Demon Lord: My Troops Are Infinitely Upgraded!

Chapter 189 The Three Awakened Tiasta! The girls are dumbfounded! This halo is too fierce!

In the past two days, with the intercommunication between District X and District D.

Liu Qingchi also had some exchanges with Lin Yueyao and Ji An'an.

Because of the established transmission network, both can transmit to each other.

Both sides will go to each other's large area to inspect, look at the opposite environment, and look at the distribution of the construction locations of the portals, etc. for reference.

They came and went, and they got to know each other very well.

Under Liu Qingchi's order.

Algi, who has the talent of S-level positioning and teleportation, also came to the chaotic world in the D area to help save time by teleporting.

Just two days.

Portal network built.

However, the city has not been built yet. Qin Ming made some meritorious deeds in two days, and spent 600 merits in exchange for two large city construction plans, which were handed over to Liu Qingchi and Ji An'an respectively, and asked them to build them.

Longxia City, District D.

X District Daxia City.

Both will be the trading center of the two regions in the chaotic world!

Tonight, I don't know what Lin Yueyao and the others said to Liu Qingchi.

All the girls didn't come to Qin Ming's castle.

Liu Qingchi ran over and reported the situation to Qin Ming.

The main report is about the rare resources they have collected so far after the integration of the resources of the two regions.

"There are 1 hero spar, 7 hero awakening stones, and several summoning origin stones of each grade!

Liu Qingchi was beside Qin Ming and read them out one by one.

They are mainly busy with the construction of the transmission network "Zero Twenty", which they acquired by the way.

Even so, the benefits of this resource integration have been reflected.

7 Hero Awakening Stones!

Although this item "only" needs 100 merits to exchange, it can only be exchanged for one per day.

These two days.

Qin Ming himself only got 3 pieces.


The girls collected 7 for him!

Adding up to 10 Hero Awakening Stones, it is also an extremely precious resource for Qin Ming.

"Well done."

Qin Ming glanced at Liu Qingchi with admiration.

At this glance, this beautiful royal sister bowed her head slightly and blushed a little embarrassedly: "I didn't collect it alone, Yue Yao and An An also contributed a lot..."

"You can do your best, and I can't do anything..."

Qin Ming said.


Liu Qingchi felt that his words were a bit strange.

She thought about it carefully, and then her face turned even redder.

At this time Qin Ming beckoned towards the nearby: "Yiyaer, take Qingchi in to rest first, and press her shoulders. She must be very tired these two days. I will come in after I finish my work."


When Yi Ya'er heard the words, her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

For her, the happiest moment of the day is the evening...

When Liu Qingchi was brought in by her.

Liu Qingchi wasn't too nervous. After all, this succubus girl was just a hero under Qin Ming. Now it's normal to take her in to rest and press her shoulders, right?


She soon found out.

This Yiyaer's pressing shoulder is not serious at all!!

Qin Ming placed the fourth-order summoning Originium in front of the Demon Summoning Tower.

Directly unlocks a brand new Tier 4 class.

Heavy Claw Wolf!

The fourth-order heavy-clawed demon wolf that was just summoned was directly more than 2,500 levels.

All four abilities are unlocked.

Qin Ming was a little happy when he saw it.

This heavy-clawed devil wolf is a kind of soldier that can give various buffs to the surrounding allies, and its combat effectiveness is also very fierce!

1 skill Demon Wolf Roar, at the current level, it can increase the attack power of surrounding allies by more than 120%.

This is a percentage attack boost.

It is equivalent to directly doubling the attack power of Qin Ming's troops!

The 2 skill Demon Wolf Shield, at the current level, can add a shield of more than 2.5 million to surrounding friendly forces.

The key is that this shield can stack.

As long as 100 heavy-clawed wolves release the magic wolf shield at the same time, they can stack up to 250 million shields!

So, what about one thousand, ten thousand?


Qin Ming also noticed that the skill range of this magic wolf shield is a bit small, only 100 meters around.

Therefore, even if there are more heavy-clawed wolves, the number of shield layers that one unit can eat at the same time will not be too high.

But when the heavy-clawed devil wolf is mixed into other armies, it can eat hundreds of millions of shields almost every ten seconds. This effect is already very bad.


Like the Earth Shaker Demon Wolf, the Heavy Claw Demon has a 90% damage reduction, which is 10 times the damage reduction.

Attack and speed are all good.

It can only be said that it is indeed a Tier 4 army!

"Let's get 10,000 first.

Qin Ming thought about it.

He waved his hand to summon 10,000 heavy-clawed wolves, and gathered directly on the square of the castle.

Then through the Devil Summoning Tower, part of it is sent to the abyss lair around, to eat experience.

The other 9,000 were mixed into various legions by Qin Ming.

Immediately after.

Qin Ming held the rare resource Liu Qingchi just gave him.

"One hero spar, and one more, I can summon the tenth hero, and this must be the initial 10-star hero!

"Summoning Origin Stones are all Tier 1 to Tier 3, but there are more types of arms..."

It is worth mentioning that.

Now Lord Qin Ming is level 16.

16 first-order arms have already been unlocked.

However, many first-order units are useless. Qin Ming unlocks them and adds attributes to the gluttonous kid and the spiked demon.

