Demon Lord: My Troops Are Infinitely Upgraded!

Chapter 95 Epic BOSS? As long as Qin Ming dares to come, he will be sent to the West! (5/5)

Demon General - Caesars.

The level 20 skill is to summon a large number of "Quasi Demons", the level of which is the same as that of the Demon General.

At the current level, a single cast can summon up to 800 Quarts.

Attributes of the Quasser...

Compared with the gluttonous kid of the same level, the attack is higher, but the defense is zero, and the blood volume is also low.

This thing belongs to the most common "little devil".

But the point is.

The cooldown of this "Quasi Demon Summoning" skill is only 3 seconds!

No matter how many Quasars are left in the field, as long as the Demon General releases a skill, he can fill up 800 dead Quasars!

And the level 30 skill of the Demon General is to summon "Osai Demon-"


Osei, also known as "Bone Demon", summons 300 per spell, and the level is twice the level of the Demon General himself.

Compared to the little devil.

The strength of this bone demon is much higher.

Regardless of attack, defense or HP, it is more than three times higher than the gluttonous kid of the same level.

It looks a bit like a skeleton soldier in appearance, but has a very long bone tail vertebra, a pair of white bone wings behind it, and holds a bone whip blade as a weapon (see picture).

The biggest feature is that the attack range is wide, and the effect is remarkable when dealing with a large number of enemies.

at last.

The level 40 skill of the Demon General is to summon a more powerful "Terrorist".

Commonly known as "horned demons", currently 100 monsters are summoned each time a spell is cast, but the level of the summoned terrifying demons is three times that of the demon general's own level.

The horned devil wears scale armor, has blood-red wings, and holds a jet-black thorn chain as a weapon.

If you ignore the demon horns and demon wings on the top of the head, it looks like a large humanoid lizard.

As for properties.

Compared with the gluttonous goblin of the same level, the attack, HP and defense of the Horned Demon are about five times higher.

Except for the little devil.

The latter two, "Bone Demon" and "Horn Demon", both have a cooling time of 30 minutes.

However, these two large-scale demon creatures generally do not die very often, so there is basically no need to supplement the summoning, and the cooling time is too long to have little effect.

in addition.

For each type of summoned creature, the number of summoned creatures at one time means the maximum number of them.

Even if you keep calling, the maximum number will not be exceeded.

At this moment.

With the continuous casting of Demon General - Caesars.

A full 800 little demons, 300 bone demons, and 100 horned demons emerged from the surrounding black vortex.

Quasser (little devil) level 56.


Horror Demon (horn demon) 168.

As soon as they were summoned, they all had red eyes and killed the enemies around them.

"I wipe, what are these things? Why are there so many?"


"This is a summoning hero! Nima, I was thinking just now, this guy is called a demon general, why don't you bring a single soldier!"5


"What kind of Osser, kill more than ten tiger warriors for me with one whip!

"The biggest terrifying demon has such a fast attack speed that it can beat Lao Tzu for more than a thousand blood at a time. Even my hero can't stand it!!"

The reason why these demons do so much damage.

It's because the Demon General comes with an "attack aura", which has a higher value than Tarsis' fire attack aura.

Now a level 56 demon general, this attack halo has reached 488 points.

Almost double the value of Tarsis' Fire Attack Aura!


Now the damage reduction halo and control resistance halo of the demon general have all reached 61%, which makes the demons he summons also have super survivability.

not to mention……

These demons all carry the global halo from Eyaer.

Super defense!

Super fast blood return per second!

As these thousand or so demons swarmed around, the seven fishing lords' arms were simply unable to resist.

The fastest moving quassers, the little demons, flew out directly from mid-air and landed next to the opponent's vulnerable long-range units, killing them like crazy.

The Bone Demon and the Horn Demon resisted the front and steadily pushed forward.

Even the Demon General himself shot out with a big sword in his hand, causing more than 2,000 damage with one sword, and no opponent could resist it.

Even as an intruder, the Demon General and his subordinate demons were suppressed by 30% of their attributes.


There is still a huge gap between the two sides!


The opponent is not completely incapable of resisting.

The heroes of the seven lords all have some skills, and the lords themselves have also learned some lord skills.

All kinds of skills are released at the same time.

It really made the attack of the troops under them improved a grade.

Allow them to kill some of the little demons...


Whenever dozens of little devils were killed, the demon general raised his hand again and directly filled the number of dead little devils.

If the gluttonous kid was killed, Qin Ming would still feel a little distressed.

After all 5 spar one.

But these little devils...

All are summons!

No money at all!


The infinite number of little devils in the field became the nightmare of the seven lords.

