Demon King Dad

: Sixth year story 046, deprived of qualifications

046, deprived of qualifications

The vines kept prickling, and before a moment, some rose buds grew on Tolan's skin. There are more buds on his hair, set off his blue hair, like a fairy sprinkled with flowers.

"It's so beautiful... Before, I have never seen someone so beautiful after this trick. Sure enough, you are also an excellent doll. I want to fill your body with roses and make you become Among my treasures, it’s second only to her."

The surrounding battle continued, and Dia opened her mouth, looking at Tolan's situation in horror. With extreme worry, she rushed to the idiot who was sitting still, pointed at Tolan, and said loudly: " are also very strong? You hurry up and he...he is going to die Now, he is going to die"

The idiot didn't speak, he didn't even pay attention to Diya, but continued to stare at Taelan, motionless.

At this moment, Tolan's hands, legs, and body were already full of roses, and the rose petals that emerged from the clothes seemed to make her wear a beautiful dress. Dia gritted her teeth and yelled again: "Hey, don't you care about your subordinates? He is your subordinate? I beg you, hurry up and save him... hurry up... and save him. ——"

Idiot, still did not move.

His pupils are cold and quiet. It seemed that what appeared before him was not a fierce battle, but just a pool of stagnant water that couldn't be calmer.

He is waiting.

That's right... he is waiting.

"Death knight, it will be finished soon. By the way, what is your name? For your beauty, I might consider calling you by your own name."

Tolan pressed the sword on his shoulder and gritted his teeth. He lowered his head hard and looked at Taelan...

"Vanity... big... man..."

"Huh? What?"

"It are really...very...vanity...what..."

"What do you mean."

" Master it...the only way to...receive...power...?"

"If... it's just that..."

"It's just... that's the case... Then you... this time... you really... misguided..."

Tailan's face sank. He squeezed the rose sword in his hand and hummed: "What's wrong? What, do you think you can turn defeat into victory now? That female lizard is not a monster that has lived for tens of thousands of years, but a monster that is less than 100 years old. The little girl who was lucky enough to be selected by the Demon Sword is now losing blood, unable to move, and you are about to become my doll. Under such circumstances, what can you do to counteract?"

Tolan clutched his shoulders and said with a painful expression on his face: "Yes...ah...we are... completely at a... disadvantaged... completely... unable to fight back... and... my master... '...I originally planned to...I will come to you after I recover...but suddenly...change my will come to you..."

Taelan was taken aback: "What do you want to say?"

"We... are completely... careless... I actually... also care about... not even a dead soldier... was summoned... just like that... and you..."

Taelan was a little anxious, and shouted: "What are you trying to say clearly?"

Tolan glanced at the idiot behind him, a sad smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. When Taelan saw Tolan looking back at the idiot's expression, her expression changed.

"Could it be that?"

In an instant, he threw Tolan away, but at the moment when he was fully alert for idiots...

The moonlight coming in from the ceiling... turned red.


That feeling, only one.

Just a soft "kiss". A...cursed kiss.

As the blood in the body was quickly drawn away, Taelan didn't even have any reaction at that moment.

A pair of women's hands put her arms around her shoulders. It's like treating a lover...

A small head is also leaning on his shoulder, and his red hair is tied into two ponytails, which looks playful and cute...

A mouth... is kissing his throat.

It doesn't hurt, but there is a slight numbness.

And the blood in the body was quickly drawn away from the bite, and the feeling of entering that small mouth...


Taelan was stunned.

The sudden loss of blood made his mind blur. At the most pressing juncture, he lowered his head and saw a pair of blood-red pupils full of anger. And this person... this person is just...

"you you you…………"

Shock, anger, and embarrassment, these feelings spread in his heart instantly. He quickly lifted the sword, pierced the body behind him fiercely. The rose sword pierced the shoulder of the vampire girl and reached the heart directly


Sucking, but not over.

