Demon Lord: My Troops Are Infinitely Upgraded!

Chapter 137 New Sword Demon Skill, Destroy the World! Elina's Death Domain! (2/5)

while eating.

Qin Ming sorted out the situation.

In the past three days in the chaotic world, he has hit several "invasion energy stones", and with the previous ones, he has invaded other regions 9 times in total.

In addition to the lord of the Snow Sakura Kingdom, there are also the Sunset Empire and the Great Australia Kingdom.

District 38, District 27, District 15, District 16...

There are a total of 9 districts, and now all have shadows on the name "Qin Ming".

Every time, when the demon army is dispatched, no matter how many lords there are on the opposite side, they are all completely smashed!

And these regions have not yet communicated with each other.

I don't know, there are many more district lords who have encountered the same as them...

And the benefits brought by so many invasions are quite rich.

In addition to the first invasion of the lord of Xueying Kingdom in the 38th district...the next few times added up to a total of 3.88 million military exploits and 3.65 million spar!

Raised the level of Lord Qin Ming to level 14.

All his attributes have reached 500 points!

It has far surpassed other lords at this stage.

The lord level increase has brought 2 permanent world positions.

Qin Ming relied on the ability of the demon prophet to directly search for dark gold-level resources, and occupied another dark gold-level mineral vein!

I also searched for a dark gold-level lair, but unfortunately it is only a first-order...

Only about 4 million experiences per hour.

Qin Ming didn't waste it, and immediately occupied it.


He mined 31,000 spar per hour!

The spar earned from monster farming is about 22,000, and a large part of it comes from Qin Ming's high-level lair in his own world.

The monsters in the high-level lair not only have more experience, but also drop more loot, and even drop more spar.

it all adds up...

Qin Ming's daily spar income is now around 1.3 million.


The spar earned by Qin Ming is basically used to activate technology and summon troops.

The first-order technology, the second-order technology, and the third-order technology have unlocked three technologies each, and a total of 9.70 spent nearly 4.5 million spar, which can be said to be the biggest expense.

Then summon 3000 stone demons, 3000 mad claw demons, 2000 earthshaking bulls and 2000 witch followers.

In total, it cost nearly 1.5 million.

In the end, Qin Ming still has 1.1 million spar left on his body, which is temporarily reserved for emergencies.

What surprised Qin Ming was that the first-order technology unlocked this time could further speed up his exploration.

Items 15, 16, and 17 first-order technologies are:

[Hell is open - You can summon "Devil's Eye" units without limit, but you need to consume extra spar, and the more you summon, the more extra spar you consume. 】

[Spike Enhancement - Strengthen the spiked demon unit, obtain the "Giant Killer" special effect, and increase damage to targets larger than yourself by up to 500%. 】

[Light of the Lord - Passive attributes from Lord skills are increased by 12%. 】

The most important thing is "hell open" technology.

This technology allows Qin Ming to summon the Devil's Eye without limit!

"Now I have 20 demon eyes.

"When you summon the 21st one, you will need 4940 spar."

"The 22nd is 6420 spar. 35

"For every extra Devil's Eye summoned, 30% more spar will be consumed..."

Qin Ming was too lazy to calculate.

He immediately summoned 10 more demon eyes, and found that a total of 210,000 spar was consumed.

Then, when you want to summon the 31st Devil's Eye, you need to consume 52,000 spar.

"Although it can be summoned infinitely, the spar consumed increases exponentially!

"Fortunately, it's good to call more. Nian

Qin Ming thought to himself.

No more calls were made for the time being.

30 Devil Eyes can be split into 120, which is enough for now.

This is followed by second-order technologies 12, 13, and 14:

[Elite mutation - the probability of spawning elite level bosses in your world increases by 25%. 】

[Magic Bull Enhancement - Strengthens the Earth Shaking Demon Bull unit, and its own damage reduction is increased to 85%. 】

[Reinforced soil and stone - your building defense +30%, durability +100%. 】

There is nothing to say about these three technologies.

Elite mutation increases the refresh rate of Qin Ming's elites in the world, allowing him to gain more spar and experience by spawning monsters.

The second magic bull enhancement, Qin Ming has also brushed it before, but he didn't choose it at that time.

This time, the other two are useless and choose, which is equivalent to making the Earth Shaker beefier.

Finally, reinforce the earth and stone, and this technology enhances the building.

Although Qin Ming's Demon Summoning Tower is already at Tier 3, and he is even about to raise it to Tier 4, its defense and durability are already high enough.

But this kind of bonus, the more the better.

A few more words about this technology...

Even an epic boss like Bishop Carl doesn't have to think about destroying Qin Ming's Demon Summoning Tower.

Finally, there are the 9th, 10th and 11th Tier 3 technologies!

[Tier 3 Plunder - Every time you kill an enemy, you will get an extra spar +3. 】

[Advanced Hell Sword Demon-Hell Sword Demon-Diasta gets a new skill "Destroy the World" l


[Advanced Death Angel - Death Angel - Elina gets a new skill "Death Field" l

The third-order plundering accelerates Qin Ming's development, so there is no need to say more.

