Demon Lord Priest II

Vol 3 Chapter 193: 1 door and 1 window (top)

Chapter 193 A mén and a window

Late at night, Ulysses sat alone on the edge of the walls of the Count's castle, looking up at the starry sky. [This chapter is updated for you by netizens]

The stars tonight are very beautiful, and the moonlight is also exceptionally bright. There is no cloud in the sky, so that the brilliance of the star and moon completely illuminates the night of Taji City.

Several transparent butterflies flew gently to Ulysses' side, conveying the news he wanted.

"Dad, they are all asleep."

"There is no special person in the castle."

"There's someone in the church over there."

"Thank you." Ulysses touched the wings of these hidden butterflies with his fingers, which was their favorite reward.

Transparent butterflies dance under the moon, celebrating another close contact with Dad.

"Then, let's go." Ulysses naturally had his own reasons for choosing such a late night, when everyone would not pay attention.

Because what he is going to do now, if Aya knows, he will definitely oppose it by any means. In the entire group of apostles, Arselia is probably the only one who will support his action, but she will also persuade him that it is better not to do it.

But since he returned to Taji City, he must fulfill the agreement with Joshua at that time, and also respond to the last nostalgia in his heart.

He wants to take the priest exam and must pass it, which is his greatest wish when he was still in Taji City. After going through a lot of things and deciding to choose the road of the Demon King, not only did this desire not disappear, but it became stronger.

Perhaps this is his last nostalgia for his past, his last attachment. Even though he knew that even if he passed the priest exam, he couldn't become a real priest, but he couldn't help but want to fulfill this wish.

"Aya, you said it, the devil should do what he wants to do, don't doubt his choice. If the world says this choice is wrong, then change the world." Ulysses began to black sè's single wing, in the form of a fallen angel, came to Taji City, asking and answering questions.

If as a Demon King, he should do what he wants to do, then taking the priest exam and passing it is exactly what he wants to do.

He failed the priest exam three times, and each time he was unwilling, regretful, sleepy, and even suspicious of himself, that was the torture he would do every year in Taji City. Although he always told himself that as long as he kept working hard, he could realize his ideal one day, but the blow he received every time he failed the list was real.

For Ulysses, that was one of the most unsuccessful and painful moments in his life, and it was also one of the few times when Kanka would come to comfort him in various ways and eventually get him drunk.

Only in those few days would he drink happily and forget all the unpleasant things.

Looking from the sky, Ulysses can still see the open space of the small building where he once lived, which is now covered with green grass, and the surging vitality covers the ruins of the small building that once represented his youth, as if a symbol of Just like him who has been reborn now.

Ah, it's time to change, the past is finally over, the priest exam is no longer the whole of his life. Now he has many, many people he wants to protect. In the near future, he will use his own hands to break the tragedy of the past and bring back the lost Yulia. In contrast, the priest exam is no longer his worst enemy.

However, he must overcome it, must rely on his own strength to break the wall that once blocked him.

Becoming a priest was his biggest dream, and even now that he has embarked on the road of a demon king, his longing for a priest has not disappeared.

It's just that he can't become a priest, just as the white-clothed self who saw in that world said:

"You can't become a priest, there will never be a way. It is impossible for you or me to become a real priest."

If it's just disguise, if it's just deception, he can now say that he is a real priest, and no one will doubt it. Just put on the white clothes representing the priest, use the simplest bread-making technique and the miraculous silver healing hand, I am afraid that even the church will recognize him as a real priest.

It's not that such a thing has never happened in history. They have never been exposed to divine arts before, but ordinary believers have awakened the ability to use divine arts overnight. And he was born with magical powers that surpassed that of ordinary priests.

They don't go through church rituals, and they don't need such rituals to use magic. Such people are called the beloved messengers of God, and they have another glorious name "Saints".

But Ulysses is different from them. The magic he uses does not come from himself, but from the countless absent holy spirits between heaven and earth. Those ancient souls who have left their power on the earth because of the existence of the church, all of his magical skills are actually used through them.

