Demon Lord: My Troops Are Infinitely Upgraded!

Chapter 234 The Death of Black Spears! Mythical Rewards!

With the appearance of Mias, the sea of ​​blood filled the audience.

The surrounding area of ​​thousands of meters was turned into a sea of ​​blood.

In the end, the Holy Son of the Plague Religion was the last person left, struggling to support.

All his subordinates have been involved in the sea of ​​​​blood, swallowed by the terrifying power of the sea of ​​​​blood, and dropped a bunch of legendary and epic equipment items, and then these equipment items, all due to "Void Grab" and directly appeared in the Inside Qin Ming's Lord's Backpack.

Looking at Mias' blood volume, it kept going up and down, but even if she didn't die, the Holy Son of the Plague Religion was almost in despair.

"No wonder it's so strong..."

"No wonder, Bishop Tianping said before that my odds of winning against this demon lord are not even 1 in 10,000.

"This Gorefiend Queen named Mias is so terrifying!

"Unless you reach the seventh rank, after reaching the seventh rank, you have the means of absolute damage reduction..."

"Otherwise, it can't resist her damage at all!"

Black Mouth's eyes under the entire green robe showed extremely strong unwillingness.

He has risen to mythic level!

Once you reach the seventh rank, you will be able to obtain the attribute of absolute damage reduction.

With this attribute, he is truly powerful.

Level 7 is the starting point to become a strong person.

But all this...

A bit far for Black Maus.

He can't see the day when he becomes the seventh rank now, because he has been completely suppressed by the Gorefiend Queen Mias.

Seeing this situation, he has no chance of escaping at all!

Countless poisonous clouds erupted around Blackmouth.

In addition to the high HP damage of up to 72% per second, some direct poison damage is also added.

But these injuries can't even kill witch believers.

Not to mention Mias.

This scene made Black Spears, the other lords and bosses who were observing around him, all set off a storm in his heart.

Judging from the blood loss rate of Witch Believers...

These witch believers, as well as Mias, Elsa and others, probably have tens of thousands of times the damage reduction attribute!

And in the case of Black Spears alone, there is no way to remove the damage reduction attribute too strongly.


These direct toxin injuries do not pose any threat to Qin Ming's men at all.

Immediately after.

It didn't take long for Elsa's Killing Shadow Dance skill to cool down.

At this time, the Holy Son of the Plague Order, Black Maus still had less than 10 billion health remaining, and more than one third of the remaining.

In the sea of ​​blood, he was still losing blood rapidly. According to this situation, he would be killed in less than five seconds...

He turned and ran away!

Now all the men around him are dead, and the fastest speed of four or five times the speed of sound per second is now only three times the speed of sound per second.

But as long as you run away and run out of the sea of ​​blood, you may still have a chance to live...


How could Qin Ming give him such a chance?

It didn't take long for him to escape.

Elsa's figure appeared behind him like a ghost, and endless knife lights flashed, directly triggering infinite combos, and tens of thousands of knife lights enveloped Black Spears!

Under this burst of sword light, the mythical BOSS's blood volume was instantly emptied.

The eyes of the whole person under the green robe exudes a green poisonous light, staring at the killing angel Elsa in front of him.

The fallen angel with three pairs of black wings, a perfect and graceful figure but an extended icy cold, showed no expression at all about his death.

Knife light blooms.

Harvest the life of Black Maus!

With the death of Black Spears...

A bunch of red light burst out around him, which means that these are the highest-grade, mythical super equipment and props!

But the red light just flashed by, and it was grabbed by the void into Qin Ming's lord's backpack.

So far.

A siege against the sixth-order mythical BOSS finally ended.

For Qin Ming, this battle looks easy, but there is actually a lot of risk in it.

First of all, he didn't know what kind of skills the mythical-level boss Black Spears possessed, but he just felt that the mythical-level boss must be very powerful, and his combat power must be very strong...

As it turns out, it does!

He first let Lilith raid from a distance to test the opponent, and then let Elsa try again.

As a result, Elsa was directly poisoned.

Fortunately, Miyasi was arranged in advance to prepare and shoot directly.

"Do you think he has any other means?"

"I didn't expect it to be hurt by this poison."

"As long as the healing ability is strong enough, it can completely deal with this guy.

Qin Ming thought to himself.

Of course, this is just as easy as it seems to him.

Change to another lord.

Not to mention the highly poisonous damage of the percentage damage, even the direct poison damage can't be resisted...

For example, the SSS-level talent lord from the original fire civilization who was killed by Black Spears before, Tungus, this guy's arms, even the poisonous attacks of the little monsters under Black Spears can't resist.

Although it is also very fast to beat Black Spears.

But Blackmaus would not give him a chance at all.

In the face of a mythical-level BOSS like Black Maus, Tungus has no ability to resist at all.

Toxin damage is too high!

Only a perverted existence like Qin Ming can withstand the damage of Tunguska.

The first is direct damage, which can be resisted by super high blood volume and various defensive attributes.

The second is the poisonous damage, which depends on the super recovery ability.

Two points are indispensable!

And these two points, among the countless infinite lords, Qin Ming is probably the only one who can do it.

other words.

Tier 7 lords and bosses, although they are stronger than Black Maus, still mainly rely on some new means, such as the ability to definitely reduce damage.

This ability, only the seventh-order has.

Therefore, when Black Maus was at Tier 6, his combat power was weaker than that of the Plague Bishop.

But once Black Spears reaches the seventh rank, the combat power will be many times stronger than the legendary plague bishop...

When Black Spears was swept away by Elsa's terrifying blade light, he was finally killed.

The faces of the two girl lords of Xinghui civilization outside the venue turned pale.

Although the lord killed BOSS2.3.

But for them...

Naturally, it is impossible to assume that lords from other civilizations will treat them kindly.


They are still fighting.

Although they wanted to retreat and escape from here, the fifth-order epic boss of the other party was holding them back, making them always in a state of battle and unable to leave.

For the fifth-order epic BOSS, die together!

No one wants to leave!


As long as they are still fighting each other, it is impossible to leave this place quickly.

Then, their life and death are completely in Qin Ming's hands.

But at this time, Qin Ming obviously didn't notice this group of people.

Or rather, not paying attention.

This fifth-order existence is too weak in Qin Ming's eyes.

He opened the lord's backpack and started to check the mythical equipment and prop rewards he had just obtained!.

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