Due to the existence of the first-order technology of "main force selection".

Every time Qin Ming unlocks a Tier 1 unit, the 3 Tier 1 units he selects will receive a 3% bonus to all attributes.

Now, his gluttonous goblins, spiked demons and demon vines have all received 48% bonus to all attributes.

Although it is a first-order army.

Its combat power is already close to the second-tier arms of the same level.

As you can imagine.

When Qin Ming's Tier 1 arms are unlocked more and more, the attributes of the gluttonous kid can even surpass some Tier 2 main battle arms!

"My current second-tier arms are mainly based on the Earth Shaker Demon Bull and the Witch Believer.

"It's not the main battle arm, so don't worry about being overtaken by the gluttonous kid.

Qin Ming smiled.

If he used the second-tier arm as the main battle arm, once the attributes were surpassed by the gluttonous kid, it would still be very uncomfortable.

Because the summoning price of the second-order arms is several times more expensive than the first-order arms.

At that time, the troops summoned by thirty or forty spar are not as good as the gluttonous kid with 5 spar, can it not be uncomfortable?

As for the Tier 2 and Tier 3 Summoning Originium that Qin Ming got this time.

He also used them all.

As a result, the Tier 2 and Tier 3 arms that were unlocked were nothing special.

He didn't care either.

Finally, the 10 Hero Awakening Stones were taken out.

"10 Hero Awakening Stones can awaken three heroes for the second time.

"Alternatively, you can consume 6 Awakening Stones first to awaken a hero three times."

In fact.

Qin Ming had three Hero Awakening Stones on his body, and he was thinking about awakening a hero three times.

He is still very interested in the "exclusive weapon" of the three awakenings!

Moreover, three awakenings have an additional effect.

You can make the hero's halo directly become effective for all subordinates of the alliance lord!

Just right.

Now Liu Qingchi, Ji An'an and the others are building a transmission network...

Every day I have to deal with many other lords, many of them are foreign lords.

If they don't have enough combat power, they can't hold the scene.

And under Qin Ming, any hero's halo unlocked to them, covering all their arms, can make their combat power extremely terrifying!

"Diasta, come back and wake up. 35

Qin Ming ordered directly.

He chose to give it to Tiasta, awakening twice in a row!

In fact, Qin Ming originally wanted to awaken the killing angel Elsa first, but considering Elsa's halo, there was only one damage-increasing halo.

Although the damage has now reached more than 270%, the effect is still only average.

Certainly better than God Astar's crit aura and vampire aura!

Now, if Qin Ming's subordinates don't have Tiasta's aura, the crit rate is very low.

As long as you have a crit aura.

All units' attacks can stabilize crit, and there is also a blood-sucking halo, which can greatly improve both output ability and survivability.

"After unlocking the exclusive weapon, it seems that the weapon cannot be equipped.

"But Tiasta can't be armed in the first place."


"Three awakenings is the biggest improvement for Diasta."

Qin Ming wasn't too entangled.

Anyway, now that the resources of the two regions are integrated, he doesn't need to do anything, the girls will collect all kinds of rare resources for him.

Hero Awakening Stones are easy to come by.

Awaken Tiasta first, and then wake up Elsa!

Killing Angel Elsa, is now Qin Ming's absolute main force in the endless world.

So let’s take a look at the effect of the exclusive weapon first, which is equivalent to testing it with Diasta…


Tiasta returned with the Hell Demon Sword in hand.

Half-knelt down in front of Qin Ming.

Although this hero has a mind, he is straightforward and only knows how to kill.

Unlike Tarsis, who burned his brain...

Diasta is normal, even beyond the logical thinking ability of ordinary people, otherwise Qin Ming would not be able to let him lead his troops to kill monsters in the chaotic world alone.

When he took the Hero Awakening Stone given by Qin Ming, he went to the Devil Summoning Tower.

Awakened twice in a row soon!

First of all, his auras have all turned into global auras.

The crit aura and the blood recovery aura have all been increased by more than 1302.30%!

That is to say.

From now on, Qin Ming's demon army, as long as he deals 1 point of damage, he can recover 13 points of HP, which is simply invincible!

And the more than 1300% crit rate makes it impossible for the opponent to pile up enough explosion-proof rate no matter what.

In front of Qin Ming...

All opponents must be critly hit by the sword!

Then there is the "Magic Dispersion" aura, which is a halo that acts on the enemy and can reduce the enemy's defense by 5360 points.

After turning into a global halo, as long as it is an enemy who is fighting Qin Ming, it will be affected by "Demon Qi Dissipation".

And when Tiasta awakened three times...

His three halos simultaneously affected the five girls in the Qin Ming alliance!

this moment.

Qin Ming hasn't checked out Tiasta's exclusive weapon yet.

Lin Yueyao, Ji An'an, Shen Yina, Bai Xiaoyan and Liu Qingchi received the system prompt at the same time.

They and all their subordinates have obtained three halo effects: "ruthless", "controlling blood", and "dissipating demonic energy".

They were shocked and dumbfounded!

what the hell?

1300% more crit?

1300% more life steal?

and also……

After entering the combat state, all enemies reduce defense by 5360 points?

This is too fierce!!.

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