After accepting all the dwarves’ submissions, Annan asked Carlin to take him and check on the entire dwarf city.

“Your Excellency, our Black Iron Gray Dwarf clan has been living here for more than two hundred years.

These town buildings were built by us dwarves! ”

Speaking of this, Carlin also said with a sense of pride.

“Do you have any passages here that connect to the rest of the dark region?”

Annan thought about it, no matter how huge the entire dark region was theoretically speaking, it was a whole.

Because there are always passages that can connect places one by one.

“Of course there are, we have two here, one connecting Shadow City, one of the main cities of a group of Drow Elves.

The other connects to the Dark Valley, the territory of a group of dark elves. ”

Carlin introduced Annan.

“This way!”

Annan secretly thought that the strength of the races with their own main cities and territories was very strong.

At this stage, Annan does not want to cause unnecessary trouble!

He just wants to survive development now!

Will marry a wife and take a concubine, and the golden finger of many children and blessings will be carried forward!

“Arrange someone first and close those two passages!

Without my command, it is forbidden to open the passage without permission. ”

Annan immediately ordered.

“Yes, Your Excellency!

But in this way, our trade with them will be completely cut off.

We used to sell dwarven weapons and exchange them for food, supplies, etc.

In this way, our food will be a big problem. ”

Carlin said with a worried look on his face.

“It’s okay, in the future, I will provide food for your territory, you just need to work hard and build weapons and equipment for your territory!”

“In that case, there is no problem at all!”

Carlin said with a happy look.

“Besides, what is the specific strength of your race now?”

Annan asked.

“Your Excellency Lord Hui, our Black Iron Clan currently has two hundred and thirty-six clansmen.

Among the remaining professionals after the Heart-Grabbing Rebellion.

There is only one Grandmaster level, there are two remaining at the Master level, twelve seniors, and the others are all intermediate and the junior is the most. ”

Carlin replied respectfully.

“Well, not bad, in a few days you will select those two masters and twelve high-level professionals.

It is up to me to grant them the Dragon Vein Essence Blood and take their strength to the next level!” ”

“Yes, Your Excellency! Praise on your kindness and generosity! ”

Carlin was excited in his heart, so that the strength of the entire Black Iron Clan would be rapidly improved.

As a member of the Dragonborn family, he naturally knew what kind of increase he would get!

After pacifying the entire Grey Dwarf clan, Annan left the eight demon dependents behind and assigned the eastern part of the Dwarf City to them.

In Annan’s plan, the entire Dwarven City will be a place for the future Demon Clan Dependent Legion!

Annan wants to create a powerful and terrifying legion of demon dependents in the dark region to conquer the entire dark region!

However, when Annan looked at the gorgeous and seductive, pitiful succubus and lust in front of him, he was also a little soft-hearted.

Let two beautiful young ladies live with a group of rough men, that is really wronged them.

“Can you converge the deformation?”

Annan said to the succubus and lust in front of him.

“Of course you can, Your Majesty!”

The voice fell.

The succubus and lust in front of him began to transform into human forms.

Unless it was a high-ranking priest of the Church of Light, it would be impossible to tell whether it was a demon race or a human in front of him!

After everything is arranged, Annan returns to the camp with Alita and the human-shaped succubus.

Annan made the vicinity of the pit off-limits.

Everyone, as long as they do not have Annan’s permission, must not come near here, and those who violate it will be killed!

Annan directly mobilized ten rock golems and ten iron golems to garrison here.

The Battle Maid Group also mobilized a high-level dragon maid and three middle-level dragon maids to assist in garrisoning here.

Annan divided two of the six floors between the succubus and the lustful demon, and warned them that they could not leave the entire lord’s palace without his own orders.

After arranging everything, Annan enlists Zaha, the head of logistics agriculture, Karat, the head of craftsmen, and the half-elf patriarch Preti.

Let the craftsmen take charge of the Karat and build a cement house for potato vodka and corn beer.

Let Zaha and Preti find out if they have any winemakers who are proficient in winemaking.

In the afternoon, Zaha and Pleti came to report that they found two civilians who had previously worked in a brewery in Nanka City and knew a lot about brewing technology.

If it weren’t for the brewery, which later closed down due to the heavy taxes of the city owner of South Carolina, they would not have come here.

Seeing that it was two relatively modest men, Annan nodded with satisfaction and asked them to brew the camp’s specialty wine.

Based on his past life memories, Annan also asked Karat to build two copper pot stills to distill and filter liquor.

At this point, the wine industry in the territory is also officially online.


Time passes, and the years go by.

Soon a year passed.

Annam’s territory had by this time been built as a town.

Tall concrete buildings, wide and clean concrete roads.

There are also night schools for workers to learn about craftsmen, agriculture, and some camp industries.

Annan’s move is intended to cultivate more management and technical talents for the territory.

Although the level of knowledge of these civilians is so low that they cannot even write their own names.

But Annan intends to subtly influence them in this way.

And instill in them the kindness, fraternity, generosity of this lord themselves.

Let them know that they can have the life they have today because of themselves as a lord!

This brainwashing instillation will have a huge effect in the future.

In addition to the workers’ night classes, Annan also built the academy.

Regardless of ethnic origin, children aged 3-12 are required to attend half-day classes.

In addition to the indoctrination methods of brainwashing and the knowledge of various craftsmen, agriculture, alchemy of the territory.

Annan also selected children who were more talented in combat professions and asked the professionals in the camp to teach them combat knowledge.

And established the Territorial Magic Academy, the Warrior Academy, the Assassin Academy, and the Archer Academy.

Except for priests, who can’t teach, the other four major professions can teach combat knowledge.

In this way, when Annan’s own descendants grow up, they can also learn combat knowledge and change careers.

Better feedback to Annan, various career systems and cultivation progress.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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