“Lord Lord, our raw materials are somewhat insufficient!”

At this time, the craftsman supervisor Karat found Annan and spoke.

“Running out so quickly? I remember I bought quite a few! That’s enough for ten days! ”

Annan said with some doubt.

“Lord Lord, now with these prisoners, our project is progressing quickly, but at the same time, the consumption of raw materials is also very large.

The remaining raw materials, I estimate that I can only last for three more days, will run out! ”

Karat said a little bitterly.

He is now lucky to be the right-hand man beside the noble lord.

I finally prepared to get ahead and make some merits for the lord.

As a result, the raw materials are running out, and the project will have to stop at that time!

“This way! You use the rest first, and I will find a way to use the raw materials later.

Rest assured, soon a large number of raw materials will be produced continuously. ”

Annan comforted his subordinates.

“Yes, Lord Lord!”

When Karat heard Annan’s words, he was full of fighting spirit again.

“What happened to the house built yesterday?”

Annan asked again.

“Lord Lord, the recipe you gave called cement is really very good.

When I went to inspect the house today, it was the house that was repaired yesterday.

Today it is already hard as iron, and you can’t cut it with an iron knife, it’s amazing! ”

When Karat said this, he immediately painted it to Annan.

The hard texture has never been seen even by Karat, who has been a craftsman for more than ten years.

Annan thought to himself, it was a special cement formula produced by the system, which was more than ten times harder than the cement of Blue Star! Of course it’s indestructible!

“Of course, wait two more days to dry, the quality will be better!”

You work hard, and when the time comes, give you a two-story concrete house. ”

Annan began to encourage his subordinates again.

“Yes, Lord Lord, Karat must be building for the territory, disgusting!”

When Karat heard that he could live in a two-story cement building, he was immediately happy.

His house in Nanka City is also made of low mud, mixed with wooden planks!

And the other houses here are one-story houses, and the two families share a wall.

Although the space is very large, there are also four rooms, a living room, but it is not comparable to my two-story detached building!

Lord Lord, it is really too benevolent and generous!

Karat thought to himself, and immediately became energetic and put into work!

Annan checked the progress of the construction, and then summoned five mountain-moving giant mechs to help the craftsmen transport the boulders, improving the progress of construction.

Later, after Annan passed through a forest, he came to the Houshan’s alchemy work area.

I saw several small earthen kilns the size of grave bags, thick smoke, rising from the chimney.

Ten captives, armed with iron anklets, were using hammers to crush white limestone mines by the earthen kiln.

Then crush it into powder with stones, wash it out with clean water, and give it to Alchemist Albert to preside over the layered calcination!

Seeing this, Annan nodded gratifyingly.

Sure enough, professional things have to be done by professional people!

“Lord Lord, thank you for providing manpower, now our production has begun to gradually increase!”

Albert saw Annan coming, immediately stopped his work, came to Annan’s side, and reported respectfully.

“Well, yes, it’s that you guys are too dusty, next time I’ll send you some masks!”

Annan looked at the dust in the sky and felt that if he did not arrange a little protective measures, these subordinates were afraid that they would get pneumoconiosis!

“Masks? What is that? ”

Albert was a little puzzled.

“A protective measure, by the way, I am ready to increase your manpower again and increase production again.”

After that, Annan brought the five mountain-moving giant mechs behind him over and said.

“In the future, they can not only serve as security for you here, protect your safety, but also help you do heavy work and improve production progress!”

Albert saw the five, ten-meter-tall mountain-moving giant mecha, and his face was shocked and unbelievable!

This is, giant? A giant in full body iron armor! What a luxury!

His lord is not only benevolent, but also so powerful that even a fully armed giant can subdue him!

At this moment, Albert simply worshipped Annan like a god!

Other prisoners who worked on the side, and who were a little crooked, were directly frightened stupid.

The lords here are so terrifying that even giants can submit!

At the moment of this kind of strong person, there is no chance to escape at all!

They only have, honestly and hard-working, do not dare to be lazy.

Annan didn’t know that his casual move had made him worship among these captives and commoners!

“Besides, I’m going to give you a task.”

Annan took out the red clay behind him and showed Albert a simple brick-burning process.

Fortunately, when Annan was in the previous life of Blue Star, he went to his relatives’ small brick factory to do odd jobs because of work-study, and he had a certain understanding of this thing.

“Stir the soil and mud together and add a little grain of sand.

Put the reconciled, buckle the soil in this brick mold, take the mold, and dry the brick.

Then send it to this kiln to be burned.

Actually, it’s not much different from you burning limestone, remember? ”

Annan asked, after demonstrating it again.

“Remember, it’s not that hard!

Lord Lord, Albert promises to complete the mission! ”

Albert immediately assured Annan.

“Well, do a good job, your two-story cement building is already under construction, and when it is repaired later, you can move in!”

Seeing that his subordinates love their work so much, Annan immediately took out a big pie and rewarded him.

“Praise you, Lord Great and Merciful!”


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