“You are the princess of the merfolk?”

Annan looked at this beautiful mermaid girl and asked.

“Huh? How do you know my identity? ”

The sad-faced mermaid princess Lucia.

Annan was heard calling out her identity.

She was also surprised.

“If I’m not mistaken.

Yesterday’s group of sea giants were looking for you! ”

“Talk about it!

Yesterday’s group of sea giants, after we cleaned up.

You should have had a chance to escape, how did it come back? ”

Annan asked the doubts in his heart.

“Because, yesterday I saw your great strength.

So I hope you can help me find my people! And rescue them! ”

Mermaid princess Lucia looked at Annan.

The tone was a little sad.

“Oh? If you want to get help, you have to pay a price.

This, I think the beautiful mermaid princess, should understand! ”

Annan looked at the legendary mermaid princess in front of him, with a playful taste at the corner of his mouth.

Since this mermaid princess has legendary strength. “One eighty-three” can then persecute the enemies of her race.

I’m afraid it’s not just yesterday’s sea giants.

After all, the sea giant family is only two legendary powerhouses.

In the mermaid group, there must be two or three legendary powerhouses.

It is even possible that there are strong people of the epic legendary rank sitting in the town.

This is a high-risk operation.

But at the same time, it also means high returns.

Because of the mermaid race, their [psionic song] has powerful hallucination and confusion.

is a very good means of defense and offense.

If you can subdue this group of mermaids.

Then in the future, the safety of the entire Xinghuo Port will be more guaranteed.

Annan held his chin, weighing the pros and cons.

Lucia saw Annan’s hesitation and her heart sank.

Annan was the only way she could think of to save her people.

The descendants of the Abyss Dagon, those terrifying evil bandits, are so powerful.

I don’t know where they came from!

In the waters around here, there is no one to compete with them.

“If you can help my people through this crisis, I am willing to serve you.”

Lucia bit her lip and said the words with difficulty.

Her only capital now.

It may be your own body and strength.

“Oh? Have you figured it out? ”

Annan looked at the mermaid princess, the corners of his mouth raised.

Waiting for your words, even if this mermaid does not mention it just now, he will bring it up.

And he was sure that she would say yes.

Otherwise, she would have been able to leave this sea area unconsciously yesterday.

But she didn’t, instead staying to find Annan for help.

Yesterday’s battle, this mermaid princess should have witnessed the whole process.

Otherwise, the attitude would not be so resolute.

“As long as you can collect my people, I am willing to serve you!”

Lucia knew that she was going to take in her people now.

A strong man of the Epic Legendary rank must be needed.

And it takes a lot of high-level professionals to achieve.

And this kind of harsh conditions, I am afraid that not many people in the entire Jianwan Peninsula can meet.

And the most likely to reach cooperation is probably only the handsome young man in front of him.

“In that case, then deal!

You recuperate well and take us to the place where your people are being held in the afternoon.

By the way, my name is Annan, the third prince of the Lion Kingdom, and the new lord here! ”

Annan introduced himself.

“Lucia, the young patriarch of the mermaids!”

Lucia also spoke.

“Well, can you only take this form?

Can’t you transform into a human? ”

Annan looked at Lucia’s fish tail and frowned slightly.

“Of course, legendary creatures all possess certain transformation abilities.

We mermaids are certainly no exception. ”

Lucia said, and the fishtail began to change shape.

The next second it became, a pair of straight and round long legs.

“It’s just that I’m used to swimming in the sea.

Walking on human legs feels a little uncomfortable. ”

Lucia saw Annan, staring at her white legs, and said with a shy face.

“It’s okay, you practice more and get used to it.

Then you rest first! We’ll set off to collect your people later. ”

Annan ordered a dragon maid to look after Lucia.

So he took Vianna and Grace and left.

Afternoon. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Annan took the newly awakened Krulu, Viana, Lucia and the three Grandmaster-level sea serpents newly transformed into Dragonborn.

A group of people set off in the direction Lucia had pointed to.

Annan had already looked at Lucia’s memory.

Indeed, there are no pitfalls.

That’s why he dared to take Krulu and the others alone.

Judging by Lucia’s memory.

The attack on them should be an epic legend-level, and five legendary, dozens of descendants of the Abyss Great Gon of the grandmaster-level.

Descendants of that epic legend of Dagon.

He had died with Lucia’s mother.

The remaining five descendants of the legendary Dagon.

It was also in the battle with the legendary powerhouse of the mermaid tribe that he was killed and injured four times.

Even so, Lucia’s ethnic group has not escaped the disaster.

They slaughtered and captured Lucia’s tribe.

Lucia, as a mermaid princess, escaped with a part of her clansmen.

Encountering an undercurrent on the way, the rest of the clan were scattered.

Annan pondered all this silently.

Abyss Dagon as a god-level existence.

His descendants must also be powerful.

However, at present, Krulu has completely stabilized the epic legendary rank.

Plus Viana, Lucia and herself are all legendary ranks.

The other party is not afraid at all.

Soon the group was standing on the back of the sea serpent and headed towards the deep sea:

After a night of searching.

Annan’s group successfully searched for more than a dozen other mermaid clansmen.

In their mouths, they also learned that many of their clansmen were captured by the sea giants sent by the descendants of Dagon.

And looking at their appearance, they all try to catch alive.

It should be some kind of summoning ceremony.

When Annan heard this, he couldn’t help frowning.

“Could it be this group of descendants of Dagon.

Planning to summon their ancestor, the Abyss Great Gon? ”

Annan looked solemn, no wonder they would capture the mermaids.

The mermaid’s natural skill [Psionic Singing].

It has strong spiritual energy and is an important medium for communicating the main material world and the abyss.

If that’s the case, it’s time to act quickly.

The evil guys must be destroyed before the enemy ritual is completed.

Otherwise, a demigod-level doppelganger of an abyss god descends into the world.

It will inevitably affect the stability of this sea area.

Maybe it will also affect Annan’s territory.

After another day and a night of marching.

Lucia cast a [Water Breathing Technique] on everyone.

Then he led everyone to the bottom of the sea.

Annan through the construction around this sea area.

It’s clear that this was once a prosperous place.

But now it’s all shattered and crumbling.

Faintly, the sound of prayers came from the south.


Annan asked the other mermaids to wait in the distance.

He took Krru, Vianna, and Lucia to check it out.

After swimming to a hidden corner, Annan took the women to see.

I saw the original sea area platform.

A huge bone rack of various creatures, the magic array built by 5.2, has been completed.

There are also nearly a hundred mermaid people tied around.

There are also some other undersea races that are good at psionics.

This should be the sacrifice of these creatures.

Dedicated to the doppelganger of the gods they will summon.

Altar bone shelf in front.

Several masked men dressed in black magic robes began chanting spells to summon the gods.

As the men in black dressed in black robes, the prayer became louder and louder.

The entire altar also began to appear with various twisted and chaotic auras.

A door to space lit up.

A long tentacle began to stretch out, followed by another.

“I’m going, it’s really summoning the Dagon doppelganger!

This is really a flower! ”

Annan looked at the altar.

The terrifying tentacles that are nearly a thousand meters long are also sneering.

A false god doppelganger, who dares to come to the Lord to spread wilderness.

While you have not fully arrived, labor and management will perform a god slaughter today!

ps: The previous chapter is closed, it is still being revised, you readers are great, you can read it again tomorrow! Thank you all very much for your support!.

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