Demon King Dad

: The sixth year story 028, the legendary murder case of the ghost ship Blood Eater (22)

028, Ghost Ship Blood Eater Legend Murder Case (22)

"Yesterday... The day before yesterday... The day before yesterday... I killed Vivienne Goodsay... Killed Weiss? Strong... Last night, I killed that Carroll again... I... I..."

Xing Li's mouth grew, as if she couldn't believe what she heard in her ears. Bun also froze for a while, and quickly stretched out a hand to hold the walnut...

"do not touch me"

Walnut noticed Bun's fingers and hurriedly flung it away. She moved to the corner in horror, still terrified in her eyes.

"I'm'm afraid that when I can't control myself don't...Don't come near me...I don't want to kill people..."

Little Bread's hand was thrown away, and she was taken aback. But afterwards, she climbed onto the bed and rushed into Walnut's arms. Hold her tightly. Walnut was held in this way, and her emotions began to agitate again. Until the bun walked along her body, took her arms around her neck, and pressed her face to her cold face completely...

Her madness was only slightly settled down.

"After all, what is going on."

Walnut's tears fell uncontrollably again. Faced with the cold question of the idiot, her thinking was also very difficult, and she returned to the night yesterday, remembering the "fact" full of blood...

"I don't know... I don't know anything..."

"Last night... I didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, outside... there was a door knocking..."

"Later, I opened the door...after...after..."

Walnut covered her face and sobbed--

"That person... that person rushed in... He grabbed me... yelled at me... Then... there was a knife... and blood..."

Walnut shook his head and said in horror--

"A lot of blood... splashed... That person suddenly closed the door very heavily... Then, he turned to me... and called to me..."


"I... I'm scared... I smell blood... I'm... feeling very hungry... very thirsty... then... then... I... then..."

In my mind, the scene from last night reappeared. Even though all other memories are not clear, she will never forget the scene of biting the man’s throat with her teeth.

The sweet blood soaked the throat.

With the sweetness of each bite, she could clearly feel the vitality in her body.

However, after that moment of comfort and sweetness...

Lying on the ground was a corpse that had lost its vitality. And the **** coat on my body, and the blood on the floor, as wide as the ocean...

The idiot listened quietly. Xiao Bao and Xing Li opened their mouths wide and looked at each other.

Especially Xing Li, her face now seemed to be listening to an incredible story. After being silent for a while, she secretly swallowed her saliva and said--

"Legend... is it true...? Blood Eater... Princess... Are you really... a Blood Eater?"

"The one who **** blood...sucking blood...?"

Xing Li originally wanted to talk about the blood-sucking ghost, but after thinking about it, she decided to bring the princess in.

Walnut hugged her head, and she couldn't refute Xingli's words. The blood-sucking devil... If you know this fact and can be accepted by others without any surprise, then this world is too terrifying.

Bun was entangled with her hands a little at a loss. She looked at the walnuts and then at the idiot, not knowing what to do. But at this moment, Xing Li lowered his head and thought for a while. After a while, she snapped her fingers suddenly and said--

"Something is wrong."

The idiot turned his head and looked at Xingli.

"His Royal Highness, let's not care if you really **** human blood. Even if you really have become a...well...different person, you are still our princess. What I want to say is the corpse What? How did you deal with Carroll's body?"

Walnut shook his head dejectedly and said, "I don't know... After biting him, I became groggy... When I woke up, I... saw blood on the ground... So... …I knew it was not a dream...I...I was real..."

"There is a question here."

Xingli interrupted Walnut's words in time, and said strictly--

"His Royal Highness, in fact, your memory is only the moment you bit Carol. But you can't explain how the corpse passed through the two closed doors and then was hung on the sail outside. And on the corpse The situation that emerged is also somewhat different from the story you told."

Walnut raised her head, her frustrated expression a little puzzled.

"Princess, the bite mark on Carroll's throat is cross-shaped and symmetrical with his neck. In other words, this bite mark was when Carroll fell completely to the ground, and someone was on his side, opened his mouth, from directly above. Bite it down. But according to your princess, you bit while holding Carol while standing with him. In this case, it is impossible for a human mouth to bite someone else’s throat. Right in front, but only on the left and right sides."

