Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 147: The Master of the Library (Part 1)

"You, have you seen Palan?" Miss Hugo said with certainty after staring at Ujasis for a while.

"Huh?" Ulysses looked at the eldest lady with surprised eyes. How did she know that he and Palan had just met, but he didn't say anything.

"You have her scent on your body, be careful of her little medicine, this child always likes to mess around." Hugo didn't know where to get a small bottle of perfume, and then sprayed it on Ulysses very rudely.

Ulysses had many opportunities to get out of the way, but in the end he accepted the eldest lady's kindness.

He is not afraid of curses or poisons. Those have no effect on his demon physique. On the contrary, the 〖exciting〗 potions will give him some headaches, because the Realm of Infinite Desire seems to like the kind that makes his blood boil. Chapter 147 The master of the library (Part 1) Teng's feeling will keep him in a state of high [excitement] all the time.

"Thank you." Although she didn't know why the eldest lady was hostile to herself, it was clear that she was not bad, otherwise she would not have reminded him of the danger of Palan.

"Okay, this is the perfume used to expel the curse. You are a guest served by Dad. I don't want you to become a monster on the first day you come here. Do what you have to do next, and don't talk to me. "After spraying the perfume, Hugo didn't look at Ulysses again, as if he was going to treat him like air.

"Yeah." After the initial strategy failed, Ulysses found that he had no talent for making girls like him, so he decided to go with the flow.

Since he is the prince who came to this castle to study, then take a good look at this library.

In fact, Ulysses, like Palan, had the same irrepressible urge when he first saw these precious books that even the Ana family library didn't have.

Of course, it's not the urge to steal or take it for yourself, it's the real desire to read these legendary books, to see these treasures that countless scholars have dreamed of, but they can't be found everywhere.

This library is an unimaginably huge treasure trove for any scholar, the owner of the library in Chapter 147 (Part 1), alchemists, and mages. Before seeing it with his own eyes, Ulysses could not even see it with his own eyes. I believe that there is actually a library that collects all these books.

You must know that many of the books here are only recorded in the oldest legends, and only the Book of Dreams with the name is left. Most people think that these books have long disappeared in the long river of history, and can only lament why they can't go back to the past to witness these ancient human wisdom.

Who is it that can collect all these books? If this is a man's great deeds, he must have lived in ancient times and possessed unimaginable power and power, so that it is possible to collect all these innumerable ancient books into his own treasury.

With such courage, insight, and action, this must be a peerless powerhouse, not only in strength, but in all aspects. He can understand the importance of knowledge, so he collected these legendary books early and established this big library.

The library of the Ana family, the collection of which has been called the treasure house of knowledge on the entire continent, even has many ancient books that are not available in the headquarters of the Supreme God, especially the part about the origin of the Supreme God, which opened Ulysses' horizons, I learned a lot of things I didn't know before.

However, almost all the books in the library of the Ana family can be found here, and many of the books here, Ulysses has only seen the names in the notes of the ancestors of the Ana family, and there is no introduction to the content.

The more he looked at this library, the more shocked Ulysses became. He even began to understand why Palan was willing to take this library as her dowry, because the preciousness of this library was far away. It surpassed any Noble Phantasm that Ulysses had ever seen.

Perhaps the library itself does not have much power, but the collection in it is knowledge, which can change the knowledge of all mankind. Among them, Ulysses saw a large number of ancient spells that have long been lost, the early history of the church's research on divine arts, the failure of the dragon's research on humanization, the analysis of the magic of the starry sky by the great wizards of the past dynasties, mysterious The inference of the origin of the Rose Girl series...

It can be said that this library is the largest knowledge base in the world, the crystallization of countless intelligent creatures. It may not answer all questions, but it is without a doubt the most comprehensive treasure trove of integrated knowledge.

"I really can't see it, you really came to study, you can understand these words."

I don't know when, Hugo came to Ulysses silently and looked at the book in his hand.

It was the notebook of an ancient magician in the late period of ancient magic. It recorded the life experience of the magician and his imagination about the new magic system in the future.

These words are all magic words specially used for ancient language magic. Because of the decline of ancient language magic, there are not many people who can translate these words.

Simple and easy-to-understand modern magic has replaced ancient magic, and at the same time, the words of ancient magic have disappeared in history. The scars of the earth that cannot be healed up to now.

"Well, I understand a little bit." Because he practiced Starry Sky Magic, which was earlier than the ancient language Ulysses was not unfamiliar with the ancient language magic words. In the process of researching and manufacturing Alice, he also came into contact with a lot of ancient language magic documents, and unconsciously, he can fully understand these obscure ancient words.

In fact, not only the ancient magical script, but also some other ancient script, Ulysses has also made great progress in learning, as if he did not learn the script from scratch, but just recalled them.

If this talent for learning ancient characters was transferred to the first half of the study of the priest's scriptures, he would have been admitted to the priest's office long ago.

"Then, let me test you, who is the sage followed by this person in this notebook, and what are the achievements." Hugo casually glanced at the magic notebook and proposed a very difficult question to Ulysses. question.

The name of that person did not appear in this notebook, the sorcerer only mentioned the existence of that person once or twice in his daily work and research. To answer Hugo's question, one must really have studied several major events at the end of ancient magic and understood the life story of the sage.

"Elmeia." As if driven by something, Ulysses said the name of the dark sage. While saying this name, he felt an incredible sense of nostalgia. ! ! !

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