Demon Lord: My Troops Are Infinitely Upgraded!

Chapter 212 We don't need Qin Ming? The super hunter is coming! Please Qin Ming!!

District 044.

The lordship area of ​​the Southern Dynasty.

Here, there is an elf lord named Park Enya.

Before the lord era, Park Enya belonged to a girl group star in the Southern Dynasty, but she was different from Ji Anan's route, she sang and danced.

And in the lord era, because she got the A-level lord talent.

So it's much better than Ji An'an at the beginning.

A-level talent and B-level talent, the effect strength is too different.


Even so, in order to obtain more resources, this Park Eunya has also made deals with many men.

Until later, she met the real boss of the O44 area!

It was an old man in his seventies or eighties.

The blood clan lord, Zheng Zexiong, has the SS-level lord talent "Spell Study"!

All heroes and units under his command will have a chance to trigger multi-casting when releasing skills.

Double casting is common, and triple casting is easy.

It can even reach up to seven spellcasting!

If only attacking skills can be multi-cast, it is fine. Although this talent is good, its strength is not particularly high.

But the point is.

Many buff skills released to allies, as well as some special skills, once multi-casting is triggered, they can be superimposed to multiple layers!

For example, a gain status skill can increase the attack of allies by 300 points.

Under normal circumstances, no matter how many times it is released, it can only add 300 attack points.

Release it again, it will overwrite the effect and refresh the duration.

But under multi-casting.

Once the seven-fold spell is triggered, the direct effect will be multiplied seven times!

300 points of attack, increased to 2100 points of attack!

This SS-level lord talent allowed Zheng Zexiong to quickly gain a firm foothold in the O44 area.

However, this old man was very cautious in the early stage. After all, he didn't know if others had stronger Tian 033 gifts or something.

It is very low-key in development in the O44 area.

Moreover, he was in his 70s or 80s in the early stage, and his physical strength was not strong. If he was not originally a patriarch of a business family, he usually paid attention to health preservation and exercise. I am afraid that even his mind would be a little confused.

Just after Zheng Zexiong's lord level reached level 6 and level 7.

The enhancement of all physical attributes made him feel like he was returning to youth.

After that, Park Eunya, whom he only met, raised this woman.


Park Eun-ah is just one of his women.

The entire O44 area is basically his private manor, and all those who oppose him and offend him have been cleaned up by him.

In this O44 area, there were originally 100,000 lords.

Only 91,000 people remain.

Among the various lord areas, this number is relatively small.

And because of Zheng Zexiong's iron and bloody skills, no one in the entire O44 area dared to oppose him.

until now!

Zheng Zexiong established his own portal network to connect with each other between the O44 area and the chaotic world.


Anastasia and Claire found Park Enya together.

They got on the line in the chaotic world, and then wanted Park Enya to invite them to the O44 area to build a portal belonging to Qin Ming.

At this moment.

Park Enya had a private chat with Anastasia.

Park Enya: "Qin Ming wants to come to District 044, Zheng Zexiong will definitely not agree, but you, won't you feel ashamed to do things for the lord of Longxia Kingdom?"

Anastasia looked calm: "In the era of lords, whoever is stronger has more power to speak, don't you understand?

Park Enya: "I do have a suggestion. Qin Ming wants to build a portal to our 44th area, it is not impossible (cbcd), but he must come and talk to Zheng Zexiong in person!""

Speaking of which, Park Enya chuckled and said, "It's up to you... Anastasia, after all, you are also an SSS-level lord talent, why should you obey others?"

"You call Qin Ming over, and we will join forces to do the game and get rid of him, won't we all be free in the future?"

for this.

Anastasia did not respond.

For what the other party said, to kill Qin Ming, this girl was not interested at all.

She is very clear...

How could it be so easy to kill Qin Ming?

not to mention.

For her, she now prefers to use Qin Ming as an umbrella.

In the endless world, it is too dangerous.

With the protection of Qin Ming, she can develop smoothly and quickly.

No one has this qualification except Qin Ming!

Since this O44 area does not plan to cooperate for the time being, then she will not deal with this area first, and then finish other areas first.

Zone O44.

In Zheng Zexiong's territory.

Park Eunya, who acted as his messenger, told Zheng Zexiong the situation.

"She didn't respond?"

"It seems that Qin Ming has really become a dog!"

Zheng Zexiong said with a sneer.

This old man was wearing a suit and a bow tie, and he was the president of a business group in the Southern Dynasty. Now that the lord is level 15, he seemed very spiritual.

"But don't worry, she should figure it out soon.

"Being a dog to the lord of Longxia Kingdom, she won't get any benefit!"

"Why don't you join forces with me and get rid of that Qin Ming!"

At this moment.

Park Enya rolled her eyes and thought of a way: "By the way, my dear. Or should I contact that Qin Ming and take the initiative to seduce him?

