Demon Lord: My Troops Are Infinitely Upgraded!

Chapter 84 Split Magic Eye Technology! Four times the speed of exploration! Lin Yueyao, do you want

The dwarf lord was really dumbfounded.

Originally, he thought that as long as he was low-key enough, no one should think about him except Qin Ming.

after all……

Just don't show up in chat channels.

No one will notice him.

There are a total of 100,000 lords in this D12 area, who would look through the lord list one by one and invade randomly?

At this stage, there is usually revenge for revenge, and grievance for revenge.

Otherwise, someone exposed money in the chat channel and was targeted.

Even if someone is so boring, randomly selecting someone from the list of 100,000 lords to invade, wouldn't it be so unlucky to invade his lord world?


At this moment.

This elf lord named Lin Yueyao has actually invaded his world!

"Beauty! Have you made a mistake? Do I have a grudge against you?

The dwarf lord shouted directly on the local channel.

"No! 99

Lin Yueyao quickly replied: "But you have a grudge against my alliance."

"You alliance?

The dwarf lord is a little confused, he doesn't remember which alliance he provokes before?

"Qin Ming...ahem, Qin Ming's alliance!"

Lin Yueyao said.

Originally she wanted to say the name of the alliance.

But the name of the alliance is too shameful to say.

“Qin Ming?”

The dwarf lord was completely stunned.

After a while, he begged for mercy on the spot: "Wait, beauty, it's no good for you to kill me! If you keep me, I will give you 300 spar every day in the future! I will do what I say! 99

Three hundred spar!

Lin Yueyao's eyes suddenly turned red.

You must know that before she can brush the purple lair, she can only harvest seventy or eighty spar per hour.

Moreover, it is impossible for heroes and subordinates to spawn monsters around the clock.

It's not bad to have a thousand spar in a day.

Her income seems to be quite large. The reason why she has only more than 200 troops now is entirely because she is at a loss for monster spawning.

You also need to prepare food, unlock technology 923, etc., which consumes a lot...


Now, with the help of Qin Ming, she has been able to brush purple lair, and there are more than 200 spar per hour.

These three hundred or so spar are really nothing.

not to mention.

This person was named by Qin Ming to kill, how could she let him go?

"Now beg for mercy, it's too late!


Her elven female swordsman, Tina, led a total of 400 elven archers to kill the opponent's base camp!

Until noon.

A total of four lords who refused to surrender were all exterminated by Lin Yueyao!

Compared with Qin Ming.

She is really slow.

But the advantage is that it doesn't need to consume Qin Ming's own invasion count.

As for the other one, it was killed by other lords who entered indiscriminately. If there is no force, everyone will die...

at this time.

In the Dajiang Alliance channel.

Jiang Lingtao suddenly said: "All five of them are dead. 55

The old dog: "Damn, fortunately, I chose to surrender.

Niu Meng: "I said before that this Qin Ming is unlikely to be the golden equipment that came from killing a king-level boss, but now it seems to be the case, this combat power is too fierce!

Old dog: "No way, aren't we seeking wealth and wealth at risk, we just lost the bet."

Han Yujia: "But we have surrendered now. If there are precious resources in the territory, will he protect us?"

Niu Meng: "Then we have to pray that there are golden resources in our territory. I don't think he looks down on purple ones."

Jiang Lingtao finally said: "One thing you have to know is that we have no military strength now, and once invaded by others, there is only a dead end.

"But it's different after surrender, until he's done exploring our world, he's sure to keep us."

"That's the real reason I surrendered!"

"Even if there are no precious (cbcc) resources in the final world, we can still get a stable period of development... 35'

It has to be said that people like Jiang Lingtao can recognize the situation in time, and it is indeed easier to survive in such a chaotic situation.


He doesn't know, he has been targeted by Qin Ming!

After all, this guy is different from the others in that he is the organizer and leader of this invasion.

How could Qin Ming let him go so easily?

at the same time.

The news about someone owning a level 90 gluttonous kid spread again in the D12 area.

But as long as you don't see it with your own eyes, you won't believe the news.

After all, the entire D12 area is already in chaos.

Many people shouted on the regional channel, saying which world has a boss boss, which world has purple ore veins...

Caused a flurry of confusion.

Every lord basically sweeps the snow in front of his own door, and he basically doesn't care much about the rumors that have been passed around and don't know the truth or falsehood.

As for Qin Ming.

It was in Lin Yueyao's world, where he spent most of the day exploring!

The 60-kilometer range around the tree of life in her world was explored.

Explore this.

Only two of the purple-quality resources were found.

One was the second-order purple lair, which Qin Ming gave to Lin Yueyao to brush, after all, thugs also needed to develop.

The other is the purple spar vein.

Qin Ming found three blue spar tower construction drawings from his backpack and built them on the ore vein!

