Demon Lord: My Troops Are Infinitely Upgraded!

Chapter 154 The old guy can't stop it! Scroller Saya has it!

The situation took a turn for the worse.

In just two or three minutes, the old man Long Chen's mood was like a roller coaster.

When Qin Ming brought Bai Xiaoyan to his lord world together, his mentality completely collapsed.

Originally, he thought that under his design, he could get rid of Qin Ming directly.

Especially seeing Qin Ming coming to an appointment for dinner, he came alone, and he felt more stable...

The result was unexpected.

Will the situation suddenly reverse to what it is now?

At this time!

Qin Ming is watching Long Chen's local channel.

He found……

In this local channel, most of them are male lords, and there are also a few female lords.

There are more than 200 lords in total.

It should be that Long Chen called for help and was about to attack Bai Xiaoyan's world, and more than half of them had already invaded the past...


Because of the shocking bad news from Bai Xiaoyan's world.

The remaining lords and troops who have not passed, will not dare to pass.

So Qin Ming's mouth curled slightly, and he said on the local channel: "It seems that Mr. Long is doing well in District 91!"

"There are so many people willing to help you when you go to cross-regional invasion and rob women?

When Qin Ming's voice just fell.

The lord of the local channel immediately said: "Brother Qin! We are all forced to, this Long Chen has done all the bad things in District 91, and the women have robbed dozens of them, and most of them were killed by him." Seven"!39

Another lord said: "We were also coerced by him, so we came to help him as a last resort, we really didn't want to help Zhou, let alone fight against Big Brother Qin!

Another lord said: "Brother Qin, all my troops have been wiped out by this Long Chen, and now there are only over a thousand troops left, please let me go, if I lose more than a thousand troops, I will die. …”

It seems that these lords have been completely intimidated by Qin Ming.

They have never seen such a terrifying demon army!

Originally, they thought that girls from other districts would be tortured.

The result was unexpected...

The men are too fierce!

Let this old man kick the iron plate directly!


Qin Ming smiled lightly: "I am quite interested in the teleportation scroll that Mr. Long used before, can you tell me how this thing came from? 35

"Whoever tells me the news, I will let his soldiers go!"

As soon as the words came out.

The local channel was silent for a while.

But soon.

Long Chen said with a gloomy face: "No one is allowed to say it! If you don't say it, you will lose some troops at most! 35

"Once any of you dare to say... Lao Wu, Lao Qi, they will never let you go, then Qin Ming can't save you!

He realized.

This is a chance, a chance to live.

Qin Ming is interested in teleportation scrolls!

As long as he keeps this secret, Qin Ming won't kill him for a while!


When Long Chen shouted like this, the local channel went silent again.

"Qin Ming, do you want to know about the teleportation scroll? 35

Long Chen sneered and said, "You give me Bai Xiaoyan, and I will tell you the news!

"Don't worry, when the 24 hours of the cross-regional invasion is over, she will be forced to teleport back as a lord. 99

"I promise, as long as you don't do anything to me, I won't do anything to her, you can get a complete woman!"

As soon as the words came out.

Bai Xiaoyan, who was sitting with Qin Ming, felt tight.

Qin Ming…

Will she be handed over because of the teleportation scroll?

Of course Qin Ming couldn't do such a thing.

This old man still wants to struggle when he is about to die, so Qin Ming must let him "enjoy" it!

Facing the transaction proposed by Long Chen, Qin Ming did not respond.

Instead, he waited until Xiao Hei took him and Bai Xiaoyan to the top of the other party's base camp!

This Long Chen is the lord of the human race.

A series of Terran buildings surround the Terran Summoning Tower.

Strong defense.

"What do you want Bai Xiaoyan to do? Wouldn't it be better if I send it directly to you to kill?

Qin Ming said this on the local channel.

Just when Long Chen, Bai Xiaoyan, and other local lords were stunned.

Qin Ming suddenly jumped from Xiao Hei's back!

Jump directly from the height of more than 200 meters towards the opponent's base camp!


“Qin Ming!”

Seeing this, Bai Xiaoyan exclaimed, and suddenly lay nervously on Xiao Hei's back, watching Qin Ming jump down...

Very nervous!

"What are you nervous about? If you lie on your stomach again, your skirt will be blown up."

Qin Ming smiled and chatted with her privately.


When Bai Xiaoyan heard this, her face turned red.

He immediately sat up and pulled the corner of his skirt with both hands, only to find that it was not what Qin Ming had told him, so he was a little embarrassed for a while.

At this very moment.

With a sound.

Qin Ming fell from the sky and landed next to the opponent's Human Race Summoning Tower, smashing the gravel and soil on the ground!

Sixty times the attributes of ordinary people, let him jump from 200 meters unscathed!

"Mr. Long, I'm here to find you, don't you want to kill me?"

"Where are you?"

Qin Ming said on the local channel: "Also, Mr. Wu? Mr. Qi? And Mr. Liao, right? Look carefully, how did I kill Long Chen. 35

"There is still a lot of time in the future, I will explode several Invasion Energy Stones a day.

