, and the applause of the whole restaurant began to boil. Krauzer took Xingli's hand and came to the stage to bow to everyone. Afterwards, he pulled up his cloak and raised it in front of the crowd. The floral dress on Xing Li immediately exploded, and countless petals flew to the audience, the beauty was intoxicating.

After the performance, I also finished eating. The three idiots slowly left the restaurant. Along the way, Bun kept holding up a sign and asked how it was made just now, but Xingli's answer was that Bun could not be satisfied. Even Xing Li felt strange, as if he knew the situation inside. But no matter what I think, I can't think of why.

"Forget it, forget it, magicians eat by mystery. After seeing it, it is an immoral thing to try to expose its mystery. For magic, we don’t have to think about how it happened, as long as Isn't it enough to enjoy the happiness of being cheated?"

Finally, Xing Li gave this conclusion. After thinking about it, Xiao Bian finally stopped pursuing the situation. Shut up and stopped talking.

Go back to Room A-2 where Walnut is and open the door to see that the Walnut inside is still sleeping. Xing Li said with a pity, and then the two walked side by side into room A-4 next to them.

I have to say that the room is really not that big. On the cruise ship, there can be no high demands on this.

Seeing the soft bed, Xiao Bian pounced on it after a day of tiredness and threw off her shoes in the air. As soon as she touched the bed, she snored and pretended to snor.

The idiot stepped forward, patted the girl's butt, and said coldly, "Go to the shower."

Bun buried his head in the pillow and wandered back and forth. After a while, she got up from the bed unwillingly and walked to the bathroom over there. However, the bathtub-shaped bathroom still made her a little excited, lying in the water, exhaling comfortably.

The idiot took off his shoes and upper body clothes and sat on the edge of the bed. He picked up a passenger self-rescue guide on the bedside table and read it. Xing Li smiled and sat beside him. At the same time, he reached into the skirt and began to take off the black pantyhose.

"When was the last time we slept together?"

Under the tender yellow light, Xingli slowly took off her pantyhose, revealing the slender, white thighs underneath. The pink toenails are contrasted with the light, as moving as pink pearls.

The idiot did not speak, and after a quick glance at the self-help guide, he sat on the bed. Start to lie down.

Xing Li smiled, stretched out her hand and started to untie her coat and skirt, revealing her skin that was as smooth as stagnant. Then, with her back to the idiot, she took out her luggage and clothes from the closet, took out a set of violet nightdress and put it on. After she finished wearing everything, she walked to the bed with catwalks, got on the bed, and lay beside the idiot.



"Are you angry that I suddenly claimed to be a man and woman couple with you? Or, angry that I deliberately named you a random name?"

The idiot turned his head and glanced at Xingli next to him. Her face was very close to herself, and she could almost feel the breathing in her mouth when she was close. The cute little pink lips opened and closed slightly, exhaling an intoxicating fragrance.

"Don't be like this~~~ At that time, I was very anxious. For the convenience of action, I just made up the most credible reason. Anyway, it is not a day or two for me to be misunderstood. I'm used to getting numb."


"However, although I said I'm getting used to it soon, you can't mess around, you know? We are good friends after all. If you dare to mess around with me while I'm asleep, I'll break your relationship with you~ ~~ Did you hear that?"

Xing Li's mouth was very close, she almost pressed against the idiot's ear, speaking softly with a voice that only the two of them could hear. Her breath got into the idiot's ear, itching. The idiot can't help turning his head to prevent the itching in the ear from becoming more serious.


Xing Li smiled, then patted the bed, and then pointed to the sofa over there. The idiot glanced at the sofa and didn't respond. Instead, he stared at Xing Li.

"Please. I pay for the ferry ticket. So, Mr. Xiaobai, please do as I say a little bit. It should be okay? It's no longer than a few years ago. At that time, we were young and we could sleep together. . But now that we are all big, we should sleep separately for mutual benefit. And this bed is too small to accommodate three people."


There was a cheerful cry of Bread from the bathroom. After thinking about it for a while, the idiot suddenly said: "Bread, you sleep on the sofa tonight"


There was a scream of bread in the bathroom, and then, you could hear the sound of water coming from inside. I could hear that the girl had gotten out of the bathtub and wanted to come to a theory.

When Xingli heard these words, she was stern and said, "How can you let the bread sleep on the sofa?"

"We are boyfriend and girlfriend. We don't sleep in the same bed. The bread is my sister. In order not to disturb our rest, we should sleep on the sofa."

The idiot said solemnly. Seeing such an idiot, Xing Li couldn't help but laughed bitterly, and said, "How can that work? How can the bread sleep on the sofa? But this bed is really too small. Three people are really crowded..."

"Bread, you still sleep on the sofa tonight."

"Wow wow wow wow ——————"

"Hey, Mr. Xiaobai. Do you want me to sleep on the sofa?"

"Bread, for your sister Xingli, you should sleep on the sofa."

There was a hurried dressing sound from the bathroom, mixed with the yell of bread. Finally, Xing Li gritted his teeth and said cruelly: "Well, sleep together and sleep together. Anyway, it's not the first time I slept with you. I'm not afraid of what you do to me."

After speaking, Xingli lay on the bed with the appearance of being slaughtered and closed her eyes. The idiot glanced at her and shook his head gently. Just as the bun rushed out of the bathroom violently, the idiot got off the bed and picked up the clothes.

"Papa Bread Want to Sleep on the Sofa? 》

The little girl held the sign and looked at the idiot with horror.

What greeted her was a cold glance of an idiot. After that, he walked out of the door and left.

The accommodation area at night is very quiet, it sounds like there are no people. After leaving the room, the idiot looked left and right, and walked towards the next deck. The stairs are at the stern of the ship, and down the stairs, the entertainment area appears in front of you. The magician had taken off his cloak and top hat at this moment, and was walking out of the back door of the restaurant. In his hand, he carried a suitcase.

The magician Krauzer also saw the idiot, he smiled, nodded, and walked past the idiot. But at the moment when the two were about to cross each other, the idiot suddenly spoke--

"Your face, just like your magic, must be full of mystery."

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