Demon Lord: My Troops Are Infinitely Upgraded!

Chapter 146 The devil who dominates everything! The choice between life and death! The beautiful blo

After discovering the goat stalkers around.

The 10 mad claw demons instantly transformed into red eyes.

Become a blood claw demon more than ten meters tall!

They scattered and rushed straight to the group of sheepmen stalkers!

"not good!"

"All rush for me, bypass!"

"Count how many you can rush in!

Bob ordered pale.

Five hundred sheepmen stalkers are still relatively fast, although they are not comparable to the blood claw demons in the state of succubus inspiration...

But after all, there are too many.

The blood claw demon also does not have a large range of attacks.

I really missed some, and a total of more than 100 sheepmen stalkers broke through the transmission channel...


Someone came to Qin Ming's lord world!

At this moment.

Qin Ming is taking Yiyaer to eat in the lord's hut.

He learned that the other party had stealth troops into the transmission channel.

But didn't care too much.


He has spread the demon vines to the surrounding 10 kilometers, and the ground within the range has all belonged to the territory of the demon vines!

Moreover, since the demon vines have now risen to more than 500 levels, the anti-hidden ability they possess is also a high-level anti-hidden ability.

is equivalent to saying.

It is impossible for anyone to hide the devil vines!

Unless it comes to flying arms.

Otherwise, Qin Ming's territory would be invincible at this stage.


The more than 100 goatmen stalkers directly maintained their stealth state and spread out around, trying to find Qin Ming's base camp.

have to say.

This Bob still has some means to find the enemy's base camp.

His goat stalker explored the vicinity and saw several waves of wild monsters. According to the level distribution of the wild monsters, he determined the direction of Qin Ming's base camp.

Immediately after.

These goat stalkers quickly moved towards Qin Ming's base camp...


On the ground ahead, countless tentacles of demon vines stretched out to those goat stalkers like claws!

Although the other party is invisible.

But in front of the demon vines, these goat stalkers are no different from being stripped.

And this time...

The tentacles of the demon vines became thicker, like a big octopus in the deep sea, and it swept away dozens of goat stalkers!

The remaining goat stalkers immediately used the jumping skills and retreated to escape.

Then under the command of Bob, it spread out around.

He decided to attack Qin Ming's stronghold from a different direction.


Soon, something desperate happened.

No matter what direction he attacks from, he will always encounter the terrifying demon vine tentacles and kill his goat stalker!

After his last attempt, the last goat stalker was killed.

The white young man named Bob was in complete despair.

"The means of devil vines..."

"I'm afraid he has surrounded the entire base camp.""

"Even if there are stealth units, they can't help him at all!!

A crushing victory.

Qin Ming didn't even manage the invading demon army.

Just in the lord's hut, he watched his military exploits soar.

in a short period of time.

He killed a total of more than 200,000 troops, gained more than 1.2 million military exploits, and directly raised him to level 15!

All attributes have been raised to 600 points, allowing him to clearly feel that he has become stronger.

And he feels it lately.

With the improvement of all his attributes, his memory, thinking speed, and reaction speed have become stronger than before.

This made Qin Ming couldn't help but think that if the lord's level rises, it may really prolong his life!

"Willis' world aside"


"Go to Claire's world and destroy that world first.

Qin Ming was still a little impressed by that beautiful angel lord, Claire.

Angels and demons are enemies!

Qin Ming showed no mercy to her.


A part of Qin Ming's demon army came to Willis World, the teleportation channel leading to Claire's world.

at this time……

In Claire's world.

Claire is being targeted by a lot of people.

"What's the matter? Claire, you actually want to surrender? Surrender to the lord of Longxia Kingdom?


"It's shameless! You are a dignified woman of the Macon Empire, do you want to become a slave of Longxia Kingdom?"

"Claire, you are seeking your own death! Surrender to the lord of Longxia, you will not end well! 55


"God, I can't accept it, Claire, you are my goddess, how can you kneel to the man of Longxia?


Facing the incomprehension and targeting of these people.

The blond girl was calm.

She said to the crowd: "I am not like you.35

"For you, even if you lose this battle, you will only lose some troops.

"But if I lose, I will definitely die!"

"I don't want to die, so I have to surrender!

"If you have a way to keep me from dying, I can also not surrender, but can you do it?

Facing heavy pressure from Qin Ming.

The mentality of these lords of the Macon Empire has undergone tremendous changes.

No one could have imagined that Qin Ming's combat power would be so terrifying!

Not only are there nearly 1,000 level heroes, but there are even two or three thousand level demons!

Simply unimaginable.

For Claire, this can be said to be a disaster.

If Willis hadn't invaded her world...

She would never have faced Qin Ming so early.

but now.