"Who told me the news of the transfer scroll, who I will bypass when the time comes, is this a fair deal?

As soon as the words came out.

The old man Long Chen was dumbfounded.

He never dreamed that Qin Ming would threaten his allies like this!

"Don't listen to him!"

"How dare you come to my base camp, he is dead!"

The old man suddenly gave an order.

Around Qin Ming, a lot of human troops appeared directly, attacking him.

There is also a third-order purple defense tower that shoots arrows at him from a distance.

This scene.

Let many people see it.

Wu Mujie, Qi Youguo, Liao Min and others all had troops nearby, and they were all observing at this moment...

Just when they looked at Qin Ming in surprise.

In Qin Ming's hand, there appeared a long sword with dark gold shining brightly.

Sweep across.

Lightning flashed, instantly killing a bunch of human soldiers!


The opponent's arrows from long-range units and purple defense towers all landed on Qin Ming.

However, the phantom of golden armor flickered on his body, blocking all attacks!

"Is this attack too weak?

Qin Ming was a little speechless when he saw this.

Originally, he ran down by himself relying on the sacrificial ability of witch believers.

In the end, he didn't expect that these attacks could not break his defense...

He thought about it.

With the dark golden Apocalypse Leggings on his body, he added 998 defense and 245% defense.

Counting Eya's super defensive aura.

Now his total defense reached six or seven thousand.

It's no wonder that these minion towers can break defenses!


Holding a long sword of war thunder, he jumped, and instantly cut across the lord's hut dozens of meters away.

A knife!

The "Lightning" special effect adds a 12-meter melee attack range, directly cutting the lord's hut from the middle!

As the hut collapsed.

The pale old man Long Chen appeared in front of Qin Ming.

Another knife!

Qin Ming swept the long knife in his hand.

Lightning burst out from a distance, cutting off Long Chen's leg!

Blood splattered, and the old man fell to the ground and let out a shrill scream...

"Damn it, this is the God of War!"


"Qin Ming is too fierce!"


"This old guy can't even stop a knife!"


Some local channel lords who saw this scene took a deep breath.

And this cruel sight.

It directly made Wu Mujie and the others tremble with fear.

"I said! I told you about the teleportation scroll..."

Qi Youguo was the first to speak on the local channel.

"You are so rude, let me say first, the teleportation scroll is made by a hero's skills...

Wu Mujie interrupted him directly.

"Brother Qin! That hero is in my hands now! I can give him to you!

Liao Min interrupted Wu Mujie again.

When they saw the tragic state of the old man Long Chen, the three of them were shocked and dumbfounded.

They still wanted to.

Will he be Qin Ming's opponent after he develops for a while?

But they found out...


This Qin Ming is so fierce!

They didn't even think about it, they just sold their "Long Ye".


Qin Ming learned that the teleportation scroll came from a human hero "Scroll Master-Saya", who was led by a human female lord "Zhang Huili"

Usually, the lord Zhang Huili was detained in the basement dug by Long Chen.

Scroll Master-Saya, the hero, was imprisoned by Liao Min.

In addition, Zhang Huili's Human Race Summoning Tower was "protected" by Wu Mujie's troops.


It is not just to completely control the lord Zhang Huili.

It can also make Long Chen restrain each other.

Qin Ming noticed.

On Long Chen's local channel, there was indeed a female lord named "Zhang Huili", who looked to be in her forties.

Just then...

Zhang Huili actually took the initiative to privately chat with Qin Ming, and her voice was indifferent: "You are very strong? If you want my teleportation scroll, kill these scumbags!"

"Otherwise, I will cut it off by myself, and no one will get the teleportation scroll!

Her voice sounded tired.

But there was also a touch of excitement.

It was like the excitement of finally encountering a glimmer of light after suffering for a long time.

But what she said gave Qin Ming a headache.


Teleportation scroll, he naturally wanted.


Now it is not convenient for him to kill Wu Mujie, Qi Youguo and Liao Min!

If you really want to kill them, you can still do it with a little manipulation, refer to Claire, the beautiful blonde girl before.


There is no need!

Today the old man Long Chen is mortal.

Once those three also died.

Then Zhang Huili is in this 91 area, no one can protect her, she is controlled so far behind her development, she must be sent soon.

By then, Qin Ming's teleportation scroll will be useless?

"You give me the command of the scroll master hero and keep it with me. The three of them dare not bully you again, and they have to protect you."

So Qin Ming replied in a private chat: "Instead of me getting revenge for you, it is better to wait for the next communication, and I will help you to get revenge yourself, what do you think?

Hear Qin Ming's proposal.

That Zhang Huili was silent for a long time.




Qin Ming's demon army has cleared out the hostile forces in Bai Xiaoyan's world.

Then enter Long Chen's world to sweep!

All the hostile forces were killed by Qin Ming, not a single one remained.

In the end, he held a long sword and walked in front of the old man Long Chen whose legs had been cut off!

at this time……

This old man has gritted his teeth, crying bitterly and begging for mercy!

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