Demon Lord: My Troops Are Infinitely Upgraded!

Chapter 110 Chaotic world! A dignified and popular actress came to eat? (5/5)

Qin Ming quickly cleared things up.

"It seems that the level and rank of wild monsters are completely different. 95

"Before, it was only because the more than 10-level monsters I saw were all second-level. 35

"Wild monsters above level 20 are all level three.

"That's why I preconceived that there is a relationship between rank and grade."

"But actually….…"

"The two are not related!""

Every time the monster increases by 1 level, the attribute will increase a little, but not too much.

But every time the wild monster increases by one rank, the attribute will triple or four times, and the skill strength will also be greatly enhanced.

And in the initial world of each lord.

Wild monsters are at most Tier 3.

Tier 1 wild monsters, train the lords.

Tier 2 wild monsters, let the lord develop.

The real starting point...

It's a Tier 3 wild monster!

After the lords graduate from Tier 3, they will be able to explore further worlds.

Although the monster level has little effect on the attributes.

But really...

Level 100 wild monsters are still several times stronger than level 20 wild monsters.

In terms of attributes, it is almost equivalent to a level 20 fourth-order wild monster, but the skills are not as powerful.


Looking at the second-order wild monsters that are only more than 10 levels, their combat power is already equivalent to the first-order wild monsters of more than 50 levels, so it is so difficult for other lords to fight.

"When the Tier 1 arms reach a certain scale, you can open up wasteland for Tier 2 monsters."

"BOSS can't be beat temporarily, but you can beat mobs to grow, save spar, and recruit second-tier troops."

"When the second-tier arms reach a certain scale, you can stabilize the wasteland for third-tier monsters."9


"For me, it's totally out of the rhythm. 99

Qin Ming nodded secretly.

21 The level of his subordinates is too high.

Take Yi Ya'er as an example, it is now close to level 700, not to mention the third-order wild monsters, even if you come directly to the fourth-order wild monsters, you can also kill them casually.


If you really continue to explore outside, you will come to a third-order wild monster of four or five hundred levels.

Even Eyal didn't want to destroy it so quickly.


Qin Ming found his future developmental goals.

The cracks in this world definitely need to be repaired.

"In my world, there are a total of 99 world cracks."

"Every time a crack is repaired, a fourth-order World Heart Fragment is needed. 99

"Where do you get this shit?

Qin Ming frowned slightly.

He checked the small note below the crack in the world.

[The Heart of the World Fragment: The place of production is located in the chaotic world. 】

[Please get the "Chaos Tower". After construction, you can teleport to the chaotic world and kill the monsters in the chaotic world to get the heart of the world. 】

(Warning: Chaotic world, connect multiple lord regions! The chaos world you can go to is the place where the lords of the D region communicate with each other!)

I see!

If you want to get the Heart of the World, you don't need to drop monsters in this world.

Instead, head to a chaotic world where multiple lord regions communicate with each other!

"The lords of the D district communicate with each other..."

"That is, in addition to D12, there are D10, D11, D13...even D99?

"One area is one hundred thousand lords.

"If one hundred regions are connected, that is ten million lords competing!

It can be seen that it is extremely difficult to obtain fragments of the Heart of the World.


With Qin Ming's developmental progress, it is impossible for anyone to be faster than him.

As long as his luck is not too bad.

When he entered the chaotic world, he was the only lord in the entire chaotic world.

At that time, all the wild monsters...

He is the only one who can beat them all!

"I don't know, what kind of lords are there in other areas of the D region?"

"Are there any from other countries? Or are they all from Longxia?

Qin Ming was still a little curious about this, but he didn't think too much about it.

Now that he has discovered the truth, there is no need for him to continue exploring.


No matter how far you explore, there are only Tier 3 wild monsters, but the level is higher.

"In my world, the low-level purple lair can be destroyed."

"See if you can create a high-level, high-quality nest."

"Whether it is experience, spar, or even equipment loot, the benefits will be more! 35

Even a level 100 purple lair.

Also much faster than level 20 golden lair.

As long as it can be brushed!

But for Qin Ming, let alone a level 100 lair.

It is a 200-level nest, and it can be brushed with a single operation.

"gone back.

Qin Ming finally glanced at the crack in the world.

Mark it on the map.

Then go home!

Now he has two goals, one is to hit the Chaos Tower and teleport to the Chaos World.

The other is to find all 99 world cracks in his world.

Even with the devil's eye...

It is not so easy to search the surrounding area of ​​more than 100,000 square kilometers.

Qin Ming is not in a hurry.

Anyway, the Chaos Tower has not been obtained yet, so you can take your time to find cracks.

When Qin Ming returned to Devil's Valley.

The three daughters, Lin Yueyao, Ji An'an and Shen Yina, were still busy with the exchange.

after come back.

Qin Ming asked Xiao Hei and the stone statue demon to go outside to upgrade.

I took Yiyaer and walked into the lord's hut.