The red-haired girl just wrinkled her brows slightly, and then drew blood more vigorously. How could Taelan not be surprised? How can you let him not be surprised? In astonishment and surprise, he quickly urged the Rose Magic Sword to release the vine and penetrate into the body of the red-haired girl. But as soon as the vines touched the blood flowing from the red-haired girl's wound, they immediately burned and evaporated.

"The blood of the Demon Emperor... How... how is it possible? Rose... Rose didn't say... There are... bloodthirsty members in the Demon Race. This... You... You are not... Protoss... neither ...Demon on earth are you......???"

The red-eyed girl still did not answer. She was just performing this simple and direct attack. At this moment, she thought of the three knights killed on the boat in her mind, and the oppressive goodness of the members of the Rose Garden she saw in the city.

High taxes...drug trade...dipping yin women...trafficking in humans...killing all those who rebel against them, even the shelter

This behavior...this behavior...

How can she forgive...How can she let this kind of person continue to exist?

"you you…………"

Taelan yelled, that handsome face had begun to twist gradually. Seeing that the sword in his hand could not work, he immediately drew the sword out, backhanded, intending to insert it on Walnut's head again

But at this moment, the idiot, who had never moved, suddenly moved him to rush towards Tai Lan, and a fourth chain sprang out of his right arm, directly inserted into its neck. When Taelan was about to pierce the sword into the Walnut Sky Spirit Cap, he stretched out his hand, grasped the rose, and pulled it back forcefully. At the same time, his right eye became Nebula's right eye, and the power of cursing immediately began.

"Wh... what?"

"This sword does not belong to you. Now, hand it over."


Taelan was startled, looking at the idiot's right eye, and unconsciously letting go of the right hand holding the sword. The idiot took this opportunity to pull with all his strength, only to hear the cracking sound of the vines, the hypocritical devil-rose , Has been separated from Tai Lan's right hand

(Human kid, the reason you have to deal with him is because you want to seize the sword?)

Amidst the dimming surprise, the rose wave sword in the idiot's left hand immediately began to twist the sword, and countless vines came up, and began to wrap around the idiot's left arm to see this, the idiot's left hand suddenly shook, and his eyes immediately returned to hollowness. The darkness. The vines retreated into the hilt of the sword after being wrapped around twice. Then, the sword began to shrink, and the blade retracted into the rose cluster on the hilt. Within a few seconds, the original wave sword has become a rose bouquet, gorgeous and beautiful to the extreme.

(Hehe, don't say you are vain, your kid can give up even the basic dignity of being a person at any time, of course this guy can't bother you.)


The idiot held the rose bouquet in his arms and turned to Taelan over there. After losing Rose, he screamed with great pain. The huge blood loss finally made him kneel down, in a trance, and gasping for breath.

The people around who were fighting Mili saw this scene, they were all surprised. They never dreamed that their boss would now abruptly grab the sword and the original attack would also stop instantly, and they were shocked.

"Give it all to me... I am not allowed to come back after I leave here"

Tolan leaned on the wall and struggled to stand up. Seeing this, Dia hurried up to help. Tolan knew that now that Taelan had lost his combat effectiveness, the idiot might have given an order to kill everyone here. In order to protect the lives of these people, he hurriedly called out.

However, these subordinates were just dumbfounded, and after looking at each other, they immediately raised their weapons and rushed towards the idiot in the center. Seeing this, Tolan felt guilt again in his heart. He looked at the idiot and saw that he had already squeezed his right hand. As a last resort, he could only perform the duties of his bodyguard and stretch out his bloodshot fingers...

"Stand up... my servant... kill all the enemies in front of him..."

At that moment, the two corpses killed by Mili stood up. Before the subordinates had reacted, the dead soldier rushed up and raised the axe in his hand. As a result, the lives of the two were killed.

The dead body immediately got up. Within half a minute, the dozen or so men in the conference hall had all become soldiers of the dead. They opened their mouths, and their pupils showed an evil blue light. It wasn't until everything was silent that I fell to the ground and stopped moving...

"My lord... Are you...?"

Dia supported Tolan, looked at the beautiful face, and at the dead men under his command. At this moment, her hand pressed against his chest, and finally discovered something...

The handsome knight in front of me...not...


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