She has no choice.

If you want to survive, you have to surrender!

Even she was thinking, if she was going to surrender, would Qin Ming accept it?

What can she bring to Qin Ming?

It was at this time.

Qin Ming's demon army has passed through the teleportation channel.

In Claire's local channel, the name "Qin Ming" has appeared in the lord list!

She watched Qin Ming's troops, from 10 to 100, to 1,000...

It is clear that the demon army is surging in!

Just when she wanted to speak and communicate with Qin Ming...

In the local channel, the other lords of the Macon Empire suddenly brought a rhythm.

"Anyway, Claire intends to surrender, why don't we destroy Claire's Angel Summoning Pool first!"


"I support! We were originally here to help her, but in the end she wanted to surrender. This woman is so vicious!"


"Yes, that's right! Now that we can't evacuate her world, this is the only way to keep our forces!"


"Everyone, all the remaining troops must be assembled to destroy Claire's Angel Summoning Pool!"


a time.

Countless people either fled back, or did not fight, there were still around 50,000 or 60,000 troops in total, and they directly attacked Claire's Angel Summoning Pool from the surrounding area!

"What are you doing?"

Seeing the actions of those Macon Empire lords, Claire was directly shocked.

Speaking of which, she can also understand their behavior.

after all……

If other lords want to keep their troops, there is really only this way.

As long as she is killed, her world will collapse, and all the troops of other lords will be teleported away.

Otherwise, everyone's forces will be wiped out by Qin Ming's demon army.

This is human nature!


Claire couldn't accept it.

She wanted to surrender, just to live.

In the end, before we could chat with Qin Ming, the lords of the Macon Empire wanted to attack her.

This made Claire pursed her lips.

Some of the angels flying over her base camp looked at the tens of thousands of troops surrounded in all directions, with a burning heart.

At this moment……

With only her remaining angels, it was impossible to stop the thousands of troops.

In order to survive, she has one and only one choice!

She decisively opened Qin Ming's private chat channel!

66**'. Qin Ming from Longxia, I wonder if you can understand me?"

"Now I will give you the permission of the teleportation tower in my world, you will find the nearest teleportation tower and teleport to my angel summoning pool. 35

"If it's too late, I'll be besieged and killed by other lords.

"At that time, my world will be destroyed, the troops of those lords will be sent away, and you will lose hundreds of thousands of military exploits!

When Qin Ming received the private chat from this beautiful blonde girl, he was a little surprised.

Compared to the language of Snow Cherry Country...

The English that Claire speaks, he can understand a little bit, but only a little bit.

He probably understood, what is teleportation, what will die or something.

It's too late to find Shen Yina's translation now.

So he switched to the demon's eye in Claire's world, and the demon's vision shrouded the whole world of the angel lord!

he sees...

The lord of the other side still had 70,000 or 80,000 troops left, and attacked Claire's base like a tide.

Looking at the momentum, it doesn't seem like he wants to go over to help the defense at all.

Instead it's like...

To destroy that Angel Summoning Pool?

In the sight of the Devil's Eye.

It can be seen that the remaining more than 1,000 angel troops belonging to Claire have all been guarded around the base camp, facing the troops of other lords, waiting solemnly!

It was at this time.

Qin Ming received a system prompt!

That blond pretty girl Claire, he actually opened up her world's teleportation authority!


"She wants me to save her?

"I think too much." (Nuo Qian Zhao)

Qin Ming smiled lightly.

I have to say that this Claire is indeed a beautiful woman. In terms of the Macon Empire, she is on the same level as Lin Yueyao and Ji Anan.


Even so, Qin Ming couldn't let her go.

However, even if she wanted to kill her, she had to kill the troops of other lords, or else she would lose hundreds of thousands of military exploits in vain.

"Devil army, teleport.

"Go to the Angel Summoning Pool.""

"Kill other people's troops first, and leave none! 95

With Qin Ming's order...

In Claire's world.

Batches of terrifying demons were quickly teleported to the Angel Summoning Pool in the center of the world from more than 20 kilometers away.

Originally, Qin Ming couldn't catch up with the support anyway.

But with teleportation permission...

He was ahead of the other lords!

a time.

Countless black demons swept out violently towards the surrounding woods.

Claire, who was in the lord's hut, watched this scene with a bit of bitterness in her heart.

She has no choice but to make such a choice...

She just wants to live!

But she also knew that even so, it would not be so easy for Qin Ming to let her go.

Moreover, even if Qin Ming lets her go and the teleportation channel disappears after 24 hours, she will definitely be besieged by other lords in Area 88 again...

Since it's blackened, it's blackened to the end!

This blonde girl had a bold and crazy idea in her heart!

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