"Well, nothing happened, right?

Qin Ming asked.

"There are no surprises, but there are surprises.

Seeing Qin Ming coming back, Shen Yina pursed her lips and smiled: "Today, there are more than 30,000 lords who come to trade in my world. If there are so many people tomorrow, at least 300,000 spar can be earned that day...

"Today is free, and there must be a lot of people coming.

Ji Anan chuckled and said, "But even if only one-third of the lords continue to come, there will still be a profit of 100,000 spar. 99

Qin Ming gets 70% of these profits, and Shen Yina gets 30%.

It's not too much for Qin Ming.

Not to mention for Shen Yina!

With such a source of spar... I believe that Shen Yina will soon be able to develop and take off.

"In addition, we released the news of the auction house today, and many people have mortgaged rare items with us. 35

Lin Yueyao looked at her backpack at this time and said, "There are only two hero spar and two golden equipments. The first auction can be opened tomorrow night. 99

"Even have golden equipment?

Qin Ming was a little surprised.

"Well, but it's all first-order."

Lin Yueyao nodded: "Some alliances grow faster, and now they can push down the first-order king-level bosses.

"They want to sell the equipment for spar average points.

Qin Ming nodded.

He thought for a while and said, "I also have a lot of golden equipment that I don't need, so choose the three of you and share. 95

Golden hero equipment.

Even if it is enlightened by the hand of gold, it can only enlighten four or five thousand spar.

So Qin Ming didn't bother to point it out.

"Qin Ming Qin Ming, these two hero spar, why don't you just use them? Anyway, you will auction them tomorrow? 35

Lin Yueyao asked with a wink.

"In this way, you send me the names of the sellers of these two hero spar, and I will talk to them."

Qin Ming said.


Lin Yueyao nodded and sent Qin Ming the names of the two lords.

Night falls.

Exchanges are closed.

Shen Yina announced the "expulsion" of all the lords in her world, and in just one minute, thousands of lords who were still shopping and trading left one after another.

Because she said the rules in advance.

When she initiates the expulsion, no matter what kind of transaction, it stops.

Everyone leaves her world.

Once you do not leave within a minute, it will become a red name.

Will be attacked by Qin Ming's demons!


When eviction is initiated.

No lord will stay in Shen Yina's world, even the soldiers will choose to leave.

If there is an unfinished transaction, you can either communicate privately yourself, or wait for the exchange to reopen tomorrow.

The opening time of the exchange every day is set from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Today is the first day, so the rest is early, and the news of the market closure was announced in advance at six o'clock.

"It's finally time to go back to rest.

Shen Yina stretched her waist, showing her perfect and graceful figure to the fullest.

Qin Ming couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Looking at you, you look stupid? 39

Lin Yueyao pursed her lips and smiled, pinching his waist.

Qin Ming is thick-skinned and doesn't feel anything.

On the contrary, Shen Yina blushed a little.

He walked over and bowed to Qin Ming: "Thank you for giving me this opportunity... Well, all the lords in my world have left, I'll go back and clean first!


Qin Ming nodded.

Watching Shen Yina leave, Qin Ming still had a little admiration for this woman.

More than 30,000 people today!

So many people, she invited them one by one...

It didn't stop for almost a second.

You can imagine how tiring it is.

But in order to earn spar, she is willing to do whatever she is tired of, even if she can only get 30% of her income...

This perseverance is terrifying!

When Shen Yina left first.

Qin Ming looked at Lin Yueyao and Ji An'an: "If she can take 30,000 spar every day, wouldn't you be jealous?"

The two women shook their heads.

They all saw Shen Yina's efforts. Although the income was high, they were exhausted to invite and record so many lords every day.

With them, a day or two would be alright.

But in the long run, it is absolutely unstoppable.


Qin Ming looked at Ji An'an and found that this beautiful woman didn't seem to want to leave.

So he gave her a strange look: "Ji An'an, are you not leaving?"

This woman, still wearing the red panda fleece pajamas given to her by Qin Ming, looked cute and charming.

Asked by Qin Ming.

She was not nervous, but sat down at the dining table like a fool: "I don't even have a lord's hut in my world, so I can only come here to eat!"

After he finished speaking, he blinked at Qin Ming.

"Are you the devil?

Qin Ming looked at her with a confused expression: "The construction plan of the lord's hut is only 200 spar, why don't you just buy one?"

"Not so many spar."

Ji Anan said.

"I said I'd give you an endorsement fee, but you don't want it, and now you're here to be shameless..."

Qin Ming pouted.

"Why are you so shameless?"

Ji Anan refused to accept: "I'll give you an endorsement, shouldn't you be in charge of the meal?"


Does it make sense to say so?

"Okay, stop flirting, I'm starving to death, come and have something to eat!

Lin Yueyao clicked, pushed Qin Ming and sat at the table together.

Qin Ming didn't hesitate and exchanged a table of meals.

Then, while eating, he contacted the two lords who sold the hero spar.

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