Annan returns to the camp and gathers all the craftsmen together.

Subsequently, lime powder, iron ore powder, and clay found on the edge of the river valley were removed, and some coal dust and gravel were added.

According to the special cement formula given by the system, after mixing and mixing, finally add some low-level Warcraft’s magic core polished powder, stir again, and finally obtain the finished product.

“Do you remember the ratio of various materials I just mentioned?”

Annan looked at the group of craftsmen around him.

“Remember, but Lord Lord, is this any use?”

A craftsman asked cautiously, and everyone was puzzled.

“Of course, the house built with this thing is indestructible, even the attack of the transcendent can resist for a long time!”

Annan explained to them.

“Build a house? Indestructible? Can it also resist the attacks of the transcendent? ”

Hearing this, all the craftsmen present were shocked and incredulous.

Isn’t this just water and stone, mixed with various powders! Is it so powerful?

“I know you don’t believe it, but just do it, and tomorrow you’ll see the results!”

Annan did not explain much, in his own capacity, just order them directly, too lazy to say.

“By the way, what’s your name?”

Annan pointed to the man who had just asked.

“Huh? Lord Hui, the little one is called Karatte! ”

The man was screaming, thinking that the lord was remembering the question he had just asked!

“Well, Kall, you’ll be their captain and the territory’s construction supervisor from now on.

In the future, the construction of houses, walls, and fortifications of the territory will be under your control.

All right! Hurry up and work! I also bought a lot of these supplies, which is enough for you to use for a while.

Do a good job, the territory will not be bad for you! ”

Annan drew a pie as usual and encouraged.

Hearing Annan’s appointment and encouragement, Karat slowly came back to his senses, I am, promoted?

He also became the construction supervisor of the noble lord!

Karat was instantly excited, saw the direction Annan left, and muttered:

“Don’t worry! My lord, I will definitely build the camp for you. ”

At this time, Annan took the mecha warrior and mecha apostle to check out the Bor Mountain, the surrounding terrain and mineral resources.

Annan soon took the mecha warriors and others to the other side of Mount Bor.

This side is full of cliffs, and Annan and the others have just stepped in.

There were actually birds flying in the sky, and there seemed to be some noise in the distance, but it quickly calmed down.

There is a thick guano on the ground, and Mount Bor has two cliffs, both of which are at the stopping point of migratory birds.

So over the years, a very large amount of guano has accumulated here.

Don’t underestimate these guano, they are a valuable resource!

Simply put, these guano accumulate over time to cover the land, and a little refining is the best fertilizer!

In the future, vigorously develop agriculture, even the barren land on the Bor Mountains, can use these high-quality fertilizers to build a large area of farmland.

Annan chose this place as a stronghold, not only because it was located halfway up the Bor Mountains.

There is a vast area of level land that can be used to build houses and walls, and it is also geographically easy to defend and difficult to attack.

More importantly, the hidden resources here are indeed richer than he imagined.

For example, there is a red land in front of you.

Annan led the mecha warriors to the other side, the mountain meltwater side.

The snowy water of the Borberg Mountains flows through this alpine stream to the valley area at the foot of the mountain.

The land around this stream is actually red.

Annan then reached out and twisted some red dirt, he put it in his hand and squeezed it, and then threw it on the ground with a smile on his face.

Clay indeed!

And it is a little different from the clay in the river valley area, which should be the raw material for firing red bricks.

Bricks are also available in this magical continent, such as nobles or royal palaces and other building materials, the most used are bricks and stones!

And these things can fire not only bricks, but also pottery and so on.


The key point is how to increase the yield and turn this clay into a large number of building materials.

“But there is no hurry now, simple cement houses are enough, and when there are many people in the territory in the future, it will not be too late to mine again.”

Then Annan looked at the ocean in the distance, which was already very close, about 5 kilometers away was an outlet to the sea.

“Outlet to the sea?!”

Annan looked at the ring-shaped fork in the distance, and couldn’t help but think suddenly.

If you add a little land reclamation in the later stage, isn’t it a perfect port?

When the time comes, a pier is set up there, a cement avenue is built, and the dock port and territory are connected, and that is perfect!

After all, the sea represents countless gold coins and resources.

Having its own fleet and ports is the basic condition for controlling maritime transport later!

Thinking of this, Annan’s mood is surging, he will make this place the most brilliant and precious pearl in the entire magic continent!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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