Demon Lord: My Troops Are Infinitely Upgraded!

Chapter 131 Big Brother Bishop Collapsed! Please Be A Person! (1/5)

This is Qin Ming's strategy!

The opponent is desperate now, and the only hope is to rush to the Devil's Valley and destroy Qin Ming's Devil Summoning Tower.


Seeing that the Demon Legion attacked too fiercely, they probably wouldn't have the chance to run the two hundred kilometers at all.

At this time, when Qin Ming's deity appeared in front of the other party, how could the other party not be moved?

Will definitely stop to chant release skills!

I really wouldn't dare to do this with other lords.

But here at Qin Ming...

Anyway, he had a thousand witch believers who sacrificed their souls to him, and the damage he suffered would be equally distributed to those thousand witch believers.

Not only is it equivalent to a thousand times the damage reduction, the damage will also be completely borne by the witch believers.

Qin Ming doesn't need to worry about getting hurt at all!

And this is something that Bishop Nakal did not expect at all.

After all, this ability of witch believer is unlocked at level 40, while other witch believers have never been able to rise to level 40.

at this time.

Xiao Hei sneaked in from a nearby wood, and a whirlwind of flames swept over.

The five of Carl were shocked.

They recognized the disaster phoenix.

I know very well how threatening this thing is!

If it is normal, they can dodge with their speed, and any slowdown by Qin Ming is invalid for them.

They are extremely fast and dodge the whirlwind of flames with ease.

It's just that now they are chanting and attacking Qin Ming, and there is no way to dodge it.

next moment.

A full 33 whirlwinds of flames rolled over them, and each BOSS was directly attached to the effect of more than 30 layers of "flame of disaster"!


"Quickly disperse!"

Bishop Carl immediately ordered.

He doesn't even need to say more...

When the whirlwind of flames rolled over them, the ice-type king-level female BOSS raised her hand, and a burst of ice power swept across them.

Dispel the flames of disaster from them.


even so.

All of these bosses in the field were burned by more than 30% of their blood.

Among them, the ice-type king-level female BOSS, after releasing the dispel skill, was shot to death by a round of salvos from the spiked demons chasing behind!

This scene made Bishop Karl's eyes split.

But now he's most concerned about...

With their skills released, Qin Ming, who was swept by all kinds of ice, fire, wind and thunder, died?

Logically speaking.

They are epic-level and king-level BOSS, and they are still third-order 88-level existences.

If this damage falls, even a hundred lords can be killed.


When they looked at Qin Ming in front of them, they were extremely shocked to find that this demon lord had nothing to do under the cover of their attack?

The king-level BOSS Thunderbolt, a middle-aged male mage, has unleashed Leichi's skills.

Now Qin Ming's body is surrounded by lightning flashes, which will strike Qin Ming dozens of times every second.


The damage numbers of "-0" and "-0" continued to appear above Qin Ming's head.

Make Carl and them all dumbfounded.

"This is so impossible! 35

"Not at all""!35

"Isn't he a 12th-level lord? It's not as exaggerated as a few hundred levels."

"Why can't our attack break through?"

crash, crash completely.

The red-clothed Bishop Carl and the remaining three king-level bosses all felt like they had gone to hell.

"Go, go fast, pay attention to the skills of dodging the disaster phoenix!

Carl stared, and immediately ordered.

I don't care about Qin Ming at all, and continue to want to rush out in the direction of the Devil's Valley...

At this time.

Qin Ming didn't even bother to pretend.

He snapped his fingers, and Eyaer flew directly to his side and put a succubus inspiration.

Make him run fast.

He directly caught up with Bishop Carl who was running away.

"Brother, can you understand me?

"Where did you come from?

Qin Ming as a lord...

Even running side by side with an epic boss.

This scene is simply incredible.

Whether other lords see it, or other lord hunters see it, I am afraid they will be confused.

Nima, what's the situation?

And Qin Ming's words here, naturally, want to inquire about the news to see where the other party came from.

In this lord era, apart from the lord world and the chaos world, what other areas are there?


Bishop Nakar didn't seem to understand Qin Ming's words.

When this guy communicates with the king-level boss, he also uses a language that he doesn't understand at all.

Watching Qin Ming follow him and run beside him.

Carl's eyes widened and he couldn't figure out what Qin Ming wanted to do?

Until Qin Ming said something...

Only then did he realize that this demon lord seemed to want to communicate with him?


Only Bishop Karl knows that it is not just a language problem, but also the limitations of this world... There is no way that the lord hunter and the lord can communicate with each other.

"Why are you staring so wide?"

Qin Ming glanced at him: "Can you understand me?


Bishop Carl was heartbroken.

His legs ran wildly, and the power of various hurricanes allowed him to run so fast that it was almost the same as flying.

But Qin Ming, inspired by the succubus...

The blood is surging, and the running speed is even faster than this epic BOSS!

