Looking at the situation in front of him, Chen Xuanyu did not panic, he had already expected that Fei En would not give up and transferred Mia in advance.

And arranged all the dragon maids except Alita to protect her.

Among the ten Battle Dragon Maids, there were two high-level warriors and eight middle-level warriors.

Even if Fein luckily found them, he couldn’t beat them without master-level strength.

But it seems that this group of people did not find Mia and them.

Otherwise, he would not have transferred the two master-level warriors to his side.

“Heh, the two master-level warriors are indeed very powerful, but how do you know? I don’t have a helper? ”

Annan smiled slightly, and immediately summoned the mecha warrior and mecha apostle from the system inventory.

According to Annan’s estimates, the combat effectiveness of the Apostle mecha should be between the high-level – master level.

The combat power of ten mecha warriors is equivalent to that between intermediate transcendent and high-level transcendent.

Or the kind of transcendent who can attack from a distance and fight closely!

A total of eleven mechs instantly appeared behind Annan, and then the scarlet electronic eyes lit up.

The high-temperature laser sword in the right hand is instantly activated, and the laser tactical rifle in the left hand is ready to fight at any time!

Looking at the eleven strange armors that suddenly appeared, Fein was suddenly stunned, and then laughed

“You don’t just want to beat me with these broken irons! Ha ha! ”

“Huh, broken copper and rotten iron? Very figurative metaphor, I hope you can still laugh later. ”


Annan gave the order, leaving two mecha warriors to protect Leah and take her to safety.

The rest of the mecha warriors behind them rushed towards the enemy without fear of death.


Annan roared, and the huge bloody dragon wings vibrated violently, and a huge strong wind swept over.

The claws in his hand were as sharp as razors, and he directly greeted the master-level warrior on the opposite side.

Alita also roared angrily, directly using the Dragon Berserker’s talent skill – Dragon Berserk.

The dragon scales around her body began to cover rapidly, and a pair of equally huge bloody dragon wings protruded from her shoulder blades.

At this time, Alita’s whole figure seemed to be tall, and the momentum around her body was becoming more and more violent!


An all-out blow from four master-level transcendents!

The whole hotel began to crumble.

The huge and furious battle qi wave directly cracked the surrounding earthquake!

On the other side, when the mecha warriors moved, the remaining ten or so assassins went directly into hiding!

To outsiders, they have disappeared!

But in the scarlet electronic eyes of the mecha warriors, the infrared thermal imaging turned on, and directly located them in an instant.


All mecha warriors, armed with laser tactical rifles, began to shoot at the concealed, black-clad assassins.

In an instant, five or six unlucky black-clothed assassins were shot into a sieve by laser tactical rifles, and their whole bodies emitted the smell of scorched roasted meat.

The assassin is a high-attack and low-defense profession, and being hit by a laser tactical rifle is almost the end of the flesh!

The blue vortex engine roared, watching the remaining black-clad assassins prepare.

All the mecha warriors, armed with high-temperature laser swords, swarmed up and began to beat the black-clad assassins in groups.

The weapons of the black-clad assassins are short and elite daggers, which is not only convenient for assassination, but also convenient for quick escape after assassination.

But now, the dagger is against the high-temperature laser sword, and the result is self-evident!

“How is this possible?”

Fein looked at his assassin squad in disbelief.

It was all solved with just one face, and the most important thing is, how did they recognize the assassin’s concealment skills?

It seems that in front of that group of moving armor, all concealment has lost its effect!

Although high-level and intermediate assassins can’t travel through the shadows yet, the hidden strength is difficult for other transcendent beings of the same level to discover!

Just when Finn was puzzled.

Quickly solve the battle for all mecha warriors, and mecha apostles.

Under Annan’s conscious order, he immediately cooperated with the maddened Alita to kill the opponent!

Alita was originally a senior master, and she was faintly about to break through to the grandmaster-level berserker.

At this time, when the dragon fury is turned on, its combat effectiveness is no worse than that of ordinary warriors who have just broken through the grandmaster level!

In front of the Mecha Apostle’s special concentrated Gauss rifle.

Although it cannot penetrate the Qi shield of a master fighter.

But the huge kinetic energy is still the master warrior who was shocked, and all his internal organs were faintly displaced, and his whole body was in severe pain.

The movements of the hands also began to slow down, and Alita seized the opportunity.

The direct two-handed broadsword carries unparalleled power, descends from the sky, and under the terrified eyes of the enemy, smashes the enemy’s shield and decapitates with one sword!

“Go, support Your Highness!”

Alita didn’t care about cleaning the battlefield, worried about Annan’s safety, and immediately took the blood-dripping giant sword and the mecha apostle and so on, and galloped towards Annan.

Annan saw Alita and the others coming together at this time, and he was not using opponents, honing his dragon combat skills.

“Oh, it’s been playing for so long. It’s time to end! Thank you for this sparring partner! All the way! ”

Annan sneered and activated the sorcerer.

“Rock thorn!”

“Flame bomb!”


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