What makes Qin Ming happy is the new skills of the two heroes!

The first is Tiasta's new skill, Destruction.

After this skill is activated, all of his defenses will be converted into attack power according to the ratio of 1:5.

At this stage, the less Diasta's HP, the higher the attack, up to 1000% attack power.

The key is……

After receiving a fatal attack, you will enter an invincible state that lasts for 20 seconds. When the invincibility ends, the HP will be restored according to the damage caused during the invincibility period!

The skill base lasts for 300 seconds, or automatically exits the "Destroyed World" state after the invincibility ends.

"20 seconds of invincibility, too strong!"

"And that defense is converted into attack, and the effect has even surpassed the talent of S-level lords?

Although it is said that it only applies to Diasta alone.

But without a doubt...

After this skill is unlocked, Diasta will have an extremely terrifying ability to hunt BOSS!

As long as he awakens for the second time, he will be able to duel epic-level bosses, and even reach the intensity of epic-level bosses of instant kill history (cbcc)!

"The cooldown of this skill is 3600 seconds, but I have Dark Gold-level lord equipment, which can reduce the cooldown of all subordinate skills by 69%.

"So it's ready to cool in less than 20 minutes.

"Skill duration is 5 minutes. 99

"If this is to accumulate more points to reduce the cooling, wouldn't it be possible to destroy the world infinitely and be infinitely invincible?

Qin Ming took a deep breath.


He looked again at the Angel of Death - Elina's new skill, Death Field!

[Death Field: Hero Skills]

[After opening: Inflict 100% ATK of undead damage to all enemies within 1000 meters per second for a maximum of 600 seconds. This damage ignores damage reduction, but will be defended and resisted. Skill cooldown for 3600 seconds. J

This skill is even more powerful!

You know, many king-level BOSS and epic-level BOSS, the most powerful is damage reduction.

Once the damage reduction attribute is gone...

Advanced BOSS is the same as paper paste.

After all, Qin Ming's demon army was doing too much damage.

And the damage of this "Death Field" skill directly ignores the damage reduction!

Although it will be defended and resisted, how high can these two attributes be defense and damage resistance?

As long as the damage reduction is ignored, the damage of this skill against the boss is almost full damage.

You must know that now, Elina, the fallen angel sister, has reached 25,000 total attacks, which is still under the condition of general equipment.

Counting the damage bonus from Awakening...

Has been able to cause more than 200,000 damage to BOSS per second.

If you wake up a second time.

It is more than 2 million per second, and this damage cannot be reduced!

Of course, Awakening's 10x/100x damage bonus can only take effect on BOSS. This is a skill specially designed to hunt down high damage reduction BOSS!


Qin Ming couldn't help but sigh!

Of course, this is why Elina in his hands can be so strong.

If it were another lord, Elina would only be level 100 when she reached the top level. How could she have such a high attack power?

Counting the equipment and the lord bonus, it will only attack four or five thousand in the sky.

And now...

Elina, the angel of death under Qin Ming, has risen to more than 960 levels!

The basic attack is close to 20,000.

In other words, Qin Ming didn't get a suitable scythe weapon for her for the time being, and she didn't have a high percentage of attacks... Otherwise, her attack could reach 40,000 or 50,000.

When the skills of Tiasta and Elina are unlocked...

It also officially means that Qin Ming is finally able to quickly eliminate the BOSS's ability just by being a hero!

Originally, he didn't rely on the demon army to gather fire to fight the boss, or rely on the disaster phoenix to kill.

Heroes basically act as a tool person who provides aura.

But start now...

The damage of the heroes will also begin to rise!

It was during these three days.

Due to the unlocking of the "Tonggensheng" technology, Qin Ming's troops' upgrade speed has reached an extremely terrifying level.

He has nearly 40,000 troops under him.

Among them, nearly half of the troops are more than level 1000!

And the harvest of monsters from the chaotic world made him just wake up all 8 heroes under his hand.

All unlocked global experience...

In this situation.

The lowest level Tarsis has all risen to level 700.

The highest-ranked Yiyaer has risen to more than 1260 levels!

Speaking of...

Other things are just routine development for Qin Ming.

Only the level of heroes and troops is the real strategic upgrade!

And the most terrifying thing is...

Due to the talent of "hardworking kid", the gluttonous kid can gain 3 times the experience, making them the highest level existence under Qin Ming.

Currently, the highest level gluttonous kid has reached level 1725!

100,000 blood!



This property... has exploded.

And the most terrifying thing is not their attributes, but the level 20 arm's ability "Rage", which has now increased to 3360% of the movement speed and attack speed bonus, that is, 33 times!

At this speed, it is only a little short of breaking the speed of sound.

Now the gluttons don't move either by crawling, nor by running.


One leap hundreds of meters, one minute can travel 20,000 meters!

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