"I'm asking you."

Seeing that the guy didn't respond, Qin Ming stretched out his hand.

Shot directly on his head.


The fast-running Bishop Karl almost fell over and was completely dumbfounded.

"What is this kid doing?

"Shooting Lao Tzu?"


Qin Ming took another shot.

"Didn't you say that this boss is wise?

"How can you be wise?"

Qin Ming was a little speechless.

He wanted to get some information.

But it seems that the other party doesn't want to communicate, but it seems that they can't communicate at all?

"Please be yourself!!

Bishop Carl was slapped twice on the head by Qin Ming.

The whole person completely collapsed.

He is an epic boss!

There are tens of thousands of subordinates under the hand!

Does he want face?

at the same time.

The thorn demons and stone demons chased after the heroes all the way, and various skills fell on the remaining bosses far away.

Under the command of Qin Ming.

All the attacks focused on the middle-aged male mage "Thunderbolt".

Now Qin Ming doesn't know which king-level boss has the damage reduction halo.

Just try one by one.

"With the damage reduction aura, they all have 10,000 times damage reduction. 99

"But as long as the king-level boss with the damage reduction aura is killed.

"Even this epic Bishop Karl will be like a turkey!

at this time.

Xiao Hei is now following behind, occasionally releasing his skills, but he can't hit the opponent at all.

After the other party is ready, Xiao Hei's skills are useless.

The flying speed of the flame whirlwind is much slower than the movement speed of the boss.

Moreover, these humanoid bosses are too small, and it is easier to dodge such skills.

As for why Qin Ming didn't let Xiao Hei shoot at first...

Naturally because.

In the beginning, the terrain was plain!

It is impossible for Xiao Hei to approach silently. Although A Mi can release the group stealth skills, Qin Ming is not sure whether the other party has any means of countering stealth.

Naturally, he will not easily reveal his ultimate move.

Unfortunately, this ultimate move didn't work.

The flame of disaster was dispelled by the opponent's skills, and only caused more than 30% of the damage...

"However, even so, it is much easier to kill now.

When the ice female BOSS was killed.

The remaining bosses do not have the ability to restore blood.

The spiked demons and the stone statue demons were chasing after him, and countless attacks swept in, causing the middle-aged male mage, Thunderbolt's HP, to drop like a roller coaster.

A total of 2.3 million blood volume.

In less than two minutes, it was cleaned up.

On the way to the Devil's Valley...

Another king-level boss has fallen!

At his corpse, a golden light flashed past, and Qin Ming had already taken all the spoils into his pocket.

at the same time.

Qin Ming didn't even pay attention to the situation here anymore.

Instead, he is concerned about the battlefield of the Demon General.

"This guy has more than 40,000 troops, don't waste it!"

"Enter the city of elements."

"Before those bosses are killed, kill as many as you can!"

Qin Ming is not sure, once the epic boss is killed, will these mobs still exist?

So you can only kill more now.

Nearly 800-level bone demons and nearly 1200-level horn demons broke into the city of elements one after another.

In the absence of a king-level BOSS aura.

The mobs in the city are completely cannon fodder.

Soon, bone demons and horned demons destroyed the city gate.

8,000 gluttonous goblins and 7,400 little devils have entered the City of Elements one after another...

The army of demons pouring in like a tide has massacred the mage mobs in the city of elements!

There are many wind-type mage mobs that can fly into the air, but on the battlefield here, there is also an abyss flame - Tarsis.

Tarsis, who has risen to more than 400 levels, is now generally converted into (Nuo Zhao's) range attack "Flame Missile"

With the "Succubus Inspiration" effect still present on his body, his flaming missiles can be released more than ten times per second.

Every time a flaming missile is thrown, just like a missile, it falls on the target area and explodes, causing extremely terrifying fire damage.

Even if the opponent is in the sky, he can't escape.

They were all killed by flame missiles!

Qin Ming's military exploits are skyrocketing.

Although it is not as fast as when it invaded the 38 area before, but the victory is easy.

When he invaded Area 38 before, Qin Ming had to rack his brains to lure people over...

It's actually a little troublesome.

And this time.

The battle against the lord hunter is coming to an end on both sides.

In the City of Elements, almost 40,000 troops under Bishop Karl have been slaughtered.

As for Carl...

The four king-level bosses have all been killed.

In the end, Carl was left alone, and he was powerless.

from the beginning till now……

From the City of Elements to the Devil's Valley, this BOSS has only run less than a quarter of the 200-kilometer journey, and his journey has come to an end.

Finally, with the spiked demons pouring a volley.

This epic BOSS finally fell to the ground in despair!

Seven or eight dark golden rays of light flashed past his body, and the next moment appeared in Qin Ming's backpack...

Qin Ming just glanced at it and couldn't help feeling emotional.

This wave of harvest is really too rich!

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