They also realized that the Demon General had to be killed.


The Demon General's own defense is too high, and any attack they hit will not break the defense!

Despair spread quickly.

They want to ask for mercy.

It's a pity that Qin Ming has blocked all the private chats of these guys.

These lords could only watch helplessly as their troops were torn to pieces by these demons...

For Qin Ming.

This is just a blip.

Fishing caught him on his head, isn't that just courting death?


Shen Yina is also a woman of his alliance!


All the forces of the seven lords were wiped out by the Demon General alone.

A total of more than 6,000 troops were killed, and they were doubled directly, that is, close to 13,000 military exploits!

And the Demon General has risen to level 88 in this battle!

This time...

This demon general's combat power is even more terrifying, not only is the halo effect stronger, but most importantly, the number of demons summoned has reached a whole new level!


This 88 level is still not high enough for Qin Ming.

When the main force of the seven lords was destroyed, Qin Ming asked the demon general to return and returned to Lin Yueyao's world to level up.


He gave Lin Yueyao another task to kill those lords.

have to say.

It's really convenient when you have someone who can do things.

Qin Ming couldn't help but think, should we train more thugs?

He didn't think too much about this.

at the moment.

The mahjong game he wanted to get together still failed to play.

Because he thought about it.

Although he and Ji Anan were bored, Lin Yueyao and Shen Yina were not bored, they had a lot of things to do...

So, when Shen Yina left.

Qin Ming looked at Ji An'an thoughtfully: "Then the question is, is there any game for two people to play to pass the time?


Ji An'an blushed a little after hearing this, lowered her head, and dared not speak.

・・・ Ask for flowers ・・・

In this lord's hut...

What other games are there for two people?

Seeing that she didn't speak, Qin Ming shook his head and didn't tease her again: "Forget it... Xia Dong, have you made contact?"

"Oh, it's been discussed, they said they can invite you over at any time.

Ji Anan said quickly.

"Okay, let them invite."

Qin Ming nodded.

For Xia Dong and the others, they have witnessed Qin Ming's strength with their own eyes.

So when I heard that Qin Ming was going to explore their world and occupy the precious resources of their world, no matter how unwilling they were, they had to agree...

Originally, when Ji Anan contacted them, they were a little surprised.


Hearing this, Xia Dong and the others all burst into tears.


Ji An'an is already helping Qin Ming! Do I need to say more about the relationship between the two?

And they were miserable.

Your own lord world will soon become Qin Ming's resource!


Qin Ming walked out of the lord's hut.

Looking at the demon summoning tower that was still in the process of upgrading, he was not in a hurry, but first took back all 32 demon eyes outside Ji An'an's world.

Prepare to send to the world of Xia Dong's lords and continue to look for resources.

It was at this time.

Qin Ming suddenly received a private message that interested him.

Lu Qiming: "Little brother, I found an epic boss in the world where I have a friend, we can't handle it, do you want to help?

Epic BOSS!

Of course Qin Ming was very interested in this.


is this real?

Qin Ming narrowed his eyes.

Thinking of Ji An'an's so-called "golden ore veins" before, it turned out that this woman was giggling.


Qin Ming asked casually, wanting to see the reaction to the opposition.

"of course it's true!

Lu Qiming laughed: "If you want to fight, we have a condition, after defeating this boss, we must first choose one of the spoils.

"Look, if you agree, I will let my friend invite you, and I will tell you how many troops will be sent.

The other party said this.

Qin Ming just felt...there was a drama!

Although the other party's condition is a bit like a lion's open mouth, but this also shows that there should indeed be an epic boss in the other party's friend's world!

"It's not easy to agree to your conditions... let me think about it.

Qin Ming didn't answer right away.

Instead, he planned to ask Ji An'an if he knew Lu Qiming.

If you know it... maybe you can understand this person's character and behavior, and then decide what to do!

at the same time.

Lu Qiming's side.

His friend chatted nervously and asked, "How is it, did Qin Ming agree?"

"Don't worry, I should be able to agree. 35

Lu Qiming, a middle-aged businessman with a big belly, looked very confident: "With such a young man and such strong strength, I don't believe he will give up this opportunity.

"Your epic boss is definitely the first one in the entire D12 area, and it may even be the only one.

"As long as he dares to come!"

"We can send him to the West!

"When we kill Qin Ming, and then capture Ji An'an, then the brothers will all have a share!

This made his friend on the other end a little excited: "Boss, really? Didn't you say before that you wanted to rob her back to be Mrs. Yazhai?"

Hearing this, Lu Qiming sneered: "This woman has been played by Qin Ming last night, can I still like her?" Knife.

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