After thinking about it, Bun jumped out of bed and ran to the idiot and opened his hands. After being stupefied for a while, he stretched out his hand to support her small body and picked her up. After Xiao Bian waited for his height to be the same as that of the idiot, he immediately hugged the idiot's shoulder with both hands, and took a bite. The small teeth opened and bit on the idiot's neck.


The bun's teeth were not too hard. It's not so much biting, it's more containing. After biting a few times, she opened her mouth, and then opened her mouth on the other side of the idiot's neck. After biting both sides, she wiped her lips and looked at the two tooth marks on the idiot's neck.

Let alone the front of the neck, when both sides are standing, the human neck is really hard to bite. Little Bread's head is already small, but he still can't really bite the idiot's throat. A half of the tooth marks are even left on the shoulders.


Little Bread touched the two rows of small teeth marks on the idiot's neck and cried out immediately. Then, she jumped from the idiot's arms, ran directly in front of Walnut, opened her arms, and hugged her waist again.

"That's it. So princess, even if you really bit someone, you can't do a fatal attack on others. Moreover, you said that you lost your memory after biting your shoulder, and when you woke up you saw that the body was gone. Coupled with the abnormal bite marks on Carlos’s throat that have been discovered now. All the above are spliced ​​together, I have reason to believe that it was not only you and Carroll who were present at the scene. There should be a third person at the scene. It was the same person who faked the scene after you lost consciousness and really crushed Carol’s throat. He was killed. And this tooth that crushed his throat..."

Xingli glanced around the room, and soon she walked to the human skeleton model over there. Pick it up and pull open the skull that can freely open and close the jawbone.

"Yes, this is it."

The skull, which can automatically glow with eyes, rested on Xingli's hands, and the light from both eyes made people shudder. As the skeleton swayed in Xingli's hand, the light in the bone's right eye began to flicker, as if looking at this thing in the blink of an eye, the bun couldn't help but be frightened, even Walnut couldn't help covering his mouth and was shocked.

"According to my opinion, the fact should be like this. First, Carlos came to your room for some reason and shouted at you. You instinctively bit his shoulder due to various circumstances. After that, you fainted by your actions. Carol was left with serious injuries. But at this time, Carol should not have died. Someone came in through the gate. At this time, Carol really The fatal blow. Then, the man forged the scene and left with the corpse. Then he made a mystery and hung on the main sail outside."

The idiot pinched his chin and kept thinking there. It seems to be analyzing the feasibility of Xing Li's situation. At this time, Little Bread raised the sign--

"So, how did you get the double secret room? 》

After thinking about it, Xing Li shook his head and said, "This... is not clear for the time being. Although I have thought about a few possibilities, there has been no evidence. Moreover, I can't think of the murderer deliberately hoisting the body. Then what is the reason for the mystery. Because it was late at night, no one had an alibi. In other words, it was even more suspicious to have an alibi in the middle of the night. If it was me, after killing someone, he would immediately The corpse was thrown into the sea outside. As long as it fell into the sea, any evidence could be annihilated. But the murderer still let the corpse appear in the form of a legend. This...could it be..."

"Compared to murder?"

"The murderer is a lunatic, who likes to get rid of everyone one by one according to the legend? Or does the book "Legend of the Demon Sea" have meaning for the murderer?"

Xing Li's thoughts seemed to have reached a dead end. She rubbed her temples and walked around the room, but couldn't imagine the outcome of the incident. At this time, the bun's eyes rolled, and suddenly as if he had realized something, he brushed the uppercase close-ups on the writing board. Then, he raised the sign--

"Since it is an imitation, does it mean that the murderer has read this book?" Because before Sister Xingli said it, there have been two murders. Moreover, it is likely that after the first noble disappeared, the murderer immediately realized that such a disguise could be carried out."

Xingli looked at the words on the sign and thought for a while. Then she looked at the idiot and said, "Mr. Xiaobai, what do you think?"


"Ah, forget it. But I think the idea of ​​the small bread is very interesting. Even if the perpetrator has not read "Legend of the Demon Sea", he must have heard of this legend. In view of the fact that it happened at sea... Then, Captain Andrew and First Mate Ouge are the most likely murder suspects..."

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