All he did was to communicate with these great and immoral holy spirits, and then borrow their power. It is not the sorcerers who are Ulysses who cast the silver hand of healing, but these ancient and kind holy spirits.

For his request, these great holy mountains have never refused, which is also the biggest reason for his 100% success in the casting rate of divine arts. You know, even when the current pope and the twelve cardinals jointly performed the seance, they failed several times. It is impossible for beginners to use the Silver Healing Hand every time.

"I am no longer qualified to be a priest." Ulysses looked at the black wings behind him, he had already entered the dark side. Although he could also use sacred magic like the Silver Healing Hand, his physical essence had already fallen into darkness.

Every minute, every second, his power is increasing, this is the reward of the power of darkness to him, the affirmation of his choice of the road of the devil. The speed of the fusion of the blood of the golden demon king from Astaroth and his body is also getting faster and faster, making him more handy to use the demon king sword skills.

Even the third sword, which he could never use before, can now be used freely. As long as he is willing, it only takes a sword to go down, and the entire Taji city will be turned to death, swallowed by the endless dark stardust.

However, even in such darkness, there is still a small light in his heart, which is his nostalgia for the past and his longing for the path he once chose.

"However, I can still take the priest exam." This was the decision Ulysses made, and it was also the agreement between him and Joshua at that time.

It doesn't matter if he can't become a priest, but he will not give up on the priest exam. He will prove that he can really enter the path of priest, and he has had such opportunities and qualifications.

As if feeling Ulysses' longing for the light, a few pieces of white feather máo fell beside Ulysses, which was a blessing from an angel, a gift from the great messenger of the blue sky.

"Thank you." Putting away the black single wing behind him and wearing the black magician's robe he liked to wear, Ulysses fell steadily to the ground, and then walked to the most familiar building in Taji City step by step. .

The Taji City Cathedral is not an ancient church with a long history, nor does it have a prominent reputation on the mainland. This is just a corner of the bustling commercial city, a place to listen to people's troubles and wash away their sorrows.

At the same time, it is also the place where the registration for the priest examination and the final examination of the priest are conducted. In the past, Ulysses took three priest exams here, and each time he passed the practical part successfully, but he failed all the exam parts.

When he came to this place again, Ulysses' eyes were a little hazy. He seemed to see himself a few years ago. At that time, he came here early in the morning and waited for the church's mén to open with an uneasy heart.

Beside him are those candidates who are nobles or recommended by other priests. They each have their own circles. Only he who studies alone is excluded and alone.

Most of the knowledge they were talking about could not be understood by him at that time because he had never studied it at all. At that time, the gap between him and them was only later understood by him.

The first time, of course, he failed, and he couldn't even finish one-fifth of the questions in the exam section. At that time, he finally understood how big the gap between him who came from a small rural area and those nobles and those of the same age who had studied in the church since childhood.

The second time, he finished writing half of the questions, and he made some progress, but he was still very far away from passing the exam. He still remembered the despair of looking at topics he didn't understand at all, it was too difficult, too difficult.

The third time, he finally finished writing the test paper, but the error rate was also surprisingly high. Many of the questions he only knew little about, but he still tried his best to write his own answers.

Now he can completely recall the questions of those three exams, most of which are not difficult for him today, only a few of the very cold questions still don't know the answer. Change the current him to three years, then maybe he has passed the first priest exam.

However, time will not be reversed, and even the supreme **** that Aya said can't do it, so Ulysses will no longer regret his past failures.

For him, the most important thing is now, what he can do now.

So, he pushed away mén and came to the church he was familiar with again.

For the unfulfilled dream, for the promise with his friends, he will once again challenge the priest exam that he has failed three times.

This time, he did not allow himself to fail again.

This time, he will fulfill a dream he never fulfilled.

This time, he will smash all the walls that once blocked his dream.


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