The teleportation tower cannot be built in other lord worlds, but the spar tower can, but the durability of the spar tower is relatively low, and it is relatively fragile...

The three blue spar towers were built, and 270 spar can be mined per hour.

This is too far from the purple spar tower.

The same as the second-order, the purple spar tower can mine 360 ​​spar per hour.

But this blue one is only 90 per hour...

"That's all for now."

Qin Ming sighed.

As for Lin Yueyao's farther places in the world, he doesn't plan to explore for the time being.

All five nests in this world have been discovered, and three of the blue ones have been destroyed, and new nests have not been created so quickly.

Might as well change the target.

Go to the world of other lords to explore first.

Fortunately, I found a golden lair in this world, otherwise Qin Ming would have been busy for a long time.

During this period.

Qin Ming recruited 400 witch followers, and then asked 200 of them to sacrifice their souls.

Have them teleport to a level near the golden lair.

It is estimated that it only takes one day to reach level 160!


This golden lair can only squeeze 2000 troops at most.

In addition to 500 Witch Believers, Qin Ming also arranged for 500 Earth Shakers and 1000 Spiked Demons to level up here.

As for other troops, for the time being, they can only brush the original purple lair.

At this time.

He glanced at the backpack.

"It cost 16,000 spar to summon 400 witch followers.

"However, during this period of time, 31,000 spar was harvested, and the hand of gold also enlightened 13,000 spar..."

"There are still 65,000 spar left!

He thought about it, returned to the Devil's Valley, and opened the technology tower.

Going to unlock some technology.

Although there is "interest" technology, it is very profitable for Qin Ming to save the spar.

But technology, as long as you get some good technology, the income will exceed the interest!


Now Qin Ming needs a lot of spar every time he unlocks technology.

Tier 1 technology tower.

To unlock the 10th technology, you need 5120 spar.

Therefore, after Qin Ming opened the first-order technology tower, he also unlocked the technology once.

[Boss Mutation - The probability of spawning boss-level bosses in your world increases by 16%. 】

This technology is quite useful to Qin Ming.

"Purple boss-level bosses have a much higher chance of dropping rare items than mobs and elite monsters."

"This 16% increase in the monster spawn rate is equivalent to the fact that originally my world could spawn 100 bosses, but with this technology, 116 bosses can be spawned.

"The profit is alright!

"Get more construction drawings of the purple spar tower to speed up the development."

Qin Ming thought to himself.

He has just risen to level 9 as a lord now.

At this level, he can build a maximum of 18 spar towers, but even with the novice spar tower, he has only built 6/18 spar towers now.

The development of this aspect needs to be pulled up quickly.

The unlocking of this technology made Qin Ming realize that the "rare" technology he first unlocked was not as effective as he thought.

"The drop rate of rare items has been increased by 1.4%.

"It is equivalent to dropping 100 rare items, but now it can drop 101.4 pieces."

"This income is too low!

Qin Ming thought about it.

This first-order technology was refreshed.

After all, it is the first technology.

It only takes 20 spar to refresh once.

After consuming 180 spar and refreshing 9 times, I finally found a very useful technology!

[Split Demon Eyes - Each of your Demon Eyes can be split into four Demon Eyes with exactly the same skill effects, but each Demon Eye's HP is only 50% of the original. 】

"After unlocking this technology, the Devil's Eye can be split into four!"

"Doesn't this speed up my exploration of the world?"

Qin Ming's eyes lit up.

Now what restricts his exploration speed is the number of demon eyes.

In this world of Guanglin Yueyao, 10 demon eyes kept exploring, and it took most of a day to explore the surrounding 60 kilometers.

The Devil's Eye is a special unit.

Summon up to 10.

Qin Ming couldn't do anything if he wanted to call more.

"Although it didn't increase the maximum number of summons. 99

"But it's no different than adding a quantity!

10 Demon Eyes can be split into 40 Demon Eyes.

As long as this technology is unlocked, Qin Ming's speed of exploring the world is quadrupled!


Qin Ming did not hesitate to choose this technology to unlock!


He glanced at the 10 first-order technologies that he had unlocked, and then glanced at the 4th technology, the kid's strengthening.

"Give Gluttony Imp a 14% crit chance...

“Now this technology is not very profitable. 35

"Clear this one too!"

This technology consumes 160 spar per refresh.

Qin Ming only swiped twice, and an option appeared that surprised him:

【Vine Aid - You can summon 2 additional demon vines, which can be planted in other lord worlds! 】

(Note: Can only be planted on worlds you are invited to, not on worlds you have invaded.)

"This technology...seems useless?""

Qin Ming thought about it.

It can be used to tease a girl.

So he said on the Alliance Channel: "Lin Yueyao, I have a technology that can plant demon vines in the world for you, do you want tentacles?


When Lin Yueyao heard this, her face turned pale with fright, and she immediately replied, "I don't want it!!"


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