"And in the process, give him a fatal blow!

Say this.

Zheng Zexiong thought for a while.

It's not that he doesn't know Qin Ming's power now, but he is not the kind of character who will obey others, not to mention Qin Ming is also a lord of Longxia Kingdom.

Therefore, killing Qin Ming is his first choice.

This method of Park Enya is quite good.

"Then get in touch first."

Zheng Zexiong didn't mind his women doing this kind of thing at all. For him, women were like playthings.

If he can help him assassinate Qin Ming, he can't ask for anything.

Even if the assassination fails, it has nothing to do with him!

"When you get in touch, before you set off, I will give you a Tier 4 epic lord weapon, so that you can kill him smoothly!"

Zheng Zexiong said.

These words made Park Enya's eyes light up.

Then she can make a lot of money!

Tier 4 epic lord weapons, this is too precious!

You know, lord equipment is hard to come by, let alone Tier 4, epic lord weapons.

Even here in Zheng Zexiong, there is only one!

And in Park Enya's place, naturally, he didn't really want to assassinate Qin Ming.

For her, a good bird chooses a tree to live in. She used to follow Zheng Zexiong for profit, but now she can also follow the stronger Qin Ming!

She needs to meet Qin Ming first.

Then wait for the opportunistic action...


As long as she can assassinate Qin Ming, she will definitely choose to assassinate Qin Ming.

After all, as a member of the Southern Dynasty, she was naturally opposed to the men of Longxia.


Park Enya is not a fool, she has her own ideas, and Zheng Zexiong can't control her.


She asked Anastasia and Claire to help her tell her that she wanted to meet Qin Ming.

Soon, Qin Ming's reply came back.

let her go!

Qin Ming has no interest in something like Park Enya who came to her door voluntarily.

The most important thing is that in Anastasia's report, this Park Enya had already followed Zheng Zexiong before.

Qin Ming is not interested in such a woman who has been played.

In this era of lords, what he lacked most was women!

After getting Qin Ming's reply.

Park Enya's face was extremely gloomy.

She discussed with Zheng Zexiong and felt that she still had to find a way to meet Qin Ming and kill Qin Ming...

Anyway, they don't want O44 to be ruled by Qin Ming.

But just in time.

In Zheng Zexiong's lord world.

Suddenly, a lord hunter came and invaded!

Followed by the system prompt.

Zheng Zexiong's face changed greatly.

Because the hunter who invaded his lord's world this time is a fourth-order legendary existence!

He had killed up to Tier 4 epics before.

But the legendary lord hunter is several times more powerful than the epic level!

Even this legendary hunter has three epic subordinates!

"Park Eunya, call someone here. 39

"Call all the troops of those boys and help me meet the enemy together!"

Zheng Zexiong, with a gloomy face immediately, called for support from other people in the O44 area.

Park Enya didn't dare to be careless.

Immediately greet the lords that she is responsible for contacting on weekdays.

When Zheng Zexiong was hunted by the legendary lord, the entire O44 area was mobilized.

Many lords were reluctant to help Zheng Zexiong, but they all succumbed to his strengths and could only send troops to help...


The fourth-order legendary lord hunter, the combat power is too terrifying!

Even if Zheng Zexiong called thousands of lords, and a total of millions of troops, in front of the super-powerful hunters, these troops are all cannon fodder!

Tier 4 Legendary.

In front of Qin Ming, it belongs to second goods.

But in front of the other lords of Blue Star...

Almost invincible existence!

Half a night passed, and even Zheng Zexiong was a little desperate. The hunter brought a total of more than 100,000 troops, and now less than 3,000 were killed.

Legendary, too fierce!

That's not what he can fight at this stage at all!

Seeing that with one hundred thousand fourth-tier troops, all kinds of elites, leaders, and even king-level and epic-level bosses super-powerful hunters, came towards their core building.

Zheng Zexiong finally couldn't bear it any longer.

He couldn't stop him.

If you don't want to die, you can only ask for help!

"Anastasia! Beauty, help!"

He first contacted Anastasia.

Unfortunately, it was rejected by Anastasia.

"Fourth-level legendary level, I may not be able to fight, the loss is huge, why should I help you?

Anastasia is no fool.

As long as this Zheng Zexiong is dead, won't this O44 area be settled?

Why save him?

So, the old guy was about to cry: "Quick, please Qin Ming! As long as I can save me, I am willing to give anything!""

It's all said.

Anastasia couldn't help but think about it.

Generally, she is reluctant to ask Qin Ming. After all, she is still quite afraid of Qin Ming, for fear of annoying Qin Ming.

But this Zheng Zexiong was, after all, an SS-level talent lord.

Maybe Qin Ming would want to keep him useful?


When reporting, she will also explain the situation in the O44 area!

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